Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bequest: Summation of My Work To Date

Host50471000and4 Peace Tribe eBooks 1 through 4.

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1.Calendar of Peace/House Of Singing Times. I paralleled Luke 4 and JBJ’s seven sevens Bible into a calendar, the going through of which, I pray, will engender a next layer of social order in history.  That is, we are in a neo-tribal time, and we must glorify the tribe’s small, enthusiastic groups, while avoiding the perpetual warfare. This is an attempt to reverse-engineer, for usually calendars come into being to remember, based on ‘once for the first time’ historical events. Here I attempt to remember the future. Lots of things rhyme with and within this. This is definition by extension.  You do, then you ‘be’.
Much at ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor. This Peace Tribe is along the Peace River that flows out to comprehend all.

2. The Symphony Of History. Opus 47 (anniversary, nee 41) attempts to be a typological, proleptic, recapitulation of the chiastic glorification of Creation Speech into New Song, Singing. Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact.  Find your universe of people, identify each one’s respective trauma or talent--a question from the throne in the north, take them into the land through a jordan verse, or historical period, or event…, and then work through the four stages, in a tensegrity of houses in conversation, each initiating universes of ‘questions,’ each responding. IR, city in Hebrew. Train conductors of this history, and work forward and backward, for you know the end. New Song is the maturity of each and all, the whole process, and Day 12’s highlighting summation. Days can be people can be parts of the tabernacle, as we learn in the 7 speeches/days/parts of the tabernacle. Some material is on YouTube, more is in my files, including audios of Opus 3, and transcripts.
Should be an app. to be played in a ‘pray without ceasing’. Elder Roorda has algorithm.

3. Other things useful.  Greater Things Multi-Generational Family Projects. Warriors of Light. Godparents for Eldsters (search—video on YouTube, Godparents Hartman). More that I will remember when I search. Redeemer Hours. How to make your communities better.

4. Putting it all together.  Imperative—Comprehensive Beauty. Subjective—The Pella Square (new persons, speech). Narrative—The Symphony Of History. Objective—House Of Singing Times. HOST is to TSOH as the garments of the High Priest to the Tabernacle. Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’ shows this pattern in the revolutions of the West, and sets for what might be as this is taken out in planetary service.  And the end of JBJ’s ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’ limns how we might be new Abrahams.  Note: I DO believe that as liturgy is to the heavens above in the first 1000 years, the scientific method is to the waters beneath in the next 1000, and something sociological, as ERH challenged us in Universal History 1954, is next, perhaps derived from HOST/TSOH in part, Lord willing.

Were I to obtain the present type of funds, I would pay others to write up the next stage/institution, unto more stages.  These writers would be new persons, with new speech, subjective. Thus I speak/bequeath.


  1. PPPS: Is this a Jeremiah time, the land being given her Sabbaths, Israel off the land—70 7s of not giving land her rest, not planting, so Exile—then perhaps the 51 prophecies in Jeremiah (Bullinger, Companion Bible) should be an emphasis for preaching, study , and application unto glorification by psalmodic response in THIS time? This would get us over the bridge, the pont, to the new set of JBJ’s parallelism.

  2. I should have said that this is a calendar to engender peace in a neo-tribal time. We have tribal calendars (community events) and empire/nation ones (business, marketing, work schedules), and Israel/Church (ecclesiastical) calendars, and Greek (educational calendars). This Calendar That Engenders Peace, Lord Willing is an attempt to respond psalmodically to the Spirit of the time, so that we can have peace first, not 5th generation or other war. It’s reverse engineering. Conceived by the Spirit of the time, born of the ever-virgin Church, an echo of the creeds.

    I should have said that this is a calendar to engender peace in a neo-tribal time. We have tribal calendars (community events) and empire/nation ones (business, marketing, work schedules), and Israel/Church (ecclesiastical) calendars, and Greek (educational calendars). This Calendar That Engenders Peace, Lord Willing is an attempt to respond psalmodically to the Spirit of the time, so that we can have peace first, not 5th generation or other war. It’s reverse engineering. Conceived by the Spirit of the time, born of the ever-virgin Church, an echo of the creeds.
