Thursday, June 18, 2020

A Thousand Year Prayer

HostA1128 A Thousand Year Prayer
1—Calendars organize our times, and actions.
2—Rosenstock-Huessy held that community celebrations are remnants of a tribal social order. Also , were business and work schedules of an empire social order, ecclesiastical calendars of Israel and educational calendars of Greece the respective remnants.
3—The eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our response. See Chalcedon for true man/true God.
4—At this time, various church years are used.
5—But surely John 21:25 indicates more are needed.
6—A Thousand Year Prayer tries 3 thing, not as a final word, but perhaps as a useful word:
a—Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar—Matthew uses, to start, Fuller’s history of technology from ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History’.  Thus, genealogy to start is matched with genealogy of discipleship under all authority at the end. Mark tells of empires (ERH) and servanthood (Bullinger), thus, one business servant per week. Luke 4 tells that Jesus said he had fulfilled this prophecy in their ears—Isaiah 61, Leviticus 25, Jubilee.  How this is shown in each of 49 books, per Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ is what is done each week—I name each week/sheba after the respective book, re-retuned and backward (also no retuned and forward?). John shows tabernacling, and we are to amen how GodTrinity is building one since 190.
b—Th John. Address it every 7th week.
c—Rosenstock held that the next 1000 years would be ‘small, enthusiastic groups’/tribes without warpath. We address that every 3rd week, and between just before Total Christ )communion, as PV is absolution, and TBOTMOFA is Word).
Aka ‘Critical Path 1000’. Aka ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar.
I’m still writing. A book will emerge after the week before next Resurrection,/Easter.

There’s more. This is brief. Tell your grandchildren!

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