Monday, June 22, 2020

Week 11 Mountain in Time Public Vindication

Week 11 Mountain in Time Public Vindication
Week 11 of 53, not in the 49. (When Zion, Dexter (Iowa) worshiped in German, they celebrated this the 10th Sunday--70 days--after Easter. Readings from Josephus).
I wrote a liturgy onto the year. After 10, Public Vindication (Red Sea, A. D. 70…--Confession/Absolution, Cleansing). After 11 more TBOTMOFA (the Battle of the Mountain of Festival Assembly (Sinai, Readings and Sermon…) after 11 more (Totus Christus, total Christ, Conquest of the Land, Iceland…).
This is done much better in Jordan’s ‘From Bread to Wine’ but one could see liturgical church order of worship as a recapping of ancient festival calendar. We come in at Passover, Absolution is First Fruits, Pentecost is Readings, Trumpets is Sermon, Atonement is Communion and after having been made into a Tabernacle, we are sent out to fight back as Purim.
The Fourth books of each respective set of 7 in 4152637 order are the respective names of the days of the week.  See Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’.
We’ve had history from Fuller’s chronology of technology in ‘Critical Path’ and from ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History’.  Others will add more, such as from timetables of history. Thus we remember, and GodTrinity may not send a plague of forgetting, see Philistines and Exile.
I should get the 10 business servants that I’ve highlighted each week. Rosenstock said Mark was to empires, from which we get business calendars, and Bullinger says it is about being a servant. Thus, business servants. Add Gilder, per his writing, and especially his mention of time-prices. Up 518% since 1980 in abundance, the amount of time one must work to buy the 50 key commodities of life, per Pooley and Tupy in his George Gilder Report May 2020/Volume 10. See Tabernacle of our time.
We honor Luke’s (Luke 4)declaration of fulfillment of Is. 61, Leviticus 25 Jubilee per each book of week, 8531642, backward. 8531642 is retuned 4152637. See Jordan’s Revelation commentary, picture of the Ascension, and the changes including retuning, in 5:12-7:12.
Every 3rd week now (3, 10, 17, 24, 31—all of 49) I revisit and improve the Symphony that helps find the 12 new PSOFPEG. Productive, Oath-, Formed, Profitable, Small, Enthusiastic Groups—stated by Rosenstock in ‘Universal History 1954’ Dartmouth course recordings and transcript, from
Every 7th week (7, 1`4, 21, 28, 35 – all of 49) I revisit the Tabernacle Since 1980. GodTrinity still ‘opera’tes in history, as He did in the Bible. Mike Bull.
I have not re-added what I’ve done already of Bullinger’s list of 51 prophecies from Jeremiah (‘We’re in Jeremiah Time’—Jordan) nor the 146 Psalms (Jordan, and summaries of books of them—Jordan. I have done a Cascione on 117, with coda of 150:6, finding 5 ‘Praise!’ 6 praisers, and 7 Praised, notes bbeing high for 5, medium for 6, and low for 7.
I’m in ‘tardema’. Modified. A deep sleep during which I receive ‘messages’ while in working—a rut.
3 names, ‘Critical Path 1000’ and ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar’ and ‘A Thousand Year Prayer’. The eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our response: Rosenstock. Christ is important, as defined by Chalcedon as ‘true God of true God, and true man of true man, without confusion, Division, mixture or separation.’

--Summary to given to those to give to grandchildren, timing. It’s too soon for me, but it’s important.
HostA1128 A Thousand Year Prayer
1—Calendars organize our times, and actions.
2—Rosenstock-Huessy held that community celebrations are remnants of a tribal social order. Also, were business and work schedules of an empire social order, ecclesiastical calendars of Israel and educational calendars of Greece the respective remnants.
3—The eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our response. See Chalcedon for true man/true God.
4—At this time, various church years are used.
5—But surely John 21:25 indicates more are needed.
6—A Thousand Year Prayer tries 3 things, not as a final word, but perhaps as a useful word:
a—Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar—Matthew uses, to start, Fuller’s history of technology from ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History’.  Thus, genealogy to start is matched with genealogy of discipleship under all authority at the end. Mark tells of empires (ERH) and servanthood (Bullinger), thus, one business servant per week. Luke 4 tells that Jesus said he had fulfilled this prophecy in their ears—Isaiah 61, Leviticus 25, Jubilee.  How this is shown in each of 49 books, per Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ is what is done each week—I name each week/sheba after the respective book, re-retuned and backward (also no retuned and forward?). John shows tabernacling, and we are to amen how GodTrinity is building one since 190.
b—To John. Address it every 7th week.
c—Rosenstock held that the next 1000 years would be ‘small, enthusiastic groups’/tribes without warpath. We address that every 3rd week, and between just before Total Christ (communion), as PV is absolution, and TBOTMOFA is Word).
Aka ‘Critical Path 1000’. Aka ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar.
I’m still writing. A book will emerge after the week before next Resurrection,/Easter. chuckhartmanhistoryconductor
There’s more. This is brief. Tell your grandchildren!
I may grow up and make money, sending messages to ‘improve!’ to grandchildren of godparents, children and grandchildren—with money.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

A Thousand Year Prayer

HostA1128 A Thousand Year Prayer
1—Calendars organize our times, and actions.
2—Rosenstock-Huessy held that community celebrations are remnants of a tribal social order. Also , were business and work schedules of an empire social order, ecclesiastical calendars of Israel and educational calendars of Greece the respective remnants.
3—The eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our response. See Chalcedon for true man/true God.
4—At this time, various church years are used.
5—But surely John 21:25 indicates more are needed.
6—A Thousand Year Prayer tries 3 thing, not as a final word, but perhaps as a useful word:
a—Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar—Matthew uses, to start, Fuller’s history of technology from ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History’.  Thus, genealogy to start is matched with genealogy of discipleship under all authority at the end. Mark tells of empires (ERH) and servanthood (Bullinger), thus, one business servant per week. Luke 4 tells that Jesus said he had fulfilled this prophecy in their ears—Isaiah 61, Leviticus 25, Jubilee.  How this is shown in each of 49 books, per Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ is what is done each week—I name each week/sheba after the respective book, re-retuned and backward (also no retuned and forward?). John shows tabernacling, and we are to amen how GodTrinity is building one since 190.
b—Th John. Address it every 7th week.
c—Rosenstock held that the next 1000 years would be ‘small, enthusiastic groups’/tribes without warpath. We address that every 3rd week, and between just before Total Christ )communion, as PV is absolution, and TBOTMOFA is Word).
Aka ‘Critical Path 1000’. Aka ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar.
I’m still writing. A book will emerge after the week before next Resurrection,/Easter.

There’s more. This is brief. Tell your grandchildren!

Children and Grandchildren and Godparents

Grandchildren's grandchildren

Still writing it, but I ordered some Kennedy halves (40% silver) to give to children, grandchildren, and godparents along with Ca$h to tell their grandchildren about 'Critical Path 1000' aka 'Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar' aka 'A Thousand Year Prayer.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Week 10 2nd CorinthiansSheba, EphesusCoram 871 (JesusAllTimesDia)

Week 10 2nd CorinthiansSheba, EphesusCoram 871 (JesusAllTimesDia)
To ‘eat’ incorporate the Axial Age institutions God started during Exile: To  'eat' incorporate the Axial Age, it's: AlreadyDia, JesusAllTimesDia, Lao-TseDia, AbrahamDia, BuddhaDia, GreekTheaterGod'sOperaDia, NotYetDia. Compare how Norse, Greek, and Roman gods were eaten into the 7 (week) by retuning by 5ths, per Rev. 5:12-& 7:12.
Critical Path 1000 aka Thousand Year Prayer aka Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar
This week we work more on The Symphony, that starts the week before Total Christ (communion).
There are two parts.
1—The questions, four each of 12. Consider 4s of 5s.
Psalms—5 parts, Bible in miniature
Lists in Jordan’s ‘From Bread to Wine’
Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man (and tribes thereof?)
Earth Air Fire Water Quintessence, and Days of Creation
B R SH T (first word of bible, proto-liturgy House Head Eat (fang) Cross
4 of E. T. Hall (‘Silent Language)
Hall’s next 4
2 of Hall’s (10) 2x?
Festivals, 3, then f Passover Pentecost First Fruits, then Trumpets Atonement, Tabernacles (maybe Purim as 4th of each)
First 4 of 10 words, then JBJ’s 5 +8, 6 +9, 7 + 10
7 days, three in chiasm
Next 3 oath-formed institutions, with individual mandate to re-form bad, aunto dominion mandate of society
Church, Marriage (family), Civil Magistrate
Too future/forward, revolution
Too inward, mystic,
Too back, decadent
Too out, war.

Examples (you help?) Liberation theology is too revolutionary, but we can learn ________
Theresa of Avila was too mystic, but we can learn ________
What of the other ten?
And what small, enthusiastic groups (ofsppeg) oath-formed, small, productively profitable, enthusiastic groups (peace, no warpath—explicitly reconciling opposites
POEM  GodTrinity lovingly drags us into His future, changing us
And as we are torn between the past and the future, the in and out, our howls become music and we the singing song
The hero is the one between time, helping explicitly reconcile opposites in necessary exigencies
I call ‘ofsppeg’ now something easier to remember: psofpeg, thus sof-peg. Productive Small Oath-Formed Profitable Enthusiastic Groups.
Matthew: Fuller in ‘Critical Path’2550-1582, two that stood out were ‘lead pencil’ 1565 and Mercator projection, 1582. In ‘The 100 Most Significant Events in Christian History’ we have Anselm, First Crusade and Bernard Found Monastery at Clairvaux—1093-1115.
Mark: Lloyds Coffee Shop (coffee a new stimulant) where insurance (for shipping) began—one of the great inventions.
Luke:  How does Second Corinthians show Jubilee fulfilled and that fulfillment applied?
John: At the 14th week, and each 7th, we refine our understanding of the Transcendent Imperative Light (tel’ is hill, small mountain, in Hebrew) of the last 40 years. I’m still looking at the rate of change, and Rosenstock’s observation that such change increase our reach, shortens time, and destroys old groups—see the 3 institutions x 4 fronts above.
Last but not least, Chuck introduced himself to Louise as summer school for super scholars at SCE (then UNI now), and Chuck plans to have his grandchildren tell their grandchildren about ‘A Thousand Year Prayer’—Kennedy halves, and paper twenties. Godparents too.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Week 9 of 53 Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar

Week 9 of 53 of Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar
Remember, per ERH, the eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our response. I emphasize John 21;25 and RESPONSE
Remnants of previous social orders are in calendars such as community celebrations (tribal), work schedules and business (empires) ecclesiastical calendars (church years, etc.) and educational calendars (Greece.

HostA1122 Week 9 of 53
Anomaly: Next week—Maybe electrical sensitivity —(‘Invisible Rainbow’) , Big Crash
Mark-- business Servants from Ridley’s “HowInnovation Works’. This is a GREAT bok. Ilentit out as an anti-depressant. Newcomen (engine, mother of Western Civilization—heat to power), Haber(nitrogen from air, saves 1/3 of world from starvation), Brahmagupt in India, forst about zero, Fibonacci helps merchants with it and Arabic numerals and positioning. Innovators get it to mass use, inventors usually are contemporaneous—21 with Edison’s light bulb.Lots of gradual improvements.
Luke: How does Ephesians show fulfillment of Jubilee and application of fulfillment?
John: Headed toward building tabernacle in history, 3rd weeks of 7 I work on Symphony (categories added to for each 12) and 7th weeks I work on the tabernacle(s0 being built now NOW
--Misc. notes
Isaiah 65:20 2.5 years younger after one year. I’m participating now in this study, temporarily suspended.
Diamandis as business servant. ‘To make a billion, help a billion’. BOLD, the book. Nope, Newcomen and sequence toward innovation from ‘Innovation’. Newcomen engine a ‘mother of Western civilization’. Heat to power, 18th C. => Western Civ.
'The State,' like Rome, fails.  What scenarios?

JBJ, Hoppe, Barzun, Creveld.

ERH ad a 700-year+ scenario in one of his lectures.

Since Chuck the Hammer at Tours, 'til 1492, the Reconquista took 700+ years.

What 'ya got?

Chuck 'Who has something' Hartman

Monday, June 1, 2020

To BH, Facebook: Report

'Those who hate me love death'

Gov.Reynolds in Iowa did not completely shut down.

I just worked my 4th straight twelve-hour day. Few Wear masks at my work.

I'll use the money to Get Ready To Help People Locally. I'm doing my calling (Week Eight--Gospels layer of eternal calendar of the life of Christ and our response--see John 21:25).

Praying 1 Timothy 2: 1-4, and now number four--'It's BOTH not only worse that we imagine, it's worse than we can possibly imagine, AND it's not only better than we imagine, it's better than we can possibly imagine.' Consider, re: the former, 5th generation warfare, nets (networks) and  jets. Also that Sun Tzu wrote that  it's easier and better (paraphrase) to conquer, when the enemy does not even know he's at war. It's VERY SLIGHTLY possible that the second wave of the continuing corona (think flu, colds) will return in the fall, and that there my be further things.

In the meantime, I learn a few words of Arabic, Italian, and Sign, while remaining in tardema.

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck 'chuckhartmanhistoryconductor' Hartman

Week Eight

Week 8

Matthew: Fuller—1400-1482. Most interesting to me: 1460, ‘Printing established a universal symbolism for algebraic numerals. ‘100’—732-863. Tours, Charlemagne Crowned, and most interesting to me: Cyril and Methodius Evangelize Slavs (new alphabet!).
Mark, business servants. Consider-- Innovators: Jay Abraham, Matt Ridley’s book ‘How Innovation Works’. McCloskey ‘bourgeois’ books—2% economic increase since @1750 because trade and innovation—bourgeois values’ were thought good.
Luke:  How does Colossians show Jubilee fulfilled and applied?
John: Tabernacle-- Is The Great Default (unstated fear thereof) the Transcendent Imperative of the last 40 years?