Saturday, March 21, 2020

Teaching Billions To Pray Better

Teaching Billions To Pray Better
20 Reads
Teaching Billions To Pray Better

SUMMARY: Use it to teach billions to pray better. Sure, example for civil magistrate, sure, use it for reconciliation of Christians, but the Big Court is accessed by prayer, pleading your case with The AlmightyTrinity, using His Word and words. Thus, prayer.
Or, if Jesus fulfilled all, what does that mean? How did he do it, and what changes does that make? What should we then do, pray?
Christian Court YouTube. Comment on the case laws. Apply them or not to current situations. Example for civil e magistrate. Christian/Christian reconciliation. How to pray to the All-Powerful. Thus, teach billions to pray. For instance: abortion. Is God killing the Canaanites? Is it a judgment, will it be a judgment. Etc.
One could take off from present crises and/or Pentateuchal bases.
Subject: Courts
Seeking person to teach billions to pray better. Start with Bible, do 1--example for civil magistrate, 2--Christian and Christian reconciilation, 3--Take it to highest court. Jordan and North have written about case laws (some) at of the Covenant' and 'tools of Dominion. These are for our instruction and admonition. A brief commentary about how it applied then and s not/does apply differently now, with solicitation for scripts/videos, and YouTube, etc. with transcripts would help.
On BH, urged Mike Bull to see history as he sees Bible, and Yes, apps, billions playing (i.e. per Rosenstock, 'incubating,' or I'd say 'hatching'
Lori’s (O Lord’s) Law. Jeff’s (O Jehovah’s) Judgments.
Judge Judy makes over $100 million a year, so there’s a market.
I’ll invest $1000. This should buy the video equipment. List sent on request. @300.
Start with short commentaries on JBJ’s ‘Law of the Covenant’ and or GKN’s ‘tools of Dominion’. Both are free at
Maybe 2 minutes, with transcripts. WITH TRANSCRIPTS, very important. A minute is about a page.
THE PURPOSE is to get submissions from churches. Scripts illustrating one or another use of this law.
THREE COURTS, the latter the most important. 1—Examples for civil magistrate. 2—Christian and Christian dispute resolution. 3—How shall we then pray? This takes it to the highest court, GodTrinity (sic). Thus, the prayers of old women, babushkas, brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union, internal contradictions (Mises) and Pope/Thatcher/Regan helping.
CHH gets a million ‘shares’ and Lori and Jeff 500,000 each. Submitters get a share, and half the money from their submission.
There are many revenue opportunities.
It’s possible that entities with mailing lists will send out such requests of submission for a small fee.
We hope others will ‘Girard’ us, and do it better.
Example of prayer to highest court. (You will do better) ABORTION. Is it God killing the Canaanites, 60 million pagans in America that our descendants won’t have to battle? Will it bring judgment? Is it judgment—we want sex for pleasure only, not reproduction ? Here is it writ large, as Exile was ‘no land laws’ write large, and Philistine domination’ was ‘we like the Philistine culture’ writ large. (Use Bible references).
Do something for destructive wars, no peace.
Bill Myers Tip of the Week - July 06, 2019
Budget Video Gear
You're in luck. Unlike the old days where you would need to invest thousands
of dollars in equipment, these days you can get high quality, even 4K quality
video, from many devices, including some that cost under a hundred dollars.
Since you're just starting out, I would recommend a Canon camcorder that has
an external microphone port. Something like the Canon HF R800 - $159 at
For the kind of videos you are planning, you'll need a tripod. You can get one
Two get quality audio, you'll want to use an external microphone. The two I
recommend are:
Pro JK Mic-J 044 lapel Microphone - $26 at
Takstar SGC-598 shotgun mic - $25.44 at
If you get the shotgun mic, you'll want a way to mount it to the camcorder. An
easy way is to use a flash bracket holder. $9.95 at
Your total investment if you get everything listed above will be less than
$250. With that equipment, you can end up with great looking and sounding
videos without breaking the bank.

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