Monday, March 23, 2020

Preliminary to Week 4 of 'Critical Path' (for the nest 1000 (years)

It'll be much simpler when this starts on April 12 Resurrection/Easter, Deo Volente/Lord willing.

HostA1085 The 53s and Week 4 First in June 2020 Critical Path 1000
‎Charlie Pinero‎ to Ancient Knowledge
15 hrs ·
Ryan Bohlender, a statistical geneticist at the University of Texas in Houston, reported the findings at an annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics on Oct. 20, 2016.
According to Ancient Origins, a computer analysis suggested that the unidentified ancestral hominid species that researchers discovered is unlikely to be either Neanderthal or Denisovan. Because these are the only two known predecessors of humankind at this point, that conclusion is remarkable.
“We’re missing a population or we’re misunderstanding something about the relationships,” said Bohlender.

Interesting huh? 🧐🤓
I’ll add divisions of Fuller’s history of technology, Ussher, and ‘100 Most Important’ later. Remember that these will only ONLY continue through @ 1980, then we add 6 weeks of since 1980 in both church (liturgical method) and scientific method, and the last week is 7 of each that it is TIME to focus on NOW. We also play/compose and ‘Opera’ of the Symphonic Method, starting after Total Christ, giving ourselves 10 weeks to come up with ‘small, enthusiasticgroups, oath-formed, profitable productive’. The whole is a prayer, a ‘Critical Path (the next) 1000 (years).
I think this is EphesusCoram862, on the basis of Jordan’s chronology that Jesus would have been born in 99 Anno Mundi (AM), but there was a Delay of 80 years, so it was 4010 AM, and A. D. 70 was then 4080 AM, and (taking the liberty of starting all at Easter) 2020 + 4080 = 6100, divided by 7, gives 871, remainder , starting 4th, so KolCoram, SardisCoram, PergamosCoram, EhpesusCoram.  The next will be PhiladelphiaCoram, then Thyatira, and finally Smyrna—then we start with 872. Years and days are deliberately same-named.
Psalms, and Jeremiah Prophecies aren’t ready yet, and anomalies and business servants are ‘abuilding,’ but here go the numbers/names of weeks/shebas (7, oath). Names of days are also KOLYmm!!!?, Sunday, AlreadyDia, book, SardisYmm!!!/Monday, JesusAllTimesDia, book, PergamosYmm!!!/Tuesday/Lao-tseDia/book, EphesusYmm!!!/Wednesday/AbrahamDia/book/, PhiladelphiaYmm!!!/Thursday/BuddhaDia/book, ThyatiraYmm!!!/Friday/GreekTheater-God’s OperaDia/book, SmyrnaYmm!!!/Saturday/NotYetDia/book. This is explained elsewhere.  I’ll need to get a calendar out.
All weeks/shebas begin on KOLYmm!!!/Sunday/AlreadyDia/book.
Each week/sheba will have a history portion, 1/49 fo Fuller’s technology history from ‘Critical Path’, 1/49 of ‘The 10 0 Most Important Dates in Church History,’ and 1/49 of Ussher’s ‘Annals of the World’.  This is the Matthew portion. I’ve only done the first few. None are in the holishebas (holidays, mountains in time) of Public Vindication, The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assemboy, and the two of Total Christ.
Matthewlayer of eternal calendar is a esponse to the plague of forgetting, that God may have brought us because we forgot a little.  The Israelites wanted a little Philistine culture, he put them under the Philistines. Same with land laws not observed and Exile.
The Mark portion is business servants. Building.
The Luke portion is putting this into 49s, as Jubilee-honoring.
The John portion is the tabernacles in time God builds, as he does tabernacles (see Bull’s works) in the Bible. For instance, one is struck by an imperative, Day 1, and continues on, as in liturgy and scientific method (Newton’s apple).
1--April 12, A.D. 2020 17 of Ussher, the first 3 of both Fuller, and ‘100’. Anomaly, ‘millions of years. Elizabeth I and British East India, 1600.
2—April 19, Anno Domini 2020 Anomaly, gaps in chronologies. Henry Ford (Fuller’ greatest artist of 20th century)
3—April 26, Year of the Lord, 2020 Anomaly, various other homo sapiens, 100,000 humans 100,000 years ago. Deng Xiao Ping, ‘greatest free market change big country in history’: North.
4—May 3
5—May 10
6—May 17
7—May 24
8—May 31
9—June 7
10—June 14 (Daily Countdown 49-1, 49-29 ends after week 10)
11—Public Vindication (1s, b7 1234567) June 21
12—June 28 (Daily names of days, by books--8531642 continues through week 46, using 28-1, 49-1 continuing)
13—July 5
14—July 12
15—July 19
16—July 26
17—August 2
18—August 9 
19—August 16
20—August 23
21—August 30
22—September 6
23—September 13 (TBOTMOFA: The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, 4s by 4152637)
24—Sep 20
25—Sep 27
26—Oct 4
27—Oct 11
28—Oct 18
29—Oct 25
30—Nov 1
31—Nov 8
32—Nov 15
33—Nov 22
34—Nov 29
35—Dec 6 (Total Christ One, 8s by 8531642)
36—Dec 1 (Total Christ Two, 8s by 851642)
37—December 20 (Opera by Symphonic Method begins, through week before Countdown, the last 7 before a new Celebration of Resurrection Anno Mundi (coram/year) begins.
38—Dec 27
39—Jan 3, A. D. 2021
40—Jan 10, Anno Domini 2021
41—Jan17, Year of (Our) Lord, 2021
42—Jan 24
43—Jan 31
44—44 through 46—Feb 7
45—Feb 7
46—Feb 7 This is Eliot/Anselm Time (EAT), for ‘We shall not cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time’ (paraphrase) and “God is greater than we can possible conceive’.
47—Feb 14 BuildUp begins. Names of days of books are 1-49
48—Feb 21
49—Feb 28
50—Mar 7
51—Mar 14
52—Mar 21
53—Mar 25
Easter/Resurrection/Pascha/Pesach is April 4, 2021, the first Sunday after the first full moon after to Vernal (Spring) Equinox (days=nights). That begins the new year/coram (Celebration Of [That Is The] Resurrection Anno Mundi. ‘Coram’ means ‘face’/’presence’ in Latin.PhiladelphiaCoram 871 begins.

No, I'm a total history guy. As I told Jason Nelson, 'left' in the past has often been 'right; and vice versa. Eugene Debs vs. WWI is an example, Tulsi in this election cycle, Often it takes a Nixon to open up China and a Carter to eliminate CAB, etc.  But as I mentioned to Jim Rohret, is the statement true? I favor 3 steps here and now: Get Ready To Help People Locally, pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4, and do your calling (the most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace). That's additional (Gospels) layers of eternal calendar--the life of Christ and our response. Fuller's history of science/artifacts helps with the inclusios (ends of chiasm) in Matthew, which starts with a genealogy and ends with a command (make more...?) The obvious is the hardest to see, often. Chuck Gutenson
It's difficult to get people to grow gardens, though 40% of food in America during WWII was grown there, and much in USSR, and bees need habitats. Presuppositions are idols.
If you can find it, Lafferty's short story 'What Was the Name of that Town' tells of lost memory of a traumatic incident, and the recovery of memory, for a time.

Velikovsky's (!!!) books 'Worlds in Collision' and 'Earth in Upheaval' as well as 'Mankind in Amnesia' tell of his research, the first in ancient texts, the second in 'science only' about the now-known electrical universe and his now-standard views, for instance of the hotness of Venus.

V. was a psychiatrist first, and worried that we human race who had been subject to such great cataclysms, would, as an abused child becomes abuser, wreak cataclysms.
Dear Ones and Groups:

That'd be valuable. History of discovery of 92+ elements

It's in Fuller's 'Critical Path'

Discovery in peace time, no discovery, but use, in war time.

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck 'essential infrastructure' Hartman
PS: If we're stopped, we're to show 'em our ID card.

[Leave this 92+elements history of discovery and Psalms and Jeremiah for later.]

[Both/and centralization/decentralization—Chalcedon, Sheffer Stroke. Both/and. Supposedly the Sheffer Stroke (Harvard guy) could produce all the Russell and Whitead Principia Mathematica operators. 'Not both the one and the other' And, Or, Not, If and only if, If then.

But we hold to both/and--Chalcedon, etc. Very God of very God, very man of very man, without confusion, etc.

So, it's Berman (administrative law will overturn the legal tradition of the

West) vs. Mises (impossibility of calculation in Socialism).  North goes with Mises, FWIW.

So does Gilder--market precedes law. JBJ mentioned something about that when he  opined that case laws had precedents before Sinai/Moses.


Weeks forward
Weeksbackward re-retuned
Business Servants
Jeremiah’s Prophecies
Days of each week
PV 1s by 1234567
TBOTMOFA 4s by 4152637
Both TCs 8s by 8531642
And Rich, cities were founded--first ones--around book copying places

St.  Patrick

From"How the Irish Saved Western Civilization'

Chuck 'next 1000 years' Hartman

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