Monday, March 9, 2020

Generational Wealth

 Generational Wealth
(This will be probably be monetized by descendants).
I’ve done two things, yea 3.
The third is Psalms tunes using JBJ’s structures and Cascione’s Hebrew Cadence. I did 117/150.6 as 3 notes. 5 praises, 6 praisers, 7 Praised, as highest, middle, lowest.
The second is The Symphonic Method, included in the third. The Symphonic Method complements liturgy, and scientific method, as a 5-step.
The first is another layer, the Gospels Layer, of the eternal calendar of the life of Christ and our respons. It emphasizes the response. As we work through the coram—celebration of resurrection anno mundi, we come to 7 science what to do next, and 7 church what to do next.
Our timing is trained.
Here’s what the end look like now:
A.      Summation. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy wrote that any new technology increases our reach, shortens time, and destroys old groups. Also that small, enthusiastic groups (tribes without perpetual warpath) are the social group of the future. Chiasm, previously states were empire without slavery (wrong there--transformed), and the Church was Israel without exclusion. I created The Symphonic Method, and Gospels Layer of eternal calendar (life of Christ and our response) on these bases. Developing. It's difficult, Sheldrakean and Girardean.
B.      Science/Culture. The 6 Ds and Life After Google (Future is Faster than You Think)
C.      7 Church.  Bledsoe shame/glory, clean/unclean and Leviticus translation
Contagious Disciple Making to cities, cities themselves
Oath-Formed Small Profitably Productive Enthusiastic Groups—prayer, symphonic method
Vs. Secularism
Psalm Songs via JBJ and Cascione’s Hebrew Cadence a la 117
Vs. Death—abortion, godparent for eldsters’ forgetting
Re: Forgetting—Gospels’ layer of eternal calendar
Other religious groups
‘State’ violence
I write this as a calendar.
It’s on a 49-book Bible, from Jordan’s great work ‘Rewriting the Order of the Old Testament’. 22 Hebrew, since Kings in one book, So is Samuel. The Twelve is one book, Jeremiah and Lamentations are one, and Greater Chronicles includes Ezra and Nehemiah. As we go through, we find out whe Jesus meant in Luke 4.  Thus Luke.
Matthew starts with a genealogy and ends with commands. Make disciples, who make disciples: timelines. We divide Fuller’s timeline of science and artifacts into 49, also, ‘The 100 Most Important Evens in Church History,’ and Ussher. 53 anomalies are discussed, one per week. Language, millions of years, etc., and more.
John is in 7 parts, a tour of the tabernacle, some say. Make historical tabernacles, as GodTrinity is the author (and composer) of history’s theater and opera. Writing liturgy one the 49 weeks as mountains in time helps with tabernacles. Public Vindication, The Battle of the Mountain of Festival Assembly, 2 week of Total Christ. 10-11-11-17. The last 7 include 6 weeks in which gains since Fuller, and 100 end, and the 7th week is ‘what to do next’ above.
Where the 42 must end and the 7 start if elongated or  compressed in Elliot/Anselm Time. We shall not cease from wandering and the end of our wandering is to arrive back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time—Elliot. Anselm: God is greater than we can possibly conceive. Science fiction says the same about the strangeness of the universe.
Mark. Here we see business in ERH’s ‘empires’ recap, and servant per Bullinger. Thus business servants. Some: Ford, Edison, Elizabeth I and British East India, Montgomery cryonics missionaries, Knights protecting pilgrims, Locke, Debs, Deng…
Onto this 49, I put books of day. 49-1 until PV1s by 1234567), then 851642 until after EAT, TBOTMOFA being (4s by 4152637), and TC(each 8s by 8531642). Build up, the last 7 is 1-49 per day. The last 7 weeks are Judges, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Genesis, Joshua, Numbers, Exodus.
I also put JBJ’s 146 Psalms in twice. The Bible in Miniature. With summations of books (5), Whole.
Also, Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies (Bullinger).
This is written Resurrection (Easter, Pascha) through same next celebration as a Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi. Face, Presence in Latin—a bilingual acronym, high name.
Here’s something about the first week, Resurrection:
Helping Billions Week 1
1—From Easter/Resurrection Sunday April 12, A. S. 2020) through Great Saturday (April 3, A. D. 2021) 49 weeks, 4 holiday weeks. 10-11-11-17 (part does a Symphonic Method?). And Eliot/Anselm Time to synchronize.
2—Each of the 49, 1/49th of Fuller’ Critical Path’ science/technology list.
#--Also, 1/49th of ‘100 Most Important Events in Church History’.
4—Add Ussher later.
5—This app could be used by billions.
6—Remembering avoids forgetting.
7—Eventually, Matthew (this), Mark (business servants), Luke (the 49—Jordan’s Rethinking…’), John (tabernacles of history (built on holidays). Another layer of eternal calendar—the life of Christ and our response, emphasizing RESPONSE—to add to ‘church year.
8—The above after 42, leaving 6 (what since then until now?) + 1 (what to be done?) FAANG, internet decentralization/centralization, former Soviet Union, rise of mercantile China--Deng, biological knowledge 4x Moore’s Law, ERH: technology increases space, decreases time, destroys old groups—small enthusiastic groups, tribes w/o perpetual warfare… . Other religious groups, rise of Global South, Contagious Disciple Making, secularism. Field, Cascione, Jordan, Theopolis… .
9—So, advolve—change toward ‘eye hath not seen’/’as waters cover the seas’.
10—ERH: Present caused by Past and Future.
11—Rejected: Hoppe’s many types of humans, Fuller’s oceania origins, 100,000 100,000 years ago, Cremo’s devolution avatars—but keep his out of place artifacts, Aristotle’s eternality of matter. Billions of years and ‘evolution’: Result in slicing up babies in and out of womb and selling parts?
12—Final Cause, the use of the building. First: blueprint. Efficient: workers. Material: lumber, bricks.
13—Eventually Psalms (Hebrew Cadence songs, per Cascione,  Jordan), Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies (Bullinger), books per day in changing orders, books of week re-retuned backward and 1-49. etc.
15—First week, Hebrews of re-retuned backwards (Genesis 1-49)
16—In Fuller’s (purchase), first 8, through 100 B. C., Egyptian hieroglyphics. 4 on languages. Remark on ‘Origin of Speeches’ which claims that proto-Hebrew was the Ursprache. In ‘100’ fire in Rome, destruction of Temple in Jerusalem A. D. 70, Justin Martyr.  Remark on A. D. 70.
17—When we sin a little, GodTrinity shows us the whole, thus societal cause of ‘Alzheimer’s’ as He gave Israel over to Philistines when they liked a little Philistine culture, and He sent them into Exile re: land laws. Maybe this remembering will help.

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