Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Peace under the Prince of Peace: Find a Person of Peace, then...

Peace under Prince of Peace, Find Person of Peace, then…
Todmorden, Kenya, STEM, Koppel +
Note: This is de-marketing. I discourage all but one or a few.
The opportunity now is like the gold rush, the railroad, organizing land, skills, markets and more after Rome fell.
HostA10006 Christendom Advance By Cooperation In Pella—Greek and Community Currency
1—Nobody needs to change church membership.
2—Two examples.
NOTE: We can do this without community leaders. See below. They’ll want to join US!
3—EXAMPLE ONE—Sanjee Benjamin Ang teaches Greek. This should appeal greatly to homeschoolers. He has videos which show him teaching Greek to his two-year old (!?).
4—EXAMPLE TWO—Pella Community Currency (toward PeaceCash+).
See example of the promotion of community currencies (crypto) in Kenya, encouraged by the Kenyan state. https://venturebeat.com/2018/06/18/bancor-launches-blockchain-platform-in-kenya-to-enable-community-currencies/amp/?utm_campaign=Abundance%20Insider&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=63983233&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--wcYdgrQXdO9w5T2qmUJ6EydC3wfmD19XQ6yKFnBpArC6LANsXT4JnJPdUVs_xOdnkIMSowRWGbNAp60zNA3cuNuH-xg&_hsmi=63983233
Sanjee is an expert on cryptocurrencies, and In James Altucher’s book ‘Cryptocurrencies 101, he give a simple code that can be put on the Ethereum platform to create a cryptocurrency. (I have a copy).
I envision an updating of ‘Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway’ in which we would give out free electronic coins at Tulip Time. Merchants would then join, as merchants take bitcoin and other coins. See ‘Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway’ here:  http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2018/06/stuart-wooden-nickel-highway.html
Someone will do this. All I want is my ‘9 percents’—9% of stock, 9% of coins, 9% of gross.
Money will also be made by showing others how to do this in other communities—a book, monthly consulting, etc.
You guys should get together: Sanjee Benjamin Ang, Michael Shover, Doug Roorda.
June 28, 2018: To BH, add to FB Notes and post, CHHC, HostA1006, etc.

And many are making large sums of $ with such cryptos.  I myself, if I'd invested the $3000 tax savings from a $10,000--were a receipt to have been given-- donation in, for instance, Bitcoin @ 30 cents, would have obtained 10,000 Bitcoin, and it has been toward $20,000 each--now down--but let's say $10,000..you do the $10,000 x 10,000 math.

That should attract some big boys, and girls, locally. Do you want that kind of influence?

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '9 percents' Hartman
June 30, 2018, to Solutions from Science on FB, and more:

Note: This is de-marketing. I discourage all but one or a few
2020 Discipling PeacePerson Todmorden Kenya Currencies STEM Koppel +
The Money in Community Sales, 2 Majors (Products and Currencies)
Is this a time of opportunity greater than the Gold Rush, the discovery of America, the transcontinental railroad? Yes. Should we play the Girard Card--do it, and let others mimetically copy us, so that it's done better by 'them,' 'killing' us (our business) so that it does get done? I think so.
1—A community can organize to be self-sufficient in vegetables (and more). Here’s Todmorden UK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2072383/Eccentric-town-Todmorden-growing-ALL-veg.html
These would be larger orders.
Gladwell’s ‘Outliers’ tells of a priest in Pennsylvania who promoted gardening, to the health of the community.  http://anewenglanderinlowell.blogspot.com/2008/12/malcolm-gladwell-social-capital-roseto.html
Compare depression Scrip, Hour Money, LETS, etc.
Encrypted currency has many advantages, per Altucher’s ‘Crypto-Currencies 101,’ the main one being security.
Money would be made by sale of your book on this, but also on continuing consulting, etc. In a long ago note, Levinson mentions that the made $20,ooo on ‘Guerrilla Marketing’ but MILLIONS on 56 (then) other methods. (Jay Abraham is great on such human, intellectual, referral and financial capital—free resources from Jay, here: https://www.abraham.com/50shades/ ). Jay gives these away to help him get larger clients, of which we would be wise to be one).
How much money? Well, there are 21 million bitcoins. If they’re $1000 each, that’s 21 billion. They’ve now plunged to $5000. (Note, Altucher (Laissez-Faire Books, but free PDF download here: https://d8yoo85ikfg26.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Cryptocurrencies101.pdf ).

It would be good to have this done, and it would help many. My fee would the ‘9 percents’—of stock, gross, cryptocurrencies, etc.
The code for building a community cryptocurrency is in Crypto-Currencies 101, which says that 99% of them are scams.  Others say 30%. The platform would be Ethereum, which Altuchuer recommends.

Love in King Jesus,
Charlie Hartman
Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook
1404 Broadway, Pella, IA 50219

The 3 next: 3--STEM with www.uopeople.edu (no tuition) and online sources such as freecodecamp, 4--some hardening of electrical grid, using Ted Koppel’s book, ‘Lights Out’--https://smile.amazon.com/Lights-Out-Cyberattack-Unprepared-Surviving/dp/0553419986/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1530537779&sr=8-1&keywords=ted+koppel+book withan Adams book on taxation that tells of rich persons paying for bridges, etc., and 5--Christian Court TV, easily done with a smartphone and lapel mike in church basements—this shows how ‘wholeness’ is achieved.
See also: To My Classmates—What’s Hartman Been Doing? In April @ chuckhartmanhistoryconductor: http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2018/04/to-my-classmates-whats-hartman-been.html

After work June 30, 2018:  Add, Christian Court TV, STEM with U of People no tuition) , leitourgeas (service, per Adams book on taxes) buying kilowatt hours for hardening electrical system. Do not forget ofspegs, the art form of the next era, Jubilee Calendar, Lectionary of Books, etc. See FB Notes and Google Sites, and chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
July 1, 2018—The opportunity now is like the gold rush, the railroad, organizing land, skills, markets and more after Rome fell.

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