Tuesday, July 31, 2018

How to teach 'Through New Eyes' for very little expense.

Suppose we wanted to teach to see 'Through News Eyes' for very little expense?

We wouldn't necessarily have to have our own Study Bible, Jim has recommended Bullinger's Companion Bible.

Then we have all the material on the Biblical Horizons website from which we could choose. 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament' is one such.

Jim's great Psalms work has been started, and it's stored at Theopolis.

He's been instrumental in Cascione's 'Repetition in the Bible,' and the work of Mozeson (sp) on 'Origin of Speeches,' etc.

Lots of material is free online at www.garynorth.com/freebooks including 'Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy,' and I believe TNE itself!

One could glean great material from the www.wordmp3.com corpus, including lots of chiasms and structures from the written notes. That the universe is retuned at the Ascension is shown in Revelation 5:12-7:12, as an example.  

Many of 'us' have done good work applicationally.

The Reformation Covenant folks have great material (aloha OR).

This could all be put into an ebook or something, and off most people would go, joyously.

Advance students can learn from Theopolis and/or you local pastors.

This material could be added to as needed.

I might do it myself, though the question I'm asking to myself more and more is 'Where's the money in this?' (Jim Cecil).

Love in King Jesus,


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