Tuesday, July 31, 2018

How to teach 'Through New Eyes' for very little expense.

Suppose we wanted to teach to see 'Through News Eyes' for very little expense?

We wouldn't necessarily have to have our own Study Bible, Jim has recommended Bullinger's Companion Bible.

Then we have all the material on the Biblical Horizons website from which we could choose. 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament' is one such.

Jim's great Psalms work has been started, and it's stored at Theopolis.

He's been instrumental in Cascione's 'Repetition in the Bible,' and the work of Mozeson (sp) on 'Origin of Speeches,' etc.

Lots of material is free online at www.garynorth.com/freebooks including 'Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy,' and I believe TNE itself!

One could glean great material from the www.wordmp3.com corpus, including lots of chiasms and structures from the written notes. That the universe is retuned at the Ascension is shown in Revelation 5:12-7:12, as an example.  

Many of 'us' have done good work applicationally.

The Reformation Covenant folks have great material (aloha OR).

This could all be put into an ebook or something, and off most people would go, joyously.

Advance students can learn from Theopolis and/or you local pastors.

This material could be added to as needed.

I might do it myself, though the question I'm asking to myself more and more is 'Where's the money in this?' (Jim Cecil).

Love in King Jesus,


Monday, July 30, 2018

'Cheat'Shot my age, ambidexterously

I 'cheated,' but shot my age ambidextrously--68. I’m 74, Personhood 75.
Every other shot left-handed. If righty makes the final shot one one hole, lefty starts the next. Clubs: Left--driver, 5 wood (also putt with it), 3 iron, 6 iron, wedge (rarely used.) Right--driver, 3 metal, utility, 3-5-7-9-sand wedge.

1--Use imaginary 15" cups
2--'Hartman Closed rules: Go arounds a 9 twice, and take the best score on each hole, triple bogey max, 1 mulligan at any time per 9.
3--Monroe course, par 36
4--4 birdies 
5--5 (bogey), 4 (birdie) 3 (par) 3 (birdie) 3 (birdie), 5 (par) 2 (birdie), 4 (par) 5(bogey)
5--Another 'cheat': 34x2=68

6--The key was teeing the ball up higher, and chipping with my 7 iron and getting it close
7--second hole, nice left-handed putt (I use a 5 wood); 4th hole, great drive; 5th hole, drove green fringe; 6th hole great fairway wood; 7 hole par 3 drove lefty close enough for 7 iron chip in (next to hole, counts as in with 15" cup)

8--From the upmost tees.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'walking fast now for exercise' Hartman
PS: Cavitt, McDowall and Hartman pool 9AM, Aug. 13. Watch out world!
PPS:swinter rules. Exchanging lefty putter for lefty 3 Iron.

Community currencies in Kenya--and uSA?

Competing currencies in Kenya--I want to do it in these uSA

I'd start with my 'old home town'. (My grandfather may have been on of the men who built a road to the next town, one Saturday morning. Read about it in Stuart Herald archives and Stuart Public Library).

I need a coder--Altucher gives the code to make an encrypted currency on p. 38 (iirc) of his FREE download book 'Crypto-Currencies 101).

Here's the Kenya link: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180621005727/en/Bancor-Launch-Blockchain-Based-Community-Currencies-Kenya

More here: Search 'Bancor cryptocurrencies Kenya economic development

Will you help, ,please? (There's money in community currencies for economic development, and teaching others to do so)


Charles Howard Hartman
1404 Broadway St.
Pella, IA 50219
PS: One of 12 signatories on founding document of Libertarian Party of Iowa, 1976
PPS: Old home town, Stuart.
PPPS: Twelve Word Platform: 'Norman Thomas'. Universities to professors. Local schools to local teachers.
Direct Appropriation.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Updated Plan Community Development Big Profits

Community Development Plan
Co-creator of Euro joins Kenya community currencies encrypted project
Revenue sources:
1—Do it on one community
2—Books, videos, etc.
3—A % of each community currency
4—Franchises or consulting arrangements
Todmorden (self-sufficient in vegetables)
Community currencies encrypted
STEM (femme) through free online training—www.uopeople.edu, freecodecamp, etc.
Koppel—buy kilowatt hours and utility hardens
Christian Judge Judy (she made $47 million in 2016)

Co-creator of Euro advises Kenyan community encrypted currencies

Co-creator of Euro advises Kenyan community encrypted currencies

The implications are obvious. Altucher call it 'Money 2.0' though he says 99% are scams.

For Altucher, FREE, search 'Crypto-Currencies 101' (He has code to make your own, p. 38 Iirc).

Initial Coin Offerings are one of 4 making 'Abundance of Capital'  Search that and Diamandis.

It's not ichabod, but that the Spirit of Exnihilation is being decentralized.

One could, Theopolis' issue coins that can be used for book, lectures, etc.  That'd be backing.

I searched Bancor cryptocurrencies Kenya.

And Rich, a community, is it a city, an 'ir' in Hebrew?


Monday, July 23, 2018

Well...SAFE in Pella Part Two

It’s like Breugel, that exnihilation is moving away from the FED, toward and into encrypted currencies, ‘money 2.0’)  perhaps.  We should be able to see this.  (Icarus is unnoticed, having fallen into the see, viewer-ward of the ship. https://search.aol.com/aol/image?p=nreugel+icarus+painting+by+bruegel&s_it=img-ans&v_t=webmail-searchbox&fr=webmail-searchbox&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bouwman.com%2Fnetherlands%2Ficarus.jpg#id=0&iurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bouwman.com%2Fnetherlands%2Ficarus.jpg&action=click

Well...SAFE in Pella

Well...SAFE IN Pella
The $50 million refugee city was not harmed. It’s still a ‘fig newton’ of imagination (pun intended). But I concentrate on little things, being taught, such as giving receipts. A receipt for @ $10K in books and tapes donation, might have yielded @ $3000 in tax saving, which, if invested in bitcoin (I’ve spent time, money, and effort on worse) would have yielded 10,000, and @$10K, less taxes, ‘you were given refuge, give refuge (compare Exodus), the $50 million is not out of the question.
I don’t know if the head of the sodomite club is still President of the student body, nor if sexile still occurs. I know that A. G.’s suggestion of sermons before, during and after on the theology of TULIP is NOT being done, not is Sanjee Benjamin Ang’s street preaching being honored. This great potential for discipling during Tulip Time is not on-capitalized, and the ‘made more evil by modern science’ treatment of the elderly resulted in Godparents For Eldsters, not on-capitalized.

But I ‘empty’ and concentrate on what comes to me in that emptiness.  It all reminds me of Rosenstock’s contention that the original All Souls, that everyone would have the dignity of being judged—guilty no shamed, Pastor Dan—is missing. More at link.
(I post this outline that came to me in the night. The gist is able to be apprehended).
As Israel was taken out of the bondage of Egypt, it should take the world out of bondage. Given freedom, give freedom. Given refuge, give refuge.
Pella safe, and refugee city (Jones’ ‘Dismissing Jesus’s) unharmed.
From the $100 million. $10k donation, $3k tax savings, into Bitcoin @30 cents—10,000—x $10,ooo(middle) but taxed =?. (I got no receipt.)  Little things mean a lot.  And so I look back on myself, and see what ‘little things’ apply to me. I’ve invested time and money and effort into much weirder things.
Learn Girard, don’t scapegoat it. The perhaps mis-typed ‘damnage’ (sic) would apply at some other place and time, though.
Providence telling me ‘empty’. Thomas Hilleke body theology book, CST brown dry spot (comes off) in valley between right thumb and first finger. One of my therapists looked up in an acupuncture book.
Cultivate empty—written before on most of this.  Thus, ERH in settings.
Came to me last week, instruments for orchestra playing symphony of history—great worth!
Also, both/and math! Take the Chalcedonian both/and and compare it to the Sheffer Stroke (not both the one and the other) from which can be deduced all 5 of the operators of 'Principia Mathematica'. This indicates a need for a Christian/Chalcedonian mathematics.  But yin/yang (with dot of the other in each) and Shroedinger's cat?
So I continue. Bouncing around as I wait ERH and JBJ (all audios, JBJ until Big Disappointment)
Another empty, 56th Reunion. Wanted to talk to valedictorian, first Ph. D. in nursing—nope. As far as Reacher compared to Hammer. Didn’t get to Hammer avenged buddies, Reacher...what was he, especially these two in light of ERH’s ‘American Social History—the re-integration of the veteran into peacetime society, AND lack of true speech, lack of declaration of war. Later: A Lodging for Wayfaring Men’—Galt’s Gulch on web, Jeremiah Nine.
Another: Twelve Word Platform—‘Norman Thomas’ Universities to professors. Local schools to local teachers. Direct Appropriation.
Yes, 75th Personhood Day—when one ENTERS one’s mother’s womb, @ 9 month/40 weeks before ‘birth’day.

And, in July A.D. 2018: ‘What instrument do you play in the orchestra playing The Symphony Of History? What would you like to play? What instruments are there?  Which need to be invented, as the pianoforte was? What’s the history of the composition of the composition and of the instrument set in the orchestra? I’m thinking math (Asimov), speech (speech thinkers, Wolfe) memory…prayer…
So, work and covenants, etc., empty, empty, empty.
Embrace it.
Don’t worry about actually getting something done, artist is child all life, thus Chuckster and work and commute empty. A liability into an asset.  Praise the Providential Lord, GodTrinity.
As Pastor Dan’s ‘Shame Interrupted’ I get to speak, I’m just guilty, not shamed.
Thus ERH  ‘driving force’ All Souls, each gets dignity of being judged, not thrown on burning heap.
Also ERH in my email settings:
‘If you
ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a
new change of heart,
Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding
of the universe and you
will understand that the universe begins with creation. And
it ends in incarnation, because that's the experience of every potent and creative
man in the world.
But you look outside and try to deduce by your little brain,
not by your experience of your heart how the world begins, and how it should be
run. You'll never
solve it, gentlemen. You'll remain a selfish, inarticulate
animal. If the spirit moves
you, you will see how simple
things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope
keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your grandchildren
will bless you.’
ERH—Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, from a Dartmouth lecture series conclusion
Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘empty, but not bad kenosis’ Hartman
PS: Even the writing of such an idea summary as this causes my blood pressure to rise to a bad level, though the systolic top number is usually controlled by deep breathing/yawning, and the variability in the heart rate is good. I’m under medical care, and 3 supplemental protocols, and I’m starting fast walking, almost jogging in recovery. And more therapist, etc., but my problem seems to me to be more mental. There’s much more I can and will do. Is ‘100 the new 50’? I’m very tired—is that Providence telling me to listen—to small things? Another: 12 Word Platform—‘Norman Thomas’. Universities to professors. Local schools to local teachers. Direct Appropriation. Another:  I think that one of the key events in present time is that the Spirit of exnihilation (creating something from nothing, or into nothing) is leaving 'the state'/Federal Reserve, and going to individuals and groups. He mentions crowdfunding ind ICOs, and other things. http://www.diamandis.com/blog/abundance-of-capital
PPS: FB: Hoffa, as he entered prison: 'I'm one of the most powerful men in America. If they can do this to me, they can do it to anyone'.

Thus, Creveld 'The Rise and Decline of the State': Lack of justice, lack of sound money for elderly.

Barzun's 'From Dawn to Decadence' says we'll learn to read again from monuments, and the corporations will bridge ethno-linguistic areas.

So, pray 1 Timothy 2:1-4, Get Ready To Help People Locally, do your calling--the most important thing you can do at which you'd be most difficult to replace.

In addition to the art form of the next era, and the liturgy/lectionary of books, here are some things I probably won’t do--Todmorden, Kenya encrypted currencies for economic development, STEM (femmes), Koppel (grid) and chiastically, Christian Judge Judy.

Charlie 'empty' Hartman
As comment: 1 Timothy 2:1-4 King James Version (KJV)
2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

Thursday, July 19, 2018



What instruments are in the orchestra that plays the Symphony of History.
What is your instrument? What instruments need to be ivented, as was the pianoforte?

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Galt's Gulch on internet

Galt's Gulch on internet--'A Lodging of Wayfaring Men': recommended.

It starts slow, it's very enthusing through the main part. I'm pondering the endings. Title explained on p. 257.

Girard Card Law of Covenant -> Christian Court TV

Girard Card Law of Covenant -> Christian Court TV

Friday, July 13, 2018

Reviving Cities: Church, Theopolis, Leaders

What role might the church play in cultivating leaders in up-and-coming cities, and in avoiding the dynamics that are suffocating New York, San Francisco, Seattle and other cities?

Dear Peter:

1--Find the 'person of peace'--a million were baptized in a little over a decade or tow in a 'graveyard of missionaries'. This is detailed in 'Contagious Disciple Making'
2--Maybe take a Jacobsean number of @5000 (Plato too?). Todmordenize them, self sufficient in vegetables. Searc h 'Todmorden carrots in the car park'. They did it in Todmorden England.  The 'person of peace' heads this up, with his own money and charisma, etc.  See Hoppe's article (at Mises ?)  on 'From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy'. He sees aristocraccy coming back.  The 'Person of peace' is this natural nobile, elite, aristocrat.  I propose finding him FIRST--or her. The food can be grown outdoors, indoors, on rooftops, by sprouting, and it can be bought as soups from Amazon,etc.
3--STEM could be done with cheap Chromebooks (or North recommends one under $300), and no-tuition uopeople.edu (University of the People) or Khan or Free CodeCamp--for employment, someone would contact employers BEFOREHAND. In 'the old home town' this might be the librarian.
4--'Koppel' the grid.  Yes, Ted Koppel, as establishment as can be.  He fears cyberattacks, has something like a prepping program at the end. I'd say the 'person of peace' could do a service (Adams, in an anti-tax book says that the rich in the past did such things as build bridges--CHH: pontificate) as a 'service, 'leitourgeas'. If I'd won the lottery, in my old hom town, I'd buy kilowatt hours enough to pay for hardening, etc., including homes?
5--Add such things as 'Christian Judge Judy,' which could be done with a smart phone and lapel mike in church basements. Spread via YouTube, etc.  More on this on my Facebook Page on Christian CourtTV. Creveld ('Rise and Decline of the State' says that lack of justice and lack of sound money for retirees is the cause of the decline.
6--One article says that Kenya is experimenting with crypto-currencies (I prefer encrypted currencies, Altucher says 'Money 2.0' in his 'Crypto-Currencies 101' free for download online.  Jacobs speaks of cities as money-issuers, so...
7---That's a start.
8--Continue unto resurrection.
Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'typographically unable'  Hartman
PS: Someone such as Bill Heid of Solutions from Science/Off the Grid Living, who once had Jeff Harlow for pastor, before a conflict, could head this up, with manuals, etc.
PPS: That death wish is the daughter of guilt is a key upon which to base 'church' action.
To BH with headline: Have a 'person of peace' in your congregation contact me.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Peace under the Prince of Peace: Find a Person of Peace, then...

Peace under Prince of Peace, Find Person of Peace, then…
Todmorden, Kenya, STEM, Koppel +
Note: This is de-marketing. I discourage all but one or a few.
The opportunity now is like the gold rush, the railroad, organizing land, skills, markets and more after Rome fell.
HostA10006 Christendom Advance By Cooperation In Pella—Greek and Community Currency
1—Nobody needs to change church membership.
2—Two examples.
NOTE: We can do this without community leaders. See below. They’ll want to join US!
3—EXAMPLE ONE—Sanjee Benjamin Ang teaches Greek. This should appeal greatly to homeschoolers. He has videos which show him teaching Greek to his two-year old (!?).
4—EXAMPLE TWO—Pella Community Currency (toward PeaceCash+).
See example of the promotion of community currencies (crypto) in Kenya, encouraged by the Kenyan state. https://venturebeat.com/2018/06/18/bancor-launches-blockchain-platform-in-kenya-to-enable-community-currencies/amp/?utm_campaign=Abundance%20Insider&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=63983233&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--wcYdgrQXdO9w5T2qmUJ6EydC3wfmD19XQ6yKFnBpArC6LANsXT4JnJPdUVs_xOdnkIMSowRWGbNAp60zNA3cuNuH-xg&_hsmi=63983233
Sanjee is an expert on cryptocurrencies, and In James Altucher’s book ‘Cryptocurrencies 101, he give a simple code that can be put on the Ethereum platform to create a cryptocurrency. (I have a copy).
I envision an updating of ‘Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway’ in which we would give out free electronic coins at Tulip Time. Merchants would then join, as merchants take bitcoin and other coins. See ‘Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway’ here:  http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2018/06/stuart-wooden-nickel-highway.html
Someone will do this. All I want is my ‘9 percents’—9% of stock, 9% of coins, 9% of gross.
Money will also be made by showing others how to do this in other communities—a book, monthly consulting, etc.
You guys should get together: Sanjee Benjamin Ang, Michael Shover, Doug Roorda.
June 28, 2018: To BH, add to FB Notes and post, CHHC, HostA1006, etc.

And many are making large sums of $ with such cryptos.  I myself, if I'd invested the $3000 tax savings from a $10,000--were a receipt to have been given-- donation in, for instance, Bitcoin @ 30 cents, would have obtained 10,000 Bitcoin, and it has been toward $20,000 each--now down--but let's say $10,000..you do the $10,000 x 10,000 math.

That should attract some big boys, and girls, locally. Do you want that kind of influence?

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '9 percents' Hartman
June 30, 2018, to Solutions from Science on FB, and more:

Note: This is de-marketing. I discourage all but one or a few
2020 Discipling PeacePerson Todmorden Kenya Currencies STEM Koppel +
The Money in Community Sales, 2 Majors (Products and Currencies)
Is this a time of opportunity greater than the Gold Rush, the discovery of America, the transcontinental railroad? Yes. Should we play the Girard Card--do it, and let others mimetically copy us, so that it's done better by 'them,' 'killing' us (our business) so that it does get done? I think so.
1—A community can organize to be self-sufficient in vegetables (and more). Here’s Todmorden UK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2072383/Eccentric-town-Todmorden-growing-ALL-veg.html
These would be larger orders.
Gladwell’s ‘Outliers’ tells of a priest in Pennsylvania who promoted gardening, to the health of the community.  http://anewenglanderinlowell.blogspot.com/2008/12/malcolm-gladwell-social-capital-roseto.html
Compare depression Scrip, Hour Money, LETS, etc.
Encrypted currency has many advantages, per Altucher’s ‘Crypto-Currencies 101,’ the main one being security.
Money would be made by sale of your book on this, but also on continuing consulting, etc. In a long ago note, Levinson mentions that the made $20,ooo on ‘Guerrilla Marketing’ but MILLIONS on 56 (then) other methods. (Jay Abraham is great on such human, intellectual, referral and financial capital—free resources from Jay, here: https://www.abraham.com/50shades/ ). Jay gives these away to help him get larger clients, of which we would be wise to be one).
How much money? Well, there are 21 million bitcoins. If they’re $1000 each, that’s 21 billion. They’ve now plunged to $5000. (Note, Altucher (Laissez-Faire Books, but free PDF download here: https://d8yoo85ikfg26.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Cryptocurrencies101.pdf ).

It would be good to have this done, and it would help many. My fee would the ‘9 percents’—of stock, gross, cryptocurrencies, etc.
The code for building a community cryptocurrency is in Crypto-Currencies 101, which says that 99% of them are scams.  Others say 30%. The platform would be Ethereum, which Altuchuer recommends.

Love in King Jesus,
Charlie Hartman
Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook
1404 Broadway, Pella, IA 50219

The 3 next: 3--STEM with www.uopeople.edu (no tuition) and online sources such as freecodecamp, 4--some hardening of electrical grid, using Ted Koppel’s book, ‘Lights Out’--https://smile.amazon.com/Lights-Out-Cyberattack-Unprepared-Surviving/dp/0553419986/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1530537779&sr=8-1&keywords=ted+koppel+book withan Adams book on taxation that tells of rich persons paying for bridges, etc., and 5--Christian Court TV, easily done with a smartphone and lapel mike in church basements—this shows how ‘wholeness’ is achieved.
See also: To My Classmates—What’s Hartman Been Doing? In April @ chuckhartmanhistoryconductor: http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2018/04/to-my-classmates-whats-hartman-been.html

After work June 30, 2018:  Add, Christian Court TV, STEM with U of People no tuition) , leitourgeas (service, per Adams book on taxes) buying kilowatt hours for hardening electrical system. Do not forget ofspegs, the art form of the next era, Jubilee Calendar, Lectionary of Books, etc. See FB Notes and Google Sites, and chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
July 1, 2018—The opportunity now is like the gold rush, the railroad, organizing land, skills, markets and more after Rome fell.