Monday, June 4, 2018

Sell Pollys, offer service in Pollys—that’s the imperative stem start!

Sell Pollys, offer service in Pollys—that’s the imperative stem start!
Note: I found this when searching:
AppleCoin: Why Apple's next big move could be its own currency
The iPhone is so successful that it practically prints money. Which gives me an idea: what if Apple combined Apple Pay with cryptocurrency to actually print money?
That’s a coin, a currency for a specific use. Decades ago, green stamps were given with retail purchases, put into books, and the books were spent at special stores. The one Mom used was @ 20+ miles away.  This built loyalty.
Here’s another example: Health Coin: HealthCoin Plus
We are paving the way for the FUTURE of #health services with our new #cryptocurrency - HealthCoin Plus:
OK, those are 3+ examples of specific uses, narrowly-focused.  I’m thinking of ‘toward peace,’ something similar to revolutions of the past. Creveld says that ‘the state’—organization, not person—is failing because of lack of justice, and because of lack of sound money for retirees. Can a currency, let’s say, ‘polis,’ pronounced ‘pollys’ help?
Can study and application of The Word produce more peace—the explicit reconciliation of opposites?
I believe it can, were we to have enough vision, and that vision is itemized in exampples from the past in the above ‘quintillions,’ and here: At least 4 assets: TSOCHI and app (books too), Conduct History Healing Herovolution Calendar, Herovolute Math!, Christian Court TV and my other stuff, such as Godparents For Eldsters…
The question is this: How do we get from here to there, what are our first steps? 1—Have the vision—new technology is destroying old groups and allowing us greater, and quicker fields of action. 2—Theopolis, e.g., studies and applies ‘Bible. Liturgy. Culture’. 3—Start by selling Pollys, and changing for services in Pollys. 4. See examples in ‘quintillions’ post. 5—Justice? ‘…the least among you…’: Paul.
6—Money? Emulate the monks who had agricultural wisdom for peasants. Cities were started by mutual oath-taking, and Jacobs says cities should by money-issuers. (The Lutheran Larger Catechism has a strange passage, indicating that every civil government flag should have a loaf of bread on it.) 7—Our flag would be more symphonic in symbol, and/or hands healing ‘body,’ taken in many ways.
Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘between’ Hartman

Note to Rich Bledsoe: Steiner wrote that one communicates with the dead between waking and sleeping. I don’t hold with that necromancy, but I do note the ‘quintillions’ and this post came t me in the early AM, and that I get thoughts at my ‘dead’ job during the day and write them down, and that we are in the transition from one social order (‘state’ many say, others ‘university’) to another. And fourthly, I’m nearing my 75th Personhood Day—celebrating @ the time of the year that I entered my mother’s womb. A birthday celebrates when one successfully exits the womb.
June 4, 2018:  Add: Altucher’s Crypto-Currencies 101 has a short method of creating a ‘cryptocurrency’ on the Ethereum platform.  Some 12-year old you know can help you.

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