Monday, June 25, 2018

#2, #3 liabilities into assets--Creveld--justice, money

#2, #3 liabilities into assets, Creveld--justice, money

#1 was 'immigration'

I'm limning some possibilities for The Christian Era, when liabilities are turned into assets (Rosenstock)

'The State,' which claims a monopoly on [-initiation of?] violence in a given territory came about when the person (the king, let us posit) was replaced by the organization. Hoppe has much to say on this in 'Democracy, the God that Failed'.

This is in Creveld's 'The Rise and Decline of the State'. Transcript of a lecture on this is available from

But in the book, he says that the state is failing, and will fail, because of it's inability (not HER inability--and the\at is key, for the Church is the Bride) to provide justice,and its inability to provide sound money for retirees.

The time is ripe!  I propose something in the sound money category such as a cryptocurrency, LETS, Hour Money, Depression Scrip. Hey, in the early 20th C. I believe that my grandfather was one of the men from Stuart, Iowa who got together on a Saturday morning and built a road to Dexter, 5 miles east. And Highway 6 across Iowa was built in an hour!  How? Teams of men were arrayed  such that they would build an hour's worth of road each. I'm tying this together--towns, per Wikipedia, built roads to entice travellers into their respective community. To see a modern day version, a proposal, see Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway. Also see my post on Kenyan community currencies. Who has the vision of those of 100 years ago?

As for justice, Christian Court TV sounds goo, and could easily be done with smartphones, lapel mikes, and some Jordan and North books on the law of Exodus, etc.  The goal of the law was Jusus, of course, but earlier it was shalom--peace, wholeness.

Judge Judy makes $47 million a year (2016). 2-minute, 5-minute tp 8-minute, 15-,minute+ videos would do it. Solicit videos from other churches.

If you want academic 'compare and contrast' do Sharia TV, Buddhist Court TV, etc.

What will be #4--what do you propose?

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'the time is ripe' Hartman

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