Monday, September 29, 2014

Letter 6 plus appropriate part of Opus 49

Letter 6: Dear Pastor: With your help in the assurance area, and other areas, I’ve been able to resume writing.  I write a series of letters to friends, each one showing a part of The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive, and attaching the whole Opus 49, Sing A New Era! (S.A.N.E.!) as she is so far filled in.  A ‘to be filled in’ version is also available.

In this section, Day 6 is initiating.
Now, what is done here is that each person one anothers the others, such that they are taken, each of the others, through an analog of an order of worship.  I follow Rosenstock-Huessy’s 5 steps of the Revolutions of the West (they are explained in one of the Epilogs) : Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, Planetary Service.  They could be considered also as Called in, Confession and Absolution, (which could be combined as ‘Gap’), Readings and Sermon, Communion (Which could be combined as Narrative?) and Sending Out.
Here, Day 6 Initiates to each of the others, attempting to serve them (Leitourgia-ize) by one anothering each of the others through this process.  This is  under the heading of Imperative, but since we are matur, matured, and maturing, the categories may shift.
I attach Opus 49, so far.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman
PS: I’ve claimed that this is an example of the covenant sequence applied to the Earth Beneath (people, made of dirt), as the scientific method applies to the Waters Under—is oriented toward them, and as the Liturgy is oriented toward the Heavens Above. I could be way wrong!

6 Initiates [We are back to one initation per respondent per week—Day 7’s was an example]

To Day 8, page S22  Chuck, is YOHAD like formless and void and dark before Creation?

7, To Page S21 Timothy, what lessons from the Fall can we learn re: marriage?

To Day 6, not this week

To Day 5, page S17 ‘Light of the world’ and ‘all things cohere’:  Marriage and children, do these help healing?

To Day 4, page S15   Are there ‘ages’ of marriage, each age with its own respective  imperative?

3, page S20   Dear Knight in History: : What are the 4 loves, and how do they apply in the marriage vow? And/Or: How are the three institutions formed by self-maledictory  oaths related?

2, page S18 Dear ‘Occupy until I come’: Do married people sometimes not ‘hear’ strongly, as in ‘Do!’, the other?  How can this be cured?

1, page S16 Dear Day 1:  What is COATCF, please, and why is it important?

9, page S23 So, Freedom/Technology, the internet is destroying postal mail?


Now YOUR Day 6 initiates (Fill in the Blank)

To Day 8, page S22

7, to page S21

To Day 6, page S19 (not this week)

To Day 5, page S17

To Day 4, page S15

3 to page S20

2, page S18

1, page S16

9, page S23

The Order of Initiation and Response
For Each Week—
Tunes and Retunings

Week One Initiations: 87654321 (not to oneself)
Week Two Responses: 415263789
Week Two Initiations: 4 (from 25) 1 (26) 5 (27) 2 (28) 6 (29) 3 (30) 7 (31) 8 (32) 9 (33) 10 (34)
--Sabbath Week for Conductor to help Days—
Week Three Responses: 10 (35) 9 (36) 8 (37) 7 (38) 5 (39) 3 (40) 1 (41) 6 (42) 4 (43) 2 (44)
Week Three Initiations: 11 (45) 10 (46) 9 (47) 8 (48) 7 (49) 5 (50) 3 (51) 1 (52) 6 (53) 4 (54) 2 (55)
Week Four Responses: 1 (56) 2 (57) 3 (58) 4 (59) 5 (60) 6 (61) 7 (62) 8 (63) 9 (64) 10 (65) 11 (66)
Week Four Initiations: 12 (67) 11 (68) 10 (69) 9 (70) 8 (71) 7 (72) 6 (73) 5 (74) 4 (75) 3 (76) 2 (77) 1 (78)
Week Five Responses (Solos and Symphony—Conductor works much with Days in time between Week Four and Week Five) 1 (79) 2 (80) 3 (81) 4 (82) 5 (83) 6 (84) 7 (85) 8 (86) 9 (87) 10 (88) 11 (89) 12 (90)

Letter 6: Leitourgia-izing one another

Letter 6: Leitourgia-izing one another
Letter 6: Dear Pastor: With your help in the assurance area, and other areas, I’ve been able to resume writing.  I write a series of letters to friends, each one showing a part of The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive, and attaching the whole Opus 49, Sing A New Era! (S.A.N.E.!) as she is so far filled in.  A ‘to be filled in’ version is also available.

In this section, Day 6 is initiating.
Now, what is done here is that each person one anothers the others, such that they are taken, each of the others, through an analog of an order of worship.  I follow Rosenstock-Huessy’s 5 steps of the Revolutions of the West (they are explained in one of the Epilogs) : Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, Planetary Service.  They could be considered also as Called in, Confession and Absolution, (which could be combined as ‘Gap’), Readings and Sermon, Communion (Which could be combined as Narrative?) and Sending Out.
Here, Day 6 Initiates to each of the others, attempting to serve them (Leitourgia-ize) by one anothering each of the others through this process.  This is  under the heading of Imperative, but since we are matur, matured, and maturing, the categories may shift.
I attach Opus 49, so far.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman
PS: I’ve claimed that this is an example of the covenant sequence applied to the Earth Beneath (people, made of dirt), as the scientific method applies to the Waters Under—is oriented toward them, and as the Liturgy is oriented toward the Heavens Above. I could be way wrong!

Total Symphony Initiations planned by Day 7--subject to change

 Total Symphony Initiations planned by Day 7--subject to change
7 Initiates. [Day 7 will plan out all his/her Initiations for the whole Symphony now, subject to changes later.  Come back to this page, 7 will, each Initiation time]

This is an EXAMPLE!
Most initiations will be one question to each per week.
One other Day initiates backward from the end.
Note:  Clark, on a Believers Chapel audio, gave an example of the chronological being the reverse of the logical.  Logically, a--we want to get to Chicago for a concert. B—We want to get there the night before, to sleep well. C—We must leave in the AM of the day before the day before the concert, then.  So, chronologically, we go C—leave the day before the day before, B-- get there the night before, and A—get to the concert at the right time.
We are pulled and pushed, herovolutionally.

To Day 8, page S21 (In reference to helping ALL)

Week One: Imperative: You are  COMMANDED to bear your cross.  Honor that.  Don’t complain. Tell us why this will change you.
  How would that change you, as a ritual?  Compare the ‘making’ of Rescue Teams, Cure Teams, Godparents for Eldsters from the early version, which contrasted the chronology with the catechism
Week Three: Narrative: How is this Opus 47, which could also be names Comprehensive History Interactive, useful as a metanarrative?
Week Four: Objective: How can this sequence be used for outreach, how can it be ‘shed forth’ in the best way(s)?

7, not this week

To Day 6, page S19 (In reference to helping HER)

Week One: Imperative: Tell me what stages courtship and marriage go through. To page S21.
Week Two: Subjective: Do many marriages (what % USA?) fail because it’s too much ‘me, me, me’ subjective?
Week Three: Narrative: Give us a narrative of how fertility rates, and rates of increase in population of a group, inherit the earth. Re: ‘How Civilizations Fail (And Why Islam is Failing Too) and Stark’s ‘Triumph of Christianity’.
Week Four: Objective: How is it the purpose of marriage to glorify God better as married, in most cases, than a alone?

To Day 5, page S17 (In reference to Day 7’s calling)

Week One: Imperative: Tell me what I must do to be healed. Is this true, the following? ‘At X church, we heal you, under God, by killing you and making you alive in Christ, by Word and Sign--and all your relationships, Lord willing.’ Thus you can go and help us do likewise in the Kosmos. To page S17
Week Two: Subjective: How does Myss say that chakras and sacraments can fit together in on subject, me?
Week Three: Narrative: Tell me some stories of healing—maybe using Sheldrakian fields of coherence.  Why can’t all see the energy flows that you do?
Week Four: Objective: Objectively, in the future in these USA, will there be more concierge and cash-only medical care, more medical tourism, especially when people take seriously the reports  about ‘doctors, the 3rd leading cause of death in America’?

To Day 4, page S15 (Helping ALL)

Week One: Imperative: Tell us the varieties of Father and Mother in the Bible and in other history. Maybe a search on Blue Letter Bible will be a good place to start.  I’m thinking Father Abraham, God the Father. I’m thinking History as our Father, and also the Future to which we are dragged.  Fathers in the faith.  The hand that rocks the cradle and rules the world. Mother Church. Mothers in Israel. Technology which births newness… .To page S15.
Week Two: Subjective: Subjectively, why did you agree to be a Godparent for Eldster?
Week Three: Narrative: How do you see this narrative playing out, for example in the ‘Some Times We Just Let ‘Em Slip Away’ (unstated?) policy of some hospitals toward the elderly?
Week Four: Objective: Objectively, could Godparents For Eldsters, here :, be like Knights Hospitaller, which went through many changes from starting out as a hospital for pilgrims to Jerusalem? See Wikipedia

3, to page S20 (Help HIM)

Week One: Imperative: Were knights like highway patrolmen in the times of better and quicker transportation after the invention of the horse collar, which gave horses 10x the pulling power? Tell us the story. To page S20
Subjective: Would you like to be a knight? How would that happen?
Narrative: Rosenstock-Huessy (somewhere) tells a story of what happened after the fall of Rome as the successive organization of Land (A. D. 400-1100), Skills—the arming of the knight (to A. D. 1500), and Markets (to A. D. 1900). What was next? Missions, to A. D. 2000, and now….what next?
Objective: What is next, where and when can the knight principle, and better language, be better used, in planetary service?

2, to page S18 (Help me, the initiator, with my Calling).

Week One: Imperative: Tell me how I can be heard?
Week Two: Subjective: Though churches are childish, what church do you suggest for me?
Week Three: Narrative: How would a review of Stark’s two books, ‘The Churching of America,’ and ‘The Triumph of Christianity’ help me?
Week Four: Objectively, of what service can I be?

1, page S22 (Help ALL)

Week One: Imperative:  Do I have this right, Shame Interrupted’? People in authority are COMMANDED to help you, and have hindered, ignored, and shamed you. (The guilty get a day in court, the shamed are outside of conversation). To Page S21
Week Two: Subjective: If one is ‘out,’ how and how much should one beg, judge, plead, etc.?
Week Three: Narrative: Give examples in the narrative of history of those who were out, and then were vindicated.  John Quincy Adams and petitions, Wilberforce and ending slavery.
Week Four: Objective: You’ve had a time in the Wilderness, yes, but before WHAT Conquest? Rich Bledsoe has a sermon series on this: For Freedom He Has Set Us Free, if I recall correctly.

9, to page S23

To Day 9, West, Freedom/Technology, ERH’s ‘Any new technology expands the space in which one can operate, lessens the time it takes to do something, and destroys the old group.

Help ALL

Week One: Imperative: Tell us some of the most important new technologies of the last century, and of near future times. To page S23
Week Two: Subjective: What are some of the most important new words, and types of persons these new technologies have produced?
Week Three: Narrative:  And what new institutions have these new technologies produced?
Week Four: Objective: What are the best planetary services that are needed, and what new technologies would be most helpful?

Letter 5: Day 7 plans out all Initiations, subject to change

Letter 5:  Dear Sandy:  I’m writing a series of short letter to friends.  I hope to get the 98 chapters of Opus 49 of The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive (TSOCHI) done that way.  I’m filling in the blanks of a skeleton that I have ready.
I include a part (starting @ page 22 of what is so far 10x that much, with notes.
I also attach Opus 49 (years of marriage, not the number I’ve done) so far.
It’s much easier to sit around a table for 5 weeks and compose, play, do, be a Symphony.
I have high hopes for this, Lord willing.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman
PS: Posted on chuckhartmanhistoryconductor and on Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman. An app is coming, I pray, and then a website, but file that have the ‘to be filled in’ version, and the filled in so far’ version are available on request from
PPS: On this one Day 7 plans out his whole series of Initiations, subject to change.

Letter 4 with parts of Opus 49. Soon, universes of Initiations and Responses!

Letter 4 with parts of Opus 49.  Soon, universes of Initiations and Responses!

Letter 4: Dear Dan:  I’m writing letters to friends.  Each letter explains part of what happens in Opus 49 (49 years of marriage) in Sing A New Era! (S.A.M.E.!).  This gives an example (we jump ahead) to a Response to Initiations.  I claim that IR is City in Hebrew, and that this is what we may do, Lord willing, to have a city of peace, explicitly reconciling opposites, as the planet, the people thereon, have access to electronic interweavings.

It’s not a simple as what we did in your living room, seated around the table, that Sidney reacted to by getting on your lap and writing questions about Jesus, but, about the basic I say:  It’s really simple! To the sequence of Initiation first week, then Responses and Initiations, RI, RI, and Response the last week, when one adds a few more seeds, or imperative stems, or Sheffer Strokes, and they flower, it gets more complex, but the aim is Comprehensive Beauty. 1—People as house, 2—gravity stresses compensated and Initiation/Response., retunings of universe, Says as people, howls becoming music, solos and symphony after Day 12, covenant oriented toward heavens above (liturgy), waters under earth (scientific method), earth beneath (people, made of dirt), preject and traject (Day 12 Initiates out of turn, from the Future), echoes and foreshadowings, etc.
This and the part I feature are posted on chuckhartmanhistoryconductor and the Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman

More catching up:
Let’s skip ahead to see what universe of initiations a player receives!
Day 5 receives initiations from Week One in Week Two
and responds.

From Page S17  Day 5 Receives for Response

4 Could demented/Alzheimered persons, already in nursing homes, etc., be healed, so that they could go home and function well?  How?  Have there been any cases?

1 Did something like Sheldrake’s morphic resonance fields ‘hear’ or communicate my YOHAD cries? If so, what did it do?


2 Where is the light of the world? Do they ignore us, then laugh at us, then fight us, and then we win?

6 ‘Light of the world’ and ‘all things cohere’:  Marriage and children, do these help healing?

3 Week One:  From the Fact, what new Instruction will there be, as you look toward the end? That is, what succession, what planetary service, what new Torah, what poem will you and the Symphony utter, or better, sing? We’re looking for some New Instruction based on Fact—what do you have?

7 Tell me what I must do to be healed. Is this true, the following? ‘At X church, we heal you, under God, by killing you and making you alive in Christ, by Word and Sign—and all your relationships, Lord willing.’ Thus you can go and help us do likewise in the Kosmos

Day 8, Chuck, Resurrection, asks Day 5,  Sans, Healing/Unity & Diversity,:: What imperative impacts your talent Healing, from the Resurrection?  Impacts you or someone else. (This Initiation is forwarded also to Page 17, for Day’s 5’s Response

9 How does the Ascension change your view of healing?

Ten Words
I am Sans, Day 5, and my calling is healing/Unity and Diversity. My Jordan Transition is ‘light of the world’ and ‘all things cohere,

300-500 words, as if speaking for 2-3 minutes @ 160 words/minute

Right now I generally heal using a variety of modalities of alternative medicine.
I work with individuals.
These questions and this conjective truth community have opened my eyes to more alternatives.
As I told Chuck, ‘Show me a church that does this Symphony, and I’ll join’.  Godparents for Eldsters the same—I’d like to help that ministry in a church setting.  I am a Godparent.
Please let me ponder thest initiations more and I will add even more to next week’s response, and I am definitely moved by the imperativeness of this week. I eagerly anticipate the Subjective and Narrative and Objective parts, unto planetary service—and the other four-phase and five-phase processes that rhyme.
Thank you!
Day 12’s initiation was not received before this preliminary
response was written.

Example of Initiations and Response

Letter 4: Dear Dan:  I’m writing letters to friends.  Each letter explains part of what happens in Opus 49 (49 years of marriage) in Sing A New Era! (S.A.M.E.!).  This gives an example (we jump ahead) to a Response to Initiations.  I claim that IR is City in Hebrew, and that this is what we may do, Lord willing, to have a city of peace, explicitly reconciling opposites, as the planet, the people thereon, have access to electronic interweavings.

It’s not a simple as what we did in your living room, seated around the table, that Sidney reacted to by getting on your lap and writing questions about Jesus, but, about the basic I say:  It’s really simple! To the sequence of Initiation first week, then Responses and Initiations, RI, RI, and Response the last week, when one adds a few more seeds, or imperative stems, or Sheffer Strokes, and they flower, it gets more complex, but the aim is Comprehensive Beauty. 1—People as house, 2—gravity stresses compensated and Initiation/Response., retunings of universe, Says as people, howls becoming music, solos and symphony after Day 12, covenant oriented toward heavens above (liturgy), waters under earth (scientific method), earth beneath (people, made of dirt), preject and traject (Day 12 Initiates out of turn, from the Future), echoes and foreshadowings, etc.
This and the part I feature are posted on chuckhartmanhistoryconductor and the Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman

Letter 3 plus more from Opus 49, Sing A New Era! (S.A.N.E.!)

Sept. 29.  Letter 3.  Dear Kit:  We’ll also need an app. I’m so naïve that I think that the drones that Amazon and Facebook may be putting up,  and/or Google’s balloons, will enable good interactions between and among many.  This may be one way.
I put the rest of this letter on chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, and the Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman.  Also I put everything up to the Initiations by 8.  Next I’ll do 7, and then we can get to the universe of Initiations, toward Responses, that is ‘IR’/cities in Hebrew.
Opus 49, Sing A New Era! (S.A.N.E.) so far, is attached, the blanks being filled it.  It’s about at 3%.  A version of blanks to be filled in is available.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman
PS: Anybody want Opus 49 or the ‘to-be-filled-in’ version, email me at
PPS: It’s really simple! To the sequence of Initiation first week, then Responses and Initiations, RI, RI, and Response the last week, when one adds a few more seeds, or imperative stems, or Sheffer Strokes, and they flower, it gets more complex, but the aim is Comprehensive Beauty. 1—People as house, 2—gravity stresses compensated and Initiation/Response., retunings of universe, Says as people, howls becoming music, solos and symphony after Day 12, covenant oriented toward heavens above (liturgy), waters under earth (scientific method), earth beneath (people, made of dirt), preject and traject (Day 12 Initiates out of turn, from the Future), echoes and foreshadowings, etc.

Soon, soon we’ll be speaking  universes of intitiation and response! (Before, Sep 27) We’ll also need an app. (Sep 27, Sydney story) Benefits at the end, proof being written as I write Opus 49. Action:  Write for a fill-in-the-blanks version, and a ‘filling-in-the-blanks’ version. We’ll also need an app.  Google, Amazon, and Facebook are planning, respectively, balloons and drones to give the whole world internet access. So, basically all we do is ask one another questions (initiate) and answer (respond) for 5 weeks around a table, thus: I-RI-RI-RI-R, but describing it that way  is like the Sheffer Stroke (not both the one and the other) from which come Russell’s and Whitehead’s 5 operations in Principia Mathematica, and/or it is like Rosenstock’s statement in ‘Magna Carta Latina’ that all Latin verb forms are from a short imperative stem.  More keeps getting added.  Pruning is Biblical, and will be done by many someones—I must get something out. It’s imperative. Examples.  When the 5 are ERH’s (Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, Planetary Service) the ‘flavor’ of initiations differs from Jordan’s (Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact, New Torah) or North’s various fives. When you add in ‘retuning’—a different melody by a different sequence of players…it becomes more of a maturational experience.  When it’s a one man show, instead of a group sitting asquare (around) a table, there’s more.  When you are improving the ‘game,’ while simultaneously playing it, wow! As a wise one told me, ‘You are juggling an enormous number of balls, or rolling a great boulder up a hill.’  I say it’s both and more.  We will need an app, in addition to the website and YouTube.  These can be monetized.  That may encourage some.  That this is a scientific method analog for/engendering a next era in history is not sufficient yet.  It is my imperative, and I do have a sequence of 5, and the 5 does resonated with town council meetings, the scientific method, and orders of worship, as another layer. And better writers will be appearing, I pray. Love in King Jesus,  Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman PS: I’m starting to document when I fill in certain blanks, using the present layer of dating and calendar, in which this is Friday, September 26, Anno Domini 2014. Attachment:  Opus 49, Sing A New Era! to date. It’s TBOTMOFA (The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly) in HOST (House Of Singing Times). PPS: [I’ll write letters of about a page each to individuals, each will be about my progress in filling in the blanks of this book, for which I have a ‘blanks unfilled version. My hope in the next couple of years is to find 3 that I can joint venture with to produce even better versions, with websites and youtube videos, so that in a couple more years we’ll have an app for the planet.
Parts of it could also be revenue-making]
Next: Day 7 initiates a universe or two.
Not in letter, note for next time: (First and last sentences, Sep 27, body on Sep 26)

To Kit:  Simply Put: Everyone asks everyone else a question every week, and starting the second week, through the 5th, everyone answers all the questions asked the past week, and asks for the next week, ending at the 4th.
App, You Gotta Play!, this just helps. Be conducted, then conduct. Put preject and traject into, from last letter.  12 prejects: The solo of your life will be put into the Big Symphony at Day 12.  Do Well. Ephesians 2: 8-10.  12 trajects: Summarize your day and the echoes thereof, for instance 6 from Gen 1, and Gen 2, and 6th church in Revelation, and 6th Beatitude, etc.  More difficult for days 7-12! Also, the Report Example from Days 5 (healing) and 8 (Resurrection) together. Prophetic Theater of 5 and 8. Notes and Notebooks.
Page S3

Who initiates next? Day 8 to Day 5.
 Day 8, Chuck, Resurrection, asks Day 5, Sans, Healing/Light of the World: What imperative comes from the Resurrection, and impacts your subject, Healing Impacts you or someone else.

(This Initiation is forwarded also to Page 17, for Day 5’s Response (IR= City in Hebrew!).

The title could have been
Buildegesis, Not Exegesis
Peace In Neo-Tribal Times
Liturgy, Scientific Method, And Now….BAPT
(Build A Peace Tribe)
What’s Really Happening, Has Happened,
And What Will Happen
How To Listen, Strongly
Help Against Societal Amnesia/Alz/Dementia
Conducting a New Era
How to Conduct a Next Era
Composing a Next Era
How to Sing a Next Era
History is a Psalm Tone—High, Low, Middle
Post-Resurrection History is a Psalm Tone
Hey, Charlie, We ALREADY Have a Scientific Method?
But do we have one for the next era’s counterpart?
Comprehensive History and Future Call You in the Present
What is , and Herovolution, and Why is it Important?
How to Avoid Perpetual War in Neo-Tribal Times

What title would you give this, please?

Fill in the blank:  Day 8 initiates to Day 5 in your new symphony: __________________

I plan this to be an internet Symphony of History (name from ERH, ‘Fruit of Lips,’ but face-to-face we would be following Day 8’s lead and putting questions on paper and giving them to the other Days. (list later).  Day 8 is Conductor, and recruits other 9 days, for Day 8 also plays Day 1 and 12.

Here’s a 6 minute video on YouTube of Chuck explaining a less complete version of the Symphony. In this I erred by not doing the 300-500 words (players thought they needed to answer every question) and by not having us around a table.

 In this Opus 47 example version, Chuck plays all 12 parts. More of his work is at

How did we get these 12 Days,
why does each have 4 names,
and where is a complete list?

To answer the last first, the complete list of Days, Personal Names, North Question/Calling (Trauma, Talent, Subject), and Jordan Transition (Verse, historical or fictional person, event, etc.) is at Epilog 3.
Each has 4 names to echo the 4-foldedness aspect of reality.
Getting the Table set for The Symphony of History (phrase TSOH from ERH in ‘Fruit of Lips) is, as is said, ‘half the battle’. Some want to contribute talent, some need to study a subject, some have had a trauma to be healed in community. [there is much opportunity for working with people BETWEEN weeks]. The Conductor, Day 8 (and 1 and 12) finds these friends, explains the benefits, proposes the other 3 names, gets a schedule set up (5 weeks)…etc.  We’ve started in the middle.  A short explanation, 6 minutes, is on YouTube—and a TSOH/Symphony in which we did NOT sit around the table, to our detriment, is there too.  Thus: 6 minutes:  Previous attempt at TSOH: (@ 2 minutes in, history conducted) 

Page S4
Day 8 asks Day 4, Daniel, Godparents For Eldsters, 5th Word: What imperative impacts your Calling, GFE.?  Impacts you or someone else. (To page S15)

 Fill in the blank: Day 8 initiates to Day 4 in your new symphony: __________________

The title could have been
Players (do-ers, be-ers, composers…) will be taught, and shown, lovingly, how to compose and perform solos @ 500 words, more each of 4 weeks, from root), and become conductors.  The Conductor will put all into a Symphony, and the whole will be a Symphony--diachronic and synchronic.  Lord willing.  Love in King Jesus,  Chuck

Day 8 continues asking in the order of 8 x, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,-9
Day 9 is Ascension, West, Freedom and Technology, and ERH’s ‘Any new technology increases the space over which one can operate, decreases the time it takes, and destroys the old group.

 And now the alternating chapter about the history and impact of The Symphony of History.

The idea is to proleptically (anticipatorily) recapitulate…everything, in a bare structure, as the Book of Revelation.  When we did Opus 3 in 1997, I had only listened to JBJ’s lectures on Exodus, so we did the first 4 days, and had a different ending of writing.
You might watch Opus 22, in which Chuck erred by not having people around a table, and by not telling of the response, that it should be a couple of minutes about the whole, or some more significant Initiations/Questions. It’s here, in other segments.

Table of Contents

Week One (Page S1): Transcendent Imperative Law, starts on this date: _____________
Week Two (Page S15): Subjective Lyrical Hierarchy, starts on this date: ______________
How has your imperative become better? See Epilog 10, Gardner, Chapter 5.
What new persons, new speech are there? See Epilog 10, Gardner, Chapter 5.
[7 days/week of Rest and Help between Weeks Two and Three]
Week Three (Page S35): Lyrical Narrative Ethics, starts on this date: _________________
What new persons, new speech are there? See Epilog 10, Gardner, Chapter 5.
Week Four (PageS56): Objective Sanctions Fact, starts on this date: __________________
What new institutions are there? See Epilog 10, Gardner, Chapter 5.

Week Five (Page S79): Planetary Service Succession New Torah, starts on: _____________
What planetary service can be done? How? See Epilog 10, Gardner, Chapter 5.
Short: Imperative, New Persons/ Speech New Institutions, Planetary Service What/ How.
[In actual building, there is a Sabbath between weeks two and three for the Conductor to help] (Add Sayers’ Cuddle, Story, Parrot, Pert, Poet if desired).

Why this rhyming of three systems of 4-phases and 5-phases?

"The history of the human race is written on a single theme: How does love become stronger than death? The composition is recomposed in each generation by those whose love overcomes murdering or dying. So history becomes a great song, Augustine's Carmen Humanum. As often as the lines rhyme, love has once again become stronger than death. This rhyming, this connecting, is men's function on earth. But that this is our function we have only known since the birth of Christ." - Sociology II, p. 759

Page S5

Day 8, Chuck, Resurrection, asks Day 3, Donald, Language:: What imperative impacts your subject, Language from the Resurrection?  Impacts you or someone else. (This Initiation is forwarded also to Page S20, for Day 3’s Response

Fill in the blank: Day 8 initiates to day 3: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Alternating section on The Symphony of History in general.

Why do I call it ‘Art Form of the next Era’?  Consider: The Symphony of History is the art work of the next era, layered on top of the art forms of the previous eras, of course.

God made a 3-decker universe, and covenants. (I'll use the 5 Cs of liturgy: Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission.  These are like the first 5 Words (Commandments).0

Liturgy is the art work of the first 1000 years --and before unperfected -- when the covenant (5 pt.) is oriented toward the Heavens above.
The Scientific Method is the covenant oriented toward the waters under the earth (Nature, reality minus speech: ERH). Newton was moved--called--into a new situation with the apple. He didn't know, but he was reassured that he could (Cleanse).  He consulted books--of nature (Galileo, written in mathematics) and what others had written. Then he tested his hypothesis, and confirmed it, as we do in Communion, and was commissioned to take it out to the world, for use.
TSOH? Called into a new group of singers/performers. You don't know how, but are taught first steps. The Conversation, Composition ensues. At the end, there's a Solo and a Symphony WITHIN.  Then TSOH is taken out, new Conductors, a record, a form one can use to do it with one's own group, or alone.
You could also say that this is Cuddle, Story, Parrot, Pert, Poet??

The art form of the next era.  McCloskey, in 'Bourgeois Dignity' calls this conjective truth, not subjective or objective, but the truth arrived at in serious conversation.

Thus, Art.

Three Reasons to Ask A Question
1—To help yourself in your composing of your own solo
2—To help another to compose his or her solo
3—To help the group
Later, not only Days 1, 8, and 12 will be able to ask a question not in the formal order, but each Day may be able to do so also. One can then initiate to 2 or more Days, such that they work together.
Extra ‘remarks’ can be made, to be in the total history of the Opus.
--The best pastoral counseling may be outside the formal structure—

Aha!  A thought for improvement—see day 10 or 11.  Every S page has 3 parts. A move in the Symphony, some background, and another ‘it coulda been the title’  Make it so.

Page S6

Day 8 asks Day 2, Robert, ‘Heard?’ with Jordan of ‘Occupy until I come’:: What imperative impacts your Calling, ‘Heard?’  Impacts you or someone else. (To page S18)

Day 8 asks Day 1, Chuck, YOHAD: What imperative impacts your Calling, YOHAD?’  Impacts you or someone else. (To page S16)

Day 8 to Day 2: ___________________________________________________________


Day 8 to Day 1:______________________________________________________


Alternating section on The Symphony of History in general. This catches us up with much that needs to be done before we enter into having a Day Initiate a Universe (of questions).

1—There is a Question Bank, with both Initiations and Responses before the Epilogs.
2—Remember, we are working, Lord willing, to mature players (incubators) into Conductors of history.  Train conductors, electricity conductors, orchestra conductors (singing and dancing). Re: electricity.  When a good man dies, great power is released into the field of time. Thus, communion.
3—Epilog 6, alternative titles.  A name is the most difficult to do. See section 3, here, re: ERH, a short summary of his life and work and influence:
4—When you play face-to-face, you can give pieces of paper with initiations to each of the other to-become-conductors. In an earlier version, a child of one player watched us, and wanted to ask some questions on papers passed, and she got on her father’s lap and did so.
5—Here’s in what order  Day 4 will receive, First Receiver/Responder,.
Day Four Responds. The retuning is between weeks.

4x [For this week, a player does not ask himself a question. This self-consciousness is developed]



[The only initiation received so far] Day 8 asks Day 4, Daniel, Godparents For Eldsters, 5th Word: What imperative impacts your Calling, GFE.?  Impacts you or someone else. (To page 15)


Page S7

Day 8 asks Day 9, West: What imperative impacts your Calling, YOHAD?’  Impacts you or someone else. (To page S23)

Day 8 to Day 9 _________________________________________________________

Full letter to Kit

Sept. 29.  Letter 3.  Dear Kit:  We’ll also need an app. I’m so naïve that I think that the drones that Amazon and Facebook may be putting up,  and/or Google’s balloons, will enable good interactions between and among many.  This may be one way.
I put the rest of this letter on chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, and the Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman.  Also I put everything up to the Initiations by 8.  Next I’ll do 7, and then we can get to the universe of Initiations, toward Responses, that is ‘IR’/cities in Hebrew.
Opus 49, Sing A New Era! (S.A.N.E.) so far, is attached, the blanks being filled it.  It’s about at 3%.  A version of blanks to be filled in is available.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman
PS: Anybody want Opus 49 or the ‘to-be-filled-in’ version, email me at
PPS: It’s really simple! To the sequence of Initiation first week, then Responses and Initiations, RI, RI, and Response the last week, when one adds a few more seeds, or imperative stems, or Sheffer Strokes, and they flower, it gets more complex, but the aim is Comprehensive Beauty. 1—People as house, 2—gravity stresses compensated and Initiation/Response., retunings of universe, Says as people, howls becoming music, solos and symphony after Day 12, covenant oriented toward heavens above (liturgy), waters under earth (scientific method), earth beneath (people, made of dirt), preject and traject (Day 12 Initiates out of turn, from the Future), echoes and foreshadowings, etc.

Soon, soon we’ll be speaking  universes of intitiation and response! (Before, Sep 27) We’ll also need an app. (Sep 27, Sydney story) Benefits at the end, proof being written as I write Opus 49. Action:  Write for a fill-in-the-blanks version, and a ‘filling-in-the-blanks’ version. We’ll also need an app.  Google, Amazon, and Facebook are planning, respectively, balloons and drones to give the whole world internet access. So, basically all we do is ask one another questions (initiate) and answer (respond) for 5 weeks around a table, thus: I-RI-RI-RI-R, but describing it that way  is like the Sheffer Stroke (not both the one and the other) from which come Russell’s and Whitehead’s 5 operations in Principia Mathematica, and/or it is like Rosenstock’s statement in ‘Magna Carta Latina’ that all Latin verb forms are from a short imperative stem.  More keeps getting added.  Pruning is Biblical, and will be done by many someones—I must get something out. It’s imperative. Examples.  When the 5 are ERH’s (Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, Planetary Service) the ‘flavor’ of initiations differs from Jordan’s (Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact, New Torah) or North’s various fives. When you add in ‘retuning’—a different melody by a different sequence of players…it becomes more of a maturational experience.  When it’s a one man show, instead of a group sitting asquare (around) a table, there’s more.  When you are improving the ‘game,’ while simultaneously playing it, wow! As a wise one told me, ‘You are juggling an enormous number of balls, or rolling a great boulder up a hill.’  I say it’s both and more.  We will need an app, in addition to the website and YouTube.  These can be monetized.  That may encourage some.  That this is a scientific method analog for/engendering a next era in history is not sufficient yet.  It is my imperative, and I do have a sequence of 5, and the 5 does resonated with town council meetings, the scientific method, and orders of worship, as another layer. And better writers will be appearing, I pray. Love in King Jesus,  Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman PS: I’m starting to document when I fill in certain blanks, using the present layer of dating and calendar, in which this is Friday, September 26, Anno Domini 2014. Attachment:  Opus 49, Sing A New Era! to date. It’s TBOTMOFA (The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly) in HOST (House Of Singing Times). PPS: [I’ll write letters of about a page each to individuals, each will be about my progress in filling in the blanks of this book, for which I have a ‘blanks unfilled version. My hope in the next couple of years is to find 3 that I can joint venture with to produce even better versions, with websites and youtube videos, so that in a couple more years we’ll have an app for the planet.
Parts of it could also be revenue-making]
Next: Day 7 initiates a universe or two.
Not in letter, note for next time: (First and last sentences, Sep 27, body on Sep 26)

We'll need an app.

Letter 3.  Dear Kit:  We’ll also need an app. I’m so naïve that I think that the drones that Amazon and Facebook may be putting up,  and/or Google’s balloons, will enable good interactions between and among many.  This may be one way.
I put the rest of this letter on chuchhartmanhistoryconductor, and the Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman.  Also I put everything up to the Initiations by 8.  Next I’ll do 7, and then we can get to the universe of Initiations, toward Responses, that is ‘IR’/cities in Hebrew.
Opus 49, Sing A New Era! (S.A.N.E.) so far, is attached, the blanks being filled it.  It’s about at 3%.  A version of blanks to be filled in is available.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman
PS: Anybody want Opus 49 or the ‘to-be-filled-in’ version, email me at
PPS: It’s really simple! To the sequence of Initiation first week, then Responses and Initiations, RI, RI, and Response the last week, when one adds a few more seeds, or imperative stems, or Sheffer Strokes, and they flower, it gets more complex, but the aim is Comprehensive Beauty. 1—People as house, 2—gravity stresses compensated and Initiation/Response., retunings of universe, Says as people, howls becoming music, solos and symphony after Day 12, covenant oriented toward heavens above (liturgy), waters under earth (scientific method), earth beneath (people, made of dirt), preject and traject (Day 12 Initiates out of turn, from the Future), echoes and foreshadowings, etc.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Healing Prophetic Theater from Opus 49 of TSOCI

This is an example of a report that could be produced within the 5 weeks of a sit-down asquare a table, in Opus 49 of TSOCHI, Sing A New Era! (S.A.N.E.). Jointly by Day 5 (Healing) and Day 8 (Resurrection), Lord willing. Ps. 19:14 The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive = TSOCHI

5 references will be combined.
Healing Prophetic Theater will be produced.  We will do it. Lord willing.
Psalm 19:14. ‘Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength (rock), and my redeemer.

1—Days of the week.
A—Start with orbs in the solar system listed in order of closest to earth, sunward or not.
B--1—Moon, 2—Venus, 3—Mercury, 4—Sun, 5—Mars, 6—Jupiter, t—Saturn (as we name them now)
C—Retune them by something similar to a  ‘circle of fifths’ in music.  That is, starting with the last of a series (7—Saturn) count it as 1 in a new series of 5, and find the next in a new set of 7, thus, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4 – Sun(day)
54671 = Moon (Monday)
12345= Mars (Tiw or Tir is the Norse (?) god of war, as Mars is for Roman (Tuesday))
56712=Venus or Fria (Norse?) this one does NOT fit, but is switched with 3 or Mercury, Woden/Wotan (Wednesday) (An hypothesis is that speed in orbit makes a difference?)
23456 = Jupiter (Thor?) (Thursday
67123 = Mercury (See Wednesday and Friday switch above)
34567 = Saturn (Saturday)

C—Is there precedent for this?  Yes.  James Jordan claims that when the Ascension is pictured in Revelation 5:12 – 7:12, there is a similar change [plus more] in the attributes of Jesus Christ, thus

5:12—1--power, and 2--riches, and 3--wisdom, and 4--strength, and 5--honor, and 6--glory, and 7--blessing

I put the numbers in for what appear, in English, to be the same attributes—it may be different in Greek, and I have lost my notes made by Jordan.  Wonderfully, these lectures for Sunday School don’t cost the thousand + I paid for them on tape, but can be found at for a hundred or so for the whole set.

7:12 7?--Blessing, and 6?--glory, and 3?--wisdom, and thanksgiving, and 5?--honor, and 1?--power, and might

For a strict circle of fifths-like re-tuning, one would have strength, power, honor, riches, glory, wisdom, blessing.

Conclusion:  There are hints in Revelation, and it’s closer in the names of the days.

Jordan notes 3 other changes: if I remember correctly: 1—the attributes have ‘the’ in front of them in 7:12, 2--the words are sung, not said, and 3—musical instruments are used.

I would say that we are to fill in the blanks, inpsalmodic response to the Spirit, the Breath?

Speaking of that, is there another re-tuning, that is, were we to take 4152637 and do another circle of fifths, what would we get? Answer: 2461357.

OK 2461357:  Now, what new names would we put in, ad the orbs take the place of attributes?

I propose the 7 churches, modified.  Modified with an addition to Laodicea of the ‘K’ of ‘kol’ in Hebrew—God ‘kol-ed’ the Decalogue from Sinai—and Octave, for He Who Reversed The Trend By Rising On The Eighth (Day). The 8th church, Jerusalem, some say, was supposed to be watching what God did with the 7.  Also, we should be epistemologically self-conscious and include ourselves, Earth.  I am surely mistaken in some respects.

Also, I turn the order upside down.  We are those who do that.  So, K.O.L.Ymmm (from yom, Hebrew for day, and adding a physical ‘note,’ that we ‘eat’ time, we are with the I AM, con-sum (ing).

K.O.L.Ymmm, SardisYmmm, (this will probably become Sardsym, or something similar, as WotansTag (German) becomes Wednesday.

K.O.L.Ymmm, SardisYmmm, PergamosYmmm, EphesusYmmm, PhiladelphiaYmmm, ThyatiraYmmm, SmyrnaYmmm.

Does this make a liturgy, or 3 liturgies (yes, it can, as the Beatitudes can also) and is there another retuning?  The answer to the latter is that 2461357 become 72461, or 1 and then 13572, 24613, 35724, 46135, 57246, 61357, or back to 1234567, and if we do that, we do NOT join in reversing the trend.

I can expand on these liturgies if desired, but let us go now to a healing prophetic theater.

2—Dr. Myss, in ‘Anatomy of the Spirit’ identifies 7 areas of the body with Roman Catholic sacraments, and more. I identify these with 1234567 for our purposes.

Were an energy medicine person to balance the energies in these areas, and identify blockages, dark areas, problems, this could be diagnosis and a step toward healing.

1=Baptism, feet.  2=Communion, genitals, 3= Confirmation, gut, 4=Marriage, heart
5=Confession, mouth 6=Ordination/Calling, eyes, mid-forehead, 7=Last rites, , crown

3--Reiki (good energy), Cranial-Sacral Therapy (Upledger Institute and others), and more are some energy medicines.  Myss identifies Hindu Chakras, and Jewish thinking too

4—Murchie, in ‘The Seven Mysteries of Life,’ identifies 32 senses.
Perhaps some of them may apply to the Proposed Healing Prophetic Theater below.  He list 5 TYPES of senses: Radiation, Feeling, Chemical, Mental, The Spiritual.  Pages 178-180.
Several that stand out are these:

Radiation: 3—Sensitivity to radiation other than visible light, including radio waves, x-rays, gamma rays, etc., but omitting most of the temperature and electromagnetic senses.
4—Temperature sense, including ability to insurlate, hibernate, estivate, etc.  This sense is known to have its own separate nerve networks.
5—Electromagnetic sense, which includes the ability to generate current (as in the electric eel), awareness of magnetic polarity (possessed by many insects), and a general sensitivity to electromagnetic fields.
Feeling: 7—Awareness of pressure, particularly underground and underwater, as through the lateral line of fish, the earth tremor sense of burrowers [CHH—animals flee impending earthquakes and tsunamis, some say] the barometric sense, etc.
8—Feel, particularly touch on the skin and the proprioceptive  [CHH—awareness of self] awareness of intra-and intermuscular motion (sic), tickling, vibration sense (such as the spider feels), cognition of heartbeat, blood circulation, breathing, etc.
9—The sense of weight and balance.
Mental: 25—Language and articulation sense, used to express feelings and convey information in every medium from the bees’ dance to human literature.
27—Intuition or subconscious deduction.
28—Esthetic sense, including creativity and appreciation of music, literature, drams, of graphic and other arts.
Spiritual: 32—Spiritual sense, including conscience, capacity for sublime love, ecstasy, a sense of sin, profound sorrow, sacrifice, and, in rare cases, cosmic consciousness.

I’ve just scratched the surface here.
Much is missing.

5—Chaos Theory postulates, famously, that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in the Amazon
can cause a blizzard in North Dakota.
5a—We also know that there are resonances, similarities in patterns, as shown above, and in the idea that one prayer may change things (when in God’s will), and that the Tabernacle (and other buildings in history) re-present, represent, for example in the Tabernacle:  the world, Israel, the individual, Jesus (coming), etc.
Proposal for Healing Prophetic Theater. The butterfly flapping may resonate as the body is ‘played’ like a musical instrument (Neil Diamond song?), thus praying toward healing in all resonances of person, communities, covenants, elements of Creation.

We use the senses listed and others, being self-conscious.

We go through the energy balancing, perhaps at the end of a session of Reiki or some energy medicine, touching upon, perhaps only mentally (as CHH does with Emotional Freedom Techniques), in the order as follows: 1234567, that is, from baptism through last rites.  Then 4152637, and this, most importantly, shows that we parrot the re-tuning at the Ascension and in the names of days, at this time.  Then 8531642, this showing that we are pert poets, in Sayers’ senses, and in Ephesians 2:8-10, mature ones who ‘see’ redemptive history, in the Holy War against the devil and his angels, the devil being God’s devil (Luther).

The 21 ‘touches’, and the retuning, make a 22.
This is a completeness.  The Hebrew alphabet. Psalm 119.
We pray for the Completeness of GodTrinity.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman
Wednesday, September 24, A. D. 2014
PS: This is a holiday week in HOST/House Of Singing Times, a calendar that I pray will engender peace with a new layer of social order, glorifying the tribes, by keeping small enthusiastic groups, while getting rid of the perpetual warfare of the tribes.  I call it, the second of 3 holiday periods as I write the liturgy on the year of Pascha to Pascha. Resurrection to Resurrection.  The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly/TBOTMOFA.  In it, the ‘8s’/last weeks of Jordan’s 49-book Bible are the names of the days, in 8531642 sequence.  Wednesday, then, the 4th day of the week, would be the first 8 (8531), or Joshua, forward, and Hebrews backward.  Yes, this is written out, and shown on a couple of pages.
So, not only Wedneday, but Joshua/Hebrews day
Not only September 24 (HOST does not do months), but TBOTMOFA (HOST does weeks as books, usually)
Not only A. D. 2014, but PhiladelphiaCORAM861, thus the 6th year (Resurrection to Resurrection) of the 861st set of 7 years, since Creation.  CORAM is Latin for face, or presence.  It is also an acronym, a high word, for Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi (year of the world.
So Joshua/Hebrews, TBOTMOFA, PhiladelphiaCORAM861
PPS: (Oops!  I forgot to add more of the prophetic theater:  Jeremiah with his yoke, Ezekiel lying on his side, etc.)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Filling Up Opus 49-2 'Want Peace? Read On.'

Page S2
Let’s continue!
 Day 8, Chuck, Resurrection, asks Day 6, Lo!, Revelation 22, Bride adorned for Her Husband: What imperative comes from the Resurrection, and impacts your subject, Marriage Impacts you or someone else.

(This Initiation is forwarded also to Page S19, for Day 6’s Response (IR= City in Hebrew!).

The title could have been
Singing The New Era
My Wife Thinks This Is Pompous
There Are 5 Mistakes, And You’re Making 3 Of Them
Art Form Of The Next Era
Build A Peace Tribe: BAPT!
Tic Toc Timing: Tabernacle in Conversation, Tabernacle of Conversation
How to Compose and Sing a New Era
Compose a New Era
How to Sing a New Era

Fill in the blank:  Day 8 initiates to Day 6:_____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
What Are Some Benefits?
1—This, The Symphony Of History is, I claim, the art form of the next era.
2—It applies a 5-point covenant structure to the Earth Beneath, people, made of dust.
3—After He Who Reversed The Trend (Jesus) the first era oriented the covenant toward the Heavens Above, in the liturgy of the church, the order of worship.
4—The second era oriented the covenant toward the Waters Under The Earth, the scientific method.
5—These layers exist at the same time.
6—What will be the era after next?  If Luther’s hymns would be a model, it would be something such as TrinityGod, for sometimes his hymn verses go the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, All.
7—So, we recapitulate the structure of events in history, and we anticipate the coming events. This helps us know what to do when.
8—We help each other in community. So, we keep the small enthusiastic groups of the tribes, and avoid the perpetual warfare of the tribes.  Rosenstock, in Universal History 1954, an inspiration for this work, said that doing these two things was the key to glorifying the tribal order, in our neo-tribal time.  Greece is a companion, the Church glorified Israel by getting rid of exclusiveness, and the nation-state glorified the empire by getting rid of slavery.
9—It’s enjoyable.  It’s timely. It’s comprehensive. It has beauty.  The Imperative of what Hartman outlines as a 4-part, yea 5, covenant structure.
10—Start with a short question and answer, and in a few weeks end with a solo on your trauma/talent/subject: calling, and learn to conduct a Symphony, preparatory to conducting History, Lord willing, under God.

One hypothesis is that procedural memory, for music, as mentioned in the Wearing case in Sacks’ ‘Musicophilia’ can be trained to work so as to keep one in history, with memory. A second hypothesis is that there is some analog in the body of society, such that the society’s procedural/musical memory can be retained,
and not suppressed/repressed. Trust in Providence.
Hint: Payton says that ‘Liturgy is the best long-term care of souls’.

This will take months.  This is the first day. Host12047Opus47FillInTheBlanks 90 pages. 
Enter a Great Adventure!

Order of initiations in week one of four: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9. Response, though, will be 4 (15), 1 (16), 5 (17), 2 (18), 6 (19), 3 (20),7(21), 8 (23—if 8 asked self a question this week!),9 (24) —a retuning! [See James Jordan’s Revelation audios and notes—the big one—at, and/or fro Rev. 5:12/7:12 retuning.]

Thus ends the second letter, and the posted parts.

Opus 49-2

Opus 49 2
Dear Denny:
Want peace, the explicit reconciliation of opposites?
Read on.
[Please remember-- It’s not easy to invent the scientific method
analog for the next era of history!]

Thanks for your critique.  You asked ‘Who is your target audience?’

My reply now is that there are two.  One is about 500 who might conduct (or learn such with my help) one of The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive. Within the next year or several.  I’d pay, they’d do, and video and post, and make transcripts.  We’d split the money from ad revenues, which can be substantial, $5,000 a month(?!).  Search this site for his proof. Here’s how to monetize.

Benefits: 1—‘Show me a church like that and I’ll join,’ said one of my doctors, who is unchurched because of ‘patriarchy’.
2—TSOCHI can be done at work, for instance, or in someone’s home—I’ve done both.
3—If we are in a neo-tribal age, this is an attempt to glorify the tribes by keeping the small, enthusiastic groups while getting rid of the perpetual warfare of the

But I digress—I really want to get to the fun part, initiating a ‘universe’ (of initiations, one anothering every other, and responding to same.

I have a fill-in-the-blank version.  This will help my 2nd target audience: app users.  Google’s balloons, and Amazon’s and Facebook’s drones may soon may internet access easily available worldwide.  This can be ‘played’ on a smartphone, when we’re done. It will help Bledsoe’s ‘citification’ process.  He sees cities as the next, needed movers.

Both the filled-in so far version and the to-be-filled-in version are available on request from and the continuing Opus 49, ‘Sing A New Era! (S.A.N.E.) are on the Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman, and at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.

I’m slow.  I wanted to do a page a day.  I’ll say that this finishes 8’ (a player) first initiations, and I’ll send 7’s with Kit’s letter, and then get to a universe initiated a day, a universe of initiations—not questions, because there are other names for the parts of the 5 weeks, best done sitting around a table.  Websites and YouTubes later.

Other things learned and done since the last letter:
a—Dave conversation at work. How’s it going, Chuck? I’m in a creative fervor. What do you mean? I’m inventing the scientific method analog for the next era of history. What do you mean? Well, Dave, among others, there’s a 5-step process.  Think town council meeting. People are called in. There’s an agenda of things not done. There’s discussion, then voting for agreement, and then adjournment with action on agreements to follow. The same process works in the scientific method, thus: Newton is brought in to a new situation by the apple.  What’s to be done?—I can do it!  He considers words, written in scientific writings, and what he ‘exegetes’ from these words and his thinking.  Then he does experiments to confirm his hypotheses, until there is enough to take out to the rest for use—The Theory of Gravitation.  Worship order is similar.  In, Confession, Readings and Sermon, Lord’s Supper, Commissioning/Out.

For another conversation at work that helped summarize Godparents For Eldsters, see:
Scroll down to the conversation of Sep. 22, 2011—hey! 3 years ago!

So we do this interaction with each other in a similar 5-step, 5-week process.  I’m playing all the parts, the Opus 49 is a celebration of years of marriage with Louise, and we have material on YouTube, etc.

b—I also talk about Gaps, Discontinuities, He Who Reversed The Trend, Negative Entropy, etc. more in some initiations than I use the word ‘Resurrection’.
c—Others will do better at simplification—or I might. 
d—It’s not easy to invent the scientific method
analog for the next era of history!
e—There will be a report, later, by Day 5 (Healing) and Day 8 (Resurrection), Lord willing, on possible new tunings and retunings of energy, basing it on chaos theory and much else. This process engenders much.
f—Day 12 will preject from the future, and Day 1 will initiate/traject that each Day summarize what happens on it. And on other echoing days in history.
g—This is a One, Few, Many, All, and we are at the One stage, though I’m indebted to those I’ll credit.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie “Chuck’ Hartman
PS: To you, I attach Opus 49 so far, without the Day 12 and Day 1 ‘jections’.  Others may receive such, and the ‘to-be-filled-in’ example upon request to
This letter, a previous 1, and the filled-in-so-far will be on Charles Howard Hartman’s Facebook Notes, and chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
PPS:  Here’s a poor recording from LONG ago that attempts to explain the condition of the Symphony then