Monday, September 22, 2014

Opus 49-2

Opus 49 2
Dear Denny:
Want peace, the explicit reconciliation of opposites?
Read on.
[Please remember-- It’s not easy to invent the scientific method
analog for the next era of history!]

Thanks for your critique.  You asked ‘Who is your target audience?’

My reply now is that there are two.  One is about 500 who might conduct (or learn such with my help) one of The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive. Within the next year or several.  I’d pay, they’d do, and video and post, and make transcripts.  We’d split the money from ad revenues, which can be substantial, $5,000 a month(?!).  Search this site for his proof. Here’s how to monetize.

Benefits: 1—‘Show me a church like that and I’ll join,’ said one of my doctors, who is unchurched because of ‘patriarchy’.
2—TSOCHI can be done at work, for instance, or in someone’s home—I’ve done both.
3—If we are in a neo-tribal age, this is an attempt to glorify the tribes by keeping the small, enthusiastic groups while getting rid of the perpetual warfare of the

But I digress—I really want to get to the fun part, initiating a ‘universe’ (of initiations, one anothering every other, and responding to same.

I have a fill-in-the-blank version.  This will help my 2nd target audience: app users.  Google’s balloons, and Amazon’s and Facebook’s drones may soon may internet access easily available worldwide.  This can be ‘played’ on a smartphone, when we’re done. It will help Bledsoe’s ‘citification’ process.  He sees cities as the next, needed movers.

Both the filled-in so far version and the to-be-filled-in version are available on request from and the continuing Opus 49, ‘Sing A New Era! (S.A.N.E.) are on the Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman, and at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.

I’m slow.  I wanted to do a page a day.  I’ll say that this finishes 8’ (a player) first initiations, and I’ll send 7’s with Kit’s letter, and then get to a universe initiated a day, a universe of initiations—not questions, because there are other names for the parts of the 5 weeks, best done sitting around a table.  Websites and YouTubes later.

Other things learned and done since the last letter:
a—Dave conversation at work. How’s it going, Chuck? I’m in a creative fervor. What do you mean? I’m inventing the scientific method analog for the next era of history. What do you mean? Well, Dave, among others, there’s a 5-step process.  Think town council meeting. People are called in. There’s an agenda of things not done. There’s discussion, then voting for agreement, and then adjournment with action on agreements to follow. The same process works in the scientific method, thus: Newton is brought in to a new situation by the apple.  What’s to be done?—I can do it!  He considers words, written in scientific writings, and what he ‘exegetes’ from these words and his thinking.  Then he does experiments to confirm his hypotheses, until there is enough to take out to the rest for use—The Theory of Gravitation.  Worship order is similar.  In, Confession, Readings and Sermon, Lord’s Supper, Commissioning/Out.

For another conversation at work that helped summarize Godparents For Eldsters, see:
Scroll down to the conversation of Sep. 22, 2011—hey! 3 years ago!

So we do this interaction with each other in a similar 5-step, 5-week process.  I’m playing all the parts, the Opus 49 is a celebration of years of marriage with Louise, and we have material on YouTube, etc.

b—I also talk about Gaps, Discontinuities, He Who Reversed The Trend, Negative Entropy, etc. more in some initiations than I use the word ‘Resurrection’.
c—Others will do better at simplification—or I might. 
d—It’s not easy to invent the scientific method
analog for the next era of history!
e—There will be a report, later, by Day 5 (Healing) and Day 8 (Resurrection), Lord willing, on possible new tunings and retunings of energy, basing it on chaos theory and much else. This process engenders much.
f—Day 12 will preject from the future, and Day 1 will initiate/traject that each Day summarize what happens on it. And on other echoing days in history.
g—This is a One, Few, Many, All, and we are at the One stage, though I’m indebted to those I’ll credit.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie “Chuck’ Hartman
PS: To you, I attach Opus 49 so far, without the Day 12 and Day 1 ‘jections’.  Others may receive such, and the ‘to-be-filled-in’ example upon request to
This letter, a previous 1, and the filled-in-so-far will be on Charles Howard Hartman’s Facebook Notes, and chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
PPS:  Here’s a poor recording from LONG ago that attempts to explain the condition of the Symphony then

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