Tuesday, September 2, 2014

GatherTheHowlsTSOCHI47-1 A Page A Day

GatherTheHowlsTSOCHI47-1 A Page A Day
I intend to turn these howls into music and demonstrate the scientific method analog for a next era.

Here is a list of people with whom I’m in contact, and their respective howls. Some of these may be imaginary. I will be turning these howls into music via the system of The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive. It’ll take months, at a page a day.

Chuck has been howling about his YOHAD – Years Of Hell And Death -- , Robert wants to be Heard, Donald is howling to teach us about Language, John wants to know about his Calling, Daniel has a talent for Godparents for Eldsters, Sandy want to treat Healing in a comprehensively Biblical way, Lori loves gardening, Louise want to learn and teach (treat) about Marriage, Timothy wants to get Deeper into the Bible and wonders about Churches, Chuck worries about  Shame and Assurance, Wes wants to explore Freedom and Technology, and Jim howls about Corporations, Gloria is assigned the topic of Improving TSOCHI, and Scotty is assigned the topic of Marketing TSOCHI/Apps and applications, Chuck will attempt this Opus 47 (TSOCHI47) as a New Song for a New Era, Glorifying Tribes. Collecting Howls counter evangelistic autism, the lack of an internal model of the mental states of other people [The Body Has a Mind of Its Own, p. 178]—the mass mo men lead lives of quiet desperation (Thoreau), and have a hole in their heart that only Jesus can fill (from Augustine). You’ve heard The Greatest Story, tell it! (from Spurgeon, euphemized).

Tomorrow we will cross the Jordan with each of these by assigning them a period of history, a person, a meme, a Bible verse or time, or something else to get them across the judicial boundary of Israel, writ large.  This will be their Jordan Crossing.

What will happen?  Through a series of Initiations (Questions) and Responses (Answers), starting easily, I will build ‘IR’ sets.  ‘IR’ is both city and donkey (John Barach—Facebook), or a community. I hope to provide something useful by turning these howls into music (Teaching Company audio on Jazz). A smartphone app could be very useful.

Tomorrow: Jordan Crossings, then Assignment of Days, then first Initiations.
I, Chuck, will play all parts. It will be cruciating. The Conductor is tasked to play 3…well, we’ll get to that later.

Psalm 19:14

Love in King Jesus,
Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman © A. D. 2014, PhiladelphiaCoram861 Use freely, non-commercially, completely and with attribution.
PS: [My PS notes are important. Jay Abraham—a second headline] To be on, or off, the email distribution, email edencity@aol.com, these will be blogged and on Facebook Notes, Page, maybe websited, etc. A page a day.

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