Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Art Form of Next Era--Fill in the blanks

This will take months.  This is the first day. Host12047Opus47FillInTheBlanks 92 pages

Enter a Great Adventure!

Fill-In-The-Blanks Version of Art Form of Next Era
[With Opus 47 as example, From Creation Speech Through New Song, Singing]

This will be written in a way similar to the great book, ‘The Immortal Game,’ by Shenk. He alternated moves in what chess players call ‘the immortal game’ with sections on the history and importance of the game of chess.

I will be playing all 12 parts. I reserve the authority to change what I write on the fly for the final version. Follow it at http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/. Updates with specific URLs will be posted.

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Day 8, Chuck, Resurrection, asks Day 7, Timothy, Fall: What imperative impacts your trauma Church, from the Resurrection?  Impacts you or someone else. (This Initiation is forwarded also to Page 21, for Day’s 7’s Response (IR= City in Hebrew!).

All 12 Days are arranged around a table in a tabernacle of people, thus:

                                  West            12, 1, 7, 8

              South                        4,                                              10,
                                      11                                  North              5,                   W
                                                                                                  3                    S  N
                East                                 9, 6, 2

Order of initiations in week one of four is 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9
I plan this to be an internet Symphony of History (name from ERH, ‘Fruit of Lips,’ but face-to-face we would be following Day 8’s lead and putting questions on paper and giving them to the other Days. (list later).  Day 8 is Conductor, and recruits other 9 days, for Day 8 also plays Day 1 and 12.

Here’s a 6 minute video on YouTube of Chuck explaining a less complete version of the Symphony.

Players (do-ers, be-ers, composers…) will be taught, and shown, lovingly, how to compose and perform solos @ 500 words, more each of 4 weeks, from root), and become conductors.  The Conductor will put all into a Symphony, and the whole will be a Symphony--diachronic and synchronic.  Lord willing.  Love in King Jesus,  Chuck

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Day 8 continues asking in the order of 8 x, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,-9
Day 9 is Ascension, West, Freedom and Technology, and ERH’s ‘Any new technology increases the space over which one can operate, decreases the time it takes, and destroys the old group.

Day 8 asks Day 6, Lo!, Subject Marriage, Revelation 22 Bride adorned for her Husband, this: Day 8, Chuck, Resurrection, asks Day 6, Lo!, Marriage, Revelation 22 Bride adorned for her Husband.What imperative impacts your subject Marriage, from the Resurrection?  Impacts you or someone else. (To page 19)

And now the alternating chapter about the history and impact of The Symphony of History.

The idea is to proleptically (anticipatorily) recapitulate…everything, in a bare structure, as the Book of Revelation.  When we did Opus 3 in 1997, I had only listened to JBJ’s lectures on Exodus, so we did the first 4 days, and had a different ending of writing.
You might watch Opus 22, in which Chuck erred by not having people around a table, and by not telling of the response, that it should be a couple of minutes about the whole, or some more significant Initiations/Questions. It’s here, in other segments.

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Day 8, Chuck, Resurrection, asks Day 5,  Sans, Healing/Unity & Diversity,:: What imperative impacts your talent Healing, from the Resurrection?  Impacts you or someone else. (This Initiation is forwarded also to Page 17, for Day’s 5’s Response

Alternating section on The Symphony of History in general.

Why do I call it ‘Art Form of the next Era’?  Consider: The Symphony of History is the art work of the next era

God made a 3-decker universe, and covenants. (I'll use the 5 Cs of liturgy: Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission.  These are like the first 5 Words (Commandments).0

Liturgy is the art work of the first 1000 years --and before unperfected -- when the covenant (5 pt.) is oriented toward the Heavens above.
The Scientific Method is the covenant oriented toward the waters under the earth (Nature, reality minus speech: ERH). Newton was moved--called--into a new situation with the apple. He didn't know, but he was reassured that he could (Cleanse).  He consulted books--of nature (Galileo, written in mathematics) and what others had written. Then he tested his hypothesis, and confirmed it, as we do in Communion, and was commissioned to take it out to the world, for use.
TSOH? Called into a new group of singers/performers. You don't know how, but are taught first steps. The Conversation, Composition ensues. At the end, there's a Solo and a Symphony WITHIN.  Then TSOH is taken out, new Conductors, a record, a form one can use to do it with one's own group, or alone.
You could also say that this is Cuddle, Story, Parrot, Pert, Poet??

The are form of the next era.  McCloskey, in 'Bourgeois Dignity' calls this conjective truth, not subjective or objective, but the truth arrived at in serious conversation.

Thus, Art.

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Day 8, Chuck, Resurrection, asks Day 5,  Sans, Healing/Unity & Diversity,:: What imperative impacts your talent Healing, from the Resurrection?  Impacts you or someone else. (This Initiation is forwarded also to Page 17, for Day’s 5’s Response


Psalmodic Response can be made to the whole Universe of Initiation, or to any particular Initiations.

The 4 weeks will have total words, respectively, of these numbers: 10, 70, 153, @ ‘500’.
The first week’s 10 words are standard.  I am Sans, Day 5, Healing/Unity & Diversity, Light of the World/All Things Cohere.

However, a 2 or 3 minute verbal response may also be made, and since people talk @ 260 words per minute, that would be 300-500 words.

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Day 6, Lo!, Marriage subject as North Question, Revelation 22, Bride adorned for her Husband as Jordan Transition. Receives in the order of  Initiation, respectively, from Days 8, 7, 6 X-not from self this week, 5,4, 3, 2, 1, 9.








8  Day 8 asks Day 6, Lo!, Subject Marriage, Revelation 22 Bride adorned for her Husband, this: Day 8, Chuck, Resurrection, asks Day 6, Lo!, Marriage, Revelation 22 Bride adorned for her Husband.What imperative impacts your subject Marriage, from the Resurrection?  Impacts you or someone else


Psalmodic Response can be made to the whole Universe of Initiation, or to any particular Initiations.

The 4 weeks will have total words, respectively, of these numbers: 10, 70, 153, @ ‘500’.
The first week’s 10 words are standard.  I am Lo!, Day 6, Marriage subject, Bride adorned for her Husband Revelation 22.

However, a 2 or 3 minute verbal response may also be made, and since people talk @ 260 words per minute, that would be 300-500 words.

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Day 7, Timothy, Church trauma as North Question, Hebrews 10:25 as Jordan Transition. Receives in the order of  Initiation, respectively, from Days 8, 7 X-not from self this week, 6, 5,4, 3, 2, 1, 9.








8  Day 8, Chuck, Resurrection, asks Day 7, Timothy, Fall: What imperative impacts your trauma Church, from the Resurrection?  Impacts you or someone else.


Psalmodic Response can be made to the whole Universe of Initiation, or to any particular Initiations.

The 4 weeks will have total words, respectively, of these numbers: 10, 70, 153, @ ‘500’.
The first week’s 10 words are standard.  I am Timothy, Day 7, Church Trauma, Hebrews 10:25.

However, a 2 or 3 minute verbal response may also be made, and since people talk @ 260 words per minute, that would be 300-500 words.

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Finally! Fill-In-The-Blanks Version of TheSymphony o History

I'm working this weekend on a 'fill-in-the-blank' version of The Symphony Of History. It'll have as an example Opus 47: From Creation Speech THROUGH New Song, Singing.  Players will be taught, and shown, lovingly, how to compose and perform solos, and become conductors.  The Conductor will put all into a Symphony, and the whole will be a Symphony--diachronic and synchronic.  Lord willing.  Thanks for your encouragement.  Love in King Jesus,  Chuck PS: Probably an eBook, and app.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Quickening/Celebrating Birthdays--Eldster's Godparents Can Help

Quickening Birthdays (celebrate is related to 'celerity'/quickness)
Another thing a Godparent for Eldster can do.

The Church does great things with ceremonies marking significant (and singnificant (sic) passages in life.

There should be some ceremony for becoming a significantly more duty-bound warrior for Christ, at around puberty.

Baptism is a big transition.

What others might be good to do is the subject of this essay.

I suggest two things:

(1) Every birthday is an echo from the future of one's Heavenly Birthday.  The more, the more mature. [The Pastoral Care Companion of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod says that death fulfills/completes one's baptism, for example.]

(2)  We might look at the Twelve Tones of the Spirit written about by Rosenstock (Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy).  He sees these as being every 7 years, thus, a transition, which should be quickened/enlivened/celebrated, I propose.

Listen, Read, Learn, Play/Incubate, Doubt, Critique/Analyze, Protest/Witness, Win, Rule, Teach, Speak, Bequeath.

I am nearing the end of my Teaching phase.  At 70 one ends Teaching (in general), and enters Speaking--this is true speech, where one's life if put behind one's words: Incarnational.

It would be good to help others during their respective phases.  A birthday quickening should quicken.

How can we help a Teacher, in light (music/tones are waves, so are light)?

Love in King Jesus,

New Charlie

Friday, February 8, 2013

Preaching Jeremiah in Jeremiah Time

Two parts:  Here's a schedule of prophecies, per Bullinger's Companion Bible, from Jeremiah.  Preaching dates would follow part two.

Part One: Outline per Bullinger (Companion Bible) See others too
A 1: 1-3 Introduction
B.1: 4-19  Jeremiah’s Commission Given
C. 2: 1-20:18 Prophecies Addressed To Jews
D.  21:1-35:19 History, &c. Jehoiakim (not chronological)
E. 36:1-32 Baruch’s Mission  To Jehoiakim
D. 37:1-45:5 History &c. Zedejkiah (not chronological)
C. 46:1-51:64 Prophecies Addressed To Gentiles
B. 51:64 Jeremiah’s Commission Ended
A. 52: 1-34 Conclusion

Also: Harrison’s ‘Jeremiah and Lamentations’. Integrate Lamentations later.
Apr 8
A. D.
Apr 15
Apr 22
April 29
May 6
May 13
May 20
May 27

June 3
June 10

June 24

July 8
July 15
July 22

July 29
Aug 5
Aug 12
Aug 19
Aug 26
Sep 2
Sep 16
Sep 23
Sep 30
Oct 7
Oct 14
Oct 21
Oct 28
Nov 4

Nov 11
Nov 18
Nov 25
Dec 16
Dec 23
Dec 30
Jan 6
A. D. 2013

Jan 13
Jan 20
Jan 27
Feb 3
Feb 3
Feb 3
Feb 10

Feb 17
Feb 24
Mar 3
Mar 10
Mar 17
Mar 24 A. D. 2013, 51—51.59
+ [Biullinger comments] The Fig. ellipsis (Ap.6 (Appendix 6 in Companion Bible) should be repeated in each of these passages from 47.1 &c. [?48.1?]

  • Part Two:  For Easter 2012 to Easter 2013
1—Apr 8
2—Apr 15
3—Apr 22
1st Timothy
4—Apr 29
1 Thess
5—May 6
6--May 13
2 Tim.
7—May 20
2 Thess.
1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes]
8—May 27
9—Jun 3
10—June 10
 [A—June 17, PV]
2. Cor
[A—June 17, PV]
11—June 24
12—July 1
13—July 8
14—July 15
1 Corinthians
2 B/W+
15—July 22
3 John
16—July 29
17—August 5
1 Peter
18—August 12
1 John
19—Aug 19
2 John
20—Aug 26
2 Peter
21—Sep 2 [B—September  9, TBOT-MOFA]
3 B/W+

[B—September 9, TBOT-MOFA]]
22—September 16

23—Sept 23

24—September 30

25—October 7

26—Oct 14

27—Oct  21

28—October 28

4 B/W+
--hunger and thirst
29—Nov 4
The Twelve
30—Nov 11
31—Nov 18
32—Nov 25
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
33—Dec 16
34—Dec 23
35—December 30
5 B/W+ [merci-ful]
36--January 6
37—Jan 13
38—January 20
39—January 27
40—Feb 3 [EAT]
41—Feb 3
42 Feb 3
[EAT] Ruth
6 B/W+
Pure in heart

43—Feb 10
44—Feb 17
45—Feb 24
46—March 3
47—Mar 10
48—Mae 17
49—Mar 24
7 B/W+
pers., pers.
Books for each
week and day
and Psalm of Day, etc. in next.

1--Season of Blessed are the poor in spirit. Woe: Matthew 23:13. [Might also do First Day, and 8th Church (KOLWhole)]
2—Season of Blessed are those who mourn. Woe: Matthew 23:14. [Second Day, and 5th Church (SardisJudgment and Exile)]
3—Season of Blessed are the meek. Woe: Matthew 23:15. [Third Day, and 3rd Church/Era (Pergamos/Wilderness)]
The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly is between 3 and 4
4—Season of Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Woe: Matt. 23: 16-22. [4th Day
     and 1st Church/Era (Ephesus/Garden)]
5—Season of Blessed are the merciful. Woe: Matthew 23:23-24. [5th Day and 6th Church/Era (Philadelphia/Restoration)]
6—Season of blessed are the pure in heart. Woe: Matthew 23: 25-26 [6th Day and 4th Church/Era (Thyatira/Kingdom)]
7—Season of blessed are the peacemakers, the persecuted, ye persecuted. Woe: Matthew 23:27-36.
     [Days 7-12, and 2nd Church/Era (Smyrna/Prison)]

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Benefits of Godparents For Eldsters Compassion Ministry

of Godparents for Elderly Compassion Ministry

[YouTube—4 min.-- of the ceremony. Click ‘Show more’ for more info. ...   http://tinyurl.com/a348pmb
Prospects for cure, costs to system—See links at end of this post to start]

What are the benefits of this ministry to the Elderly ones?
1—(M): I might add that the raising of children requires two and three witnesses. God gives three: Father,Son and Holy Spirit. How good it might be to have another person who cares in their life. 2—Keep me Out Of The Nursing Home.com? 3—The CLASS program under Obamacare has been dropped as too expensive: http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/14/politics/health-care-program/index.html
Each Eldster with Godparents, and none shall be afraid. Godparents, they’re not only for youngsters anymore. Eldsters are Beloved Elderly Ones.

Benefits to the Godparents?
1 [C]--Doing God’s will. 2-- This brief conversation illustrates the benefits. CW: Co-worker: What's new? CH: Chuck: Godparents for Eldsters. (Quizzical look) CH: Eldster is a more honoring way than saying oldster. CW: How does it work? CH: You know how some churches have godparents for an infant being baptized, so if something happens to the parents, there's somebody? This is like that for eldsters. CW: Is this established already, or is it your idea? CH: As far as I know, it's mine.. CW: Get it going, people need it.3—With a pooling of wisdom, the eldsters might live longer and better as you point them to alternatives.  More exercise, dancing, better eating, stress relief, etc. 4—Prayer: Live it, teach it.

Benefits to the Church?
1—Expand to ‘protector’ of babe in womb? 2—Here are people who need lots of help, and the church is uniquely qualified, for the Church has survived the Roman Empire, and the Holy Roman Empire, and the British Empire—She survives! 3—How many divisions has the Pope? How many Eldsters have Godparents?

Benefits to the society?
As the elderly live longer, there will be more disabled ones and more demented ones, unless something is done. This will bankrupt governments, some say.

Benefits to the family of the Elderly one/the Eldster?
It becomes too much.  The family needs all the help it can get.

Benefits to the doctors and other helpers of the Elderly one, such as nursing home caregivers?
Everyone needs a lot of help.  Caring for the elderly is very stressful.
Benefits to others not mentioned above?
Email me at edencity@aol.com. To add benefits or groups or individuals benefitted.  Thanks, Chuck

How and Why You Should Start
A Successful
Godparents For Eldsters
Compassion Ministry

1--Response to T, expanded. Start small.  Use a link to this and/or a printed brochure based on it. .  See who wants a Godparent, and offer the ceremony to those who have selected a Godparent.  What will happen to older people, eldsters, in the future is something that we don't know, but we can be ready to help, and beginning to do research. And to compile a library of information.
2—Those who have been through difficult situations with aging loved ones should be asked what they would like. Explain Godparents For Eldsters Compassion Ministry to them, and that your church is a witness and a resource place. 3--I'm encouraging  churches who have such a ministry to publish manuals, based on how they do it, to each become a coordinator for many other churches. Start by putting everything in Biblical context of 'honor your father and mother,' and James 1:27, and Matthew 25. [Some, not churches, might become like Knights Hospitaller, or AARP]. 4—Include Godparents for Eldsters Compassion Minisstry.. You might consider including Godparents for Eldsters in your talks and evangelism and discipleship as schools, Universities, and Colleges as an example of application of Biblical principles to life. Projections of the number of elderly with dementia are very high, almost plague-like. But the Christian Era is when liabilities are turned into assets. Stark’s writing on how the church grew by ministering during plagues is instructive. ‘The Triumph of Christianity’. More Christians survived, and we ministered to non-believers too, and people saw. 5-- [S]—Flow charts would help many. What to do when. 6—Who benefits by the success of a Godparents For Eldsters (Beloved Elderly) Compassion Ministry? Ask them to help you.
A person wants YOUNGER Godparents, who will be in their strength when the Eldster is becoming weak. If the Eldster is 60, someone @ 50, and some younger.  7—To repeat, a Godparent can direct an Eldster to preventive help, such as better eating, less stress, appropriate professionals, etc.

[Copy This Summary And Put It In Your Bulletin, Etc. with
Links, Maybe Transcript]

4:32 of the original ceremony.  There is much more information at ‘Show More’

I will help you, Lord willing.
When you make better explanatory materials, please send me a copy and others may benefit also. Thanks!
I like Abraham's 'Strategy of Pre-Eminence' in which he says that we/each of us should be concentrating on the other fellow, what he/she needs, as a good CPA or lawyer or medical professional would do. Anticipating what the other will need for the other's next stage in the other's whole life, be in as a business or as a person. www.abraham.com/gifts (free). I hope to be an example of this strategy of pre-eminence.
Affiliate: Weebly is free, and there are ways to make money with Weebly.
Get on our email list: email edencity@aol.com for now

Facebook and other social media likes and posting clicks to come.

Blogroll+: Organizations to consider (others to be added) AARP. Generation America; American Seniors Association; The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC); and the 60 Plus Association.
Links to more essays, etc. of Charles Howard Hartman found on this blog: Build A Peace Tribe, Calendar of Peace, Art Form of Next Era, Pella Square, How To Make Your Communities Better, and much, much more.
and the Facebook of Charles Howard Hartman
Other Hartman Teams, and Why—Cure, Rescue, along with standard legal, medical, etc.
We need a cure for this.  ‘…"This is going to bankrupt the system. …’
‘…He fervently believes that someday 50% of Americans over 85 will have some form of Alzheimers– and the cost of caring for them could bankrupt the nation. …’
--The Lord be with you as you use search engines to find out more.

Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy: Stanford Encyclopedia Entry

Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy

First published Thu Mar 20, 2008; substantive revision Thu Jun 14, 2012
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (1888–1973) was a sociologist and social philosopher who, along with his close friend Franz Rosenzweig, and Ferdinand Ebner and Martin Buber, was a major exponent of speech thinking or dialogicism. The central insight of speech thinking is that speech or language is not merely, or even primarily, a descriptive act, but a responsive and creative act which is the basis of our social existence.[1] The greater part of Rosenstock-Huessy's work was devoted to demonstrating how speech/language, through its unpredictable fecundity, expands our powers and, through its inescapably historical forming character, also binds them. According to Rosenstock-Huessy, speech makes us collective masters of time and gives us the ability to overcome historical death by founding new, more expansive and fulfilling spaces of social-life

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Counternarrative, re: Super Bowl [and MUCH more]

Counternarrative Holiday re: Super Bowl
Show me a man’s schedule, and I’ll tell you who he is.  Show me a society’s calendars, and I’ll tell you who she is.
 After this generation does this, our great-grandchildren, I pray, will take not take it for granted, but by joyous.
Dear Esther: 
I have declared several holidays, for who declares observed holidays rules, for holidays are when the whole people celebrate one thing at the same time together. Public Vindication, The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, Totus Christus, MaeDay80—Confession and Conference, Godparents For Eldsters [first holiday with dates both in present calendar and HOST—Auagust 26, ThyatiryYMMM!! of First Peter Sheba (Week), etc.
Today –I just realized that I could do this, from HOST, for we are in Eliot/Anselm Time – is the Day of 7, yea 8 Names.  Here’s how it works.  I’m trying to apply glorifyingly, the sign above the Cross, written in 3 languages, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. 
Rosenstock says that these are 3 of the social orders, and they are translated into our language, the fourth, the Tribal. Latin (Empire), Hebrew/Aramaic (Israel/Religion), Greek (now Education). 
I’ve tried to name each day in 4 ways, but it works out that today there are 7, yea, 8, because it is Eliot/Anselm Time (calendar linked below).
The Tribal would be Sunday, in English, or Lord’s Day.  That’s 2.  The Empire or Governing, I take from the day name in House of Singing Times/HOST/Calendar of Peace/Calendar Engendering Peace Tribe/Tactics/C.E.P.T.T. [This is my attempt to use a calendar to shape us for battle in the challenge today, to keep the small, enthusiastic groups of the tribe, but to avoid the perpetual warfare of the tribe.  ERH says that as we reversed from He Who Reversed The Trend, Jesus, the Church is the New Israel without exclusiveness, the nation-state is the new Empire without slavery, and Greece is not a social order, but a companion.
So, we have the governing, which are the last (which are first in this section of HOST) book day names of the 6th, 4th, and 2nd tiaras (groups of 7 which echo the first 7 books, per Jordan), thus: Colossians, Revelation, and Ecclesiastes. Total 5.  Needed Hebrew and Greek.
Hebrew is the continuation by Psalmodic Response of the dynamic of Revelation 5:12 and 7:12, before and after the Ascension is pictured.  It’s K.O.L.YMMM!!. http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2011/11/astrology-or-naming-days-aright.html
The Greek is an attempt to incorporate and ‘eat’/tame the social entities of the Axial Age (@ 500 B. C.) as we did for the Greek and Roman gods and planets of Sunday, Monday… . Tamed because by worshiping every 7 days, the Israel of Old and the New Israel conquered the gods of the astrological/astronomical empires by saying by that action that The One True God, Trinity as we know now, made all those things that the empires worship in 6 days, and rested on the 7th.  Thus: http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2013/02/incorporatingeating-axial-age-as-we-did.html This is Already Day.
So we have Lord’s Day, Sunday, Colossians Day, Revelation Day, Ecclesiastes Day (all of EAT—Elion Anselm Time), K.O.L.YMMM!! (K.O.L.BmoY!—Kol (what God did at Sinai, ‘kol’-ed, spoke, Octave (8th Day), Laodicea (7th Church—the 8th was Jerusalem), and Already Day, and The Day With 7, Yea 8, Names would make 8.
Here’s the whole calendar, though I’ve added another layer and the beginnings of others for next year/coram (celebration of resurrection anno mundi). http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2012/06/retuned-7x7-pergamoscoram861-calendar.html
This is NOT to take the place of other social orders.  Tribal, community calendar, especially of holidays. Empire, work schedules, marketing calendars, Isreal (church calendars, ‘eternal calendar,’ as Rosenstock says, and Greece (educational schedules).
Show me a man’s schedule, and I’ll tell you who he is.  Show me a society’s calendars, and I’ll tell you who she is.
What IS unique here is that I started with the idea of putting JBJ’s 49-book Bible (literarily conceived) onto the year, and it just grew, layers of rhyming. "The history of the human race is written on a single theme: How does love become stronger than death? The composition is recomposed in each generation by those whose love overcomes murdering or dying. So history becomes a great song, Augustine's Carmen Humanum. As often as the lines rhyme, love has once again become stronger than death. This rhyming, this connecting, is men's function on earth. But that this is our function we have only known since the birth of Christ." - Sociology II, p. 759  http://members.valley.net/~transnat/erh.html
That is, the uniqueness is that I went into the future so as to have something to travel so that it would produce that future.  We want to go to Chicago on Thursday, we have to leave on Wednesday PM, and be all packed before, so we pack and leave Wednesday and arrive Thursday.  A chiasm, and a herovolution, here: http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2012/08/better-herovolution.html ERH: The past and the future create the present. It is heresy to say that the past and the present create the future.
Don’t worry, this is one of my ‘1000 year’ projects, and part of ‘the most important thing I can do at which I would be most difficult to replace, lifetime’ (North, with my addition of ‘lifetime,’ to distinguish from ‘issachar’ which is what MUST be done NOW).  To wit: Art Form of the Next Era, Calendar of Peace, Names of Days, Greater Things Multi-Generational Big Projects, Godparents for Eldsters (3 ways, Knights Hospitaller, AARP, church-by-church), Build A Peace Tribe –both these latter have Pages on Facebook--, Redeemer Hour, and the total package of what I’ll call the Hartman Revolution (Enjoy Comprehensive Beauty, Pella Square, The Symphony of History—esp. Opus 47 (in development): From Creation Speech Through New Song, Singing, and HOST (above) unto planetary service.  Best understood, this last, from Gardner’s Chapter 5 of ‘Beyond Belief’ and his ‘Complete Cross of Reality’ at the end of the book: http://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Belief-Discovering-Christianitys-Paradigm/dp/1935052020/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1359936108&sr=8-2&keywords=Beyond+Belief%2C+Gardner
PS: Can something come out of this that ‘cures Alzheimer’s’?
A short note.

In Sacks' 'Musicophila' he tells the story of a fellow who lost his episodic memory (of events), and much of his general/semantic memory (of the past), but kept his procedural memory (music conducting, etc.).

So, there are different types of memory.

[All Sacks' situations deal with physical brain damage]

Second point--Dr. Payton's tape from Pastor Meyers' pre-GA liturgy conference told of the demented person who did not recognize her daughter, but who could respond to the Lutheran liturgy.

Third point: Now, were we able to do history as music (ERH's Symphony of History, etc.) perhaps the whole society would remember in the future.  This assumes the body of society corresponds somehow to the body of the Alzheimered. [Alsa, you can't teach music AFTER the dementia sets in]

This is what I try to do with Opus 47 (years of marriage, not number in total opera).  Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact. Priest, King, Prophet, Man.  From Creation Speech Through New Song, Singing.

Four. I'd better get to work.  The possibility in worth pursuing.

Five: This is not in covenantal order, but in summary, I've identified the body/brain of a man with the body of society, and asked if what works for a man in two instances (Payton and Sacks) would be able to be similarly workable for the society.

Six: As we in the church work on helping/honoring individual men (both sexes) AND the whole society, then, per 'Who Rules the Land?.' we might better inherit the promise(s).

Seven: One of my doctors thought The Symphony would be good to be played on her smart phone.  Lord willing!

Love in King Jesus,

Liturgy, Alzheimer's Cure, Who Rules the Land?
PS: 'Music' in the ur-sense of patterns, so far.