Thursday, February 7, 2013

Benefits of Godparents For Eldsters Compassion Ministry

of Godparents for Elderly Compassion Ministry

[YouTube—4 min.-- of the ceremony. Click ‘Show more’ for more info. ...
Prospects for cure, costs to system—See links at end of this post to start]

What are the benefits of this ministry to the Elderly ones?
1—(M): I might add that the raising of children requires two and three witnesses. God gives three: Father,Son and Holy Spirit. How good it might be to have another person who cares in their life. 2—Keep me Out Of The Nursing 3—The CLASS program under Obamacare has been dropped as too expensive:
Each Eldster with Godparents, and none shall be afraid. Godparents, they’re not only for youngsters anymore. Eldsters are Beloved Elderly Ones.

Benefits to the Godparents?
1 [C]--Doing God’s will. 2-- This brief conversation illustrates the benefits. CW: Co-worker: What's new? CH: Chuck: Godparents for Eldsters. (Quizzical look) CH: Eldster is a more honoring way than saying oldster. CW: How does it work? CH: You know how some churches have godparents for an infant being baptized, so if something happens to the parents, there's somebody? This is like that for eldsters. CW: Is this established already, or is it your idea? CH: As far as I know, it's mine.. CW: Get it going, people need it.3—With a pooling of wisdom, the eldsters might live longer and better as you point them to alternatives.  More exercise, dancing, better eating, stress relief, etc. 4—Prayer: Live it, teach it.

Benefits to the Church?
1—Expand to ‘protector’ of babe in womb? 2—Here are people who need lots of help, and the church is uniquely qualified, for the Church has survived the Roman Empire, and the Holy Roman Empire, and the British Empire—She survives! 3—How many divisions has the Pope? How many Eldsters have Godparents?

Benefits to the society?
As the elderly live longer, there will be more disabled ones and more demented ones, unless something is done. This will bankrupt governments, some say.

Benefits to the family of the Elderly one/the Eldster?
It becomes too much.  The family needs all the help it can get.

Benefits to the doctors and other helpers of the Elderly one, such as nursing home caregivers?
Everyone needs a lot of help.  Caring for the elderly is very stressful.
Benefits to others not mentioned above?
Email me at To add benefits or groups or individuals benefitted.  Thanks, Chuck

How and Why You Should Start
A Successful
Godparents For Eldsters
Compassion Ministry

1--Response to T, expanded. Start small.  Use a link to this and/or a printed brochure based on it. .  See who wants a Godparent, and offer the ceremony to those who have selected a Godparent.  What will happen to older people, eldsters, in the future is something that we don't know, but we can be ready to help, and beginning to do research. And to compile a library of information.
2—Those who have been through difficult situations with aging loved ones should be asked what they would like. Explain Godparents For Eldsters Compassion Ministry to them, and that your church is a witness and a resource place. 3--I'm encouraging  churches who have such a ministry to publish manuals, based on how they do it, to each become a coordinator for many other churches. Start by putting everything in Biblical context of 'honor your father and mother,' and James 1:27, and Matthew 25. [Some, not churches, might become like Knights Hospitaller, or AARP]. 4—Include Godparents for Eldsters Compassion Minisstry.. You might consider including Godparents for Eldsters in your talks and evangelism and discipleship as schools, Universities, and Colleges as an example of application of Biblical principles to life. Projections of the number of elderly with dementia are very high, almost plague-like. But the Christian Era is when liabilities are turned into assets. Stark’s writing on how the church grew by ministering during plagues is instructive. ‘The Triumph of Christianity’. More Christians survived, and we ministered to non-believers too, and people saw. 5-- [S]—Flow charts would help many. What to do when. 6—Who benefits by the success of a Godparents For Eldsters (Beloved Elderly) Compassion Ministry? Ask them to help you.
A person wants YOUNGER Godparents, who will be in their strength when the Eldster is becoming weak. If the Eldster is 60, someone @ 50, and some younger.  7—To repeat, a Godparent can direct an Eldster to preventive help, such as better eating, less stress, appropriate professionals, etc.

[Copy This Summary And Put It In Your Bulletin, Etc. with
Links, Maybe Transcript]

4:32 of the original ceremony.  There is much more information at ‘Show More’  

I will help you, Lord willing.
When you make better explanatory materials, please send me a copy and others may benefit also. Thanks!
I like Abraham's 'Strategy of Pre-Eminence' in which he says that we/each of us should be concentrating on the other fellow, what he/she needs, as a good CPA or lawyer or medical professional would do. Anticipating what the other will need for the other's next stage in the other's whole life, be in as a business or as a person. (free). I hope to be an example of this strategy of pre-eminence.
Affiliate: Weebly is free, and there are ways to make money with Weebly.
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Facebook and other social media likes and posting clicks to come.

Blogroll+: Organizations to consider (others to be added) AARP. Generation America; American Seniors Association; The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC); and the 60 Plus Association.
Links to more essays, etc. of Charles Howard Hartman found on this blog: Build A Peace Tribe, Calendar of Peace, Art Form of Next Era, Pella Square, How To Make Your Communities Better, and much, much more.
and the Facebook of Charles Howard Hartman
Other Hartman Teams, and Why—Cure, Rescue, along with standard legal, medical, etc.
We need a cure for this.  ‘…"This is going to bankrupt the system. …’
‘…He fervently believes that someday 50% of Americans over 85 will have some form of Alzheimers– and the cost of caring for them could bankrupt the nation. …’
--The Lord be with you as you use search engines to find out more.

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