Thursday, December 6, 2012

Why you need Godparents, Eldster--and How My Howl Became Music

Why you need your own Godparents for Eldster, *, how my howl became music.

One man’s pain can become a bridge of healing for others, I pray.

A relative has such a bad situation when in need that I thought I had better get things in place.

Godparents for Eldsters is a first step.  Those who wonderfully listened to my cries agreed to be ready to help. I also have a Cure Team (‘Chuck didn’t want to be doped up, he wanted to be cured,’—that’s what they are to say).

Also a Rescue Team—I wish my relative had had one.  I failed.

Let Herovolution happen, O Lord. Let it be a walking poem. Help Explicitly Reconcile Opposites, the rest of us.

And it is happening, given the nice response by many, and the possibility soon of church ministries.

Love in King Jesus,

New ‘search ‘2 billion Alzheimer’s patients’ ‘ Charlie
PS: This is a new challenge that will require us to respond to the gist of the messages of the Word, for, according to Mindset Lists book, a hundred years ago, few 19-year-olds knew their respective grandparents long, and the 18-year-olds could expect their own parents to live into the respective parents’ 50s. (Can this be true?)
PPS: How? Find younger friends.  Show them the facts on befuddleness, enfeebleness, vulnerability.  Ask them to help you, as many are helped by godparents/sponsors for the vulnerable youngsters. Lord willing, find a church to witness this. Fifth Word, Matthew 25, James 1:27.

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