Sunday, December 9, 2012

Peace Tribes, Carmen Humanem, Rosenstock

More background on Peace Tribes.   Here's an elaboration of it. This is from the fellow who says that a chief challenge today is to retain the small enthusiastic groups of the tribes, but to not have the perpetual warfare. He (Rosenstock-Huessy) says that history has a series of social orders. Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece, and then after Jesus, Greece only as a companion, never a social order, and in reverse, the Church is Israel without the exclusions, the Nation-State is empires without slavery, and now we want tribes without perpetual warfare. That's why Peace Tribe(s) is one answer, I pray. His quote: "The history of the human race is written on a single theme: How does love become stronger than death? The composition is recomposed in each generation by those whose love overcomes murdering or dying. So history becomes a great song, Augustine's Carmen Humanum. As often as the lines rhyme, love has once again become stronger than death. This rhyming, this connecting, is men's function on earth. But that this is our function we have only known since the birth of Christ." - Sociology II, p. 759 From Links at argobooks. see Clint Gardner page

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