Monday, June 4, 2012

Basic Ephesus Central

God wrote books.
I hope this is like the ending of a good mystery. A wonderful 'twist' comes in to show all the facts of the case in a new light,
still respecting.
'New! What Do?' 

I spiral around the book of the week in House Of Singing Times to see what can be learned.
Is this too radical?
Consider each part of the spiral to ‘festoon’/’be a festoon’ of the starting point, in Lewis’ phrase, mentioned in Wright’s ‘How God Became King,’ page 259.
Lewis spoke of prayers, Wright shows us how with the Apostles’ Creed, later in the book.

1—We know that all the treasures of wisdom are here.

2—Do we have all the applications we are going to have?

3—No, it’s early days.

4—When did chapters come in?  I’ve heard 12th century.

5—When did verses come in?  I’ve heard 16th century.

6—Commas?  Relatively recent. Wikipedia article says they came from a mark used in the 13th or 15th C.

7—We’ve heard that Hebrew was all capitals, no spaces.


This spiral should also be done on the 7x7s of the
Core History of Humanity’s Childhood and those like it, and especially
Western Civilization, 854-3170.

1—Apr 8
2—Apr 15
3—Apr 22
1st Timothy
4—Apr 29
1 Thess
5—May 6
6--May 13
2 Tim.
7—May 20
2 Thess.

8—May 27
9—Jun 3
10—June 10
 [A—June 17, PV]
2. Cor
[A—June 17, PV]
11—June 24
12—July 1
13—July 8
14—July 15
1 Corinthians

15—July 22
3 John
16—July 29
17—August 5
1 Peter
18—August 12
1 John
19—Aug 19
2 John
20—Aug 26
2 Peter
21—Sep 2 [B—September  9, TBOT-MOFA]

[B—September 9, TBOT-MOFA]]
22—September 16

23—Sept 23

24—September 30

25—October 7

26—Oct 14

27—Oct  21

28—October 28

29—Nov 4
The Twelve
30—Nov 11
31—Nov 18
32—Nov 25
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
33—Dec 16
34—Dec 23
35—December 30

36--January 6
37—Jan 13
38—January 20
39—January 27
40—Feb 3 [EAT]
41—Feb 3
42 Feb 3
[EAT] Ruth

43—Feb 10
44—Feb 17
45—Feb 24
46—March 3
47—Mar 10
48—Mae 17
49—Mar 24

God wrote books.

God wrote books.

fourteen, etc,. spiralcould start in any direction…
Which ends at Exodos, ‘exodos’?

1—Apr 8

2—Apr 15

3—Apr 22
1st Timothy

8—May 27

9—Jun 3

10—June 10
 [A—June 17, PV]
2. Cor

15—July 22
3 John

16—July 29

17—August 5
1 Peter

18—August 12
1 John

God wrote books.

1-49 version, use this one at first.
God wrote books.



21—The Twelve
22—Greater Chron-icles

29—First John

31—First Peter
32—Second Peter
34—Second John
35—Third John

37—First Corinth-ians
38—Second Corinth-ians
43—First Thessal-onians

44—Second Thessal-onians
45—First Timothy
46—Second Timothy
Additional lectures and writing by James Jordan.Hartman supplied the grid. Some information about other orders and arrangements is here. Pointed out to me by C. Frank Bernard on Facebook. © A. D. 2011 (SardisCORAM861) by Charles Howard Hartman.  Use freely, non-commercially, linking back.

God wrote books.
Is this too radical?

1—We know that all the treasures of wisdom are here.

2—Do we have all the applications we are going to have?

3—No, it’s early days.

4—When did chapters come in?  I’ve heard 12th century.

5—When did verses come in?  I’ve heard 16th century.

6—Commas?  Relatively recent. Wikipedia article says they came from a mark used in the 13th or 15th C.

7—We’ve heard that Hebrew was all capitals, no spaces.


Jordan has offered two books on Biblical structure that he says are indispensible. 
Becker on chiasms, and Cascione on what I’ll call ‘kaimeter’
He uses the term ‘spiral’ to describe part of this.
Now, one of the keys to Biblical living is psalmodic response.
In psalmodic response, we apprehend the gist, the Spirit (geist) of a verse or a passage.  Then we apply this Spirit to what GodTrinity brings to us, to mature us.
He give us an example in Psalm 1.
Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,
nor what (posture) not in the (attribute) of the (what type of people)…
well standeth (posture) not in the way (attribute) of the sinners, nor….
sitteth not in the seat of the scornful.
I’m trying to play/incubate a psalmodic response to the
structures of the Bible that are in Becker, Cascione and others.
It’s early days.  We’re there already, but not yet.

God wrote books.

God wrote books.

Ephesians is the joshua (6th iteration) of Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy is the 5th book, Sardis is the 5th church, and the 5th era.  See how these connections might work?

Run some sermon themes through this—how are these themes exemplified in each book of the spiral, and in the total sequence as a covenant, a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6……?

What themes?  I found two to be of great value, I will concentrate on the second.  The first is that Luke wrote both Luke and Acts (whence the title of the sermon, ‘Cut to the Heart’). The 2 books, Luke and Acts are parallel in the beginning—in Luke, what I’ve remembered is the Spirit at Jesus’ baptism, then He goes out, and comes back to say Luke N4 (this day this prophecy is fulfilled in your ears (Is. 61, Lev. 25, jubilee going to the Not poor). In Acts, the Spirit will come, The Spirit  does come, to all nations (if I remember aright).

So, we could ask about this, how does the Spirit come in these books, and what does it do?

But what I will do is to mention 3 miracles, and what Pastor Faber said, if I remember correctly, what was the greatest.  The 3 are 1—That this Pentecost for Christians (Trinity Sunday) does come, 2—That Peter is not killed for what he says, accusing them of killing the Messiah unto sacrilege, 3—what I will call regeneration—equal to Creation, equal to raising the Dead, being born of the Spirit: that belief comes, that they are baptized into what I’ll call ‘the church’.

So regeneration into the Body, that will be my shorthand. 
And each book will be listed as the (one of the first 7 books, vertically—and in the retuned 7x7 that we use, it goes 7654321 (see the original for 1234567): what time it is is what retunement are you living in to make your schedule/calendar, though we live and use all the calendars …may I say, as the Spirit moves us? Community celebrations are tribal, business/work schedules are empire/nation-state, church calendars are Israel, educational calendars are Greece…and I am attempting to reverse engineer a new thing that can help organize a better conducting of a (not the, though I pray it is typological.hospitality.evangelism, t.h.e.) next layer of social order in history, toward peace.  Our ciris is neo-tribalism in this way, and ridding ourselves of the perpetual warfare of the tribes (4th generation, 5th) as the nation-state is empires without slavery, and as the church is Israel without exclusiveness.  NOT replacing, but adding, as we mature to challenges in redemptive history in the Holy War against the Devil and his angels.
God wrote books.
Re: Pentecost--In short, it appears to me that God normally works mediately, and in the Trinitarian sense sketched above alwaysworks mediately, but that He intervenes more “immediately” and apocalyptically when He wants to move the creation into a new phase of history.

God wrote books.

So, one--Ephesians is the joshua (6th iteration) of Deuteronomy. It’s not 1234567 but 8531642  Ephesians: Regenerated AND ascended with Christ to heavenlies—2:6

two--Colossians is the joshua of Judges. I’d emphasize ‘friends of God’: 1:15-23
AND Colossians 1:24--English Standard Version (©2001)
Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church,

three--Hebrews is the judges of Judges.
Hebrews 11, those of old filled with Spirit, we have even more. Early days. Might not work. What do I know?

four--Titus is the judges of Deuteronomy.
Leaders needed. And, not traditions, new body. Wrong teachers, leave.

five--First Timothy is the judges of Leviticus.
Love, rather than false teachers. The worship body. The caring body.

six--Second Corinthians is the Joshua of Leviticus.
Paul attacked. Counters with ‘weak me,’ but about Jesus. Severity sometimes to build body.

seven—1 John is the deuteronomy of Leviticus
God loves them, they are to love others—always the Law of God. God’s childrens so they can be friends with Him, He forgives, Holy Spirit warns vs. false ideas, joyful friendship with others.

eight—1 Peter is the deuteronomy of Deuteronomy
Sufferers, trust God as Jesus did. God’s word last, suffering won’t. Relationships.

nine—jude is the judges of Deuteronomy
Evil deniers of Jesus will be punished. Trust God.

ten—3 John is the exodus of Deuteronomy
Gaius taught true message, help others. John would come to help. (Much assumed in these last two).

and so on..
Others will fill in what I’ve left out, especially the ‘exodus of Deuteronomy’ material. I’ve just scratched the surface. I pray this spiral works.  I ‘d have to summarize the material again into various covenant sequences. For instance, do the first five fit into THEOS, the first 5 Words, do the 7 resonate with Creation Days, the 10 with the 10 Words, 8 (?) with Beatitudes?

God wrote books.

Some background.
1--If there have been 7 social orders so far, to attempt to psalmodically respond in such a way as to help birth an 8th is not unworthy.
2—We are between Pentecost and Public Vindication, a period of 22 days, inclusive, during which we can retrace the 22 ‘Old Testament’ books and the 6 + 21 New, and the letters of Hebrew (and associated words) in Psalm 119’s 22 sections, and the 22 ‘selah’ I poetically put into the Psalms—see PsalmODay at (forthcoming). At the end. Oops, that’s 157 pages.  I’ll wait and summarize.
3--For the next year (coram) I’ll travel the 7x7, doing initial work. It’s the most important thing I can do at which I would be most difficult to replace.
4—I have things at  Host9875CovenantChrestomathy53 that I need to put in for completeness.  This 10007 is for a week ahead of now, or sheba (7, oath, ‘week’) 10, 2 Corinthians.

Subject: I hear you. It’s a bequest.
Dear Mike:

I have tried to figure out what to leave, what robe, per Daniel.

Someone will write this book up in a good form.  ERH says that things happen in one-few-many-all sequence.  Also Imperative-Subjective-Narrative-Objective.

What is the most important thing I can do at which I would be most difficult to replace?  That's the question.

If the Lord gives me another year or two, I will have been able to travel through the retuned 49-book Bible in House of Singing Times form, so as to 'explore' it for the next bunch.  To make it readable/usable is too much right now.  Others can do that.

Also, it's not 'time'. 

It is possible that a couple of guys will record something for YouTube, etc.  That would help.

This will be a good robe.

For two instances.  Usually, events happen and we remember them within a calendar--community, business, church, education.  I have tried to reverse that, and put out the calendar that will generate the event wanted, peace among neo-tribes.  ERH's challenge in Universal History 1954, near the end.  To do that, I exponentialized worshiping each 7 days, which conquered empires based on worshiping something made in the 6 days.  The 7-day God made all those, you see.  I tried 49 (now up to 343, etc. with energy medicine).  Based on Luke 4, which refers to the Jubilee, and the 49-book Bible.

Secondly, I have tried to make the art form of the next era.  If the liturgy is the covenant (THEOS) oriented toward the Heavens Above, and if the scientific method is the covenant oriented toward the waters under the earth, then what is the covenant oriented toward the earth beneath, people made of dust?  I propose for consideration the Symphony Of History (inside out of HOST, as the garments of the High Priest to the Tabernacle).  I will do a solo, playing all parts, over 15 weeks, starting in 6 weeks, at 3 John.

The Chrestomathy stuff is to teach this new language.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: It works with some of the guys at work that I see every week, several days.
PPS: Scientific method covenantal.  Called, Newton sees or is hit by apple, and is put into a new situation. Cleansed--He says, I don't know how that works, but I can find out.  Consecrated--consults books--previous publications and book of nature.  Communed--tests his hypothesis.  Commissioned--Takes his theory (now, no longer hypothesis) out to help the world.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Bull <>
To: edencity <>
Sent: Tue, May 29, 2012 7:46 pm
Subject: Re: Keep 'em coming. Re: Daniel's Long Shadow
Thanks Chuck. I hope you'll put your new material into book form -- with lengthy explanations of your shorthand. I can't keep up!

From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 30 May 2012 9:31 AM
Subject: Keep 'em coming. Re: Daniel's Long Shadow

I'm more now into listening (sodeprehending) to the future, in a Rosetta Stone of Time, re: Amox 3:7, but we must keep your material flowing.

Love in King Jesus,

A BRIEF explanation of the art form of the next era.  Great for evangelism and discipleship. (@ 2 minutes in, history conducted)

SuperCalendar, LectionaryHistorical, MaeDay80, Rhyming Covenant Sequences 
If you 
ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a 
new change of heart, 
Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding 
of the universe and you 
will understand that the universe begins with creation. And 
it ends in incarnation, because that's the experience of every potent and creative 
man in the world. 
But you look outside and try to deduce by your little brain, 
not by your experience of your heart how the world begins, and how it should be 
run. You'll never 
solve it, gentlemen. You'll remain a selfish, inarticulate 
animal. If the spirit moves 
you, you will see how simple 
things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope 
keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your grandchildren 
will bless you. 


(Norman Fiering was Librarian of Brown University. He wrote this to the ERH list)

-----Original Message-----
From: Norman Fiering <>
To: Naoki Miyajima <>
Cc: members <>
Sent: Sun, May 6, 2012 11:03 am
Subject: [ERH Society] Translation of Out of Revolution

Prof. Naoki Miyajima
c/o Faculty of Law, Chuo University, Tokyo

Dear Prof. Miyajima, 

It is good news indeed that you will be undertaking a translation of OUT OF REVOLUTION into Japanese. Your experience as a translator of Harold Berman will be invaluable and promises a great result.

I am adding your name to the mailing list of the ERH Society of North America.  That will help you to keep in touch with what is happening here relating to ERH.  For information about the Society, go to

You know, I am sure, that OUT OF REVOLUTION is one chapter, or one Christian millennium, the second, in Rosenstock-Huessy's grand vision of a universal history of mankind.  That we are talking to each other as we are represents the next chapter or millennium, the third in the Christian era, when the plural "men" will become the unity "man" and there emerges a truly global Great Society, transcending, although definitely not obliterating, nationalities,  ethnicities, and regional identities. 

In the first Christian millennium, roughly to the year 1000, the many celestial gods of the ancient world, and on the planet as a whole,  were subsumed under one God. As ERH says, today even atheists reject the existence of a singular God, which is a kind of recognition of this fact; none of them bothers to say, "there are no gods". That's taken for granted.

 In the second millennium, the subject of OUT OF REVOLUTION,  nature and the "world", i. e., the earth,  was unified, with all of the local primitive, autochthonous or woodland deities eradicated and "Nature" also made singular or uniform, which is the absolute pre-condition of modern science, and in the same period a global economy established through the process mostly of European expansion over the entire earth.  The nation-states, too, which came into being in the second millennium, triumphed over tribalism everywhere and created vast areas of relative order and stability. With this conquest of the planet by science, war, commerce and revolution the groundwork was laid for the task of the next 1,000 years.  So, one God, one World, and in coming centuries, our goal must be one Society. 

What is so clear in OUT OF REVOLUTION is the cost in blood of such change. No where does ERH minimize the demonic in human history. One has only to think of the fate of indigenous peoples.  Nor is any of this painful progress automatic, as was the case prior to the cataclysm of 1914. It is carried forward only by human resolve; your own commitment to this translation is an example. 

Much of what I have said here is stated in OUT OF REVOLUTION.

How will the educated public in Japan react to such a schema? I don't know.  In ERH's Christian Future (1946), as in a few other places, he addressed the future integration of East and West, which even in my lifetime has moved ahead with incredible rapidity. 

May you have good fortune in your exciting work. 

Norman Fiering

Norman Fiering
(Director and Librarian, Emeritus
John Carter Brown Library)
Correspondence should be directed to:
P. O. Box 603233Providence
RI 02906

Start at 'Behind this Confessionalist elevation...' CHH: I unnerve many. 'sodeprehend' 'Rosetta Stone of Time'

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