Sunday, June 3, 2012


This lays the Psalms onto the 'year,' one per day, except for summary of structures weeks and 'selahs'.

You go through them twice.  They are arranged in 5 books.


This may not be complete.  The ‘selahs’ may not be in here, 22.  But wiser ones can build on this. Somewhere there is a list of the ‘selahs,’ which should be modified to reflect the 1864 paper sold by Bibilical Horizons that claims that ‘selah’ is a Hebrew acronym for ‘sing it again, the beginning part’.

Season of Blessed are the poor in spirit, and associated Woe Matt. 23:13
Week/Sheba 1  Hebrews
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 HebrewsWeek starts April 16, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 HebrewsSheba  starts April 8, A. D. 2007.

(Hebrews is the BigCountDown) BuildUp Genesis
Orbit Tiara 7, 7654321
(See Jordan, (1) above, for structures; Conventional numbering of Psalms used below)
K.O.L.Yom Structure of Whole Psalter [Each of the 5 Books of the Psalter relates, respectively, to one of the first 5 books of the Bible, in order—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy]  orbiting: Hebrews, so Constellation O Books for this day is CountDown Hebrews—all week/sheba, BuildUp Genesis—all week/sheba, orbiting hebrews—today only as one of the 7 books of this tiara of 7
SardisYom Structure of Book One of Psalter (1-41—note doxology last verse of 41)—[This First Book of 5 Books of the Psalter relates to Genesis]  orbiting: philemon, so Constellation O Books for this day is CountDown Hebrews, BuildUp Genesis, orbiting philemon
PergamosYom Structure of Book Two of Psalter (42-72 –doxology last verse of 72)—[This Second Book of the 5 Books of the Psalter relates to Exodus] orbiting: Titus, so Constellation O Books for this day is CountDown Hebrews, BuildUp Genesis, orbiting titus
EphesusYom Structure of Book Three of Psalter (73-89—doxology last verse of 89)—[Leviticus ] orbiting; 2 timothy, so the Constellation for this day is CountDown Hebrews, BuildUp Genesis, orbiting 2 timothy
PhiladelphiaYom Structure of Book Four of Psalter (90-106—doxology last verse of 106)—[Numbers] orbiting: 1 timothy, so Hebrews, Genesis, 1 timothy
ThyatiraYom Structure of Book Five of Psalter (91-150—doxology last verse of 150)—[Deuteronomy] orbiting: 2 thessalonians, so Hebrews, Genesis, 2 thessalonians
SmyrnaYom Structure of Whole Psalter [First 5 Books of Bible} orbiting: 1 thessalonians, so Hebrews, Genesis, 1 thessalonians


Day 1--Structural analysis of the whole Psalter, and each of the 5 books. [The Psalter as related to the Temple as the Decalogue is related to the Tabernacle could be discussed, and the relationships between5 books of the Psalter and the Pentateuch might be illuminated, e. g.]. Numbers of Psalms in respective books: 39, 29, 17, 17, 54.
            Day 2--Book 1, Psalms 1 through 41, ‘traditional 150-Psalm Psalter’ numbering.
2 and 37. 41:13 is the doxology for all Psalms in Book 1.
            3--Book 2, Ps. 42 through 72. 7+1+20+1. Ps. 72:18-19 is the doxology for all Psalms in Book 2.
            4--Book 3, Ps. 72 through 89. Asaph 11, Korah 6/7. Pivots 78, failure of Ephraim, call of David and 81, hearing the Word at the Feast of Booths. Climax, Ps. 89, threat of rejection of David. Ps. 89:52 is the doxology for all Psalms in Book 3.
            5--Book 4, Ps. 90 through 106. The Coming of the King of the Nations. Ps. 98 NEW SONG is the pivot of the chiasm. Ps. 106:48 is the doxology for all Psalms in Book 4.
            6--Book 5, Ps. 107 through 150. Praising God in a Strange Land. 28 Psalms of Exodus (90-118), 1 Law [119--22 sections], 17 Great Praise, 1 Crisis [Ps. 137], 12 Post-crisis praise. Ps. 150:6 is the doxology for all Psalms in Book 5. (And if the 'a' part of it is a command, responding means that you have the breath, the Spirit, you regenerate?)
            Day 7--Revisit the structure of the complete Psalter, as well as each of the 5 books.

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Week/Sheba 2 Titus
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 TitusWeek starts April 23, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 TitusSheba  starts April 15, A. D. 2007.

Titus CountDown, BuildUp Exodus, Orbit Tiara 6 by 7654321
K.O.L.Yom Psalm 1 (Day 8) 2 Titus Down, Exodus Up, colossians orbit
SardisYom Psalm 2  (These could be considered one Psalm.  See JBJ’s series on the Psalms, sent to monthly contributors, for the structure of Pss. 1 & 2 together) 2 Titus Down, Exodus Up, orbit philippians
PergamosYom Break 1 31--*Day 10--First of 22 breaks.  We’ve seen the two introductory Psalms, sometimes considered one Psalm [see JBJ’s chiasms of 1 and of 1&2].  Now we begin 37 Psalms of David. Genesis ’aleph (thousand). Ps. 119 ’aleph. Titus Down, Exodus Up, ephesians
EphesusYom Ps. 2, Titus Down, Exodus Up, galatians
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 4 Titus Down, Exodus Up, 2 corinthians
ThyatiraYom Ps 5 Titus Down, Exodus Up, 1 corinthians
SmyrnaYom Ps 6 Titus Down, Exodus Up, romans


Day 8--Ps. 1. Explicatory and applicatory notes should be with each Psalm.  For instance, the first word of the first verse (‘Blessed’) starts with aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and the last word of the last word (‘perish’) starts with tav, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, I believe. 41:13 doxology.
            Day 9--Ps. 2. 41:13 doxology.
            *Day 10--First of 22 breaks.  We’ve seen the two introductory Psalms, sometimes considered one Psalm [see JBJ’s chiasms of 1 and of 1&2].  Now we begin 37 Psalms of David.
            Days 11 through 16. Psalms3 through 8. 41:13 doxology
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Week/Sheba 3 1st Timothy
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 1st TimothyWeek starts April  30, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 1stTimothySheba  starts April 20, A. D. 2007.

1st Timothy CountDown, BuildUp Leviticus, Orbit Tiara 5 by 7654321
K.O.L.Yom (Day 15) Ps 7 1st Timothy, BuildUp Leviticus, 3 john orbiting
SardisYom Ps 8 1st Timothy CountDown, Leviticus, orbiting is 2 john
PergamosYom  (Day 17) Pss 9 and 10 are one Psalm 1st Timothy, Leviticus, jude
EphesusYom Ps 11 CountDown 1st Timothy, BuildUp Leviticus, orbit 2 peter
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 12 1st Timothy, Leviticus, 1 peter
ThyatiraYom Ps 13 1st Timothy, Leviticus, james
SmyrnaYom Ps 14 1st Timothy, Leviticus, 1 john

Days 11 through 16. Psalms3 through 8. 41:13 doxology.
            Day 17-- Psalms 9 and 10 are one Psalm. JBJ’s note: ‘alphabetic’. 41:13 doxology.
            Day 18-- Psalm 11. Remember, we continue to use the 150-Psalm Psalter numbering, so even though this is the 10th Psalm in the 146 Psalm numbering, we call it Psalm 11 for ease of use. 41:13 doxology.
19 through 29--Psalms 12 through 21. 41:13 doxology.

Week/Sheba 4 1st Thessalonians
For K.O.L.CORAM 849  1st ThessaloniansWeek starts May 7, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849  1st ThessaloniansSheba  starts April 29, A. D. 2007.

1st Thessalonians CountDown, BuildUp Numbers,
Orbit Tiara 4 by 7654321
K.O.L.Yom (Day 22) Ps 15 1st Thessalonians, Numbers, revelation orbits
SardisYom Ps 16 1st Thessalonians, Numbers, acts
PergamosYom Ps 17 1st Thessalonians, Numbers, john
EphesusYom Ps 18 1st Thessalonians, Numbers, luke
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 19 1st Thessalonians, Numbers, mark
ThyatiraYom Ps 20 1st Thessalonians, Numbers, matthew
SmyrnaYom Ps 21 (Day 28) 1st Thessalonians, Numbers, greater chronicles

19 through 29--Psalms 12 through 21. 41:13 doxology.

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Week/Sheba 5 Philemon
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 PhilemonWeek starts May 14, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849  PhilemonSheba  starts May 6, A. D. 2007.

Philemon CountDown, Deuteronomy BuildUp, Orbit Tiara 3 by 7654321
K.O.L.Yom (Day 29) Ps 22 Philemon, Deuteronomy, the twelve orbits
SardisYom Break 2 Day 30 (was 31?) --*Day 30--Special explication and application of Ps. 22, as second break. What is the relation of Ps. 23, ‘The Lord is my shepherd,’ and Ps. 21, for instance? Exodus beth (house). Ps 119 beth. Philemon CountDown, BuildUp Deuteronomy, esther orbits
PergamosYom  (Day 31) Ps 23 Philemon, Deuteronomy, daniel orbits
EphesusYom Ps 24 Philemon, Deuteronomy BuildUP, jeremiah-lamentations orbits
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 25 Philemon CountDown, Deuteronomy, isaiah orbits
ThyatiraYom Ps 26 Philemon, Deuteronomy, Ezekiel orbits
SmyrnaYom (Day 35) Ps 27 Philemon, Deuteronomy BuildUp, kings orbits

19 through 29--Psalms 12 through 21. 41:13 doxology.
Day 30--Ps. 22, ‘My God, My God...’ the pivot of David’s 37 Psalms in Book 1. 41:13 doxology.
            *Day 31--Special explication and application of Ps. 22, as second break. What is the relation of Ps. 23, ‘The Lord is my shepherd,’ and Ps. 21, for instance?
            Days 32 through 40--Psalms 23 through 31. 41:13 doxology

Week/Sheba 6 2nd Timothy
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 2nd TimothyWeek starts May 21, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 2nd TimothySheba  starts May 13, A. D. 2007.

2nd Timothy CountDown, BuildUp Joshua, Orbit Tiara 2 by 7654321
K.O.L.Yom (Day 36) Ps 28 2 Timothy, Joshua, ecclesiastes
SardisYom Ps 29 CountDown 2 Timothy, BuildUp Joshua, canticles (song of songs) orbits
PergamosYom Ps 30 2 Timothy, Joshua, proverbs
EphesusYom Ps 31 CountDown 2 Timothy, BuildUp Joshua, job orbiting
PhiladelphiaYom (Day 40, I had said Day 41) Psalms 32 and 33 are one Psalm. JBJ says: ‘no title for Psalm 33--Psalm 32 says God will instruct; Psalm 33 has 22 pairs of lines (not alphabetical). 41:13 doxology. 2 Timothy, Joshua, orbiting is psalms
ThyatiraYom (Day 41 now) Ps 34—traditional numbering continues to be used 2 Timothy, Joshua, ruth
SmyrnaYom Ps 35 2 Timothy CountDown, Joshua, samuel

            Days 32 through 40--Psalms 23 through 31. 41:13 doxology
Day 41--Psalms 32 and 33 are one Psalm. JBJ says: ‘no title for Psalm 33--Psalm 32 says God will instruct; Psalm 33 has 22 pairs of lines (not alphabetical). 41:13 doxology.
            Days 42 through 49--Psalms 34 through 41.  Remember 41:13 was the doxology for all Psalms in Book 1
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Week/Sheba 7 2nd Thessalonians
For K.O.L.CORAM 849  2nd ThessaloniansWeek starts May 28, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 2nd ThessaloniansSheba  starts May 20, A. D. 2007.

2nd Thessalonians CountDown, BuildUp Judges, Tiara 1 by 7654321
K.O.L.Yom (Day 43) Ps 36 2 Thessalonians, Judges, judges orbiting (yes!)
SardisYom Ps 37 2 Thessalonians CountDown, BuildUp Judges, joshua
PergamosYom Ps 38 2 Thessalonians CountDown, BuildUp Judges, deuteronomy
EphesusYom Ps 39 2 Thessalonians, Judges, orbiting is numbers
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 40 2 Thessalonians, Judges, orbiting is leviticus
ThyatiraYom Ps 41 (End of Book One--Genesis) 2 Thessalonians, Judges, exodus
SmyrnaYom  (Day 49, was 50)--*Day 49, was 50: Check number of days of each break below--Break 3, the 7 Psalms of Korah. It would be good here to review the structure of Book 2.  Doxology Ps. 72:18-19. Leviticus gimel (ripen; or recompense, reward, requite) Ps 119 gimel. 2 Thessalonians CountDown, BuildUp Judges, genesis orbiting

Psalms are the words accompanying the Temple, so they lead to it.
The Constellation O Books represents the new firmament, and is a 3 –body problem, which is insoluble, and so leads away from the Empire period of history.

(This is getting far off—take a deep look at it, Chuck!) Days 42 through 49--Psalms 34 through 41.  Remember 41:13 was the doxology for all Psalms in Book 1

-         - - - -Season of Blessed are those that mourn, and associated Woe Matt. 23:14
Week/Sheba 8 Colossians
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 ColossiansWeek starts June 4, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 ColossiansSheba  starts May 27, A. D. 2007.

Colossians CountDown, BuildUp Samuel, Tiara 7 7654321
K.O.L.Yom (Day 50) *Day 50-- Psalm 42&43 are one Psalm.  JBJ: ‘refrain’ Colossians, Samuel, orbiting is hebrews  Pentecost, Day 1 of The 22 (see below)
SardisYom (Day 51) Ps 44—traditional numbering CountDown Colossians, BuildUp Samuel, orbiting is philemon. Day 2 of The 22
PergamosYom Ps 45 Colossians, Samuel, titus, Day 3 of The 22
EphesusYom Ps 46 Colossians, Samuel, 2 timothy, Day 4 of The 22
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 47 Colossians, Samuel, 1 timothy, Day 5 of The 22
ThyatiraYom Ps 48 CountDown is Colossians, Samuel is BuildUp, 2 thessalonians is orbiting, Day 6 of The 22
SmyrnaYom  (Day 56) Ps 49 Colossians, Samuel, 1 thessalonians is orbiting, Day 7 of The 22
*Day 50—Break 3, the 7 Psalms of Korah. It would be good here to review the structure of Book 2.  Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
            Day 51—Psalm 42&43 are one Psalm.  JBJ: ‘refrain’. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
            Days 52 through 58—Psalms 44 through 50. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.

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The 22
These are the days, inclusive, from Pentecost through the first day of Public Vindication.  In them, we compress the 22 ‘breaks’ in the Psalms O Day into this short period.  Symbolically, we are echoing that this period leading up to Public Vindication in A. D. 70 by the destruction of the Temple/City of Jerusalem shows that Revelation (almost all describing this time) is summational of the whole Bible, has preterist, futurist, idealist, and historicist elements, shows transformation (attributes of Christ to the Bride adorned), liturgy, and teaches us Symbol, the Language.
Most importantly, Revelation and the time it depicts here is typological of the time from A. D. 70 to the Great Day.
I attempt to write Revelation in holiday weeks onto the year, Celebration O Resurrection Anno Mundi to Coram.

The 22
THE 22 [for ‘breaks’ in Psalms, and Pentecost (day 50) through day 71 (start of PV)]

Break                           Books
1                                  1-Genesis, 23—Matthew, 28—Revelation
2……………………...2—Exodus, 24—Mark, 29—1 John
3                                  3—Leviticus, 25-- Luke, 30-- James
4                                  4—Numbers, 26-- John, 31—1 Peter
5……………………..5—Deuteronomy, 27—Acts, 32—2 Peter
6                                  6—Joshua, 33—Jude
7                                  7—Judges, 34—2 John
8……………………..8—Samuel, 35—3 John
9                                  9—Ruth, 36—Romans
10                                10—Psalms, 37 1 Corinthians
11                                11--Job, 38—2 Corinthians
12……………………12—Proverbs, 39—Galatians
13                                13—Canticles (Song), 40—Ephesians
14                                14—Ecclesiastes, 41—Philippians
15…………………….15—Kings, 42—Colossians
16                                16—Ezekiel, 43—1 Thessalonians
17                                17—Isaiah, 44—2 Thessalonians
18……………………18—Jeremiah-Lamentations, 45--1 Timothy
19                                19—Daniel, 46—2 Timothy
20                                20—Esther, 47—Titus
21……………………21—The Twelve, 48—Philemon
22                                22—Greater Chronicles, 49—Hebrews

List of the 22 Breaks

   For the best explanation of how these correlate with the 22 books of the ‘Old Testament,’ and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and the word that each letter respectively is, see Jordan’s ‘The Hebrew Alphabet’ in ‘Rethinking the Chronology of the Old Testament, and succeeding work.

List of 22 Breaks (For The Hebrew Alphabet, see JBJ. What we do is to take the 22 Breaks and during each one, we look at 1—the 22 parts of Psalm 119, which follow the Hebrew alphabet.  The we look at what that letter means as a word (B, Beth=House, e. g.). Then we look at JBJ’s correlation of this letter-word with the corresponding book of the Bible, from his ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament, in which he says that literarily, there are 22 books in the Old Testament. 1 and 2 Kings is one book (39-1=38), 1 and 2 Samuel is one book (37), Jeremiah and Lamentations is one book (36), The Twelve minor prophets is one book (25), Greater Chronicles includes 1 and 2 and Ezra and Nehemiah (22).  This is by literary structure.)  Thus we make a good review of the Old Testament—though the Bible is one book, and could easily have better an Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man testament, or 4 testaments.  [For even more joy, we can do two things.  The 25 books of the Greek Testament could be made into a 22 by having the first 5 be also the first 5, and the remaining 22 be laid on top of the 22 OT.   Thus we would have the whole Bible, the Hebrew alphabet and the word associated with a particular letter.]

- - - - - IMPORTANT:  We should also do this in the 22 days from Pentecost to Day 71 after Pascha/Easter/CORAM, the beginning of Public Vindication.

1--*Day 10--First of 22 breaks.  We’ve seen the two introductory Psalms, sometimes considered one Psalm [see JBJ’s chiasms of 1 and of 1&2].  Now we begin 37 Psalms of David. Genesis ’aleph (thousand). Ps. 119 ’aleph.
2--*Day 3o, was 31--Special explication and application of Ps. 22, as second break. What is the relation of Ps. 23, ‘The Lord is my shepherd,’ and Ps. 21, for instance? Exodus beth (house). Ps 119 beth.
3--*Day 49, was 50: Check number of days of each break below--Break 3, the 7 Psalms of Korah. It would be good here to review the structure of Book 2.  Doxology Ps. 72:18-19. Leviticus gimel (ripen; or recompense, reward, requite) Ps 119 gimel.
4--*Day 58 was 59--Break 4. Retrospect on the one Psalms by Asaph in this set of 8, in which ‘we move from the Tabernacle to the Ark-Throne for this Asaphite psalm about judgment before God’s Tribunal.’ JBJ Numbers daleth (door, entrance) Ps 119 daleth.
5--*Day 59 was  60--Break 5 of 22. Structure of ‘Kingly Section of Ps. 51-72. A. David’s Sin, B. Nine maskils and miktams, B’ Nine psalms that are neither maskils nor miktams, A’. Memorial Psalm 70/71, C. Solomon’s Psalm 72. he (lo! behold)  Ps 119 he.
6--*Day 81 was 82--Break 6 of 22. Solomon’s Psalm explicated and applied. Joshua vav (hook, nail) Ps 119 vav.
7--*Day 82 was 83--Break 7 of 22. Asaph’s Psalms 73-83.  Also, review structure of Book 3. Psalm 78 is center of Asaph section. Psalm 81, THE WORD is the center of Book 3. Doxology: Ps. 89:52. Judges zayin (weapon) Ps 119 zayin
8--*Day 94 was 95, Break 8 of 22. Korah Psalms. 6, 7 if 89a and 89b make structure. Doxology: Ps. 89:52 Samuel heth (life) Ps 119 heth
9--*Day 102 was 103, Break 9 of 22. Sin and judgment (JBJ) as outer pairs of chiasm of Book 4, the center of which is Ps. 98: NEW SONG and the counterpart of Ps. 90 is 106 Ruth teth (meaning unknown) Ps 119 teth
10--*Day 104 was 105, Break 10 of 22. Protection as we work toward the center, Ps. 105 ‘protection and Exodus’: JBJ Psalms yodh (hand) Ps 119 yodh
11--*Day 106 was 107, Break 11 of 22. Pss. 92 and 104; sabbath and creation week. Job Kaph (palm) Ps. 119 kaph
12--*Day 109, Break 12 of 22. Pss. 93 and 103, throne. Proverbs lamedh (learn, study, teach, ox-goad) Ps 119 lamedh
13--*Day 111, Break 13, affliction in Pss. 94 and 104. Canticles mem (unclear, mayim is water) Ps 119 mem
14--*Day 113, Break 14 of 22, Pss. 95 and 101, worship before God and obedience before God, respectively.  ALL THESE CHIASTIC PARALLELS ARE FROM JBJ. Ecclesiastes nun (sprout, propagate, flourish, generate) Ps 119 nun
15--*Day 115, Break 15 of 22, Pss. 96 and 100, coming to God. Kings samekh (support; something relied on, trusted in) Ps 119 samekh
16--*Day 117, Break 16 of 22, Pss. 97 and 99, Yahweh reigns. Ezekiel ’ayin (eye) Ps 119 ’ayin.
17--*Day 119, Break 17. NEW SONG. [Maybe compare Revelation, for example?  and other new songs? Songs of Red Sea, Moses, Deborah, etc.? Spirit as Song, Song of Songs?...] Isaiah pe’ (probably related to peh, mouth) Ps 119 pe’.
18--*Day 128, Break 18 of 22. There are 28 (or 29? ask JBJ) Psalms of Exodus, from Ps. 90 in Book 4 (Pss. 90-99=10 Psalms of Book 4 in the 28) through Ps. 118 of Book 5 (Pss. 100-119=19 of the 28 in Book 5). Explain and Apply. Doxology: Ps. 150:6. Jeremiah-Lamentations tsaddi (related to “capture” and
righteous”) Ps 119 tsaddi
19--*Day 141, Break 19 of 22.  The 22 section, alphabetical Psalm of the Law, 8 verses per section, Ps. 119. Explain and apply. Daniel qoph (ape, monkey, but also the root of “circuit,” used always of the end of the year) Ps 119 qoph
20--*Day 143, Break 20 of 22. 17 Psalms, Pss. 120-136 of the Great Hallel. (Praise) Possibly sung after the Last Supper? Esther resh (head) Ps 119 resh
21--*Day 161, Break 21 of 22, Psalm of Crisis, Ps. 137. Explain and apply, esp. ‘dash against the rock, Rock, rocks?’ The Twelve shin (urine’ but shanah means “repeat”) Ps 119 shin
22--*Day 163, Break 22 of 22, 12 Psalms of Post-crisis praise, Pss. 138-150. Explain and apply. [Note, if there are two bracketing Psalms of 146, that leaves a 12x12=144 in the center!?] tav (mark, boundary) Ps 119 tav

Week/Sheba 9 Ephesians
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 EphesiansWeek starts June 11, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 EphesiansSheba  starts June 3, A. D. 2007.

Ephesians  CountDown, BuildUp Ruth, Tiara 6 by 7654321
K.O.L.Yom (Day 57) Ps 50 Ephesians, CountDown is Ruth, colossians is orbiting, Day 8 of The 22
SardisYom (Day 58) Break 4. Retrospect on the one Psalms by Asaph in this set of 8, in which ‘we move from the Tabernacle to the Ark-Throne for this Asaphite psalm about judgment before God’s Tribunal.’ JBJ Ephesians, Ruth, philippians is orbiting, Day 9 of The 22
PergamosYom (Day 59)  5--*Day 59 was  60--Break 5 of 22. Structure of ‘Kingly Section of Ps. 51-72. A. David’s Sin, B. Nine maskils and miktams, B’ Nine psalms that are neither maskils nor miktams, Break 5 of 22. Structure of ‘Kingly Section of Ps. 51-72. A. David’s Sin, B. Nine maskils and miktams, B’ Nine psalms that are neither maskils nor miktams, A’. Memorial Psalm 70/71, C. Solomon’s Psalm 72 CountDown is Ephesians, BuildUp is Ruth, orbiting ephesians (!--multiperspectivality), Day 10 of The 22
EphesusYom (Day 60) Ps 51 Ephesians (!) CountDown, Ruth BuildUp, Galatians, Day 11 of The 22
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 52 CountDown Ephesians, BuildUp Ruth, 2 corinthians. Day 12 of The 22
ThyatiraYom Ps 53, Ephesians, Ruth, 1 corinthians, Day 13 of The 22
SmyrnaYom (Day 63) Ps 54 CountDown Ephesians, BuildUp Ruth, romans, Day 14 of The 22

Days 52 through 58--Psalms 44 through 50. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
--*Day 58 was 59--Break 4. Retrospect on the one Psalms by Asaph in this set of 8, in which ‘we move from the Tabernacle to the Ark-Throne for this Asaphite psalm about judgment before God’s Tribunal.’ JBJ Numbers daleth (door, entrance) Ps 119 daleth.
*Day 59, was  60--Break 5 of 22. Structure of ‘Kingly Section of Ps. 51-72. A. David’s Sin, B. Nine maskils and miktams, B’ Nine psalms that are neither maskils nor miktams, A’. Memorial Psalm 70/71, C. Solomon’s Psalm 72.
            Day 61--Psalm 51. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
            Days 62 through 70--Psalms 52-60. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.

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Week/Sheba 10 2nd Corinthians
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 CorinthiansWeek starts June 18, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 CorinthiansSheba  starts June 10, A. D. 2007.

2nd Corinthians CountDown, BuildUp Psalms, Tiara 5 by 7654321
K.O.L.Yom (Day 64) Ps 55, 2 Corinthians-Psalms-3 john, Day 15 of The 22
SardisYom Ps 56, 2 Corinthians-Psalms-2 john, Day 16 of The 22
PergamosYom Ps 57, 2 Corinthians-Psalms-jude, Day 17 of The 22
EphesusYom Ps 58, 2 Corinthians-Psalms-2 peter, Day 18 of The 22
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 59, 2 Corinthians-Psalms-1 peter, Day 19 of The 22
ThyatiraYom Ps 60, 2 Corinthians-Psalms-james, Day 20 of The 22
SmyrnaYom (Day 70) Ps 61, 2 Corinthians-Psalms-1 john, Day 21 of The 22

The hope is that as one goes through the tiaras and the Psalms, and other parts of HOST, over and over again, the parts will bring to mind the wholes, and the wholes will be integrated together into a bigger whole, synecdocheally; part for whole.
In other words, K.O.L.!

Days 62 through 70--Psalms 52-60. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
Days 71-79--Psalms 61-69. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.

- - - - -
Week/Sheba 11 Public Vindication
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 Public Vindication starts June 25, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 HebrewsSheba  starts June 17, A. D. 2007.

Public Vindication 4th book of each Tiara, in order of Tiaras 4152637
K.O.L.Yom (Day 71) Ps 62, Tiara 4, book 4 is Luke, Day 22 of The 22
SardisYom Ps 63, Tiara 1 book 4 is Numbers
PergamosYom Ps 64, Tiara 5, book 4 is 2 Peter
EphesusYom Ps 65, Tiara 2, book 4 is Job
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 66, Tiara 6, book 4 is Galatians
ThyatiraYom Ps 67, Tiara 3, book 4 is Jeremiah-Lamentations
SmyrnaYom (Day 77) Ps 68, Tiara 7, book 4 is 2 Timothy

Days 71-79--Psalms 61-69. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.

Week/Sheba 12 Romans
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 RomansWeek starts July 2, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 RomansSheba  starts June 24, A. D. 2007.

Romans Countdown, Job BuildUp, Tiara 4 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom (Day 78) Ps 69 CountDown Romans, Job BuildUp, orbit hebrews
SardisYom (Day 79, was 80) Memorial Psalm 70/71. JBJ: ‘no title for Psalm 71-Psalm 70 is virtually identical to Psalm 40:13-17; the duplication makes sense if Psalm 70 is actually the introduction to Psalms 71.’ Doxology Ps. 72:18-19. Romans, Job, titus
PergamosYom (Day 80, was 81) Solomon’s Psalm, 72. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19 Romans-Job-1 timothy
EphesusYom (Day 81, was 82) Break 6 of 22. Solomon’s Psalm explicated and applied Romans-Job-1 thessalonians Break 3, the 7 Psalms of Korah. It would be good here to review the structure of Book 2.  Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
 MAE DAY 80 REPENT AND CONFERENCE BOTH ON JULY 4, A. D. 2006.  MaeDay80 Repent is June 26, A. D. 2007

PhiladelphiaYom (Day 82, was 83) Break 7 of 22. Asaph’s Psalms 73-83.  Also, review structure of Book 3. Psalm 78 is center of Asaph section. Psalm 81, THE WORD is the center of Book 3. Doxology: Ps. 89:52. Romans CountDown, BuildUp Job, philemon
ThyatiraYom Ps 73, doxology Ps 89:52 Romans-Job-2 timothy
SmyrnaYom (Day 84) Ps 74 CountDown Romans, Job BuildUp, 2 thessalonians orbiting

Days 71-79--Psalms 61-69. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
Day 80--Memorial Psalm 70/71. JBJ: ‘no title for Psalm 71-Psalm 70 is virtually identical to Psalm 40:13-17; the duplication makes sense if Psalm 70 is actually the introduction to Psalms 71.’ Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
            Day 81--Solomon’s Psalm, 72. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
            *Day 82--Break 6 of 22. Solomon’s Psalm explicated and applied.
            *Day 83--Break 7 of 22. Asaph’s Psalms 73-83.  Also, review structure of Book 3. Psalm 78 is center of Asaph section. Psalm 81, THE WORD is the center of Book 3. Doxology: Ps. 89:52.
            Days 84 through 94, Psalms 73-83. Doxology: Ps. 89:52.
-         - - - - -

Week/Sheba 13 Philippians
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 PhilippiansWeek starts July 9, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 PhilippiansSheba  starts July 1, A. D. 2007.

Philippians CountDown, BuildUp Proverbs, Tiara 3 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom (Day 85) Ps 75 CountDown Philippians; BuildUp Proverbs, the twelve
SardisYom Ps 76 CountDown Philippians; BuildUp Proverbs, daniel
PergamosYom Ps 77 CountDown Philippians; BuildUp Proverbs, isaiah
EphesusYom Ps 78 CountDown Philippians; BuildUp Proverbs, kings MaeDay80 Conferences are July 4, A. D. 2007 (Repent was June 26, A. D. 2007).
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 79 CountDown Philippians; BuildUp Proverbs, esther
ThyatiraYom Ps 80 CountDown Philippians; BuildUp Proverbs, jeremiah-lamentations
SmyrnaYom (Day 91) Ps 81 CountDown Philippians; BuildUp Proverbs, ezekiel
Days 84 through 94, Psalms 73-83. Doxology: Ps. 89:52

Week/Sheba 14 Galatians
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 GalatiansWeek starts July 16, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 GalatiansSheba  starts July 8, A. D. 2007.

Galatians CountDown, BuildUp Song ,Tiara 2 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom (Day 92) Ps 82, Galatians CountDown, BuildUp Song , Orbit ecclesiastes
SardisYom Ps 83, Galatians CountDown, BuildUp Song , Orbit. proverbs
PergamosYom  (Day 94) Break 8 of 22. Korah Psalms. 6, 7 if 89a and 89b make structure. Doxology: Ps. 89:52, Galatians CountDown, BuildUp Song , Orbit psalms
EphesusYom Ps 84, Galatians CountDown, BuildUp Song , Orbit, samuel
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 85, Galatians CountDown, BuildUp Song , Orbit song (!)
ThyatiraYom Ps 86, Galatians CountDown, BuildUp Song , Orbit, job
SmyrnaYom (Day 98)  Ps 87, Galatians CountDown, BuildUp Song , Orbit ruth
Days 84 through 94, Psalms 73-83. Doxology: Ps. 89:52

Days 96-101, Ps. 84-89
-         - - - - -

Week/Sheba 15 1st Corinthians
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 1 CorinthiansWeek starts July 23, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 1 CorinthiansSheba  starts July 15, A. D. 2007.

1st Corinthians  CountDown, BuildUp Ecclesiastes, Tiara 1 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom (Day 99) Ps 88, 1st Corinthians CountDown, BuildUp Ecclesiastes, Orbit judges
SardisYom Ps 89, 1st Corinthians CountDown, BuildUp Ecclesiastes, Orbit deuteronomy
PergamosYom (Day 101) Psalm 90 introduces Book 4, The Coming of the King of Nations. Doxology: 106:48, 1st Corinthians CountDown, BuildUp Ecclesiastes, Orbit leviticus
EphesusYom (Day 102) *Day 102, was 103, Break 9 of 22. Sin and judgment (JBJ) as outer pairs of chiasm of Book 4, the center of which is Ps. 98: NEW SONG and the counterpart of Ps. 90 is 106. 1st Corinthians CountDown, BuildUp Ecclesiastes, Orbit genesis


PhiladelphiaYom (Day 103) Psalm 91. Doxology: 106:48, 1st Corinthians CountDown, BuildUp Ecclesiastes, Orbit joshua
ThyatiraYom (Day 104) *Day 104, was 105, Break 10 of 22. Protection as we work toward the center, Ps. 105 ‘protection and Exodus’: JBJ. 1st Corinthians CountDown, BuildUp Ecclesiastes, Orbit numbers
SmyrnaYom (Day 105) Ps. 92. Doxology: 106:48. 1st Corinthians CountDown, BuildUp Ecclesiastes, Orbit exodus

[Remember, we are attempting to remind ourselves of the wholes that these parts represent: CountDown, BuildUp, Orbits.  Add ‘the Bible as a whole,’ and Psalms are miniature Bible, etc.]

Days 96-101, Ps. 84-89

Day 101, was 102-- Psalm 90 introduces Book 4, The Coming of the King of Nations. Doxology: 106:48.
*Day 102, was 103, Break 9 of 22. Sin and judgment (JBJ) as outer pairs of chiasm of Book 4, the center of which is Ps. 98: NEW SONG and the counterpart of Ps. 90 is 106.
Day 103, was 104--Psalm 91. Doxology: 106:48.
*Day 104, was 105, Break 10 of 22. Protection as we work toward the center, Ps. 105 ‘protection and Exodus’: JBJ.
Day 105, was 106--Ps. 92. Doxology: 106:48.

-         - - - - -
-         Season of Blessed are the meek, and associated Woe Matt 23:15
Week/Sheba 16 3rd John
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 3rdJohnWeek starts July 30, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 3rdJohnSheba  starts July 22, A. D. 2007.

3rd John CountDown, BuildUp Kings, Tiara 7 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom (Day 106) Break 11 of 22. Pss. 92 and 104; sabbath and creation week.
3rd John CountDown, BuildUp Kings, Orbit hebrews
SardisYom Day 107)--Ps. 93. Doxology: 106:48. 3rd John CountDown, BuildUp Kings, Orbit titus
PergamosYom*Day 108, Break 12 of 22. Pss. 93 and 103, throne. 3rd John CountDown, BuildUp Kings, Orbit 1 timothy
EphesusYom Day 109--Ps. 94. Doxology: 106:48 3rd John CountDown, BuildUp Kings, Orbit 1 thessalonians
PhiladelphiaYom *Day 110, Break 13, affliction in Pss. 94 and 104 3rd John CountDown, BuildUp Kings, Orbit philemon
ThyatiraYom Day 111, Ps. 95. Doxology: 106:48. 3rd John CountDown, BuildUp Kings, Orbit 2 timothy
SmyrnaYom *Day 112, Break 14 of 22, Pss. 95 and 101, worship before God and obedience before God, respectively.  ALL THESE CHIASTIC PARALLELS ARE FROM JBJ. 3rd John CountDown, BuildUp Kings, Orbit 2 thessalonians

- - - - -

Week/Sheba 17 Jude
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 JudeWeek starts August 6, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 JudeSheba  starts July 29 8, A. D. 2007.

Jude CountDown, BuildUp Ezekiel, Orbit Tiara 5 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom Day 113--Ps. 96. Doxology: 106:48. CountDown, BuildUp Ezekiel,
Orbit 3 john
SardisYom *Day 114, Break 15 of 22, Pss. 96 and 100, coming to God. CountDown, BuildUp Ezekiel, Orbit jude
PergamosYom Day 115--Ps. 97, Yahweh reigns. Doxology: 106:48. CountDown, BuildUp Ezekiel, Orbit 1 peter
EphesusYom  *Day 116, Break 16 of 22, Pss. 97 and 99, Yahweh reigns. CountDown, BuildUp Ezekiel, Orbit 1 john
PhiladelphiaYom Day 117, Psalm 98, NEW SONG, chiastic pivot center of Book 4. Doxology: 106:48. CountDown, BuildUp Ezekiel, Orbit 2 john
ThyatiraYom *Day 118, Break 17. NEW SONG. [Maybe compare Revelation, for example?  and other new songs? Songs of Red Sea, Moses, Deborah, etc.? Spirit as Song, Song of Songs?...] CountDown, BuildUp Ezekiel, Orbit 2 peter
SmyrnaYom (Day 119) Psalm 99. CountDown, BuildUp Ezekiel, Orbit james
Days 119 through 126, was 120 through 127, Psalms 99 through 106. Doxology: 106:48.

Week/Sheba 18 1st Peter
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 1PeterWeek starts August 13, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 1PeterSheba  starts August 5, A. D. 2007.

1st Peter  CountDown, BuildUp Isaiah, Orbit Tiara 3 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom (Day 120) Day 120—start organizing The Symphony O History
Psalm 100, 1st Peter  CountDown, BuildUp Isaiah, Orbit the twelve
SardisYom Ps 101, 1st Peter  CountDown, BuildUp Isaiah, Orbit daniel
PergamosYom Ps 102, 1st Peter  CountDown, BuildUp Isaiah, Orbit isaiah
EphesusYom Ps 103, 1st Peter  CountDown, BuildUp Isaiah, Orbit kings
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 104, 1st Peter  CountDown, BuildUp Isaiah, Orbit esther
ThyatiraYom Ps 105, 1st Peter  CountDown, BuildUp Isaiah, Orbit jeremiah-lamentations
SmyrnaYom (Day 126)  Ps 106, 1st Peter  CountDown, BuildUp Isaiah, Orbit ezekiel

Days 119 through 126, was 120 through 127, Psalms 99 through 106. Doxology: 106:48.

Week/Sheba 19 1st John The Symphony O History Week 1 of 8, Creative Construction Law (Torah)
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 1JohnWeek starts August 20, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 HebrewsSheba  starts August 12, A. D. 2007.

1st John  CountDown, BuildUp Jeremiah-Lamentations,
Orbit Tiara 1 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom *Day 127, Break 18 of 22. There are 28 (or 29? ask JBJ) Psalms of Exodus, from Ps. 90 in Book 4 (Pss. 90-99=10 Psalms of Book 4 in the 28) through Ps. 118 of Book 5 (Pss. 100-119=19 of the 28 in Book 5). Explain and Apply. Doxology: Ps. 150:6. 1st John  CountDown, BuildUp Jeremiah-Lamentations, Orbit judges Day 127, TSOH starts
SardisYom  Ps 1071st John  CountDown, BuildUp Jeremiah-Lamentations,
Orbit deuteronomy
PergamosYom Ps 108 1st John  CountDown, BuildUp Jeremiah-Lamentations,
Orbit leviticus
EphesusYom Ps 109 1st John  CountDown, BuildUp Jeremiah-Lamentations,
Orbit genesis
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 110 1st John  CountDown, BuildUp Jeremiah-Lamentations,
Orbit joshua
ThyatiraYom Ps 111 1st John  CountDown, BuildUp Jeremiah-Lamentations,
Orbit numbers
SmyrnaYom  (Day 133)  Ps 112 1st John  CountDown, BuildUp Jeremiah-Lamentations,
Orbit exodus

*Day 128, Break 18 of 22. There are 28 (or 29? ask JBJ) Psalms of Exodus, from Ps. 90 in Book 4 (Pss. 90-99=10 Psalms of Book 4 in the 28) through Ps. 118 of Book 5 (Pss. 100-119=19 of the 28 in Book 5). Explain and Apply. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.
Days 129 through 140, Pss. 107 through 118. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.

Week/Sheba 20 2nd John The Symphony O History Week 2 of 8, Responsive Reconstruction Lyric
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 2ndJohnWeek starts August 27, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 2ndJohnSheba  starts August 19, A. D. 2007.

2nd John  CountDown, BuildUp Daniel, Orbit Tiara 6 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom (Day 134) Ps 113, 2nd John  CountDown, BuildUp Daniel, Orbit colossians
SardisYom Ps 114, 2nd John  CountDown, BuildUp Daniel, Orbit titus
PergamosYom Ps 115, 2nd John  CountDown, BuildUp Daniel, Orbit 1 timothy
EphesusYom Ps 116, 2nd John  CountDown, BuildUp Daniel, Orbit 1 thessalonians
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 117, 2nd John  CountDown, BuildUp Daniel, Orbit philemon
ThyatiraYom Ps 118, 2nd John  CountDown, BuildUp Daniel, Orbit 2 timothy
SmyrnaYom Ps 119, 2nd John  CountDown, BuildUp Daniel, Orbit 2 thessalonians

Days 129 through 140, Pss. 107 through 118. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.

Week/Sheba 21 2nd Peter TSOH 3 of 8, CC Lyric
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 2ndPeterWeek starts September 3, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 2ndPeterSheba  starts August 26, A. D. 2007.

2nd Peter CountDown. BuildUp Esther, Orbit Tiara 4 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom *Day 141, Break 19 of 22.  The 22 section, alphabetical Psalm of the Law, 8 verses per section, Ps. 119. Explain and apply 2nd Peter CountDown. BuildUp Esther, Orbit revelation
SardisYom Day 142, Ps. 120 Doxology: Ps. 150:6. 2nd Peter CountDown. BuildUp Esther, Orbit john
PergamosYom *Day 143, Break 20 of 22. 17 Psalms, Pss. 120-136 of the Great Hallel. (Praise) Possibly sung after the Last Supper 2nd Peter CountDown. BuildUp Esther, Orbit mark
EphesusYom Ps 121 2nd Peter CountDown. BuildUp Esther, Orbit greater chronicles
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 122 2nd Peter CountDown. BuildUp Esther, Orbit acts
ThyatiraYom Ps 123 2nd Peter CountDown. BuildUp Esther, Orbit luke
SmyrnaYom (Day 147)  Ps 124 2nd Peter CountDown. BuildUp Esther, Orbit matthew
Days 144 through 159, was 160, Ps. 121-136?. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.

Week/Sheba 22 James The Symphony O History Week 4 of 8, Reconstructive Response Evaluation
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 JamesWeek starts Septermber 10, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 JamesSheba  starts September 2, A. D. 2007.

James CountDown, BuildUp The Twelve, Orbit Tiara 2 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom Day 148 Ps 125, James CountDown, BuildUp The Twelve, Orbit ecclesiastes
SardisYom Ps 126, James CountDown, BuildUp The Twelve, Orbit proverbs
PergamosYom Ps 127, James CountDown, BuildUp The Twelve, Orbit psalms
EphesusYom Ps 128, James CountDown, BuildUp The Twelve, Orbit samuel
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 129, James CountDown, BuildUp The Twelve, Orbit song
ThyatiraYom Ps 130, James CountDown, BuildUp The Twelve, Orbit job
SmyrnaYom Day 154 Ps 131, James CountDown, BuildUp The Twelve, Orbit ruth

Days 144 through 159, was 160, Ps. 121-136?. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.

Week/Sheba Week/Sheba 23 The Battle O The Mountain O Festival Assembly Several notes:  1—The Symphony of History takes a rest, a kind of Sabbath/End of Ages come in the middle; you know TSOH is a type of the whole of History and the Bible, right? Christ came in the middle of history—Numbers 19, 3rd day… 2—The Season of Blessed are the Meek (Woe Matt. 23:15) overlaps with The Season of Blessed are those that Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness (Woe, Matt. 23: 16-22).  So this week has 3 distinctives. Hmmm….
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 The Battle O The Mountain O Festival Assembly starts September 17, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 TBOTMOFA  starts September 16, A. D. 2007.

The Battle O The Mountain O Festival Assembly,  the  7th book of each Tiara, in order of Tiaras 7531642
K.O.L.Yom Day 155 Ps 132, Hebrews
SardisYom Ps 133, 3 John
PergamosYom Ps 134, The Twelve
EphesusYom Ps 135, Judges
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 136, Colossians
ThyatiraYom (Day 160) Break 21 of 22, Psalm of Crisis, Ps. 137. Explain and apply, esp. ‘dash against the rock, Rock, rocks?’, Revelation
SmyrnaYom (Day 161) Ps. 137. Doxology: Ps. 150:6., Ecclesiastes

Days 144 through 159, was 160, Ps. 121-136?. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.
*Day 160, was 161, Break 21 of 22, Psalm of Crisis, Ps. 137. Explain and apply, esp. ‘dash against the rock, Rock, rocks?’
Day 161, was 162, Ps. 137. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.

Week/Sheba 24 Revelation  TSOH 5 of 8, CC Evaluation
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 RevelationWeek starts September 24, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 RevelationSheba  starts September 16, A. D. 2007.

RevelationCountDown, BuildUp  Greater Chronicles,
Orbit Tiara 7 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom Day 162 *Day 162, was 163, Break 22 of 22, 12 Psalms of Post-crisis praise, Pss. 138-150. Explain and apply. [Note, if there are two bracketing Psalms of 146, that leaves a 12x12=144 in the center!?] RevelationCountDown, BuildUp  Greater Chronicles, Orbit hebrews
SardisYom Ps 138, RevelationCountDown, BuildUp  Greater Chronicles,
Orbit titus
PergamosYom Ps 139, RevelationCountDown, BuildUp  Greater Chronicles,
Orbit 1 timothy
EphesusYom Ps140, RevelationCountDown, BuildUp  Greater Chronicles,
Orbit 1 thessalonians
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 141, RevelationCountDown, BuildUp  Greater Chronicles,
Orbit philemon
ThyatiraYom Ps 142, RevelationCountDown, BuildUp  Greater Chronicles,
Orbit 2 timothy
SmyrnaYom  Day 168 Ps 143, RevelationCountDown, BuildUp  Greater Chronicles,
Orbit 2 thessalonians
*Day 162, was 163, Break 22 of 22, 12 Psalms of Post-crisis praise, Pss. 138-150. Explain and apply. [Note, if there are two bracketing Psalms of 146, that leaves a 12x12=144 in the center!?]
Days 163, was 164-175, Pss. 138-150. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.

Week/Sheba 25 John The Symphony O History, Week 6 of 8, Responsive Reconstruction Fact
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 JohnWeek starts October 1, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 JohnSheba  starts September 23, A. D. 2007.

John  CountDown, BuildUp Matthew, Orbit Tiara 5 by 7531642
K.O.L.Yom Day 169 Ps 144, John  CountDown, BuildUp Matthew, Orbit 3 john
SardisYom Ps 145 John  CountDown, BuildUp Matthew, Orbit jude
PergamosYom Ps 146 John  CountDown, BuildUp Matthew, Orbit 1 peter
EphesusYom Ps 147 John  CountDown, BuildUp Matthew, Orbit 1 john
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 148 John  CountDown, BuildUp Matthew, Orbit 2 john
ThyatiraYom Ps 149 John  CountDown, BuildUp Matthew, Orbit 2 peter
SmyrnaYom (Day 175) Ps 150 (Praise the LORD, it fits!) John  CountDown, BuildUp Matthew, Orbit james
Days 163, was 164-175, Pss. 138-150. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.

Week/Sheba 26 Mark The Symphony O History, Week 7 of 8, Creative Construction Fact
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 MarkWeek starts October 8, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 MarkSheba  starts September 30, A. D. 2007.

Mark CountDown, BuildUp Mark (they meet! Up and Down!),
Orbit Tiara 3 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Week/Sheba 1
K.O.L.Yom Day 176   Structure of Psalms Mark CountDown, BuildUp Mark (they meet! Up and Down!), Orbit the twelve
SardisYomDay 177 Structure of Book 1 of Psalms Mark CountDown, BuildUp Mark (they meet! Up and Down!),Orbit daniel
PergamosYom Day 178 Structure of Book 2 of Psalms Mark CountDown, BuildUp Mark (they meet! Up and Down!),Orbit isaiah
EphesusYom Day 178 Structure of Book 3 of Psalms Mark CountDown, BuildUp Mark (they meet! Up and Down!),Orbit kings
PhiladelphiaYom Day 180 Structure of Book 4 of Psalms Mark CountDown, BuildUp Mark (they meet! Up and Down!),Orbit esther
ThyatiraYom Day 181 Structure of Book 5 of Psalms Mark CountDown, BuildUp Mark (they meet! Up and Down!),Orbit jeremiah-lamentations
SmyrnaYom Day 182 Structure of Psalms Mark CountDown, BuildUp Mark (they meet! Up and Down!),Orbit Ezekiel

Question:  Per JBJ’s Reading the Bible for the First Time, how do these Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man testaments overlap with Priest, King, Prophet and others?  Does the last book of this liturgy of orbiting books speak a new era/world into existence, prophetically? How does ear-hand-foot-whole circumcision fit in? Genesis-Joshua, like Matthew; Psalms and Wisdom Literature like Mark; Elijah and Remnant like Luke; New Testament like John? Obviously there are other themes in this Symphony.

Day 176--Structure of Psalter, including all, and all 5 Books. This last 7 repeats, but prayerfully with better understanding, the first 7 days of the 182.
Day 177--Structure of Book 1.
Day 178--Structure of Book 2.
Day 179--Structure of Book 3.
Day 180--Structure of Book 4.
Day 181--Structure of Book 5.
Day 182-- Structure of Psalter, including all, and all 5 Books. This last 7 repeats, but prayerfully with better understanding, the first 7 days of the 182. We could also prepare for the second half of the Year Person, mentioning that there would be adjustments in most years to the different length, number of days, and explaining Psalmodic Response.


Day 1--Structural analysis of the whole Psalter, and each of the 5 books. [The Psalter as related to the Temple as the Decalogue is related to the Tabernacle could be discussed, and the relationships between5 books of the Psalter and the Pentateuch might be illuminated, e. g.]. Numbers of Psalms in respective books: 39, 29, 17, 17, 54.
            Day 2--Book 1, Psalms 1 through 41, ‘traditional 150-Psalm Psalter’ numbering.
2 and 37. 41:13 is the doxology for all Psalms in Book 1.
            3--Book 2, Ps. 42 through 72. 7+1+20+1. Ps. 72:18-19 is the doxology for all Psalms in Book 2.
            4--Book 3, Ps. 72 through 89. Asaph 11, Korah 6/7. Pivots 78, failure of Ephraim, call of David and 81, hearing the Word at the Feast of Booths. Climax, Ps. 89, threat of rejection of David. Ps. 89:52 is the doxology for all Psalms in Book 3.
            5--Book 4, Ps. 90 through 106. The Coming of the King of the Nations. Ps. 98 NEW SONG is the pivot of the chiasm. Ps. 106:48 is the doxology for all Psalms in Book 4.
            6--Book 5, Ps. 107 through 150. Praising God in a Strange Land. 28 Psalms of Exodus (90-118), 1 Law [119--22 sections], 17 Great Praise, 1 Crisis [Ps. 137], 12 Post-crisis praise. Ps. 150:6 is the doxology for all Psalms in Book 5. (And if the 'a' part of it is a command, responding means that you have the breath, the Spirit, you regenerate?)
            Day 7--Revisit the structure of the complete Psalter, as well as each of the 5 books.

Week/Sheba 27 Greater Chronicles Week 8 of 8 of TSOH, Responsive Reconstruction New Torah/Law.  Add in here that all 12 Days will speak/write prophetically into their situation, transfiguring it into a new microchron/microcosm world/era, and that the key is writing transfigured as to the 7, yea 8 churches in Revelation—in that form.  Day 8 is Jerusalem Below/Resurrection, Day 9 is Ascension (and perhaps see Jacob’s prophecy to that son, and other Ascensions such as the offering and in history), Day 10 Pentecost, Day 11 A. D. 70, Day 12 The Great Day. Thus we will have partially heard, handled, traveled, been wholly circumcised unto maturation as the Bride for the Son.
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 GreaterChroniclesWeek starts April 16, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 GreaterChroniclesSheba  starts April 8, A. D. 2007.

Greater Chronicles  CountDown, BuildUp Luke,
Orbit Tiara 1 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Week 1 (yes, 3 weeks in a row! But with different CD, BU, O—compare how each of the Ten Words could be seen as that light in which we see the other 9)
K.O.L.Yom Structure of Whole Book of Psalms, Greater Chronicles  CountDown, BuildUp Luke, Orbit judges           
SardisYom Structure of Book 1 Greater Chronicles  CountDown, BuildUp Luke,
Orbit deuteronomy
PergamosYom Structure of Book 2, Greater Chronicles  CountDown, BuildUp Luke,
Orbit leviticus
EphesusYom Structure of Book 3, Greater Chronicles  CountDown, BuildUp Luke,
Orbit genesis
PhiladelphiaYom Structure of Book 4, Greater Chronicles  CountDown, BuildUp Luke,
Orbit joshua
ThyatiraYom Structure of Book 5, Greater Chronicles  CountDown, BuildUp Luke,
Orbit numbers
SmyrnaYom Structure of Whole Book of Psalms, Greater Chronicles  CountDown, BuildUp Luke, Orbit exodus
-         - - - - -

Week/Sheba 28 Acts
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 ActsWeek starts October 22, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 HebrewsSheba  starts October 14, A. D. 2007.

Acts  CountDown, BuildUp John, Orbit Tiara 6 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Week 1 (yes, 3 weeks in a row!)
K.O.L.Yom Structure of Whole Book of Psalms—‘The Bible in Miniature’, Acts  CountDown, BuildUp John, Orbit colossians
SardisYom Structure of Book One—‘Genesis’, Acts  CountDown, BuildUp John, Orbit ephesians
PergamosYom Structure of Book Two—‘Exodus’, Acts  CountDown, BuildUp John, Orbit 2 corinthians
EphesusYom Structure of Book Three—‘Leviticus’, Acts  CountDown, BuildUp John, Orbit romans
PhiladelphiaYom Structure of Book Four—‘Numbers’, Acts  CountDown, BuildUp John, Orbit philippians
ThyatiraYom Structure of Book Five—‘Deuteronomy’, Acts  CountDown, BuildUp John, Orbit galatians
SmyrnaYom Structure of Whole Book of Psalms—‘The Bible in Miniature’, Acts  CountDown, BuildUp John, Orbit 1 corinthians

Week/Sheba 29 Luke
 For K.O.L.CORAM 849 LukeWeek starts October29, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 LukeSheba  starts October 21, A. D. 2007.

Luke  CountDown, BuildUp Acts, Orbit Tiara 4 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Week/Sheba 2
K.O.L.Yom Psalm 1 (Day 197) Luke  CountDown, BuildUp Acts, Orbit revelation
SardisYom Psalm 2  (These could be considered one Psalm.  See JBJ’s series on the Psalms, sent to monthly contributors, for the structure of Pss. 1 & 2 together)
 Luke  CountDown, BuildUp Acts, Orbit john
 PergamosYom Break 1 31--*Day 10--First of 22 breaks.  We’ve seen the two introductory Psalms, sometimes considered one Psalm [see JBJ’s chiasms of 1 and of 1&2].  Now we begin 37 Psalms of David. Genesis ’aleph (thousand). Ps. 119 ’aleph.
Luke  CountDown, BuildUp Acts, Orbit mark
EphesusYom Ps. 2, Luke  CountDown, BuildUp Acts, Orbit greater chronicles
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 4 Luke  CountDown, BuildUp Acts, Orbit acts
ThyatiraYom Ps 5 Luke  CountDown, BuildUp Acts, Orbit luke (!—in different perspective!)
SmyrnaYom Ps 6 Luke  CountDown, BuildUp Acts, Orbit matthew
- - - - -
Week/Sheba 30 Matthew
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 MatthewWeek starts November 5, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 MatthewSheba  starts October 28, A. D. 2007.

Matthew CountDown, BuildUp Revelation, Orbit Tiara 2 by 7531642
Psalms  Repeat Week/Sheba 3
K.O.L.Yom (Day 204) Ps 7 Matthew CountDown, BuildUp Revelation, Orbit ecclesiastes
SardisYom Ps 8 Matthew CountDown, BuildUp Revelation, Orbit proverbs
PergamosYom  (Day 17) Pss 9 and 10 are one Psalm Matthew CountDown, BuildUp Revelation, Orbit psalms
EphesusYom Ps 11 CountDown Matthew CountDown, BuildUp Revelation, Orbit samuel
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 12 Matthew CountDown, BuildUp Revelation, Orbit song
ThyatiraYom Ps 13 Matthew CountDown, BuildUp Revelation, Orbit job
SmyrnaYom Ps 14 Matthew CountDown, BuildUp Revelation, Orbit ruth

Days 11 through 16. Psalms3 through 8. 41:13 doxology.
            Day 17-- Psalms 9 and 10 are one Psalm. JBJ’s note: ‘alphabetic’. 41:13 doxology.
            Day 18-- Psalm 11. Remember, we continue to use the 150-Psalm Psalter numbering, so even though this is the 10th Psalm in the 146 Psalm numbering, we call it Psalm 11 for ease of use. 41:13 doxology.
19 through 29--Psalms 12 through 21. 41:13 doxology.

-         - - - - -

Season of Blessed are the merciful (and Woe, Matthew 23:23-24
Week/Sheba 31 The Twelve
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 TheTwelveWeek starts November 12, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 The TwelveSheba  starts November 4, A. D. 2007.

The Twelve CountDown, BuildUp 1 John,
 Orbit Tiara 7 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Sheba 4
K.O.L.Yom  Ps 15 The Twelve CountDown, BuildUp 1 John,
 Orbit hebrews
SardisYom Ps 16 The Twelve CountDown, BuildUp 1 John,
 Orbit titus
PergamosYom Ps 17 The Twelve CountDown, BuildUp 1 John,
 Orbit 1 timothy
EphesusYom Ps 18 The Twelve CountDown, BuildUp 1 John,
 Orbit 1 thessalonians
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 19 The Twelve CountDown, BuildUp 1 John,
 Orbit philemon
ThyatiraYom Ps 20 The Twelve CountDown, BuildUp 1 John,
 Orbit 2 timothy
SmyrnaYom Ps 21 The Twelve CountDown, BuildUp 1 John,
 Orbit 2 thessalonians

41:13 doxology.
- - - - -

Week/Sheba 32 Daniel CountDown, BuildUp James, Orbit Tiara 5 by 7531642
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 DanielWeek starts November 19, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 The DanielSheba  starts November 11, A. D. 2007
Psalms  Repeat week 5
K.O.L.Yom Ps 22 Daniel CountDown, BuildUp James, Orbit 3 john
SardisYom Break 2 ----Special explication and application of Ps. 22, as second break. What is the relation of Ps. 23, ‘The Lord is my shepherd,’ and Ps. 21, for instance? Exodus beth (house). Ps 119 beth. Daniel CountDown, BuildUp James, Orbit jude
 PergamosYom  Ps 23 Daniel CountDown, BuildUp James, Orbit 1 peter
EphesusYom Ps 24 Daniel CountDown, BuildUp James, Orbit 1 john
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 25 Daniel CountDown, BuildUp James, Orbit 2 john
ThyatiraYom Ps 26 Daniel CountDown, BuildUp James, Orbit 2 peter
SmyrnaYom Ps 27 Daniel CountDown, BuildUp James, Orbit james

Ps. 22, ‘My God, My God...’ the pivot of David’s 37 Psalms in Book 1. 41:13 doxology.
            --Special explication and application of Ps. 22, as second break. What is the relation of Ps. 23, ‘The Lord is my shepherd,’ and Ps. 21, for instance?
            41:13 doxology
-         - - - - -

Week/Sheba 33 Jeremiah-Lamentations
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 Jeremiah-LamentationsWeek starts November 26, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 HebrewsSheba  starts November 18, A. D. 2007.

Jeremiah-Lamentations CountDown, BuildUp 1 Peter,
Orbit Tiara 3 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Week/Sheba 6
K.O.L.Yom Ps 28 Jeremiah-Lamentations CountDown, BuildUp 1 Peter,
Orbit the twelve
SardisYom Ps 29 CountDown Jeremiah-Lamentations CountDown, BuildUp 1 Peter,
Orbit daniel
PergamosYom Ps 30 Jeremiah-Lamentations CountDown, BuildUp 1 Peter,
Orbit isaiah
EphesusYom Ps 31 Jeremiah-Lamentations CountDown, BuildUp 1 Peter,
Orbit kings
PhiladelphiaYom Psalms 32 and 33 are one Psalm. JBJ says: ‘no title for Psalm 33--Psalm 32 says God will instruct; Psalm 33 has 22 pairs of lines (not alphabetical). 41:13 doxology. Jeremiah-Lamentations CountDown, BuildUp 1 Peter,
Orbit esther
ThyatiraYom Ps 34—traditional numbering continues to be used Jeremiah-Lamentations CountDown, BuildUp 1 Peter, Orbit jeremiah-lamentations (!)
SmyrnaYom Ps 35 Jeremiah-Lamentations CountDown, BuildUp 1 Peter,
Orbit ezekiel
            --Psalms 23 through 31. 41:13 doxology
--Psalms 32 and 33 are one Psalm. JBJ says: ‘no title for Psalm 33--Psalm 32 says God will instruct; Psalm 33 has 22 pairs of lines (not alphabetical). 41:13 doxology.

Week/Sheba 34 Isaiah
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 IsaiahWeek starts December 3, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 IsaiahSheba  starts November 25, A. D. 2007.

Isaiah CountDown, 2 Peter BuildUp, Orbit 1 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Week/Sheba 7
K.O.L.Yom Ps 36 Isaiah CountDown, 2 Peter BuildUp, Orbit judges
 SardisYom Ps 37  Isaiah CountDown, 2 Peter BuildUp, Orbit deuteronomy
PergamosYom Ps 38 Isaiah CountDown, 2 Peter BuildUp, Orbit leviticus
EphesusYom Ps 39  Isaiah CountDown, 2 Peter BuildUp, Orbit genesis
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 40  Isaiah CountDown, 2 Peter BuildUp, Orbit joshua
ThyatiraYom Ps 41 (End of Book One--Genesis)  Isaiah CountDown, 2 Peter BuildUp, Orbit numbers
SmyrnaYom  Break 3, the 7 Psalms of Korah. It would be good here to review the structure of Book 2.  Doxology Ps. 72:18-19. Leviticus gimel (ripen; or recompense, reward, requite) Ps 119 gimel.  Isaiah CountDown, 2 Peter BuildUp, Orbit exodux

Psalms are the words accompanying the Temple, so they lead to it.
The Constellation O Books represents the new firmament, and is a 3 –body problem, which is insoluble, and so leads away from the Empire period of history.

Remember 41:13 was the doxology for all Psalms in Book 1

-         - - - - -

Week/Sheba 35 Total Christ One
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 TotalChristOneWeek starts December 10, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 HebrewsSheba  starts December 2, A. D. 2007.

Total Christ One  7th of each Tiara, by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Week Sheba 8
K.O.L.Yom Psalm 42&43 are one Psalm.  JBJ: ‘refrain’ Start Book 2 (Exodus) of  Psalms, doxology Ps. 72:18-19 Hebrews
SardisYom Ps 44—traditional numbering 2 John
PergamosYom Ps 45 The Twelve
EphesusYom Ps 46 Judges
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 47 Colossians
ThyatiraYom Ps 48 Revelation
SmyrnaYom  Ps 49 Ecclesiastes
            —Psalms 44 through 50. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.

Week/Sheba 36 Total Christ Two
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 TotalChristWeek starts December 17, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 TotalChristTwoSheba  starts December 9, A. D. 2007.

Total Christ Two 1st of each tiara by 1234567
Psalms Repeat Week/Sheba 9

K.O.L.Yom Ps 50 Genesis
SardisYom Break 4. Retrospect on the one Psalms by Asaph in this set of 8, in which ‘we move from the Tabernacle to the Ark-Throne for this Asaphite psalm about judgment before God’s Tribunal.’ JBJ Samuel
PergamosYom --Break 5 of 22. Structure of ‘Kingly Section of Ps. 51-72. A. David’s Sin, B. Nine maskils and miktams, B’ Nine psalms that are neither maskils nor miktams, Break 5 of 22. Structure of ‘Kingly Section of Ps. 51-72. A. David’s Sin, B. Nine maskils and miktams, B’ Nine psalms that are neither maskils nor miktams, A’. Memorial Psalm 70/71, C. Solomon’s Psalm 72 Kings
EphesusYom Ps 51 Greater Chronicles
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 52 1 John
ThyatiraYom Ps 53, Romans
SmyrnaYom Ps 54 1 Thessalonians

--Psalms 44 through 50. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
--* --Break 4. Retrospect on the one Psalms by Asaph in this set of 8, in which ‘we move from the Tabernacle to the Ark-Throne for this Asaphite psalm about judgment before God’s Tribunal.’ JBJ Numbers daleth (door, entrance) Ps 119 daleth.
--Break 5 of 22. Structure of ‘Kingly Section of Ps. 51-72. A. David’s Sin, B. Nine maskils and miktams, B’ Nine psalms that are neither maskils nor miktams, A’. Memorial Psalm 70/71, C. Solomon’s Psalm 72.
            --Psalm 51. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
            --Psalms 52-60. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.

-         - - - - -
Week/Sheba 37 Esther
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 EstherWeek starts December 24, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 EstherSheba  starts December 16, A. D. 2007.

Esther  CountDown, Jude BuildUp, Orbit Tiara 6 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Week/Sheba 10

K.O.L.Yom  Ps 55, 2  Esther  CountDown, Jude BuildUp, Orbit colossians
SardisYom Ps 56,  Esther  CountDown, Jude BuildUp, Orbit ephesians
PergamosYom Ps 57,  Esther  CountDown, Jude BuildUp, Orbit  2 corinthians
EphesusYom Ps 58,  Esther  CountDown, Jude BuildUp, Orbit romans
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 59,  Esther  CountDown, Jude BuildUp, Orbit philippians
ThyatiraYom Ps 60, Esther  CountDown, Jude BuildUp, Orbit galatians
 SmyrnaYom  Ps 61, Esther  CountDown, Jude BuildUp, Orbit 1 corinthians

The hope is that as one goes through the tiaras and the Psalms, and other parts of HOST, over and over again, the parts will bring to mind the wholes, and the wholes will be integrated together into a bigger whole, synecdocheally; part for whole.
In other words, K.O.L.!

--Psalms 52-60. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
--Psalms 61-69. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.

-         - - - - -
Week/Sheba 38 Ezekiel
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 EzekielWeek starts December 31, A. D. 2006
For SardisCORAM 849 EzekielSheba  starts December 23, A. D. 2007.

Ezekiel CountDown, 2 John BuildUp,
Orbit Tiara 4 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Week/Sheba 11
K.O.L.Yom Ps 62, Ezekiel CountDown, 2 John BuildUp, Orbit revelation
SardisYom Ps 63, Ezekiel CountDown, 2 John BuildUp, Orbit john
PergamosYom Ps 64, Ezekiel CountDown, 2 John BuildUp, Orbit mark
EphesusYom Ps 65, Ezekiel CountDown, 2 John BuildUp, Orbit greater chronicles
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 66, Ezekiel CountDown, 2 John BuildUp, Orbit acts
ThyatiraYom Ps 67, Ezekiel CountDown, 2 John BuildUp, Orbit luke
SmyrnaYom Ps 68, Ezekiel CountDown, 2 John BuildUp, Orbit matthew

--Psalms 61-69. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
-         - - - - -

Week/Sheba 39 Kings
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 KingsWeek starts Jan 7, A. D. 2007
For SardisCORAM 849 KingsSheba  starts December 30, A. D. 2007.

Kings CountDown, BuildUp 3 John,          
Orbit Tiara 2 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Sheba 12
K.O.L.Yom Ps 69 Kings CountDown, BuildUp 3 John, Orbit ecclesiastes
SardisYom Memorial Psalm 70/71. JBJ: ‘no title for Psalm 71-Psalm 70 is virtually identical to Psalm 40:13-17; the duplication makes sense if Psalm 70 is actually the introduction to Psalms 71.’ Doxology Ps. 72:18-19. Kings CountDown, BuildUp 3 John, Orbit proverbs
PergamosYom Solomon’s Psalm, 72. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19  Kings CountDown, BuildUp 3 John, Orbit psalms
EphesusYom Break 6 of 22. Solomon’s Psalm explicated and applied  Kings CountDown, BuildUp 3 John, Orbit samuel
PhiladelphiaYom Break 7 of 22. Asaph’s Psalms 73-83.  Also, review structure of Book 3. Psalm 78 is center of Asaph section. Psalm 81, THE WORD is the center of Book 3. Doxology: Ps. 89:52. Book 3 of Psalms, Ps. 73 through 89 (Leviticus) Kings CountDown, BuildUp 3 John, Orbit song
ThyatiraYom Ps 73, doxology Ps 89:52 Kings CountDown, BuildUp 3 John, Orbit job
SmyrnaYom Ps 74 Kings CountDown, BuildUp 3 John, Orbit ruth
--Psalms 61-69. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
--Memorial Psalm 70/71. JBJ: ‘no title for Psalm 71-Psalm 70 is virtually identical to Psalm 40:13-17; the duplication makes sense if Psalm 70 is actually the introduction to Psalms 71.’ Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
            --Solomon’s Psalm, 72. Doxology Ps. 72:18-19.
            --Break 6 of 22. Solomon’s Psalm explicated and applied.
            --Break 7 of 22. Asaph’s Psalms 73-83.  Also, review structure of Book 3. Psalm 78 is center of Asaph section. Psalm 81, THE WORD is the center of Book 3. Doxology: Ps. 89:52.
            Psalms 73-83. Doxology: Ps. 89:52.
-         - - - - -

-         - - - - -

-         Begin Season of Blessed are the Pure in Heart, and Woe Matt. 15-26
Week/Sheba 40 Ecclesiastes
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 EcclesiastesWeek starts Jan. 14, A. D. 2007
For SardisCORAM 849 EcclesiastesSheba  starts Jan. 6, A. D. 2008.

Ecclesiastes CountDown, Romans BuildUp,
Orbit Tiara 7 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Sheba 13
K.O.L.Yom Ps 75 Ecclesiastes CountDown, Romans BuildUp, Orbit hebrews
 SardisYom Ps 76 Ecclesiastes CountDown, Romans BuildUp, Orbit titus
PergamosYom Ps 77 Ecclesiastes CountDown, Romans BuildUp, Orbit 1 timothy
EphesusYom Ps 78  Ecclesiastes CountDown, Romans BuildUp, Orbit 1 thessalonians
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 79  Ecclesiastes CountDown, Romans BuildUp, Orbit philemon
ThyatiraYom Ps 80  Ecclesiastes CountDown, Romans BuildUp, Orbit 2 timothy
SmyrnaYom Ps  Ecclesiastes CountDown, Romans BuildUp, Orbit 1 thessalonians
 Psalms 73-83. Doxology: Ps. 89:52

- - - - -
Week/Sheba 41 Proverbs
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 ProverbsWeek starts January 21, A. D. 2007
For SardisCORAM 849 ProverbsSheba  starts January 13 8, A. D. 2008.

Proverbs CountDown, BuildUp 1 Corinthians,
Orbit Tiara 5 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Sheba 14
K.O.L.Yom Ps 82,  Proverbs CountDown, BuildUp 1 Corinthians, Orbit 3 john
SardisYom Ps 83,  Proverbs CountDown, BuildUp 1 Corinthians, Orbit jude
PergamosYom  Break 8 of 22. Korah Psalms. 6, 7 if 89a and 89b make structure. Doxology: Ps. 89:52,  Proverbs CountDown, BuildUp 1 Corinthians, Orbit 1 peter
EphesusYom Ps 84, Proverbs CountDown, BuildUp 1 Corinthians, Orbit 1 john
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 85, Proverbs CountDown, BuildUp 1 Corinthians, Orbit 2 john
ThyatiraYom Ps 86,  Proverbs CountDown, BuildUp 1 Corinthians, Orbit 2 peter
SmyrnaYom Ps 87,  Proverbs CountDown, BuildUp 1 Corinthians, Orbit james
Psalms 73-89. Doxology: Ps. 89:52

-         - - - - -
Week/Sheba 42 Psalms
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 PsalmsWeek starts Jan. 28 16, A. D. 2007
For SardisCORAM 849 PsalmsSheba  starts January 20, A. D. 2008.

Psalms  CountDown, 2 Corinthians BuildUp,
Orbit Tiara 3 by 7531642
Psalms (O Day) Repeat Week/Sheba 15
K.O.L.Yom Ps 88,  Psalms  CountDown, 2 Corinthians BuildUp, Orbit the twelve
SardisYom Ps 89,  Psalms  CountDown, 2 Corinthians BuildUp, Orbit daniel
PergamosYom Psalm 90 introduces Book 4 (Numbers), The Coming of the King of Nations. Doxology: 106:48,  Psalms  CountDown, 2 Corinthians BuildUp, Orbit isaiah
EphesusYom  Break 9 of 22. Sin and judgment (JBJ) as outer pairs of chiasm of Book 4, the center of which is Ps. 98: NEW SONG and the counterpart of Ps. 90 is 106.
Psalms  CountDown, 2 Corinthians BuildUp, Orbit kings


PhiladelphiaYom Psalm 91. Doxology: 106:48, Psalms  CountDown, 2 Corinthians BuildUp, Orbit esther
 ThyatiraYom  Break 10 of 22. Protection as we work toward the center, Ps. 105 ‘protection and Exodus’: JBJ. Psalms  CountDown, 2 Corinthians BuildUp, Orbit jeremiah-lamentations
SmyrnaYom Ps. 92. Doxology: 106:48. Psalms  CountDown, 2 Corinthians BuildUp, Orbit ezekiel

[Remember, we are attempting to remind ourselves of the wholes that these parts represent: CountDown, BuildUp, Orbits.  Add ‘the Bible as a whole,’ and Psalms are miniature Bible, etc.]

-- Psalm 90 introduces Book 4, The Coming of the King of Nations. Doxology: 106:48.
Break 9 of 22. Sin and judgment (JBJ) as outer pairs of chiasm of Book 4, the center of which is Ps. 98: NEW SONG and the counterpart of Ps. 90 is 106.
* Break 10 of 22. Protection as we work toward the center, Ps. 105 ‘protection and Exodus’: JBJ.

- - - - -
Week/Sheba 43 Samuel
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 SamuelWeek starts February 4, A. D. 2007
For SardisCORAM 849 SamuelSheba  starts January 27, A. D. 2008. Start a week of Eliot Anselm Time, bunching together 4 weeks in one. Time of Confusion before BuildUp.

Samuel CountDown, BuildUp Galatians,
Orbit Tiara 1 by 7531642
Psalms  Repeat Week/Sheba 16
K.O.L.Yom Break 11 of 22. Pss. 92 and 104; sabbath and creation week.
Samuel CountDown, BuildUp Galatians, Orbit judges
SardisYom)--Ps. 93. Doxology: 106:48.  Samuel CountDown, BuildUp Galatians, Orbit  deuteronomy
PergamosYom, Break 12 of 22. Pss. 93 and 103, throne. Samuel CountDown, BuildUp Galatians, Orbit  leviticus
 EphesusYom --Ps. 94. Doxology: 106:48  Samuel CountDown, BuildUp Galatians, Orbit genesis
PhiladelphiaYom Break 13, affliction in Pss. 94 and 104 Samuel CountDown, BuildUp Galatians, Orbit  joshua
 ThyatiraYom, Ps. 95. Doxology: 106:48. Samuel CountDown, BuildUp Galatians, Orbit  numbers
 SmyrnaYom, Break 14 of 22, Pss. 95 and 101, worship before God and obedience before God, respectively.  ALL THESE CHIASTIC PARALLELS ARE FROM JBJ.  Samuel CountDown, BuildUp Galatians, Orbit  exodus

Week/Sheba 44 Song
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 SongWeek starts February 11, A. D. 2007 Start week one of 3 of Eliot Anselm Time, 3 weeks bunched into 7 days. Time of Confusion.
For SardisCORAM 849 SongSheba  also starts January 27, A. D. 2008. Week 2 of 4 of EliotAnselmTime.

Song  CountDown, Ephesians BuildUp,
Orbit Tiara 6 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Week/Sheba 17
K.O.L.Yom --Ps. 96. Doxology: 106:48.  Song  CountDown, Ephesians BuildUp,
Orbit colosssians
SardisYom, Break 15 of 22, Pss. 96 and 100, coming to God. Song  CountDown, Ephesians BuildUp, Orbit ephesians
PergamosYom --Ps. 97, Yahweh reigns. Doxology: 106:48. Song  CountDown, Ephesians BuildUp,Orbit 2 corinthians
EphesusYom  , Break 16 of 22, Pss. 97 and 99, Yahweh reigns. Song  CountDown, Ephesians BuildUp, Orbit romans
PhiladelphiaYom Day 117, Psalm 98, NEW SONG, chiastic pivot center of Book 4. Doxology: 106:48.  Song  CountDown, Ephesians BuildUp, Orbit  philippians
ThyatiraYom *Day 118, Break 17. NEW SONG. [Maybe compare Revelation, for example?  and other new songs? Songs of Red Sea, Moses, Deborah, etc.? Spirit as Song, Song of Songs?...]  Song  CountDown, Ephesians BuildUp, Orbit galatians
SmyrnaYom Psalm 99. Song  CountDown, Ephesians BuildUp, Orbit 1 corinthians
, Psalms 99 through 106. Doxology: 106:48.
Week/Sheba 45 Job
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 JobWeek also starts February 11, A. D. 2007 Week 2 of 3 EAT.
For SardisCORAM 849 HebrewsSheba  also starts January 27, A. D. 2008. Week 3 of 4 EAT.

Job CountDown, Philippians BuildUp,
Orbit Tiara 4 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Week 18
K.O.L.Yom Psalm 100, Job CountDown, Philippians BuildUp, Orbit revelation
SardisYom Ps 101,  Job CountDown, Philippians BuildUp, Orbit john
PergamosYom Ps 102,  Job CountDown, Philippians BuildUp, Orbit mark
EphesusYom Ps 103,  Job CountDown, Philippians BuildUp, Orbit greater chronicles
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 104,  Job CountDown, Philippians BuildUp, Orbit acts
ThyatiraYom Ps 105,  Job CountDown, Philippians BuildUp, Orbit luke
SmyrnaYom Ps 106, Job CountDown, Philippians BuildUp, Orbit matthew

Days 119 through 126, was 120 through 127, Psalms 99 through 106. Doxology: 106:48.

Week/Sheba 46 Ruth
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 RuthWeek starts February 11, A. D. 2007 Week 3 of 3 EAT
For SardisCORAM 849 RuthSheba  starts January 27, A. D. 2008. Week 4 of 4 EAT

Ruth CountDown, BuildUp Colossians,
Orbit Tiara 2 by 7531642
Psalms Repeat Week/Sheba 19
K.O.L.Yom, Break 18 of 22. There are 28 (or 29? ask JBJ) Psalms of Exodus, from Ps. 90 in Book 4 (Pss. 90-99=10 Psalms of Book 4 in the 28) through Ps. 118 of Book 5 (Pss. 100-119=19 of the 28 in Book 5). Explain and Apply. Doxology: Ps. 150:6. Ruth CountDown, BuildUp Colossians, Orbit  ecclesiastes
 SardisYom  Ps 107 Fifth Book of Psalms (Deuteronomy) begins, doxology Ps. 150:6
Ruth CountDown, BuildUp Colossians, Orbit proverbs
PergamosYom Ps 108  Ruth CountDown, BuildUp Colossians, Orbit psalms
EphesusYom Ps 109 Ruth CountDown, BuildUp Colossians, Orbit samuel
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 110  Ruth CountDown, BuildUp Colossians, Orbit song
ThyatiraYom Ps 111  Ruth CountDown, BuildUp Colossians, Orbit job
SmyrnaYom  Ps 112  Ruth CountDown, BuildUp Colossians, Orbit ruth

* Break 18 of 22. There are 28 (or 29? ask JBJ) Psalms of Exodus, from Ps. 90 in Book 4 (Pss. 90-99=10 Psalms of Book 4 in the 28) through Ps. 118 of Book 5 (Pss. 100-119=19 of the 28 in Book 5). Explain and Apply. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.

Begin BuildUp Books O Days 1-49 (compare CountDown of first 70 days)
Begin Season of Blessed are the Peacemakers 9Matthew 23: 27-28) , Blessed are the Persecuted (Woe, Matt. 23: 29-36) and Blessed are Ye when men shall….
-         - - - -
Week/Sheba 47 Judges
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 JudgesWeek starts February 18, A. D. 2007
For SardisCORAM 849 HebrewsSheba  starts February 3, A. D. 2008.

Judges  CountDown, BuildUp 1 Thess.,
Orbit Tiara 1 by 1234567
Psalms  Repeat Sheba 20

K.O.L.Yom Ps 113, Judges  CountDown, BuildUp 1 Thess., Orbit genesis
SardisYom Ps 114,  Judges  CountDown, BuildUp 1 Thess., Orbit exodus
PergamosYom Ps 115,  Judges  CountDown, BuildUp 1 Thess., Orbit leviticus
EphesusYom Ps 116,  Judges  CountDown, BuildUp 1 Thess., Orbit numbers
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 117,  Judges  CountDown, BuildUp 1 Thess., Orbit deuteronomy
ThyatiraYom Ps 118,  Judges  CountDown, BuildUp 1 Thess., Orbit joshua
SmyrnaYom Ps 119, Judges  CountDown, BuildUp 1 Thess., Orbit judges (!)

Pss. 107 through 118. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.

-         - - - -
Week/Sheba 48 Deuteronomy
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 DeuteronomyWeek starts February 25, A. D. 2007
For SardisCORAM 849 DeuteronomySheba  starts February 10, A. D. 2008.

Deuteronomy CountDown, BuildUp 2 Thess.,
Orbit Tiara 2 by 1234567
Psalms Repeat Sheba 21

K.O.L.Yom, Break 19 of 22.  The 22 section, alphabetical Psalm of the Law, 8 verses per section, Ps. 119. Explain and apply Deuteronomy CountDown, BuildUp 2 Thess.,
Orbit Samuel   
 SardisYom Ps. 120 Doxology: Ps. 150:6. Deuteronomy CountDown, BuildUp 2 Thess.,
Orbit ruth
 PergamosYom, Break 20 of 22. 17 Psalms, Pss. 120-136 of the Great Hallel. (Praise) Possibly sung after the Last Supper  Deuteronomy CountDown, BuildUp 2 Thess.,
Orbit psalms
EphesusYom Ps 121  Deuteronomy CountDown, BuildUp 2 Thess., Orbit job
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 122  Deuteronomy CountDown, BuildUp 2 Thess., Orbit proverbs
ThyatiraYom Ps 123  Deuteronomy CountDown, BuildUp 2 Thess., Orbit song
SmyrnaYom  Ps 124  Deuteronomy CountDown, BuildUp 2 Thess., Orbit ecclesiastes
. Ps. 121-136?. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.

Week/Sheba 49 Leviticus
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 LeviticusWeek starts March 4, A. D. 2007
For SardisCORAM 849 LeviticusSheba  starts February 17, A. D. 2008.

Leviticus CountDown, BuildUp 1 Timothy. Orbit Tiara 3 by 1234567
Psalms   Repeat Sheba 22
K.O.L.Yom Ps 125, Leviticus CountDown, BuildUp 1 Timothy. Orbit kings
SardisYom Ps 126, Leviticus CountDown, BuildUp 1 Timothy. Orbit ezekiel
PergamosYom Ps 127, Leviticus CountDown, BuildUp 1 Timothy. Orbit isaiah
EphesusYom Ps 128, Leviticus CountDown, BuildUp 1 Timothy. Orbit jeremiah-lamentations
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 129, Leviticus CountDown, BuildUp 1 Timothy. Orbit daniel
ThyatiraYom Ps 130, Leviticus CountDown, BuildUp 1 Timothy. Orbit esther
SmyrnaYom Day 154 Ps 131, Leviticus CountDown, BuildUp 1 Timothy. Orbit the twelve
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Week/Sheba 50 Genesis For K.O.L.CORAM 849 GenesisWeek starts March 11, A. D. 2007
For SardisCORAM 849 GenesisSheba  starts February 24 April 8, A. D. 2008.

Genesis CountDown, BuildUp 2 Timothy,
Orbit Tiara 4 by 12345567
Psalms Repeat Sheba 23

K.O.L.Yom Ps 132,  Genesis CountDown, BuildUp 2 Timothy, Orbit greater chronicles
SardisYom Ps 133 Genesis CountDown, BuildUp 2 Timothy, Orbit matthew
PergamosYom Ps 134, Genesis CountDown, BuildUp 2 Timothy, Orbit mark
EphesusYom Ps 135, Genesis CountDown, BuildUp 2 Timothy, Orbit luke
 PhiladelphiaYom Ps 136,  Genesis CountDown, BuildUp 2 Timothy, Orbit john
ThyatiraYom Break 21 of 22, Psalm of Crisis, Ps. 137. Explain and apply, esp. ‘dash against the rock, Rock, rocks?’,  Genesis CountDown, BuildUp 2 Timothy, Orbit acts
SmyrnaYom Ps. 137. Doxology: Ps. 150:6.,  Genesis CountDown, BuildUp 2 Timothy, Orbit revelation

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Week/Sheba 51 Joshua
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 JoshuaWeek starts March 18, A. D. 2007
For SardisCORAM 849 JoshuaSheba  starts April 8, A. D. 2008.

Joshua  CountDown, BuildUp Titus,
Orbit Tiara 5 by 1234567
Psalms Repeat Sheba 24
K.O.L.Yom, Break 22 of 22, 12 Psalms of Post-crisis praise, Pss. 138-150. Explain and apply. [Note, if there are two bracketing Psalms of 146, that leaves a 12x12=144 in the center!?] Joshua  CountDown, BuildUp Titus, Orbit 1 john
 SardisYom Ps 138, Joshua  CountDown, BuildUp Titus, Orbit james
PergamosYom Ps 139, Joshua  CountDown, BuildUp Titus, Orbit 1 peter
EphesusYom Ps140, Joshua  CountDown, BuildUp Titus, Orbit 2 peter
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 141, Joshua  CountDown, BuildUp Titus, Orbit jude
ThyatiraYom Ps 142, Joshua  CountDown, BuildUp Titus, Orbit 2 john
SmyrnaYom  Ps 143, Joshua  CountDown, BuildUp Titus, Orbit 3 john
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Week/Sheba 52 Numbers
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 NumbersWeek starts March 25, A. D. 2007
For SardisCORAM 849 NumbersSheba  starts March 9, A. D. 2008.

Numbers CountDown, Philemon BuildUp,
Orbit Tiara 6 by 12345567
Psalms Repeat Sheba 25

K.O.L.Yom Ps 144, Numbers CountDown, Philemon BuildUp, Orbit romans
 SardisYom Ps 145  Numbers CountDown, Philemon BuildUp, Orbit 1 corinthians
PergamosYom Ps 146  Numbers CountDown, Philemon BuildUp, Orbit 2 corinthians
EphesusYom Ps 147  Numbers CountDown, Philemon BuildUp, Orbit galatians
PhiladelphiaYom Ps 148  Numbers CountDown, Philemon BuildUp, Orbit ephesians
ThyatiraYom Ps 149 Numbers CountDown, Philemon BuildUp, Orbit philipians
SmyrnaYom Ps 150 (Praise the LORD, it fits!)  Numbers CountDown, Philemon BuildUp, Orbit colossians

Week/Sheba 53 Exodus
For K.O.L.CORAM 849 ExodusWeek starts April 1 (!), A. D. 2007
For SardisCORAM 849 HebrewsSheba  starts March 16, A. D. 2008.

Exodus  CountDown, Hebrews BuildUp,
Orbit Tiara 7 by 1234567,
Psalms Repeat Sheba/Week 26

K.O.L.Yom     Structure of Psalms Exodus  CountDown, Hebrews BuildUp,
Orbit 1 thessalonians
 SardisYom Structure of Book 1 of  Psalms Exodus  CountDown, Hebrews BuildUp,
Orbit 2 thessalonians
PergamosYom Structure of Book 2 of Psalms Exodus  CountDown, Hebrews BuildUp,
Orbit 1 timothy
EphesusYom Structure of Book 3 of Psalms Exodus  CountDown, Hebrews BuildUp,
Orbit 2 timothy
PhiladelphiaYom Structure of Book 4 of Psalms Exodus  CountDown, Hebrews BuildUp,
Orbit titus
ThyatiraYom Structure of Book 5 of Psalms Exodus  CountDown, Hebrews BuildUp,
Orbit philemon
SmyrnaYom Structure of Psalms Exodus  CountDown, Hebrews BuildUp,
Orbit hebrews
Question:  Per JBJ’s Reading the Bible for the First Time, how do these Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man testaments overlap with Priest, King, Prophet and others?  Does the last book of this liturgy of orbiting books speak a new era/world into existence, prophetically? How does ear-hand-foot-whole circumcision fit in? Genesis-Joshua, like Matthew; Psalms and Wisdom Literature like Mark; Elijah and Remnant like Luke; New Testament like John? Obviously there are other themes in this Symphony.

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