Monday, June 25, 2012

Calendar Changed To Show Reversal In Writing Direction

Host10058PergamosCoram861.  Revised for reversal of writing direction: Heb./Gr.
7—May 20
2 Thess.
6--May 13
2 Tim.
5—May 6
4—Apr 29
1 Thess
3—Apr 22
1st Tim-othy
2—Apr 15

1—Apr 8

1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes]
8—May 27
9—Jun 3
10—June 10
 [A—June 17, PV]
2. Cor
[A—June 17, PV]
11—June 24
12—July 1
13—July 8
14—July 15
1 Corinthians
2 B/W+
15—July 22
3 John
16—July 29
17—August 5
1 Peter
18—August 12
1 John
19—Aug 19
2 John
20—Aug 26
2 Peter
21—Sep 2 [B—September  9, TBOT-MOFA]
3 B/W+

[B—September 9, TBOT-MOFA]]
22—September 16

23—Sept 23

24—September 30

25—October 7

26—Oct 14

27—Oct  21

28—October 28

4 B/W+
--hunger and thirst
29—Nov 4
The Twelve
30—Nov 11
31—Nov 18
32—Nov 25
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
33—Dec 16
34—Dec 23
35—December 30
5 B/W+ [merci-ful]
36--January 6
37—Jan 13
38—January 20
39—January 27
40—Feb 3 [EAT]
41—Feb 3
42 Feb 3
[EAT] Ruth
6 B/W+
Pure in heart

43—Feb 10
44—Feb 17
45—Feb 24
46—March 3
47—Mar 10
48—Mae 17
49—Mar 24
7 B/W+
pers., pers.
Many more

1—This is not a REPLACEMENT, but an attempt to reverse engineer, STARTING with a calendar. Reverse engineer a new layer of social order, toward peace. Inspired by Rosenstock-Huessy’s last few lectures in Universal History 1954, that we need to keep the enthusiastic, small groups of the tribes, but get rid of the perpetual war (or maybe, CHH, transform it?). 2—We retain calendars of tribes (community celebratins), empires/nations states (business and marketing schedules), Israel (church calendars), and Greece/university (education), cosmopolitanly.
3—Downstream work is being done.4—See other entries in this blog and at Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook, etc. for a complete calendar, or email 5. This attempts to show that after Pentecost, we wrote to read left to right—or looking toward the East for our Lord.  Before, it was toward the West, we were East/exiled.

How To Be A Warrior Of Light

The idea is that we ARE the Bible, moving.

Someone has organized the Bible into 7 sevens, literarily, but seeing the 12 minor prophets as one book (The Twelve). I've read a great scholarly article saying that this could be so, a unity of theodicy, that God is good, Ex. 34:7 (?).

Then Samuel and Kings were both too long for one scroll, Jer.-Lam fit into one, and Greater Chronicles to include Ezra-NNehemiah.

Let's try it.   Each member of the congregation 'becomes' that book, seeing the sermon for others through that lens, and each writes of the sermon in that light, so you have an interactive and applied book per week!

Scroll down to get to the grid, please.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Science And House Of Singing Times

If science is that arm of the church that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by treating the universe as dead, then something such as HOST/TSOH –House Of (that is, as Daughter of Jerusalem = Daughter Jerusalem) Singing Times/The Symphony Of History, or something like it can be an outflow from the church that is encouraged to reverse engineer (by psalmodic response) what can be done, conjectively (McCloskey) by treating time as a jubilee, and rhyming things within it, so as to attempt to produce New Song, herovolutionally, as a chiastic glorification of Creation Speech/Exnihilation, we being the singing song and the garden gardeners. [Song glorifies speech, Symbol glorifies Number, Field glorifies Name, and Heaven glorifies Surprising Joy?] It’s early days, this Howl needs Breath and work to become Music.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Howl Becomes Music


There are 3 parts. The Howl (short) , The Music (The Pella Square), and What is the most important thing I can do at which I would be most difficult to replace?

1—We came to Pella because we thought that we could get Christian care for Mom—we got the opposite, or, euphemistically, we were mistaken.

When celebrating The Circumcision of Our Lord, A. d. 2005/6, I had the idea of placing events in that ‘care’ along the path of the town square, congruent with the Guilt, Grace, Gratitude (and GoForth!) of the Heidelberg Catechism. Walking that would be the Confession. SW corner (and before, later) : Join Church, July 4 A. D. 2004; South Middle: Nuremburg Oct 18/immediately; SE corner: Some Times We Just Let ‘Em Slip Away, Mar. 3 or 4, A. D. 2005; East Middle: ‘Ethics’ Committee; NE corner: Circumcision Concept; North Middle: Doctor’s Strike; NW Corner: Girardean Funeral; West Middle and Beyond: GoForth!.

The Conference, on July 4, would feature those who might help. (This was almost all done in my head). Girard, Ibsen’s Dr. Stockman from ‘An Enemy of the People,’ Heart of Darkness, and others. This year, Lutherans for Life.  Someday these may be real conferences of some type.

This resulted, in the GoForth! Part, in the making of some institutions that might be helpful to me, and then others: Rescue Team, Cure Team, Godparents For Eldsters… .

This was the Howl.  In the wilderness, I have gone through 8 yohad, Years Of Hell And Death.  I think I can do 9, Lord willing, and get my tuned empathy and saturated intuition tour through House Of Singing Times to produce something of value.

2:  Here’s The Pella Square, the Music. Part of the Music, for I will attempt from week 16 through week 30, this year/coram, The Big Task, Lord willing.

Public Vindication HolidayWeek

PREFACE: Please note that this is an attempt to reverse engineer a next layer of social order in history, toward peace.  It does not aim to replace anything.  We have had calendars made that commemorate events, and orders in the past—tribes/community, empires/business, Israel/ecclesiastical, Greece/educational.  Here I’ve taken Luke 4 as important and I’ve ‘jubileed’ a calendar using JBJ’s 49-book Bible, and I am going through it, attempting to rhyme things, so as to come out at the other end with peace: explicitly reconciled opposites (and more).
If science is that arm of the church that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by treating the universe as dead, then something such as HOST –House Of (that is, as Daughter of Jerusalem = Daughter Jerusalem) or something like it can be an outflow from the church that is encouraged to reverse engineer (by psalmodic response) what can be done, conjectively (McCloskey) by treating time as a jubilee, and rhyming things within it, so as to attempt to produce New Song, herovolutionally, as a chiastic glorification of Creation Speech/Exnihilation, we being the singing song and the garden gardeners.
BEGIN: Someone has to start it.  We need a celebration of the HISTORICAL EVENT of A. D. 70.
I’ve proposed starting that HolidayWeek called PublicVindication on the 11th Lord’s Day, inclusive, after Pascha/Resurrection/Easter.  This year, using current nomenclature, it’s June 17, A. D. 2012.  The 3 holidayweeks that I have scribed onto this year are a psalmodic response to structures.  In general, the Red Sea, Sinai, and Conquest of the Land are in view, as are Cleansing, Consecration, and Communion.
(We had run some 22s completenesses during the time from Pentecost through this start—Psalm 119, 22 books, 22 letters and meanings thereof, 22 ‘found’ Big Selahs –must be modified now – etc.)
Four big things now happen.  1—We reverse the flow of bookweeks from right to left to left to right. We now look to the East, and write words that way too. 2—The Books O’ Day are not a countdown (49-1, 49-29) but in the ‘flipped retuning in each 7 of 8531642). 3—We move in holidayweek language toward looking for what secret (Amos 3:7) God will reveal to us.  So TBOTMOFA –The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly . Totus Christus later should be a time of examining options. Totus Christus later will be a time of selection. What new body might be toward peace? 4—I’ve named special days for this holiday week, a mountain in time.
I give you three helps in this Language of Symbol, dialect of Calendar.
A:  Jim’s 49, put into a grid of 7 sevens. See Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament.;postID=1023440969207626212  When you do the 4th book in each set of 4, and retune 1234567 into 4152637 (like our days of the week, excepts that we switch 3 and 2) you get the names of the days of Public Vindication HolidayWeek to be Luke, Numbers, Second Peter, Job, Galatians, Exekiel, Second Timothy.  Do these form a covenant sequence?  You see that I am playing/incubating this, similarly to the periodic table and/or E. T. Hall’s 10x10 anthropological grid in ‘The Silent Language’. And also similar to the 7x7x7 energy medicine work we’re working on, using sevens such as the 7 virtues, 7 types f covenants, 7 sacraments, 7 chakras and more as we flow out.
B: The retuned retuning, flipped.  In other words, from 1234567, to 4152637 (close to our days of the week, using the ‘7 planets’, to 8531642 (retuned and flipped, to get us to ‘exodos’ at the end.  Note pleas that the calendar here does not yet include the change in orientation, above.;postID=7145713084360645637
C:  I thought we should have a hymn, so I put some strange rhymes to the tune of ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’.  I’ll put some more up later.  The refrain should be this, which is in the comments: ‘Public Vindication! Go! Wrap up the war, Jesus Christ King Conquered, many years before’.
CONCLUSION: Others will do better.  Get rid of (Chuck) Hartman, (as) History Conductor. Train, Orchestra, Electricity.
NEXT: Howl Becomes Music, M’aidezMayDayMaeDay becomes The Pella Square. I claim that TPS is to community discipling what The Romans Road and The Four Spiritual Laws are to individual evangelism.  A wise one said of TPS that every town should do one.

The Pella Square


The Pella Square

How To Make Your Communities Better
[Is The Pella Square to community discipling what the Romans Road, or 4 Spiritual Laws are to individual salvation?]
Example: Pella, Iowa—We’ll apply this to others later.

We write her history around the square, as the first layer. Imagine arrows going from 1--southwest corner to southeast corner, then 2--southeast corner to northeast, then 3-- northeast to northwest, and finally 4—northwest to southwest, back down to the start. (Best to have ½ the group go clockwise). [Note:  Actually start WEST of SW corner, and end up SOUTH of SW corner]

                     4--From 2011 go south from northwest corner

                                                            3--To 2011 go west from northeast corner

                                                          2--To 1922 go north from southeast corner

1--To 1847 ->  go east from southwest corner

Then we add the second layer, the Heidelberg Catechism’s summation: Guilt, Grace, Gratitude, and GoForth+ (the latter, Jeff Harlow)


    4--GoForth+ go south from northwest corner

        3--Gratitude go west from northeast corner

     2--Grace  go north from southeast corner

  1--Guilt east from southwest corner

Let us sum up the first two squares.

Something was wrong in Holland, so Domine (Reverend) Scholte and about 800 people came to America, to Pella (‘Pella’ means ‘refuge’—they sought refuge). To 1847. ‘Pella was founded in 1847 when eight hundred Dutch immigrants led by Dominee (Minister) Hendrik (Henry) P. Scholte settled the area.’,_Iowa

They enjoyed life, and built a community for about 100 years—this building and enjoying continues.

In 1922, this history was written to be shared. In 1936 it began to be shared in a yearly community celebration, Tulip Time.  Many visitors come.  Also, tourists come at all times of the year to see Pella, the Historical Village, etc.

Now, in A. D. 2011, we ask this question:
How can this refuge be given to others?

We are in an age of increasing technological benefits, but, as Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy said, any new technology increases the space over which we can operate, decreases the time it takes, but destroys the old community. [Fear not, as travel went from ships and covered wagons, to railroads, and cars, we have lived through that change.]

We see three more Christian principles at work here in How To Make Your Communities Better/The Pella Square.
1—The consummation is greater than the creation.  That is, as Pella moves along her covenant history, there are greater things.
2—As great Providential gifts are given, we are to give. Pella was given refuge, she should give refuge.
3—We are to become more and more what we are. Personally, each is a unique image of GodTrinity, with talents to be used. For Pella, she is to become more and more her name: Refuge.
These  are from Pastor Brian Nolder, Christ the Redeemer Church, Pella.

How about your community? Here’s an example of Stuart, Iowa.
When was it founded (Stuart, Iowa, 1871), and why (the railroad having been built, land could be better used for a better life).
What was the key event to mark when sharing began (Good Egg Days?)
What of your community’s name should be shared as you become more and more your name ( ____________)?

4--Commission go south from northwest corner

3--Commune go west from northeast corner

    2--Consecrate go north from southeast corner

  1--Call and Cleanse go east from southwest corner
Let’s add one more layer to our square, before we get to the next stage.  It is from the structure of worship at the church pastured by Pastor Nolder.  Let’s see how it ‘rhymes’.
A presupposition: History is liturgy (Wayne Larson). . (Also see the first 5 (or 4) Words/Commandments and Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’ (2008) on Rosenstock-Huessy.
 (Note: This developed from MaeDay80, a holiday developed from a seed planted at a celebration on the Eve of The Circumcision of Our Lord, Dec. 31, A. D. 2005, during our Via Pellarosa of Mom’s ‘care’).

Christ the Redeemer uses 5 Cs. Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission. I, Chuck Hartman (website), have put Call and Cleanse together as ridding of guilt, until 1847. Consecrate (the sermon) would be living out the Word from 1922, and continuing. Communion (sharing) begins in 1922 with Souvenir History of Pella (a936, Tulip time).
We are now at the Commissioning stage, how to give refuge, greater than receiving it.
[In Sunday Adelaja’s ‘Church Shift, pages 135-6, he tells how  he asks for a show of hands of those who have a project or a talent that they want to use to ‘go about doing good’. He puts hand-raisers into committee(s), to draw up plans and manuals, and had them test it out on a small scale before rolling it out completely.
His church has 2000 (two thousand) of these groups as of late summer 2011.]

In each of these 4 areas, what have been (will be, post 2011) the key events in Pella, and/or your community, in these eras around the square in a memory palace? Categories below are Rosenstock-Huessy’s.
Please help us fill out this form to participate in PROPR—Participatory Recommissioning Of Pella/Refuge.  Thanks!
Community (tribe)     Business (empire)        Religion (Israel)           Education (Greece)

How can Pella share refuge in the areas of
Community, Business, Religion, Education?
Rosenstock-Huessy, Multiformity of Man, free on line
For more references and help, see our ‘The Pella Square’ website ( ------------).
The Lord be with you.
© 2011-2012: Charles Howard Hartman (on Facebook),, Use freely, with attribution, non-commercially.

PART TWO. Not part of the brochure.  Could be on the website(s).
Additional information:  Examples of Pella giving more might be: Community—this brochure, help on website and as ministry.  More Business, help the unemployed, home business on internet (sic). Religion, explicit covenant (Mayflower Compact), other ministry help, especially ‘discipling by getting others into the narrative. Education, home schooling, on-line MIT classes and more, Khan Academy, etc.

TheTitle.  An homage to the American philosopher, C. S. Peirce, who wrote a key article, ‘How to Make Your Ideas Clear’ in Popular Mechanics.

Each of these four categories of community (festivals…), business work schedules, marketing calendars…), religion (church year, weekly worship…), education (semesters, degree programs…), has its own calendar.

On communities being destroyed, see Creveld , Barzun’s epilog to From Dawn to Decadence, Nisbet (History of the Idea of Progress, Introduction), and Berman (‘Law and Revolution’ Introduction—the best scholarship:North).  Hat tip: GKN  These are all speaking of the nation-state system.

On the national revolutions of the West following a pattern of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, see Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’. His complete cross of reality at the end is valuable, and the memory palace above is related to it, though differs.

Jordan’s short ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’ uses Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact as the sequence. His ‘Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy’ has a 12-stage sequence, ending in the new song of the covenant.

The Heidelberg Catechism is online, the Souvenir History is difficult to find.

Our eBook is for sale here: (when done, link). It elaborates on this process.

We want to help. It’s a refuge giving.  Contact us.

This is part two, subjective, of Hartman’s 4-part ‘Peace! Be a Hero: Help Explicitly Reconcile Opposites’ plan to avoid the perpetual war of the neo-tribes, while also avoiding the slavery of empires, as the nation-state seems to be failing. Done right, it will keep the enthusiastic small groups of the tribes, and the productive economy of the empires. Comprehensive Beauty of Rhyming Covenant Sequences is the Imperative, and The Symphony of Peace/History is the narrative—the scientific method of the sociological era, and The Jordan 49 Calendar is the objective front. Forward, In, Back, Out.  Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact.

An example of how rhyming covenant sequences helps.
Take two of them. THEOS and the first 4, 5 words, commandments.

If coming to Pella 1847 is both obeying a Transcendent God and setting up a new Hierarchy (America, not Holland), then living Ethically until 1922 (and continuing) would be next, but what does one do with ‘Oaths and Sanctions’ as the next side of the square?

One goes to the word/commandment about the Sabbath, and realizes that its admonition to give rest fits in with the sharing of Tulip Time and Souvenir History of Pella, so that the Oath part is seen to be more Sanctions—that one should give rest somehow.

One also sees an implication of getting out and coming to the new land, the Transcendent Hierarchy, and of Ethically living there.  This implication is that one should give rest, share, or be sanctioned?

As these sequences are piled up more and more, we learn more and more about them individually, in part, totally, and in whole.

Add the genesis and early history of this as a dealing with the trauma of Mom. Eve of the Circumcision of Our Lord, Dec. 31, A. D. 2005. 4 Gs, and ‘care’ chronology, the Via Pellarosa.

HTMYCB (The Pella Square) would narratively disciple all parties, uniting them on what to do going forward--and on whence we have come.

All kinds of communities.

Praise the Lord.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: Even better would be having half of the group go around from past to future, and half from future to past, to show herovolution:   [I'VE IMPROVED THIS POEM TREMENDOUSLY NOW, FEB. 14 A. D. 2011.]]

I believe Herovolution. God lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.
As we are chosen to be torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.
(Faintly: Rests—absences—are as important as notes—presences.)
"Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up" (Hos. 6:1)
The hero is the protagonist, the first sufferer, the one between the ages. He Helps Explicitly Reconcile Opposites.
Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’ and The Complete Cross of Reality are very valuable.

North has a component here:
[Members only]  The basic view is that the powers that be [we war against higher ones] have money, power and an old boy network.  The latter is crumbling, based on educational exams: the acid at its base is 'I can get if for you cheaper'. Jews, Armenians, Scots, Dutchmen and now Asians. Two keys: Live and let live. Let’s make a deal.

[But we war against higher ones: 'Who Rules the Land?'. 'Crisis, Opportunity and the Christian Future'. Sung liturgy, same prayers every week, chanted Psalms.]

Love in King Jesus,


Jordan's 7x7 Basic

1-49 version, use this one at first.



21—The Twelve
22—Greater Chron-icles

29—First John

31—First Peter
32—Second Peter
34—Second John
35—Third John

37—First Corinth-ians
38—Second Corinth-ians
43—First Thessal-onians

44—Second Thessal-onians
45—First Timothy
46—Second Timothy
Additional lectures and writing by James Jordan
Hartman supplied the grid. Some information about other orders and arrangements is here. Pointed out to me by C. Frank Bernard on Facebook.
© A. D. 2011 (SardisCORAM861) by Charles Howard Hartman.  Use freely, non-commercially, linking back.

Retuned 7x7: PergamosCoram861 Calendar

OK, start right to left, until PV, then left to right.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
12 13 14 15 (11 PV) 10 9 8

Host9862PergamosCoram861.  March 31, A. D. 2013  is Celebration of Resurrection/Easter and Starts EphesusCoram861  This is a multi-page document.
1—Apr 8
2—Apr 15
3—Apr 22
1st Timothy
4—Apr 29
1 Thess
5—May 6
6--May 13
2 Tim.
7—May 20
2 Thess.
1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes]
8—May 27
9—Jun 3
10—June 10
 [A—June 17, PV]
2. Cor
[A—June 17, PV]
11—June 24
12—July 1
13—July 8
14—July 15
1 Corinthians
2 B/W+
15—July 22
3 John
16—July 29
17—August 5
1 Peter
18—August 12
1 John
19—Aug 19
2 John
20—Aug 26
2 Peter
21—Sep 2 [B—September  9, TBOT-MOFA]
3 B/W+

[B—September 9, TBOT-MOFA]]
22—September 16

23—Sept 23

24—September 30

25—October 7

26—Oct 14

27—Oct  21

28—October 28

4 B/W+
--hunger and thirst
29—Nov 4
The Twelve
30—Nov 11
31—Nov 18
32—Nov 25
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
33—Dec 16
34—Dec 23
35—December 30
5 B/W+ [merci-ful]
36--January 6
37—Jan 13
38—January 20
39—January 27
40—Feb 3 [EAT]
41—Feb 3
42 Feb 3
[EAT] Ruth
6 B/W+
Pure in heart

43—Feb 10
44—Feb 17
45—Feb 24
46—March 3
47—Mar 10
48—Mae 17
49—Mar 24
7 B/W+
pers., pers.
Books for each
week and day
and Psalm of Day, etc. in next.

1--Season of Blessed are the poor in spirit. Woe: Matthew 23:13. [Might also do First Day, and 8th Church (KOLWhole)]
2—Season of Blessed are those who mourn. Woe: Matthew 23:14. [Second Day, and 5th Church (SardisJudgment and Exile)]
3—Season of Blessed are the meek. Woe: Matthew 23:15. [Third Day, and 3rd Church/Era (Pergamos/Wilderness)]
The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly is between 3 and 4
4—Season of Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Woe: Matt. 23: 16-22. [4th Day
     and 1st Church/Era (Ephesus/Garden)]
5—Season of Blessed are the merciful. Woe: Matthew 23:23-24. [5th Day and 6th Church/Era (Philadelphia/Restoration)]
6—Season of blessed are the pure in heart. Woe: Matthew 23: 25-26 [6th Day and 4th Church/Era (Thyatira/Kingdom)]
7—Season of blessed are the peacemakers, the persecuted, ye persecuted. Woe: Matthew 23:27-36.
     [Days 7-12, and 2nd Church/Era (Smyrna/Prison)]
Next: Psalm O Day, Prayer O Day, Explanation of each HoliSheba, Explanation of Eliot/AnselmTime (EAT), General Instructions.
Coram is a Latin/English acronym. In Latin it means ‘face’ or ‘presence’. Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi.
Kol is a Hebrew/English acronym. God ‘kol’ed down from Sinai, and Kol, Octave (8th Day Theology) and Laodicea.
Add: Retuning. Add: List of Covenant Rhymes.
AND REASONS WHY God wrote books.
The Bible is musical, and the overture of the 7 days is repeated and developed. A  covenantal sequence is ‘writ large’ on the year, complementing the Church Year that shows the life of Christ and our response.Good questions, such as Hebrews as 8th iteration of Day 7. Lots of Covenant Rhymes.
Add: Philippians 2:15:  ‘lights’
Down the side, TO THE RIGHT: 1-7 Days, 7-1 Days, 8-2 Churches, 2-8 Churches, Poor in Spirit to Ye Persecuted (Woes), Ye Persecuted to Poor in Spirit (Woes)—
These make 6, and we have, the Bride/Body, 7th coming after Exodus, as
We are in jubilee ‘above’ the 49
[Calendar Dialect of Symbol, the language]
[And the second telling, with Adam as the light]
Psalm O Day, Prayer O Day, etc.
Another layer of calendar, in which the covenant is written on the Resurrectin to Resurrection
And ‘30’ (+?} covenants are rhymed.
  1. D. 2011- A D. 2012.
  2. Eldstering, ThyatiraBmoY, 1 Peter Sheba (Friday, August 26 A. D. 2011)

Add Days 7-12 at first and last of the Seasons.

On Friday, Aug. 26, I added a new holiday—holidays are only about death.  Godparents for Eldsters is the name, for  I made provisions for a kind of death of enfeeblement and befuddlement, and two agreed to help me then.
thyatiryBmoY (ThyatiraYMMM!), First Peter week (sheba).
Between @Pentecost and @Public Vindication, we go through the 22 letters and Psalm 119, the 22 books, the 27 books (6 plus 21), the 1234567 and 4152637, and 8531642 (2 and 3 being together in a sense—ths21 alone starts at Pentecost). Backward and forward.
More to come. Chuck

The days of the week now are  to be named after the churches in Revelation, for they are the sky/firmament now, per Ephesians 2:6.
Retuned.  This is deep, deep.
Sunday/Lord’s Day: Now WholeYMMM!
Monday, SardsYMMM!
Tuesday, PergsYMMM!
Wednesday, EphesusYMMM!
Thursday, PhilsYMMM!
Friday, ThyatiraYMMM!
Saturday, SmyrnsYMMM!

K.O.LBmoY!, SardisBmoY!, PergamosBmoY!,  EphesusBmoY!, PhiladelphiaBmoY!, ThyatiraBmoY!, SmyrnaBmoY!
‘moY’ is the Hebrew for ‘day,’ coming at us from the future, the Great Day.
I use exclamation ponts to indicate an imperative, and an enthusiasm.
YMMM! Is a pun for ‘day’ and ‘eat’.  We eat time, we take it in.

Sunday, Monday, etc. are named for ‘planets’ in the sky.  The new names are for things in the social sky, firmament.

The key things in this calendar are:
Covenant structure written on the ‘year’: Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi (‘face,’ or ‘presence’ in Latin= ‘coram’)
Rhyming—lots of things in one system.
Days retuned and renamed.
Weeks named.
Seasons named after Beatitudes and Woes.
Years named, and numbered since Creation (I have a 16 billion year model)
Starts at Pascha/Easter, and moves to the celebrator’s ‘exodus’
This is another layer of social order, for educational calendars are after Greece, church calendars are after Israel, work and business calendars are after Empires, and community calendars are after Tribes.

This is another layer, not to replace everything else.

Show me a man’s schedule, and I’ll tell you who he is.  Show me a society’s calendars, and I’ll tell you who she is.
All religions manifest their beliefs in a calendar: Rosenstock-Huessy.

The next version will be simpler, and will have an un-retuned companion, with lots of notes.
Another use: Sermon Effectiveness Maximizer (modify this)