Host A 53 Twelve Imperatives 2025
SHORT PRELIMINARY. 1—‘Without the imperative there is no
future’ Bledsoe/Rosenstock. 2—'The Bible comes to us first as Law’. Jordan. 3—'A
declarative implies an imperative’. Harlow. (Maybe, Hartman).
4—Because a, do B. The imperative will be in bold. 5—We
will weave the Beatitudes and Decalogue into 7, and then do 8—Resurrection, 9—Ascension,
10—Pentecost, 11—A. D. 70, and 12—Already Not Yet Eternal Condition.
First of Decalogue (Protestant—though Cascione, LCM, says it
might be even 12?!) and First Beatitude.
No other gods. Poor in spirit. The nature of GodTrinity is
both 3 and 1. So too is Jesus both God and Man. But much contemporary logic
(not Goedel) includes the idea that from the Sheffer Storke (Noth both the one
and the other) and be derived all 5 of Russell’s and Whitehead’s ‘Principia Mathematica’ operators (and, not,
or, if-then, if-and-only=if). #1 Because the key fact of the universe is
Both/And, articulate a Both/And Logic!
Idols and Mourn. The Hebrew Scripture tell us over and over
that the Redeemed must fight (a different) Holy War, for Maturation. Sun Tzu tells
us that the ultimate victory is to win without the opponent knowing he is in a
battle. #2 Because of this, tell us what the battles are now.
Don’t take the name emptily, be meek. #3 Because of this,
do a ‘Chuck Galeazzi’ Help.Other.People.Everyday. Get Ready To Help People
Locally. Do Matthew 25:31-40.
Sabbath, Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness. Jesus prays
that we be one. We’re separated. #4 Because of this, follow Leithart’s ‘End
of Protestantism’. Do a Boulder and a Tri-City. Practice weekly communion, sing
Psalms (and all books). Cooperate in commonalities, such as pro-life, marriage courts,
Now, Jordan says 5 and 8 go together, 6 and 9, 7 and 10. Honor
father and mother, no theft and be merciful. #5 Because of this, do a Meyers
Five on Maimonides and ‘New Testament Imperativity’. What did it mean THEN
individually, corporately, how was it fulfilled in/by Jesus, what does it mean
NOW corporately and individually. (For ‘NTI’ what new applications after 2000
years—example, what authorities NOW as compared to THEN.
No murder, no false witness against your neighbor, and pure
in heart.
#6. Do Total Bible Saturation. Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the
Order of the Old Testament’ is valuable here, read it, mark, learn, and
inwardly digest.
No adultery, no coveting and peacemakers=sons of God. #7
Read Hoppe’s ‘Democracy, the God that Failed’. Compare democratic war
casualties, massive, to dynastic one, minimal. Avoid nuclear war—also biological
and chemical.
Resurrection. ‘If you know what you are doing, OK. If not,
you’re in trouble. The church reformed is always reforming. #8. Re-examining
all liturgical practices and architecture. Two examples; Candles lit befor service,
extinguished after amen evening and morning Creation. Or, in electric light,
microphones , pews. Another: Pastor sits at table, congregants stand, or pulpit
and lectern, or pulpit.
Ascension. Jordan says the universe was retuned as the
Ascension is retuned (by 5s?) in Revelation 5;12 to 7:12, thus we have new days
of week. #9. Ask yourself, should we have new days of the week names, since
there are more days?
Pentecost. Africa and the Global South is the future. South
America going Protestant more rapidly than Europe during the Reformation. Jesus
appearing the Muslims in dreams. China on pace to become the world’s largest
Christian nation. Google Translate, Reverse Speech. #10. Evangelize migrant
in their languages. Do Urban Nation on larger scale.
A.D. 70. #11. Because it fits into the Biblical pattern of
the old house (Garden Ark, Tabernacle…) being destroyed and a new one erected,
remember that the Greek Scriptures are building instructions for the whole
Creation, and act like it.
Eternal Condition, Already and Not Yet. #12 Because the
creation is not fallen, because Christ has overcome the world and is King,
having all authority, act as if you are already heavenly beings in the Council,
and pray and act like it, knowing that present condition will pass, and that
each will be judged at the End of Days.
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