One of my therapists mentioned women shaving heads in protest of election, and I thought it would be wise for some on a theological forum who seem to want to be seminary professors to address this (it's about war brides somewhere, whose heads are shaved for a time) as well as both/and logic (light as particle AND wave, Christ as God and Man) and 'binary-ness, and Bedford Day (celebrating cryonc suspension of pioneer of it) in Church of Perpetual Life. The general idea would be that there is thinking in these categories, but not that way. What say you? Peace is the explicit reconciliation of opposites.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Monday, December 30, 2024
80,000 churches 'Contagious Disciple Making'
80,000 churches
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Tilly Leithart 'End of Protestantism'
I read the end of Tilly's book. '...obituaries for the state...' indeed! It won't go soon, this warfare-welfare thing, unless Lenin's quote about time periods is correct. It took centuries to defeat churches, aristocracy, cities. Their modern equivalent would be Santorum's 'cathio' for the RC institution, Depression Scrip,, and corporate reward programs morphed. Not my calling, save to point it out. 'American' ideas are often enacted in Argentina, El Salvador, BRICS, and Gilder's China.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Creveld Leithart State Money Fails Twilly
If, I say if...the next 1000 years will be dominated by 'small enthusiastic groups'. I've outlined 12. Thirdly, Leithart's 'End of Protestantism' indicates that 'the state' conquered through violent means over churches, cities, nobles, over centuries. If Creveld is right that the state's money will fail, cities (as in Depressuib Scrip) and RC as in Sen. Santorum['s 'cathio', and reward programs (Casey's, Hy-Vee) in an equallly rough and long way, might help. Darrell Dow
Thought on Psalm singing--since Gregory is long enough?
Thought on Psalm singing--since Gregory is long enough?
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
What musical instruments to respond to God?
What musical instruments to respond to God?
Sunday, December 22, 2024
GodTrinity lovingly drags us
GodTrinity lovingly drags us into His future,
And as we are torn between the past and the
future, the in and the out,
Our howls become music, and
We the Singing Song.
A hero is one between times,
The first sufferer, the protagonist
Helping explicitly reconcile opposites
Necessary exigencies.
Both not both: A Christmas haiku
Both not both: A Christman haiku
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Puns and wordplay are derivative of both/and logic
Puns and wordplay are derivate of both/and logic.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Some books 2024
Books 2024. See Jerry Bowyer's list. Add 'Creator'--Republic need Odyssey, Timaeus needs Theogyny--prose needs poetry/myth.
'Africa is the Future' at Theopolis. Don't forget Gurri's 'The Revolt of the Public,' written before Brexit and Trump. He holds that we're in the Fifth Wave of information, #1 was writing, #2 was alphabet. Why have authorities lost authority.North did well in putting 'Through New Eyes' FREE at
PS: Read, mark, learn and inwardly digest all the books you read before.
PPS: Jerry Bowyer has a list on Facebook.
PPPS: Peter Diamandis' book are good on 'Abundance'. Also 'Superabundance'--11 bicycles now for the time spent. Also, George Gilder 'Life After Capitalism' (and 'Life after Google'). The capitalism book tells us MIGW--Money is time, Information is surprise, Growth is learning, and Wealth is knowledge.
Jesus: All Authority
Since Jesus has 'all authority' aren't we already under a one-world government of King Jesus, and how should we act differently because of that?
Advolving: I should have included this
Page. 3 generations. 1000.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Advolving Total Bible Saturation 1000 Benefits
Host A 54 Advolving Total Bible Saturation 1000 Benefits
THIS IS A SUPPLEMENT TO All Previous—Church Year,
Lectionary, etc.
It’s based on works of Jordan, Rosenstock, Bullinger and
1—God wrote books. 49, one per week. Jordan’s ‘Rethinking…’ biblicalhorizons
» No. 80: Rethinking the Order of the Old ...
The purpose of this essay is "to boldly go where few
have gone before," and open the possibility that there is another, more
definitive order to the Old Testament canon, one that can be discerned from the
text itself, which is superior to both the Hebrew and the Greek Canons.
2—Small Enthusiastic Groups. ‘Universal History 1954’
Dartmouth course,
Free audio and transcript at
3—Liturgy written on the year (I call it CORAM,
Celebration.Of (that is).Resurrection.Anno.Mundi,
And I startit on Easter/Resurrection Sunday (K.O.L.Ymm!!!)
4—We sing/act the opera of each book. Bullinger’s chiasms
scale mountains, show musical scale (equivocation). See ‘Singing Galatians,
4-fold blessing in liturgy.
5—In response, we sing/act history—the chiasm of chiasms.
Lectionary, etc. Toward Total Bible Saturation (Jordan, ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and
The Christian future’)
6—Twelve Small Enthusiastic Groups proposed, 3-decker
universe and 4 per each. ERH Rosenstock)—Imperative, Subjective, Narrative,
Objective. JBJ (Jordan)—Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact.
Biblical Law (Maimonides + Gregory Hartman, and Meyers’ 5),
Singing, ‘The Next Thousand Years A Prayer as Eschatological Evangelism, ‘Contagious
Disciple Making’ (baptized a million) as Both/And Logic.
15 Word Platform, Sing Starting, HealthSpan, Nations and
Trade Routes (Poul Anderson ‘Territory’).
Covenant of Vocation (Wright, ‘The Day The Revolution Began’),
Local Online Leadership (Biblical One Room School, Vishal Mangalwadi), Peach
tribe, New (McClosky ‘Bourgeois Dignity’ and Jay Abraham.
7—I rename the days, since there are2+ after Ascension.
Revelation 5;12-7:12 retunes by 5 to get our
Days (1234567 to 4152637—Per Jordan (2 and 3 switched—why?)
as we ‘eat’ incorporate other cultures. K.O.L., Sardis, Pergamos, Ephesus,
Philadelphia, Smyrna—all with Ymm!!!, a homophone for reaction to
eating/incorporation and a retuning and flipping (turning upside down of
4152631—8earth added))
8—Name weeks per books. ‘Sheba’. No more months/months.
9—Name years as days, in heptads since creation. May need to
be modified, ( A. D 2024 is tentatively SardisCoram863.
10—Eliot/Anselm Time at 42 EAT, shows us it’s not all
figured out.
11—It’s a 3+ generation project, family and Godparents for
12—After ‘42’ is 7 of THEEEOS (Make Bull).The transcendence
this coram is that Life Extension magazine Jan 2025 says there’s been more good
research in the last 18 months than in all history until now.
Next coram, Deo Volente (GodTrinity) I should do 2026-2027,
42 x 4 (#5 above) and the 1-49/49 to 2.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
BoAnd Logic Needed
1--Goedel 2--Sheffer Stroke (not both the one and the other, from which all Russell's and Whitehead's 'Principia Mathematica' operators can be derived---and, not, or, if then, if and only if, BELIED be the basic articles of Creeds. 3--We need a Christian logician (Goedel was Lutheran--that's good) to do a borh/and logic: BOTH the one AND the other. Or has this been done?
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Dear Travis Finley I got 'Inner Work' and a couple of thoughts (among many) from 'Steiner Time' today. Steiner taught about the time between waking and sleeping. I think the brain works differently then, NOT that we speak with the dead then.
I'm thinking one of the points of Jung is that the collective unconscious make au do thing, 'acts us' There's more to know.
I adduce only 2 of many on this: 'The God Proablem' by Howard Bloom hold that from the smallest sub-atomic particles to the larges, all is divided into explorers and consolidators. We're included.
Second is Reverse Speech @David Oates.
Children speak in revers first. Metaphors. He has tapes! And Reverse Speech is mataphoric. He has a dictionary. Whe what one says forward fits with what one says backward, one is congruent. He finds congruencies where one would not think he would.
Both of these are hidden in plain sight, like Jung. Please continue to post your findings.
I blundered--Kings and Ecccliastes
I blundered--Kings and Eccleaisstes
SHORT PRELIMINARY. 1—‘Without the imperative there is no future’ Bledsoe/Rosenstock. 2—'The Bible comes to us first as Law’. Jordan. 3—'A declarative implies an imperative’. Harlow. (Maybe, Hartman).
4—Because a, do B. The imperative will be in bold. Add ‘Thus saith the Lord’ after every bold. 5—We will weave the Beatitudes and Decalogue into 7, and then do 8—Resurrection, 9—Ascension, 10—Pentecost, 11—A. D. 70, and 12—Already Not Yet Eternal Condition.
First of Decalogue (Protestant—though Cascione, LCM, says it might be even 12?!) and First Beatitude.
No other gods. Poor in spirit. The nature of GodTrinity is both 3 and 1. So too is Jesus both God and Man. But much contemporary logic (not Goedel) includes the idea that from the Sheffer Storke (Noth both the one and the other) and be derived all 5 of Russell’s and Whitehead’s ‘Principia Mathematica’ operators (and, not, or, if-then, if-and-only=if). #1 Because the key fact of the universe is Both/And, articulate a Both/And Logic!
Idols and Mourn. The Hebrew Scripture tell us over and over that the Redeemed must fight (a different) Holy War, for Maturation. Sun Tzu tells us that the ultimate victory is to win without the opponent knowing he is in a battle. #2 Because of this, tell us what the battles are now.
Don’t take the name emptily, be meek. #3 Because of this, do a ‘Chuck Galeazzi’ Help.Other.People.Everyday. Get Ready To Help People Locally. Do Matthew 25:31-40.
Sabbath, Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness. Jesus prays that we be one. We’re separated. #4 Because of this, follow Leithart’s ‘End of Protestantism’. Do a Boulder and a Tri-City. Practice weekly communion, sing Psalms (and all books). Cooperate in commonalities, such as pro-life, marriage courts, praying..
Now, Jordan says 5 and 8 go together, 6 and 9, 7 and 10. Honor father and mother, no theft and be merciful. #5 Because of this, do a Meyers Five on Maimonides and ‘New Testament Imperativity’. What did it mean THEN individually, corporately, how was it fulfilled in/by Jesus, what does it mean NOW corporately and individually. (For ‘NTI’ what new applications after 2000 years—example, what authorities NOW as compared to THEN.
No murder, no false witness against your neighbor, and pure in heart.
#6. Do Total Bible Saturation. Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ is valuable here, read it, mark, learn, and inwardly digest.
No adultery, no coveting and peacemakers=sons of God. #7 Read Hoppe’s ‘Democracy, the God that Failed’. Compare democratic war casualties, massive, to dynastic one, minimal. Avoid nuclear war—also biological and chemical.
Interlude. Cross and two Persecutions. OK, The Word. We’re in the Fifth Wave of information, Gurri. First was writing, second was alphabet. Paul vs. Socrates. ‘Who will save me from the body of this death? Vs. The more you know, the more moral you are. Gilder’s MIGW. Money is time, information is surprise, growth is learning, Wealth is knowledge in ‘Life After Capitalism’. Fuller’s ephemerality. Diamandis’ Ds. Rosenstock: New technology increases space over which you act, decreases the time it take, and destroys old groups. Diamandis’ Ds. Do study and apply all these. Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest these words.
Resurrection. ‘If you know what you are doing, OK. If not, you’re in trouble. The church reformed is always reforming. #8. Re-examining all liturgical practices and architecture. Two examples; Candles lit befor service, extinguished after amen evening and morning Creation. Or, in electric light, microphones , pews. Another: Pastor sits at table, congregants stand, or pulpit and lectern, or pulpit.
Ascension. Jordan says the universe was retuned as the Ascension is retuned (by 5s?) in Revelation 5;12 to 7:12, thus we have new days of week. #9. Ask yourself, should we have new days of the week names, since there are more days?
Pentecost. Africa and the Global South is the future. South America going Protestant more rapidly than Europe during the Reformation. Jesus appearing the Muslims in dreams. China on pace to become the world’s largest Christian nation. Google Translate, Reverse Speech. #10. Evangelize migrants in their languages. Do Urban Nation on larger scale.
A.D. 70. #11. Because it fits into the Biblical pattern of the old house (Garden Ark, Tabernacle…) being destroyed and a new one erected, remember that the Greek Scriptures are building instructions for the whole Creation, and act like it.
Eternal Condition, Already and Not Yet. #12 Because the creation is not fallen, because Christ has overcome the world and is King, having all authority, act as if you are already heavenly beings in the Council, and pray and act like it, knowing that present condition will pass, and that each will be judged at the End of Days.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
'Thus saith the Lord' Comprehensive Imperatives 2025
'Thus saith the Lord' Comprehensive Imperatives 2025
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Monday, December 9, 2024
Add to Interlude
We’re in the Fifth Wave of information, Gurri. First was writing, second was alphabet. Paul vs. Socrates. ‘Who will save me from the body of this death? Vs. The more you know, the more moral you are. Gilder’s MIGW. Money is time, information is surprise, growth is learning, Wealth is knowledge in ‘Life After Capitalism’. Fuller’s ephemerality. Diamandis’ Ds. Rosenstock: New technology increases space over which you act, decreases the time it take, and destroys old groups. Diamandis’ Ds. Do study and apply all these. Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest these words.
Twelve Imperatives 2025
Host A 53 Twelve Imperatives 2025
SHORT PRELIMINARY. 1—‘Without the imperative there is no
future’ Bledsoe/Rosenstock. 2—'The Bible comes to us first as Law’. Jordan. 3—'A
declarative implies an imperative’. Harlow. (Maybe, Hartman).
4—Because a, do B. The imperative will be in bold. 5—We
will weave the Beatitudes and Decalogue into 7, and then do 8—Resurrection, 9—Ascension,
10—Pentecost, 11—A. D. 70, and 12—Already Not Yet Eternal Condition.
First of Decalogue (Protestant—though Cascione, LCM, says it
might be even 12?!) and First Beatitude.
No other gods. Poor in spirit. The nature of GodTrinity is
both 3 and 1. So too is Jesus both God and Man. But much contemporary logic
(not Goedel) includes the idea that from the Sheffer Storke (Noth both the one
and the other) and be derived all 5 of Russell’s and Whitehead’s ‘Principia Mathematica’ operators (and, not,
or, if-then, if-and-only=if). #1 Because the key fact of the universe is
Both/And, articulate a Both/And Logic!
Idols and Mourn. The Hebrew Scripture tell us over and over
that the Redeemed must fight (a different) Holy War, for Maturation. Sun Tzu tells
us that the ultimate victory is to win without the opponent knowing he is in a
battle. #2 Because of this, tell us what the battles are now.
Don’t take the name emptily, be meek. #3 Because of this,
do a ‘Chuck Galeazzi’ Help.Other.People.Everyday. Get Ready To Help People
Locally. Do Matthew 25:31-40.
Sabbath, Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness. Jesus prays
that we be one. We’re separated. #4 Because of this, follow Leithart’s ‘End
of Protestantism’. Do a Boulder and a Tri-City. Practice weekly communion, sing
Psalms (and all books). Cooperate in commonalities, such as pro-life, marriage courts,
Now, Jordan says 5 and 8 go together, 6 and 9, 7 and 10. Honor
father and mother, no theft and be merciful. #5 Because of this, do a Meyers
Five on Maimonides and ‘New Testament Imperativity’. What did it mean THEN
individually, corporately, how was it fulfilled in/by Jesus, what does it mean
NOW corporately and individually. (For ‘NTI’ what new applications after 2000
years—example, what authorities NOW as compared to THEN.
No murder, no false witness against your neighbor, and pure
in heart.
#6. Do Total Bible Saturation. Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the
Order of the Old Testament’ is valuable here, read it, mark, learn, and
inwardly digest.
No adultery, no coveting and peacemakers=sons of God. #7
Read Hoppe’s ‘Democracy, the God that Failed’. Compare democratic war
casualties, massive, to dynastic one, minimal. Avoid nuclear war—also biological
and chemical.
Resurrection. ‘If you know what you are doing, OK. If not,
you’re in trouble. The church reformed is always reforming. #8. Re-examining
all liturgical practices and architecture. Two examples; Candles lit befor service,
extinguished after amen evening and morning Creation. Or, in electric light,
microphones , pews. Another: Pastor sits at table, congregants stand, or pulpit
and lectern, or pulpit.
Ascension. Jordan says the universe was retuned as the
Ascension is retuned (by 5s?) in Revelation 5;12 to 7:12, thus we have new days
of week. #9. Ask yourself, should we have new days of the week names, since
there are more days?
Pentecost. Africa and the Global South is the future. South
America going Protestant more rapidly than Europe during the Reformation. Jesus
appearing the Muslims in dreams. China on pace to become the world’s largest
Christian nation. Google Translate, Reverse Speech. #10. Evangelize migrant
in their languages. Do Urban Nation on larger scale.
A.D. 70. #11. Because it fits into the Biblical pattern of
the old house (Garden Ark, Tabernacle…) being destroyed and a new one erected,
remember that the Greek Scriptures are building instructions for the whole
Creation, and act like it.
Eternal Condition, Already and Not Yet. #12 Because the
creation is not fallen, because Christ has overcome the world and is King,
having all authority, act as if you are already heavenly beings in the Council,
and pray and act like it, knowing that present condition will pass, and that
each will be judged at the End of Days.
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Both/And Logic
Some intellectual shoud do both/and logic (Both God and Man, Both 3 and 1) as opposed to the Sheffier Stroke (not both the one and the other) from which he thought that all5 of Russell/s and Whitehead's operators for Principia Mathematica could be derived (no, and, or, if then, iff and only if). Who is working on this?
James 'Bold' Jordan expanded Total Bible Saturation
James 'Bold' Jordan expanded. Total Bible Saturation
biblicalhorizons » No. 80: Rethinking the Order of the Old ... purpose of this essay is "to boldly go where few have gone before," and open the possibility that there is another, more definitive order to the Old Testament canon, one that can be discerned from the text itself, which is superior to both the Hebrew and the Greek Canons.
Then we go through Total Bible Saturation ('Crisis, Opportunity, and The Christian Future')
What do we get? We get one thing that might help: A book a week.
Putting these on a 'year' starting at Easter, we get 3 John on Dec .8, Sunday.
The chiastic center of 3 John is 'Malice of Diotrephes' from Bullinger, commanded for us to get by JBJ.
But that's not all.
In JBJ's Revelation commentary he writes that at the Ascension, Rev. 5: 12 to 7: 12, the universe is retuned.
It's retuned from 1234567 'by fifths' to 4152637, and we get our days of the week, eating/incorporating plants and their gods.
(2 and 3 somehow are switched)
But that's not all.
After ascension comes Pentecost, and then A. D. 70.
Should they not entail retuning too?
I think so. We get 2461357, and since we turned the world upside down we eventually get 8531642 by adding earth.
And amening Rosenstock's 'Out of Revolution' which went backwards through the revolution, we start at Easter (Resurrection) with Hebrews and and with Exodus.
But that's not all.
With this retuning, Dec. 8 is Ezekiel, the chiastic center of which is Elders, per Bullinger, but I think shows a visionary temple.
But that's not all. (What do I know)
Tell these little snippets to your congregation as part of Total Bible Saturation?
Love in King Jesus,
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Next Year (coram) and Maimonides + Hartman 'law'
NEXT YEAR (coram) I’ll do a short Question and Answer form of ‘The Next Thousand Years A Prayer. This year I’ll continue with applying the Meyers’ Five to Maimonides and (modifiedly) Greg Hartman’s ‘New Testament Imperativity’. I’ll also add Beatitudes to THEEEOS at the end. PMMHMPPP.
We should note that the king in ancient
Israel was required to write ‘the law’ in his own hand. This resulted in the
king getting into his mind and actions the geist/gist/essence of the law. This is shown by Solomon’s decision in the case
of two harlots and one baby. The gist of the matter was that the true mother
wanted the baby to live.
Now to Maimonides. Dividing 613 by 42, we
get 348 done, so we pick one from 349-362. I’ll do #359 ‘To follow the
procedure of the peace offering — Lev. 7:11’. What did it mean THEN individually,
corporately, how as it FULFILLED in/by Jesus, what does it mean NOW
corporately, individually. First, they were in a time of priesthood. In that
time, they were given commands to obey exactly, in order that they might be taught.
As I’ve said, the king was to apply the gist, and new we are in a prophet
stage. We eat the peace offering as members of the heavenly council, as
prophets. Some have crackers, some have grape juice, some do not have a loaf.
Some have one prayer only. We should strive toward being better, and toward
better understanding.
Now Greg Hartman’s ‘Imperativity’. We should
say first that some maintain that declaratives ad imperatives, thus Matthew
25:31-46. OK, 256 done, choose
257-264. We modify Meyers by asking, ‘What has changed in 2000 years?’. The
best example is ‘authorities’ in Romans 13: 2. #260 Phil. 3:15. ‘…perfect…’
Others mayelucidate us with word studies, but I will go with ‘maturity’. A
pattern in the Bible is that GodTrinity is growing us. He gives the redeemed
new typs of Holy War to fight, for our maturity. (The church body is the new
temple, I hold, and how we should act is a way of reinforcing the building). So
we should ask, what types of Holy War is GodTrinity giving us NOW for our
maturation? There are man that are coming, from social media, to AI, to food,
to governance…
Monday, December 2, 2024
(How) Does Life Of Jesus fit into the 7-day Creation pattern?
(How) Does Life Of Jesus fit into the 7-day Creation pattern?