Tuesday, October 8, 2024

5 shorts toward church unity/'End of Protestantism'

 5 Shorts Toward Church Unity/The End of Protestantism


1—A Book of the Bible a week, start with JBJ’s 49

     Note: As creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms are gleaned, so the theodicy of the 168 (point 4)

2—Liturgy through the year. After 10,11,11. Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune—2. Conflate with

     Historical events. Cleanse = Red Sea, A. D. 70, Consecrate = Sinai, Constantine, Commune =

     Conquest of Promised Land, Conversion of Iceland. Liturgy is Science, is Feasts is History

3—Sing each book. One way, Bullinger’s chiasm of each Book, turned 90 degrees to make a

     Mountain. As it’s scaled, a musical scale. (PS: Psalms per JBJ’ translation, with a drum beat

     Or something when a key numbered concept or work is sung, Also my ‘Cascione-ing’—he, influenced

     By JBJ—of 117 + 100.6 as having 5 commands to Praise, 6 Praisers, and 7 Praised. Put these on

     Octave. High 5 Praise, Middle 6 Praisers, Low 7 Praised.

4—The 168 Theodicy. Start with ‘coolio’ of first letter-words. B R SH T. Through Acts 2:42, conflating      fellowship with house, Apostles’ Doctrine with head, breaking of bread with (fang) eat, and prayer with

     Cross. These are not chronological, necessarily. Somehow they are use as The Opera (plural of opus in

     Some language) of History. (Not ERH’s symphony, because GodTrinity and humans speak and sing.)

     So, the carnage of the uncivil War, and World Wars I and II, have a chord with two other notes of

     History. Thes could all be seen as part of a much larger many thousands of years from not, but…

     For instance toward Full Final Forever Fellowship we have Nisbet’s 7,8 and all the Furniture in the

     Bible (translation of ‘thoroughly furnished’ in 2 Timothy 3:16 could be ‘with all his furniture’. Doctrine      

     Includes creed, catechism, confession along with all the head things in liturgy, bowing, confessing,

     rising, singing, seeing, smelling towad Full Final Forever HeadBody, Toward Full Final Forever Feast

     include ‘Do’ from ‘Blessed are the Hungry’, as energy and following Luther’s saying in Large Catechism

     that flags should have a loaf of bread on them are 25 or more General Purpose Technology entries,

     technological changes the re-newed society, and then there’s Kardashev’s Civilization I (all energy of a

     planet, II (solar system) III (galaxy). Cross and Prayer result in Full Final Forever HumbleDing, and

     include ERH’s metanomics, and ‘All the Prayers of the Bible’ etc. Languages; ideogrsphs, alphabet,

     Revers Speech +. Pin Yin during Mao, ‘God’s Promise to the Chinese’

5—Relatively easy. ERH’s 12 small enthusiastic groups of the next 1000 years, from ‘Universal History

     1954’, the three decker universe, Garden/Land/World, Priest, King, Prophet, Church,
Civil Government, Marriage/House which becomes culture. ERH: Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective. JBJ: Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact. My 12 now are Biblical Law (Maimonides and Greg Hartman’s ‘New Testament Imperativity’, Sing as glorified speech, The Next Thousand Years A Prayer, and ‘Contagious   Disciple Making as Both/And Logic vs. Either/Or. [the key facts are both/and—God and Man, 3 and 1, etc. In land we have Twelve Word Platform/Get It Done in Whatever, Song of creating new businesses, e. g.., Healthspan and eschatological evangelism, and nations as trade routes. The Wright’s covenant of vocation (from ‘The Day the Revolution Began’ We are between God and Man), Local Online Hero (helping explicity reconcile opposites), Peace Trib, and new new MCCloskey and Jay Abraham.


All these will change, and all give big tasks to the church, lifting her out of disunity toward unity. They

Came to me in ‘Steiner Time’ between sleeping and being fully awake, during my convalescence.


Chuck (Charles Howard Hartman)

Lepanto, October 7, A. D. 2024 , Luke Sardis Coram 863

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