Thursday, October 31, 2024

Add to unknown unknown online holy war

 Reaction to a post that our children spend too much time online

Also, friend's son took a whole year of high school online during covid
Further, Khan Academy and numerous other sources have FREE k-12 curricula, others cheap
MIT has free courses online taught by Nobel laureates

online unknown unknown holy war


online unknown unknown holy war 

  'Online' is one of the challenges GodTrinity gives us. We hold in our respective hands access to 'all' the information is the world, a truly world-changing thing. We must make what we do such that we use this for good. Here is the internet in a list of 25+ such technologies. (And Gurri's 'Revolt of the Public' says we are in the Fifth Age (he may use a different word) of information, the first being writing, the second alphabet. Thus, Jordan's view that GodTrinity gives the redeemed holy wars to fight for our maturity holds true today. We have one. For most it's an unknown unknown--we don't even know that we don't know.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Autistic 4 words

 Autistic. Rosenstock says languages are based on 4 words. Ues, No, Please, Thankyou. Start there. The least significant (non-verbal) may be the most significant.

Jordan's Revelation Commentary Retuning Creation Days of Week


Jordan's Revelation Commentary Retuning Creation Days of Week

I've thought that the retuning of the Creation such that we have we have days of the week so named, as the Ascension if pictured in Rev. 5:12 to 7:12 was singnificant (worthy to be sung). Who has written this song?

Sunday, October 27, 2024

50 Years Sinch HSAB Hartman Space Age Ballot

 50 years since HSAB, Hartman Space Age Ballot.

The BASH made no splash, so 'The Next Thousand...' is a 3-generation project.
Revived as two words of Twelve Word Ballot--'Direct Appropriation'.TWB though should have 3 more ...Get 'Er Done.
SH SH K and B B L for those who know.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

What's Next For Chuck. One Room School


What’s Next For Chuck? One Room School?

Google Translate would help. ERH says 'yes, no, please, thank you' are 4 basic words


Yes. A hundred years ago  in Iowa HIGH SCHOOLS taught HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS to be teachers in country schools after HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION. My mother walked ½ mile to hers, her sister 1 ½ miles—schools were every 2 miles, and Iowa had the highest literacy rate in the nation. Grades 1-8, one room.


With computers and home school mothers of large families, we can do this. Free Curricula abound. Mangalwadi want to use North’s work world-wide also.


It can be done as a ministry or, preferably, as a profit-making enterprise. For profit would attract more imitators, replicators, etc. Plans on request. Later I’ll charge $. Basically hire one at a low wage, give her (usually a she) ½ of tuition, manual sales, consulting, membership site. Etc. See Switzer for other revenues. 10 @$10K each should do it. Find a businessman to run it.


Thus JBJ’s ‘Jeremiah Time’  3 are fulfilled. ‘The Next Thousand Years A Prayer’ is the plot of land. Eschatological Evangelism, per end of Ecclesiastes completes the Jeremiads. And One Room School is ‘for the good of the city’, given that it is Bible-based. (Luther).


The 3 generations can complete songs of each book (see Bullinger’ chiasms and ‘Singing Galatians’ as well as the 42x4 Response of history). Maybe  Adullam in Kenya will do the Biblical Law (Maimonides and Greg Hartman’s ‘New Testament Imperativity)’.


This One Room School is in #10 of 12 small enthusiastic groups.


Here’s an  outline of my whole work.


·         The Next Thousand Years A Prayer II

·         [includes New Material, Still Disorganized, Still Has Gems]

·         [Read the end first, as Adler suggested in ‘How To Read A Book’]

·         This is a work in progress. It’s a mess, but some gems may be mined from it. (1) The 49 books of total Bible saturation are based on James Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ at (5) The idea that the next thousand years will be ‘small enthusiastic groups’ is from Rosenstock-Huessy’s Dartmouth course ‘Universal History 1954’. FREE audio and transcript at


·         WHAT  12 SMALL ENTHUSIASTIC GROUPS OF THE NEXT THOUSAND YEARS ARE PROPOSED AT THIS TIME? A list is enclosed. 3-decker universe, plus 4-speech.


·         Jordan has said that we live in 'Jeremiah Time'. (1) This book is part one--the 'plot of land' that said we'd be returning from Exile.  (2) I now will work 'for the good of the city'. These are enthusing times! See also Jordan’s ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and The Christian Future’. (3) Beatific Harmony came to the author as he worked through this. and Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook. The Jeremiads are ‘Eschatological Evangelism’. (4) There’s a ‘liturgy through the year, from CelebrationOfResurrectionAnnoMundi to CORAM. (3) We learn to sing each book. (6) 4x42 is important.


·         Contact the author at, or on Facebook at Charles Howard Hartman, 1404 Broadway, Pella, Iowa 50219. Please don’t phone.

·         For Louise

·         © A. D. 2024 by Charles Howard Hartman

·         Bonus: The chess of pocket billiards near the end.

·         Incomplete on Google Docs

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

DaVinci Jordan Both/And Logic

 DaVinci and Jordan Both/And Logic

'The human body models earth'

Everything somehow models everything?
I think so.
I've recently been pondering the Creeds and the Sheffer Stroke.
Sheffer Stroke encapsulates Russell and Whitehead's 5 in 'Principia Mathematica' into one--not both the one and the other. Encapsulates and, or, not, if and only if, if then.

But we hold Both the one And the other as foundational. Modelling.
Both God and Man. Both 3 and 1. Light both particle and wave.
Someday, someone will elaborate this.
Love in King Jesus,

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Personhood Day Chuck July 4

 Personhood Day Chuck July 4

If one becomes a person at conception, and conception is @ 9 month before birth (usually) then I claim July 4, parents' anniversary as my personhood day.

Great societal implications abound.


Thursday, October 17, 2024

Genesis 3: 11-19 Adam's attack on women Jordan BH

 OK, Genesis 3: 11-19. I'll try to Cassuto-Jordan-Cascione it to find what words/concepts appear hom many times.

Wiser ones will do other stuff.

North on Break-up of Nation-state

 North on Break-up of nation-state

It'll cost $8 to join
Discusses at length Nisbet, Barzun, Creveld
PS: Aaron Burr was Jonathan Edwards' grandson.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Third Item

 A third item.

With the free curricula out there, with computers, with the number of mothers with large families who teach at home, and with a good business person in each congregation to run it, and incentives for additional students, a manual, consulting and membership site...
why wouldn't a one room/one teachr system be profitalbe, so that any church could do it, using unused weekday room?
PS: Decade ago, HIGH SCHOOL girls were taught to become one-room country school teachers, schools every two miles. My mom walked 1/2 mile, her sister 1 1/2 miles. Highest literacy rate in the nation.

NOT--'Too Big To Rig'--so what?

 How would your ministries change, if/as/when?

PS: I'm thinking that if we don't 'Schlissel' the influx, we're missing an opportunity to turn liabilities into assets--'the mark of the Christian Era', per Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy.
PPS: I'm also thinking about to whom would a hypothetical alien civilization want to talk? I'm thinking it would be those 7,000 'one-in-a-million' that Rothkopf writes about: The Superclass--
NOT 'Too Big To Rig'--so what?

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Africa is the Future--What Action?


Africa is the Future--What Actions?
It appears that 'Western Civilization' has problems, nuclear and financial, despite the wonderful news in 'Superabundance' and the chapter on superabundance in Gilder's book 'Life after Capitalism. (He doesn't mean what we think that means--he proposes new).
Both JBJ in a series on Western Civilization, and PJL in one of the Theopolis books are in line with the above. North also aimed much of his work that way.
What to do?  If my ship came in, I'd give $ for it.  It hasn't yet.
For now, I'm seeking some church to whom I can refer African pastor who, somehow, have contacted me on social media, through smartphones mostly. I've sent some, some versions of my work on the next thousand years.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

If I were teaching American History

 If Iwere teaching 'American History'

I'd certainly use ERH
But the key thing is that it all points toward the First Amendment, especially freedom of speech, and it all points from that
I recently read another that told of much earlier inter-continental travel, in the style of 'America. B. C.'
I'd use timelines.
I'd assign experts from the class for time periods. Ideas, Insttutions, Inventions... If 30 people, then 2400-1492 = @ 30 years each, but there'd be pr- 1492, and 2 in Future
I'd use people from the community to talk to us. Lutheran for John Hanson, 1st President, Wesley's big influence, etc.
We'd write a book be on YouTube, etc.
Money-making, students too

5 shorts toward church unity/'End of Protestantism'

 5 Shorts Toward Church Unity/The End of Protestantism


1—A Book of the Bible a week, start with JBJ’s 49

     Note: As creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms are gleaned, so the theodicy of the 168 (point 4)

2—Liturgy through the year. After 10,11,11. Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune—2. Conflate with

     Historical events. Cleanse = Red Sea, A. D. 70, Consecrate = Sinai, Constantine, Commune =

     Conquest of Promised Land, Conversion of Iceland. Liturgy is Science, is Feasts is History

3—Sing each book. One way, Bullinger’s chiasm of each Book, turned 90 degrees to make a

     Mountain. As it’s scaled, a musical scale. (PS: Psalms per JBJ’ translation, with a drum beat

     Or something when a key numbered concept or work is sung, Also my ‘Cascione-ing’—he, influenced

     By JBJ—of 117 + 100.6 as having 5 commands to Praise, 6 Praisers, and 7 Praised. Put these on

     Octave. High 5 Praise, Middle 6 Praisers, Low 7 Praised.

4—The 168 Theodicy. Start with ‘coolio’ of first letter-words. B R SH T. Through Acts 2:42, conflating      fellowship with house, Apostles’ Doctrine with head, breaking of bread with (fang) eat, and prayer with

     Cross. These are not chronological, necessarily. Somehow they are use as The Opera (plural of opus in

     Some language) of History. (Not ERH’s symphony, because GodTrinity and humans speak and sing.)

     So, the carnage of the uncivil War, and World Wars I and II, have a chord with two other notes of

     History. Thes could all be seen as part of a much larger many thousands of years from not, but…

     For instance toward Full Final Forever Fellowship we have Nisbet’s 7,8 and all the Furniture in the

     Bible (translation of ‘thoroughly furnished’ in 2 Timothy 3:16 could be ‘with all his furniture’. Doctrine      

     Includes creed, catechism, confession along with all the head things in liturgy, bowing, confessing,

     rising, singing, seeing, smelling towad Full Final Forever HeadBody, Toward Full Final Forever Feast

     include ‘Do’ from ‘Blessed are the Hungry’, as energy and following Luther’s saying in Large Catechism

     that flags should have a loaf of bread on them are 25 or more General Purpose Technology entries,

     technological changes the re-newed society, and then there’s Kardashev’s Civilization I (all energy of a

     planet, II (solar system) III (galaxy). Cross and Prayer result in Full Final Forever HumbleDing, and

     include ERH’s metanomics, and ‘All the Prayers of the Bible’ etc. Languages; ideogrsphs, alphabet,

     Revers Speech +. Pin Yin during Mao, ‘God’s Promise to the Chinese’

5—Relatively easy. ERH’s 12 small enthusiastic groups of the next 1000 years, from ‘Universal History

     1954’, the three decker universe, Garden/Land/World, Priest, King, Prophet, Church,
Civil Government, Marriage/House which becomes culture. ERH: Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective. JBJ: Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact. My 12 now are Biblical Law (Maimonides and Greg Hartman’s ‘New Testament Imperativity’, Sing as glorified speech, The Next Thousand Years A Prayer, and ‘Contagious   Disciple Making as Both/And Logic vs. Either/Or. [the key facts are both/and—God and Man, 3 and 1, etc. In land we have Twelve Word Platform/Get It Done in Whatever, Song of creating new businesses, e. g.., Healthspan and eschatological evangelism, and nations as trade routes. The Wright’s covenant of vocation (from ‘The Day the Revolution Began’ We are between God and Man), Local Online Hero (helping explicity reconcile opposites), Peace Trib, and new new MCCloskey and Jay Abraham.


All these will change, and all give big tasks to the church, lifting her out of disunity toward unity. They

Came to me in ‘Steiner Time’ between sleeping and being fully awake, during my convalescence.


Chuck (Charles Howard Hartman)

Lepanto, October 7, A. D. 2024 , Luke Sardis Coram 863

Sunday, October 6, 2024


 By an establishment guy. Quotes Dulles ''re on the right track'

1981, much here. 
Better than I thought possible: Borman and $Billions made it out

Saturday, October 5, 2024

One Room One Teacher

  One Room One Teacher


Find best business person in congregation to run it

One room

One teacher

$50K business—5 investors at $10K each

     Pay teacher $30K, plus ½ tuition (say $25/wk x 20 = $500. 41 wks =$10K.

           ½ to teacher, ½ to investors

     Plus ½ of manuals @$100.  How many? And consulting ($1000?)


     Plus ½ of MemberGate membership site?

Shotgun is free website—teacher does, with help (Suggested Name: OneRoomOneTeacher?)

Rifle is manual, plus consulting ($1000?)

Scope membership fees—very little, membership site mostly free. See ($8)

     Suggest membership site and website the same Membergate is $97/month—should business pay for      


So, it’s profitable ($10K on $50K investment?)

So, it can be expanded to most churches, or private groups, homeschoolers…?

Probably a lot wrong with this, that’s why running it past/by best businessman



There are probably insurance issues, should teacher rent building?, church worker benefits?

My grandmother taught in Audubon county, because they paid more than Guthrie: $25/month, not $20

My mother and aunt taught in country schools as high school graduates, waling ½ mile and 1 ½ miles to

     Country school every 2 miles.

At that time, Iowa had the highest literacy in the nation

We have computers now, and many FREE curricula—Khan Academy, Open Culture, University of the

    People…and many inexpensive one (Vishal Mangalwadi is working on it, but Ron Paul and Robinson

     Home Curriculum are 2


a—There used to be a book, ‘Learn Hebrew with the Book of Ruth’ 5/6 of Bible is Hebrew. The new is in the old concealed, the old is in the new revealed’.


b—Liturgy is Science is Feasts is History.

Schtuart (c) (TM) played worldwide by internet

 I learned yesterday the a man plays darts vs. people in Ireland, by internet cameras. This bodes well for my 'chess of pocket billiards' which can be played without alternate shots. Schtuart (C) (TM)

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Pays interest in gold, silver

 Radical!! Pays in gold interest, silver intherest for gold, silver investments

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Hisstory Rhymes--Ralph Smith

 PS: We have a long ways to go, but what rhymes is this (from JBJ or PJL): God gives the redeemed a Holy War to fight, so that we will mature. And (Twain) 'History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes'.

Chuck '42 B R SH T' Hartman

Inferring 'How Big Was Adam?' and what color

 Color: God like colors, blue legs, etc. (Jordan)

Inferring 'How Big Was Adam?' and what color

So, it's not necessarily what IS said, as what's NOT said, and what can be inferred.
E. g. 'pathways of the seas', thus Gulf Stream--Psalm 8.
It's like the rests, the silences in music are as important as the notes?
Love in King Jesus,
