Monday, February 22, 2021

Grandchildren How LongUntil Christmas Celebrated?

 Host  A3034 How long Christmas 300+ years

336. Advent 555. Lent codified at Nicea 325 (two other options). Epiphany a remodeling of an Egyptian  astronomical observance (good! Remodeling).


John 21:25 helps us see that more can be done.

I took JBJ’s 49-book Bible, wrote it a book a week across the year, started at Resurrection, called the year thus Celebration<Of.Resurrection.Anno.Mundi (coran= face/presence in Latin.

I wrote the liturgy on the year, and re-retuned to books.


To write the 49 on the ‘year, Find Easter for 2021 and 2022.Get calendars for each year. The week BEFORE
Easter 2022 is #49. Work backward to 43.

Work forward from Easter 2021 as week one.

Week 42 will either be extended, or some of the books will all be in week 42. That’s EliotAnselmTime.


After 10, a mountain week (not of the 49) of Public Vindication (Red Sea, A. D. 70, etc.). After another 11, another mountain not of the 49 (The Battle Of The Mountain of Festival Assembly (Sinai, Readings and Sermon, etc.), after another 11 twin Mountains not of the 49 of Total Christ (Bread and
Wine, Conquest of Land, etc.). EliotAnselmTime is after another 10, part, yes!, of the 49, but extended or bunched together as part of the 49 so that the last 7 is the same.

Books go 7-1 for the first 10, then 8-2, for the rest until BuildUp the last 49, 1-49, Books in Mountains are 7s by 7-1 at Public Vindication, 4s by 4152637 at TBOTMOFA, and the for Bread of TC 8s by 8531642, and for Wine 1s by 1-7,


Next, Gospels, one entry per week—Matthew, timelines glorify genealogies—Fuller technology, etc. Mark, business servants. Luke, how Jubilee. John, toward tabernacle of action.

Then THEEEOS of the last 7, a tabernacle-of-action.

A sociology may be like unto the science of agriculture the monks had for peasants that let to authority for Truce of God, and , downstream, mutual-oat-taking for cities (small enthusiastic groups). 12,#1 of which is Christian Court, but better comparison of ALL law systems, unto ‘grokking’ of subgroups (seg) as medieval scholastic law comparisons engendered scientific method(Berman)

With that a song as JJB mentions in ‘Covenant Sequence’  to be # 12 of it, and tunes for war songs derived therefrom


Later layers. 51 Jeremiah prophecies for Jeremiah Time, 146 Psalms x 2, with summaries and commentaries.


To be fillled in

T—Transcendence of past decades, increased pace of change.

H—Hierarchy, destroyed old groups. Church ignores a million baptized (and more). State fails of solid currency, justice. World FAANG and ‘Abundance’

(4—I propose: Garden Forward, 1--Christian Courts [now, compare all law systems unto grokking subgroups, ‘Last Tango in Cyberspace, Berman Law and Revolution law comparisons unto scientific method]—Inward, 2--Psalms—Backward, 3--Godparents For Eldsters (sic) —Outward, 4—'Contagious Disciple Making’ the book (baptized a million).Land, 5—Twelve Word Platform/Shadow Non-government, 6—Restraint, 7—History of Western Civilization (North, ERH, JBJ), 8—Peace Tribe World, 9—A Thousand Year Prayer/Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar, 10—Money 2.0 (and local community currencies 3,500-4,500,LETS, etc.) 11—LocalOnlineLeader—consult, better and worse than you can possibly imagine, calling, helping, praying), 12—New property, profits through service, ’et mohar’, Jay Abraham

5-- My tune of the above—proposed, will change: 1, 9, 4, 12, 11, 10, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8)

E—Church:  F, Christian Court, I Psalms in Hebrew sung, B, Godparents for Eldsters, Womb Occupants, O, Contagious Disciple Making one million baptized

E--King. Land, 5—Twelve Word Platform/Shadow Non-government, 6—Restraint, 7—History of Western Civilization (North, ERH, JBJ), 8—Peace Tribe

E-- World, 9—A Thousand Year Prayer/Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar, 10—Money 2.0 (and local community currencies 3,500-4,500,LETS, etc.) 11—LocalOnlineLeader—consult, better and worse than you can possibly imagine, calling, helping, praying), 12—New property, profits through service, ’et mohar’, Jay Abraham

O-- Dear Rich:


Cities are  founded on respective threshold sacrifices.

Ancient cities were people.

Orrs in on the Prince of Peace.

Berman says 12th C.cities were mutual oath-taking ala Truce of God.

(That being, e.g. 'No fighting during  Lent'.)

'Modern' cities are founded (if under authority of state) on guns and badges, and war, and maybe capital punishment.

What are the words of true speech, your life behind your words, thatyou will  use.

This is important.

I suggest something such as was used for my godparents for eldster.

Hartman YouTube Godparents

It went through THEOS.

You could use the liturgical form?


Love in King Jesus,


Chuck 'Jubilee Calendar' Hartman

PS: There's seasteading, Central American enterprise zones, the Nevada Governor's plan to let tech companies formtownwwith lasws by the companies--using Money 2.0..

S—The Tune (applied to Psalm 117, 1,4,9) 1, 9, 4, 12, 11, 10, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8) See Jordan ‘Covenant Sequence…’—It always ends with an encapsulating song.


I pray grandchildren will bless me.

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