Saturday, April 4, 2020

Research ('Lectionary') for Week One

Research (Lectionary) For Week One Of Gospels Layer Of Eternal Calendar*
*The Life OF Christ And Our Response
Matthew, timelines
First 2 of Jordan’s Biblical Chrononlogy at
Through page 12 of Ussher ‘Annals of the World’ (includes all introductory material)
First  3 of ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Church History’
First 3 of Fuller’s Chronology of Science/Aftifacts in ‘Critical Path’
Chapter 5 (Revolutions of the West) in Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’
1/49 of “Out of Revolution’ Rosenstock
Rosenstock entry in ‘Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’ online
Universal  History 1954 Dartmouth course lecture (listen or read transcript)
Mark, Business Servants
Deng of China, Wikipedia (?) Greatest Free Market Reforms Ever In Any Large Country
Remember Gilder’s view that his directives wer vabue enough to allowdaring innovation
Luke, 40 books
How does Hebrews show Jubilee Fulfilled, and How Apply that fulfillment?
John, Tabernacles (toward oath/imperative that starts is—see Gardner above for examples)
[Psalms, Hebrew Cadence, later. Mountains of Time (liturgy as it comes up 10-11-11-17)
Advolving—changing toward, thinking
Last 7 weeks, first 6, what since 1980. Proposals. 1--Great conversions in South, Field, ‘Contagious Disciple Making, Justo Gonzalez, 2—China in business/state, Russia, ‘Abundance’ the book and ‘Bold’ and ‘The Future  is Faster than You  Think’ 3—Biological knowledge 4x faster than Moore’s Law, 4—FAANG, 5--ERH Universal History 1954 and 3 statements: ‘Any new technology gives us larger spatial reach, shortens time it takes, and destroys old groups’, and ‘Turning liabilities into assets is the mark of the Christian Era’ and ‘The next social order is small, enthusiastic groups—tribes without constant warpath. 6—Psalms tunes per Hebrew Cadence (Cascione) and Jordan’s work(to monthly donors, in his computer)
CHH—Symphony of Hostory after Total Christ (the 1o weeks between that and BuildUp)
Imperative: 12 Days
Subjective: 12 Books (of Bible, maybe later others)
12-fold groups destroyed. 3—church, family, civil magistrate—x4 failures (forward, revolution; in, mysticism; back, decadence; out, war) intermeshed with individual and creational callings
Persons (You see we’re reversing ERH’s 3 from Gardner)—players, composers, conductors I choose or imagine (Hat Tim: Steve Allen ‘Meeting of the Minds’
Speech—see language commentary Week One) Oath-formed, profitable, productive, small, enthusiastic groups (ofsppeg, after ERH universal History 1954) POSSIBLY Use some CHH has proposed, but ‘solving’ for failed groups destroyed

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