Week Three Should We Pray for the Godfather?
MARK. Yes. We should Pray for the Godfather.This week in
Mark, Business Servants, we remember FAANG. Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netrflix,
and Google all started relatively recently, and make up a significant 15% of
the S & P 500, which is considered a proxy for the whole American economy.
Add to this other significant recent activity such as Gilder’s ‘Life After Google, ’ Blockchain,
Money 2.0 encrypted currencies and you have something out of ‘Abundance,’ great
wealth creation.
Previous Business Servants were Deng (greatest move toward a
free market in any major country in
history) and MOONSHOOTERS. Bullinger says Mark is about ‘servant,’ and Rosenstock
says Mark is addressed to Empires, where business was starting to be emphasized
in markets.
First Timothy 2: 1-4 applies to these ‘gone bad’.
Rockefeller is next week, Week Four. ‘McMafia’ claims that 20% of World
Economic Product is ‘organized crime’. Rothbard and other libertarians claim that
‘government’ economic activity should be SUBTRACTED from GDP! (This has some
relevance pro and con in an economy in which 25% are unemployed, there’s SNAP,
and social security, etc.) Also see Fuller, in ‘Critical Path’—much work is
unnecessary, and it’d be better, he says, to pay what we’d now call a universal
basic income –very high—and let those who do significant (I almost typed sign
if I can (t)) work do so as an honor.
One of the 12 ofsppeg might be a group to turn bad-gone, who
are servants of He-Who-Ordains-All, though they don’t know it.
MATTHEW. We’ll add such as Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution,’
Barzun’s ‘Dawn to decadence,’ Rosenstock’s “Out of Revolution,’ Nisbet’s ‘History
of the Idea of Progress,’ an Creveld’s ‘Rise and Decline of the State,’ with ‘Timetables
of History’ to our 42nds reading in future years, just as we Psalms, (several run throughs) and the 51 prophecies
of Jeremiah (Bullinger).
But for this coram/year (celebration of resurrection anno
mundi) we have only the third 42nds of the history of science and technology in
‘Critical Path’ and the history of the church in ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History.
Matthew starts with a genealogy and ends with a command—disciples make disciples,
and have influence.
Fuller’s list goes from 900 B. C. rustproof iron in India, to 220 B. C. Archimedes many discoveries A
key to Greek thinking was the 350 B. C.
adoption of a 24-letter alphabet. (Explore this!)
In Christian History we have Origen C. 205, Cyprian On the
History of the Church’) and Anthony beginning his life as a hermit.
LUKE is First Timothy. We name the weeks (shebas) as we do
the years (corams) as a re-retuned backward. The weeks by books in heptad, the
years by churches in Revelation. We respond.
JOHN. We emphasize covenant structures in history.
Neo-historicism. At the end of 42, we find the structure since 1980 (Fuller and
‘100’ end there). So far we are thinking this: Remember from Week One: Simple:
First two—The pace of technological change is accelerating, causing hierarchies
and groups to be destroyed. Ethics in garden/church—gone south. Ethics in
land/king—Jesus not king, except for a country in Africa. Ethics in world/prophet—we
can do better (blockchain -> currencies encrypted?). Oaths and
Sanctions—small, enthusiastic groups, we pray. Succession—7. These would
initially be some of what CHH has thought before: Godparents For Eldsters,
Psalm tunes by Hebrew Cadence, Christian Courts Teach Billions To Pray Better,
this Critical Path 1000, The Symphonic Method, Incorporating the Axial Age by
names of days, etc. But the Big Imperative now is corona virus Covid-19, and
response. Get to your own imperatives. 7 IMPERATIVES.
We will do a Symphony starting the sheba before Total Christ’s
2 weeks.
Remember that as we go through this ‘novel’ in a year
(coram) the total is revealed, bit-by-bit.
Other thoughts this week include what follows.
Amazon $10,000 a second, 24/7/65 per Kim Komando? But, like
Rockefeller, gone bad, Gates? https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/04/no_author/the-dark-side-of-the-coronavirus-scam/
How avoid the going bad?
$10,000 a second? Amazon’s results could be amazing
That would be up nearly 22% on the same quarter last year,
and works out as sales of $10,000 every second, day and night. Sales at Amazon
had already been increasing, but analysts at Bank of .
Put in other calendars (remnants of social orders) such as
Dan Spencer’s, recapitulated in liturgy. God’s 5-step. Per Jordan.
We don't command because it's 'true speech,' our life put
behind our words. We fear.
If we initiate (a command), and no one responds (obeys), we
don't have an 'IR" Initiation-Response.
"IR' is Hebrew for city, I think--community.
Bur if we only discuss in the declarative, we can maintain
some semblance of (FALSE!) community. JBJ: Our evangelism/discipling should be
inviting (into life, Rich, etymologically) into community. His phrasing
describes a condition, and issues a command. 'Crisis, Opportunity...'
'The world is looking for someone to command
them'--paraphrase of Jay Abraham.
Without the imperative, there is no future' Rich Bledsoe
from ERH.
Chuck 'working toward best command timing in Critical Path
1000' Hartman
Well, in worship you are killed (self-consciously) and made
alive. Kneeling for confession and being cleansed by authoritative declaration
of forgiveness is proleptic, a small that is part (and image, microchron) of a
And, both/and each is and we are cut up and put back
together again, transformed for battle, sent forth to do.
I'm Lutheran, but 'Ite, missa est' is good (Roman Catholic,
Go, you are sent out'). Matthew 28 is
good at the end.
For Psalm 117, with coda of 150:6, use the instruments named
in Psalm 150to mark transitions from 5 (high, Praise!). 6 (middle Praisers) and 7 (low note Praised).
Love in King Jesus,
Charles Howard (Chuck) ‘Command!) Hartman
Sardis YMM!!!, First Timothy, EphesusCoram781 April 26, Anno
Domini 2020