Monday, April 27, 2020

Week Three: Should We Pray for the Godfather?

Week Three Should We Pray for the Godfather?
MARK. Yes.  We should Pray for the Godfather.This week in Mark, Business Servants, we remember FAANG. Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netrflix, and Google all started relatively recently, and make up a significant 15% of the S & P 500, which is considered a proxy for the whole American economy. Add to this other significant recent activity such as  Gilder’s ‘Life After Google, ’ Blockchain, Money 2.0 encrypted currencies and you have something out of ‘Abundance,’ great wealth creation.
Previous Business Servants were Deng (greatest move toward a free market  in any major country in history) and MOONSHOOTERS. Bullinger says Mark is about ‘servant,’ and Rosenstock says Mark is addressed to Empires, where business was starting to be emphasized in markets.
First Timothy 2: 1-4 applies to these ‘gone bad’. Rockefeller is next week, Week Four. ‘McMafia’ claims that 20% of World Economic Product is ‘organized crime’. Rothbard and other libertarians claim that ‘government’ economic activity should be SUBTRACTED from GDP! (This has some relevance pro and con in an economy in which 25% are unemployed, there’s SNAP, and social security, etc.) Also see Fuller, in ‘Critical Path’—much work is unnecessary, and it’d be better, he says, to pay what we’d now call a universal basic income –very high—and let those who do significant (I almost typed sign if I can (t)) work do so as an honor.
One of the 12 ofsppeg might be a group to turn bad-gone, who are servants of He-Who-Ordains-All, though they don’t know it.

MATTHEW. We’ll add such as Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution,’ Barzun’s ‘Dawn to decadence,’ Rosenstock’s “Out of Revolution,’ Nisbet’s ‘History of the Idea of Progress,’ an Creveld’s ‘Rise and Decline of the State,’ with ‘Timetables of History’ to our 42nds reading in future years, just as we Psalms,  (several run throughs) and the 51 prophecies of Jeremiah (Bullinger).
But for this coram/year (celebration of resurrection anno mundi) we have only the third 42nds of the history of science and technology in ‘Critical Path’ and the history of the church in ‘The 100 Most  Important Events in Christian History. Matthew starts with a genealogy and ends with a command—disciples make disciples, and have influence.
Fuller’s list goes from 900 B. C.  rustproof iron in India,  to 220 B. C. Archimedes many discoveries A key to Greek thinking was  the 350 B. C. adoption of a 24-letter alphabet. (Explore this!)
In Christian History we have Origen C. 205, Cyprian On the History of the Church’) and Anthony beginning his life as a hermit.
LUKE is First Timothy. We name the weeks (shebas) as we do the years (corams) as a re-retuned backward. The weeks by books in heptad, the years by churches in Revelation. We respond.
JOHN. We emphasize covenant structures in history. Neo-historicism. At the end of 42, we find the structure since 1980 (Fuller and ‘100’ end there). So far we are thinking this: Remember from Week One: Simple: First two—The pace of technological change is accelerating, causing hierarchies and groups to be destroyed. Ethics in garden/church—gone south. Ethics in land/king—Jesus not king, except for a country in Africa. Ethics in world/prophet—we can do better (blockchain -> currencies encrypted?). Oaths and Sanctions—small, enthusiastic groups, we pray. Succession—7. These would initially be some of what CHH has thought before: Godparents For Eldsters, Psalm tunes by Hebrew Cadence, Christian Courts Teach Billions To Pray Better, this Critical Path 1000, The Symphonic Method, Incorporating the Axial Age by names of days, etc. But the Big Imperative now is corona virus Covid-19, and response. Get to your own imperatives. 7 IMPERATIVES.
We will do a Symphony starting the sheba before Total Christ’s 2 weeks.
Remember that as we go through this ‘novel’ in a year (coram) the total is revealed, bit-by-bit.
Other thoughts this week include what follows.
Amazon $10,000 a second, 24/7/65 per Kim Komando? But, like Rockefeller, gone bad, Gates?
How avoid the going bad?
$10,000 a second? Amazon’s results could be amazing
That would be up nearly 22% on the same quarter last year, and works out as sales of $10,000 every second, day and night. Sales at Amazon had already been increasing, but analysts at Bank of .
Put in other calendars (remnants of social orders) such as Dan Spencer’s, recapitulated in liturgy. God’s 5-step. Per Jordan.
We don't command because it's 'true speech,' our life put behind our words. We fear.
If we initiate (a command), and no one responds (obeys), we don't have an 'IR" Initiation-Response.  "IR' is Hebrew for city, I think--community.
Bur if we only discuss in the declarative, we can maintain some semblance of (FALSE!) community. JBJ: Our evangelism/discipling should be inviting (into life, Rich, etymologically) into community. His phrasing describes a condition, and issues a command. 'Crisis, Opportunity...'
'The world is looking for someone to command them'--paraphrase of Jay Abraham.
Without the imperative, there is no future' Rich Bledsoe from ERH.
Chuck 'working toward best command timing in Critical Path 1000' Hartman
Well, in worship you are killed (self-consciously) and made alive. Kneeling for confession and being cleansed by authoritative declaration of forgiveness is proleptic, a small that is part (and image, microchron) of a large.
And, both/and each is and we are cut up and put back together again, transformed for battle, sent forth to do.
I'm Lutheran, but 'Ite, missa est' is good (Roman Catholic, Go, you  are sent out'). Matthew 28 is good at the end.
For Psalm 117, with coda of 150:6, use the instruments named in Psalm 150to mark transitions from 5 (high, Praise!). 6  (middle Praisers) and 7 (low note Praised).
Love in King Jesus,

Charles Howard (Chuck) ‘Command!) Hartman
Sardis YMM!!!, First Timothy, EphesusCoram781 April 26, Anno Domini 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020

Alzheimer's--Is it now voluntary for most people?

Alzheimer's--Is it now voluntary for most people?

1--You can do 'Joe Namath'--there are MRIs that show his brain cells reactivated. HOT--Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
2--De. Sears--$199. His research is great, his fulfillment suchs.
3--Dr. West--recovered short term memory with Tumeric Forte. (A special formulation)
4--Gamma ray bursts, etc., from 'The Angel and the Assassin' about microglia by an esteemed medical writer, who recovered both physiclaly and mentally. She could not remember what she sliced until her kids sain 'Yay, watermelon!'
5--Berendsen, and M. D. on the faculty at UCLA has reversed cognitive decline.  I took the blood tests he recommended, and one thing, one thing, needed to be changed. I did it and worked a double-digit number of days in a row, after having to take off about a dey every two weeks.  Some physical lifting of 50 sacks. I'm now 76, 5'7" and 150.

Critical Path 1000 aims to stop the plague.  We don't want to remember, He'll show us what it is not to be able to remember.  We should remember what He did when Israel wanted a little Philistine culture, wanted to avoid land laws.

BUT, 'the alzheimered' are not clothed in their right mind.  They need Godparents. Thus, I created Godparents for Eldster.

If I had known then what I know now, Mom wouild only be 10. Her sister lived to be 104.

I've paid one of my doctors to be available to help you or members of your cong regation.

Love in King Jesus,

Captain Chuck 'Hearken!' Hartman

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Bledsoe, Heinlein, Hebrew

Bledsoe, Heinlein, Hebrew

Rich has mentioned that going to synagogue can raise your IQ.

I thought of that when I remembered that I could learn Arabic from a woman co-worker, because In Heinlein's 'Gulf' short story (1940s--he had barcodes!) he mentions that every language has 500 basic words. The super-genius organization attached a phoneme to each of these 500, and   spoke it with tones and pitch, etc. (Additional specialized words are needed for specialized fields.)

So we have Rich and synagogue, and Word-phoneme language.

Oddly Hebrew has words that match phonemes.

The first word of the Bible is B-R-SH-T, translated 'In the beginning". In word phonemes it's B (house) R (head) SH (fang, eat--JBJ) and T (cross).

This is a mini-liturgy, filled out be the rest of the Bible.  It's imperative, I claim. 

Be,Enter the (house), (bow your) head (in confession, and listen with your (head) to the readings and sermon, eat (body and blood, bread and wine) (and go out bearing your cross

I end with a command, and that I'll put this in Week One, about language.

Somebody, some one of you smart guys, students of the Word, expounders, commanders study this, improve our language so we can tell the appropriate parties, at the right time, and in the right way WHAT TO DO!

Love in King Jesus,

Commander Chuck 'somebody's gotta do it' Hartman

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Why we don't command

Why don't we command?

We don't command because it's 'true speech,' our life put behind our words. Wefear.

If we initiate (a command), and no one responds (obeys), we don't have an 'IR" Initiation-Response. "IR' is Hebrew for city, I think--community.

Bur if we only discuss in the declarative, we can maintain some semblance of (FALSE!) community. JBJ: Our evangelism/discipling should be inviting (into life, Rich, etymologically) into community. His phrasing describes a condition, and issues a command. 'Crisis, Opportunity...'

'The world is looking for someone to command them'--paraphrase of Jay Abraham.

Without the imperative, there is no future' Rich Bledsoe from ERH.


Chuck'working toward best command timing in Critical Path 1000' Hartman

Monday, April 20, 2020

Week Two Critical Path 1000

Week Two Critical Path 1000
Your 4 Questions: The Symphonic Method in Critical Path 1000
What are your 4 questions? (Initiations to get Responses, forming IR—Hebrew for city/community).
This will begin the week of November 29, and thinking/planning will continue through the 2 weeks of Total Christ, and the first initiation will be in the week after Total Christ—NO! Start BEFORE.  Each week will then have, alternatively, a Response, and Initiation, etc. The 9th week will be Solos and the Conductor’s Symphonic Summation. The purpose is to train Conductors also.
Before we get to more detail, let’s review the Gospels Layer for this week.
Matthew (remembering to avoid the plague of forgetting), the second 42nds of Fuller, ‘100.’ Ussher. Consider adding Barzun’s ‘Dawn to Decadence,’ Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution,’ Creveld’s ‘Rise and Decline of the State,’ and Nisbets ‘History of the Idea of Progress’. We emphasize this week The Symphonic Method.
Mark (business servants). MOONSHOOTERS. JFK’s ‘and on moon and return safely to earth’. The billionaires doing it privately now. Diamandis’ ‘moonshots’—Big Ideas and Plans.  Make a billion, help a billion. The literary precursors: Heinlein ‘The Man Who Sold the Moon’. Add the short story ‘The Man W
ho Stole the Moon’—he leave NASA, goes back to Cleveland, rises in the mob, and they make a ‘Vegas’. Van Rijn. Flynn’s ‘In the Country of the Blind turns societal mathematics into music.
Luke (Jubilee—how does this book show its fulfillment, applied?). 49 books, JBJ. This week: Titus.
Remember that as we go through this ‘novel’ in a year (coram) the total is revealed, bit-by-bit.
John: Tabernacles. Remember from Week One: Simple: First two—The pace of technological change is accelerating, causing hierarchies and groups to be destroyed. Ethics in garden/church—gone south. Ethics in land/king—Jesus not king, except for a country in Africa. Ethics in world/prophet—we can do better (blockchain -> currencies encrypted?). Oaths and Sanctions—small, enthusiastic groups, we pray. Succession—7. These would initially be some of what CHH has thought before: Godparents For Eldsters, Psalm tunes by Hebrew Cadence, Christian Courts Teach Billions To Pray Better, this Critical Path 1000, The Symphonic Method, Incorporating the Axial Age by names of days, etc. But the Big Imperative now is corona virus Covid-19, and response. Get to your own imperatives. 7 IMPERATIVES
OK, back to The Symphonic Method in Critical Path 1000. Simple—a whole universe, and you answer your own, respond to your own initiative also. Self-consciousness. Growing, later.
Doug Roorda has also suggested ERH’s 4 fronts. In, Out, Forward, Back.
E.T. Hall has a 10x10 in ‘The Silent Language’.
Let’s add those to the 3 oath-formed institutions. Church, Marriage/Family, State/King/Civil Magistrate.
Forward, In, Back, Out is the sequence of ERH. If bad, forward becomes Revolution. (CHH favors advolution, Aristotle’s Final Cause, the end use of the structure.
Others’ not good: In--mysticism, back—decadence, out—war. I would correct with advolve forward, the poem inward*, back--(see Matthew and Luke above), Out—see ‘Contagious Disciple Making’.

The 4 Question could follow, respectively, John, Luke (49), Mark, Matthew. Or maybe the first word of the Bible B-R-SH-T: Something to do with House, Head, Eat (Fang), Cross respectively.

*GodTrinity lovingly drags us into His future, changing us. And as we are torn in the present between the past and future, the in and out, our howls become music, and we the singing song. The hero is one between times, the first sufferer, the protagonist Helping Explicitly Reconcile Opposites—In Necessary Exigencies
An interesting historical vignette from B. Fuller's 'Critical Path' is that in 1600 Elizabeth I and others organized the British East India company for private profit, but this 'state's' ships protected it, thus a 'public-private partnership' or what we would call today socializing the costs, privatizing the profits. But that's only descriptive--to get things done, what levers are the. E. g. going to the moon.
Or maybe restraint is the key. Waiting. 'This country is only formed for a religious people' Sabbath, etc.

Love in King Jesus,
Charles Howard Hartman
April 20, Anno Domini 2020
Sardis YMM!!!, Titus Sheba, EphesusCoram781
Bonus: Get to the imperative. Run ‘Coronavirus’ as Transcendence in Bull’s 7, end with 7 IMPERATIVES at Succession. That’s what’s missing, the imperative, start with His, end with yours.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Get gelt

Rosenstock tells that the monks (after Rome fell) got much authority by having the wisdom to tell the farmers when to plant, and that this eventually led to the Truce of God on which Berman says something like it founded cities @ 12th C. Sam Rayburn said, 'Money is the mother's milk of politics'. Get some gelt (money) , Bret L. McAtee
PS: The Symphonic Method aims to complement liturgy, and scientific method as applying to the earth beneath, people made of dust/dirt who speak to each other. Watch this space, it's in 'Critical Path 1000'.

Critical Path 1000--Week One

Critical Path 1000--Week One
Newton worked on the calculus and his 'Principia' during a plague.
Something good will appear after a year, Deo Volente.
This emphasizes RESPONSE.
It started as a theological antidote to forgetting.
For next week, 'What are your four questions?"

This is sent out during the week named. It doesn’t conflict with ‘Church Year’
John 21:25—there’s more.  This is ‘Gospel Layers of Eternal Calendar—the life of Christ and our response, emphasizing RESPONSE.
There are 4 parts.
Matthew starts with a genealogy, and ends with a command. Timelines are the emphasis. Timetables of history, Ussher, Jordan’s Biblical Chronology, ‘the 100 Most Important Events in Church history, but I emphasize Fuller’s chronology of science and technology in ‘Critical Path’.
Most of these only go the @ a980, so at the end, our response in the last 7 weeks (Resurrection to Resurrection) is 6 weeks of ‘what’s new since 1980; and one week of ‘Dothisnow’—7 in heptamerous chiasm. See John, below.
Mark, business servants. Deng Xiaoping, greatest move toward free market in large country in history.
Luke, Jubilee, Luke 4. How does Hebrews show Jubilee fulfilled and applied? Use Meyers’ 5, re: Psalms. How then individually, how then corporately, how fulfilled in Jesus, how now corporately, how now individually.
John, a tour of tabernacle. Build tabernacles in history—God does. Simple: First two—The pace of technological change is accelerating, causing hierarchies and groups to be destroyed. Ethics in garden/church—gone south. Ethics in land/king—Jesus not king, except for a country in Africa. Ethics in world/prophet—we can do better (blockchain -> currencies encrypted?). Oaths and Sanctions—small, enthusiastic groups, we pray. Succession—7.
The key this week is languages. Fuller mentions 3 in the 1/42 of his list we read this week. And he mentions Ezra Pound’s assertion that Babel shows the confusion of the invention of phonetic writing, vs. ideographs. But read ‘the Alphabet Effect’. Read that God wrote the Decalogue with his finger. Contemplate ‘aleph beth’ and alphabet. Wolfe, in ‘Kingdom of Speech’ held that language was a memory tool, a mnemonic artifact. Was it from birds chirping, are Hebrew letters seen by light in tents (Meru)? Etc. Note: ‘et’ as an omegalphic construction. Later: God spoke first, we ‘after 49’.
MUCH MORE to come.
It’s a ‘total immersion (novel) that throws the reader into a different world, revealing details as the action proceeds’. Analog, June 2016, page 106, stumbled upon by accident.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck ‘Critical path 1000’ Hartman
JesusAllTimesDia (and 3 more names of days) HebrewsSheba, EphesusCoram871 April 13, A. D. 2020

Monday, April 13, 2020

Week One

Week One
This is sent out during the week named. It doesn’t conflict with ‘Church Year’
John 21:25—there’s more.  This is ‘Gospel Layers of Eternal Calendar—the life of Christ and our response, emphasizing RESPONSE.

There are 4 parts.
Matthew starts with a genealogy, and ends with a command. Timelines are the emphasis. Timetables of history, Ussher, Jordan’s Biblical Chronology, ‘the 100 Most Important Events in Church history, but I emphasize Fuller’s chronology of science and technology in ‘Critical Path’.
Most of these only go the @ a980, so at the end, our response in the last 7 weeks (Resurrection to Resurrection) is 6 weeks of ‘what’s new since 1980; and one week of ‘Dothisnow’—7 in heptamerous chiasm. See John, below.
Mark, business servants. Deng Xiaoping, greatest move toward free market in large country in history.
Luke, Jubilee, Luke 4. How does Hebrews show Jubilee fulfilled and applied? Use Meyers’ 5, re: Psalms. How then individually, how then corporately, how fulfilled in Jesus, how now corporately, how now individually.
John, a tour of tabernacle. Build tabernacles in history—God does. Simple: First two—The pace of technological change is accelerating, causing hierarchies and groups to be destroyed. Ethics in garden/church—gone south. Ethics in land/king—Jesus not king, except for a country in Africa. Ethics in world/prophet—we can do better (blockchain -> currencies encrypted?). Oaths and Sanctions—small, enthusiastic groups, we pray. Succession—7.
The key this week is languages. Fuller mentions 3 in the 1/42 of his list we read this week. And he mentions Ezra Pound’s assertion that Babel shows the confusion of the invention of phonetic writing, vs. ideographs. But read ‘the Alphabet Effect’. Read that God wrote the Decalogue with his finger. Contemplate ‘aleph beth’ and alphabet. Wolfe, in ‘Kingdom of Speech’ held that language was a memory tool, a mnemonic artifact. Was it from birds chirping, are Hebrew letters seen by light in tents (Meru)? Etc. Note: ‘et’ as an omegalphic construction. Later. God spoke first, we 'after 49'
MUCH MORE to come.
It’s a ‘total immersion (novel) that throws the reader into a different world, revealing details as the action proceeds’. Analog, June 2016, page 106, stumbled upon by accident.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck ‘Critical path 1000’ Hartman
JesusAllTimesDia (and 3 more names of days) HebrewsSheba, EphesusCoram871 April 13, A. D. 2020

Sunday, April 12, 2020

My stuff is world changing

My stuff is world-changing. Read Fuller's 'Critical Path' and then follow my post for a year or two. Start here: What are the 6 most important events in the past 40 years, and the 7 dothisnow (yes, a new word!) actions to take? Also, what 4 questions would you ask? Of the 6, number one is the rate of technological change, which breaks up old groupings, I'd say. I'll work through this year toward a better understanding.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Improving The Symphonic Method

Improving The Symphonic Method. Make it simple, each question goes to all. What are your 4 questions, a 5th after. Put week before and after Total Christ weeks. November 29, before, in "Critical Path 1000.  What are your 4 questions, 5 if one after?

Who owns ya, baby?.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Heptamerous chiasm of last 40 years

Heptamerous chiasm of last 40 years

I'm advolving it toward the week before Easter next year.

Very interesting had useful

Watch this space


Sunday, April 5, 2020

John 21:25 and Gospels Layers

John 21:25 KJV - And there are also many other things ... 21:25&version=KJV
John 21:25 King James Version (KJV) 25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.

So I added the Gospels Layers

Matthew starts with genealogy, ends with command (to make timelines?) Thus we remember, and are not given over to not remembering. Plague of 'Alzheimer's' and societal forgetting. 1/49 of various

Mark: Bullinger says 'servant,' ERH says business/empires. Business servants, one per week.
Luke: Jubilee fulfilled (Luke 4). How and was, and is now, 49 book Bible of Jordan.
John, tour of tabernacle. So we are 'transcended'/'imperatived' and should build, recognize 7-stages in history, as in tabernacle.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Research ('Lectionary') for Week One

Research (Lectionary) For Week One Of Gospels Layer Of Eternal Calendar*
*The Life OF Christ And Our Response
Matthew, timelines
First 2 of Jordan’s Biblical Chrononlogy at
Through page 12 of Ussher ‘Annals of the World’ (includes all introductory material)
First  3 of ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Church History’
First 3 of Fuller’s Chronology of Science/Aftifacts in ‘Critical Path’
Chapter 5 (Revolutions of the West) in Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’
1/49 of “Out of Revolution’ Rosenstock
Rosenstock entry in ‘Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’ online
Universal  History 1954 Dartmouth course lecture (listen or read transcript)
Mark, Business Servants
Deng of China, Wikipedia (?) Greatest Free Market Reforms Ever In Any Large Country
Remember Gilder’s view that his directives wer vabue enough to allowdaring innovation
Luke, 40 books
How does Hebrews show Jubilee Fulfilled, and How Apply that fulfillment?
John, Tabernacles (toward oath/imperative that starts is—see Gardner above for examples)
[Psalms, Hebrew Cadence, later. Mountains of Time (liturgy as it comes up 10-11-11-17)
Advolving—changing toward, thinking
Last 7 weeks, first 6, what since 1980. Proposals. 1--Great conversions in South, Field, ‘Contagious Disciple Making, Justo Gonzalez, 2—China in business/state, Russia, ‘Abundance’ the book and ‘Bold’ and ‘The Future  is Faster than You  Think’ 3—Biological knowledge 4x faster than Moore’s Law, 4—FAANG, 5--ERH Universal History 1954 and 3 statements: ‘Any new technology gives us larger spatial reach, shortens time it takes, and destroys old groups’, and ‘Turning liabilities into assets is the mark of the Christian Era’ and ‘The next social order is small, enthusiastic groups—tribes without constant warpath. 6—Psalms tunes per Hebrew Cadence (Cascione) and Jordan’s work(to monthly donors, in his computer)
CHH—Symphony of Hostory after Total Christ (the 1o weeks between that and BuildUp)
Imperative: 12 Days
Subjective: 12 Books (of Bible, maybe later others)
12-fold groups destroyed. 3—church, family, civil magistrate—x4 failures (forward, revolution; in, mysticism; back, decadence; out, war) intermeshed with individual and creational callings
Persons (You see we’re reversing ERH’s 3 from Gardner)—players, composers, conductors I choose or imagine (Hat Tim: Steve Allen ‘Meeting of the Minds’
Speech—see language commentary Week One) Oath-formed, profitable, productive, small, enthusiastic groups (ofsppeg, after ERH universal History 1954) POSSIBLY Use some CHH has proposed, but ‘solving’ for failed groups destroyed

Dan Spencer: Dates of Feasts?

Dear Dan:

What are the dates for Feasts in A. D. 2020-2021?

I'll  put 'em into my calendar, 'Critical Path 1000.'.

First Fruits



Friday, April 3, 2020

Critical Path 1000: A Prayer

Critical Path 1000: A Prayer
B, R, SH, T
House, Head, Eat, Cross
What will you have when done? Briefly, Gospels layers of eternal calendar—the life of Christ and our response. Add this to church year. Also, Symphonic method toward application of creational/liturgical/scientific method to people speaking. Thirdly, this emphasizes RESPONSE.
What year/coram:
What week/sheba—7, oath-- (see Luke)
House of Remembering--Matthew: Timelines. Fuller, Ussher (better: first 40 by 2s of Biblical Chronology @ www.garynorth/com/freebooks, 69 total?), ‘100 Most Important Events in Christian History’, anomaly
[For better understanding, 1/49 of ‘Out of  Revolution,’ but start with Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’ and listen to Universal History 1954 lectures (ERH Fund)]
Head Organizers--Mark: Business servant
Eat (Incorporate) Into 49/Jubilee--Luke: Week of 49 backward and re-retuned. Book How is Christ’s fulfillment of Jubilee to be applied?
Cross, What To Do, Tabernacle of 7--John; What Imperative/Transcendence starts a new history liturgy?
Toward what 6 between 1980 and now
Toward what 7 to do, 7th week of 7th seven
Consider Opera after Total Christ weeks. Scientific method is liturgical steps applied toward nature. Thus Newton is called by the apple, confesses he doesn't know but is reassured. Readings are of past thinkers/researchers, sermon is his hypothesis. It's tested 2 ways--bread and wine, and we are to take the theory out for the good of the world. The Symphonic Method then applies steps to people.
Later add mountains in time (liturgy), names of days, etc

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Newspapers business promoters

I'll invest.
Newspapers would do well to lean the story of the railroads, Kristy Lonsdale.
Kristy Lonsdale
Railroads thought that they were in the railroading business, not the transportation business, so the lost out to automobiles, trucks, airplanes, etc. Are you in the newspaper business, or in the business promotion business? If the latter, start Stuart Pages--Amazon allows this, and Stuart has 12-year-old computer whizzes. Stuart businesses, yes. Stuart gear, yes. Businesses that ex-residents of Stuart have started. New businesses started by those who have been successful after leaving, with local proteges doing the hear work, those who left mentoring. And more. Robert Cook Robert Cook

Next attempt at Week One, 'Critical Path 1000'

Next attempt at Week 1
What will you have when done? Briefly, Gospels layers of eternal calendar—the life of Christ and our response. Add this to church year. Also, Symphonic method toward application of creational/liturgical/scientific method to people speaking. Thirdly, this emphasizes RESPONSE.
What week/sheba—7, oath-- (see Luke)
Matthew: Timelines. Fuller, Ussher (better: first 40 by 2s of Biblical Chronology @ www.garynorth/com/freebooks, 69 total?), ‘100’, anomaly
Mark: Business servant
Luke: Week of 49 backward and re-retuned. Book How is Christ’s fulfillment of Jubilee to be applied?
John; What Imperative/Transcendence starts a new history liturgy?
Toward what 6 between 1980 and now
Toward what 7 to do, 7th week of 7th seven
Consider Opera after Total Christ weeks. Scientific method is liturgical steps applied toward nature. Thus Newton is called by the apple, confesses he doesn't know but is reassured. Readings are of past thinkers/researchers, sermon is his hypothesis. It's tested 2 ways--bread and wine, and we are to take the theory out for the good of the world. The Symphonic Method then applies steps to people.
1--April 12, A.D. 2020
What will you have when done? Briefly, Gospels layers of eternal calendar—the life of Christ and our response. Add this to church year. Also, Symphonic method toward application of creational/liturgical/scientific method to people speaking. Thirdly, this emphasizes RESPONSE.
What year/coram: EphesusCoram871
What week/sheba—7, oath-- (see Luke): Hebrews
Matthew: Timelines. 3 (1/49) Fuller, 17 (1/49) Ussher, 3 (1/49) (better: first 40 by 2s of Biblical Chronology @ www.garynorth/com/freebooks, 69 total?),‘100’, anomaly—language/speech
Mark: Business servant--Deng
Luke: Week of 49 backward and re-retuned—Hebrews How is Christ’s fulfillment of Jubilee to be applied?
John; What Imperative/Transcendence starts a new history liturgy?—Respond?!
Toward what 6 between 1980 and now—FAANG, ‘Life After Google,’ China economy, Money 2.0/blockchain, ‘Abundance,’ biology 4x Moore’s Law
Toward what 7 to do, 7th week of 7th seven—what oath-formed, small, profitabley productive, enthusiastic groups ‘ofsppeg’
Consider Opera after Total Christ weeks. Scientific method is liturgical steps applied toward nature. Thus Newton is called by the apple, confesses he doesn't know but is reassured. Readings are of past thinkers/researchers, sermon is his hypothesis. It's tested 2 ways--bread and wine, and we are to take the theory out for the good of the world. The Symphonic Method then applies steps to people.12 times, 12 books, church/family/civil magistrate in ERH’s 4 fronts wrongly, persons/players/co-composers/singers, ofsppeg
Commentary (brief): Speech creates times, as in declarations of war and peace treaties. Ezra Pound held that the Phoenician letters/sounds/words/sentences was Tower of Babel compared to ideographs, Wolfe: language is a mnemonic artifact/memory tool. The idea of these added layers of the life of Christ and our response is that if we want to forget part, God will make us forget all—dementia. Consider Velikovsky’s ‘Mankind in Amnesia’ proposition that there were astronomical cataclysms that we’ve wanted to forget and that we’ll be like abused children who abuse as adults, and bring another cataclysm, or read Lafferty’s ‘What Was The Name Of That Town’ for a depiction of forgetting on purpose.
Later add mountains in time (liturgy), names of days, etc.
2—April 19, Anno Domini 2020 Anomaly, gaps in chronologies. Henry Ford (Fuller’ greatest artist of 20th century)
3—April 26, Year of the Lord, 2020 Anomaly, various other homo sapiens, 100,000 humans 100,000 years ago. Deng Xiao Ping, ‘greatest free market change big country in history’: North.
4—May 3
5—May 10
6—May 17
7—May 24
8—May 31
9—June 7
10—June 14 (Daily Countdown 49-1, 49-29 ends after week 10)
11—Public Vindication (1s, b7 1234567) June 21
12, 11—June 28 (Daily names of days, by books--8531642 continues through week 46, using 28-1, 49-1 continuing)
13, 12—July 5
14, 13—July 12
15, 14—July 19
16, 15—July 26
17, 16—August 2
18, 17—August 9             
19, 18—August 16
20, 19—August 23
21,20—August 30
22. 21—September 6
23—September 13 (TBOTMOFA: The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, 4s by 4152637)
24, 22—Sep 20
25, 23—Sep 27
26, 24—Oct 4
27, 25—Oct 11
28, 26—Oct 18
29, 27—Oct 25
30, 28—Nov 1
31, 28—Nov 8
32, 30—Nov 15
33, 31—Nov 22
34, 32—Nov 29
35—Dec 6 (Total Christ One, 8s by 8531642)
36—Dec 1 (Total Christ Two, 8s by 851642)
37, 33 December 20 (Opera by Symphonic Method begins, through week before Countdown, the last 7 before a new Celebration of Resurrection Anno Mundi (coram/year) begins.
38, 34—Dec 27
39, 35—Jan 3, A. D. 2021
40, 36—Jan 10, Anno Domini 2021
41, 37—Jan17, Year of (Our) Lord, 2021
42, 38—Jan 24
43, 39—Jan 31
44, 40—44 through 46, 40 through 42—Feb 7
45, 41—Feb 7
46, 42—Feb 7 This is Eliot/Anselm Time (EAT), for ‘We shall not cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time’ (paraphrase) and “God is greater than we can possible conceive’.
47, 43—Feb 14 BuildUp begins. Names of days of books are 1-49
48, 44—Feb 21
49, 45—Feb 28
50, 46—Mar 7
51, 47—Mar 14
52, 48—Mar 21
53, 49—Mar 25
Easter/Resurrection/Pascha/Pesach is April 4, 2021, the first Sunday after the first full moon after to Vernal (Spring) Equinox (days=nights). That begins the new year/coram (Celebration Of [That Is The] Resurrection Anno Mundi. ‘Coram’ means ‘face’/’presence’ in Latin.PhiladelphiaCoram 871 begins.
1—Apr 8
2—Apr 15
3—Apr 22
1st Timothy
4—Apr 29
1 Thess
5—May 6
6--May 13
2 Tim.
7—May 20
2 Thess.
1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes]
8—May 27
9—Jun 3
10—June 10
 [A—June 17, PV]
2. Cor
[A—June 17, PV]
11—June 24
12—July 1
13—July 8
14—July 15
1 Corinthians
2 B/W+
15—July 22
3 John
16—July 29
17—August 5
1 Peter
18—August 12
1 John
19—Aug 19
2 John
20—Aug 26
2 Peter
21—Sep 2 [B—September  9, TBOT-MOFA]
3 B/W+

[B—September 9, TBOT-MOFA]]
22—September 16

23—Sept 23

24—September 30

25—October 7

26—Oct 14

27—Oct  21

28—October 28

4 B/W+
--hunger and thirst
29—Nov 4
The Twelve
30—Nov 11
31—Nov 18
32—Nov 25
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
33—Dec 16
34—Dec 23
35—December 30
5 B/W+ [merci-ful]
36--January 6
37—Jan 13
38—January 20
39—January 27
40—Feb 3 [EAT]
41—Feb 3
42 Feb 3
[EAT] Ruth
6 B/W+
Pure in heart

43—Feb 10
44—Feb 17
45—Feb 24
46—March 3
47—Mar 10
48—Mae 17
49—Mar 24

The sequence above is correct, though the DATES ARE OFF
Genesis Ruth Isaiah
Exodus Samuel Kings
Leviticus Psalms Jeremiah-Lam.
Numbers Job Ezekiel
Deuteronomy Proverbs Daniel
Joshua Song of Songs Esther
Judges Ecclesiastes The Twelve
To complete this survey, consider the following for reflection. See if you can "fill in the blanks" and if the system makes sense.

Day 1: The Light of the Law given (Genesis – Judges).

Day 2: The Firmament People established as mediators (Ruth – Ecclesiastes).

Day 3: Land and Sea (Jew and Gentile) interact (Isaiah – Twelve).

Day 4: The Governing Light Established: The Wars of Numbers and Job: The Greater Son of Man (Ezekiel).
Greater Chronicles
Day 5: The Swarms of God’s Glory Cloud Established: How to Live (Deuteronomy & Proverbs): The Climax of the History of Israel (Daniel): These are the Apostles to the Circumcision.
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
Day 6: God’s New Man and Bride Established: Conquests of Joshua, this time in the world: Bride (Canticles; Esther) established.
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Day 7: Sabbath: Failures of Judges, Ecclesiastes, and the Twelve are answered at last. God’s future comings (Thessalonians); the future of the Church (Timothy, Titus, Philemon); the theme of entering into God’s rest (Hebrews).
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
Genesis – ’aleph (thousand; cp. promise to Abraham)
Exodus – beth (house; in Exodus the Tabernacle is built)
Leviticus – gimel (ripen; or recompense, re-ward, requite)
Numbers – daleth (door, entrance; enter the holy land)
Deuteronomy – he (lo! behold!)
Joshua – vav (hook, nail)
Judges – zayin (weapon; God trains Israel to war)
Ruth – heth (living thing)
Samuel – teth (a winding; goodness?; mud)
Psalms – yodh (hand)
Job – kaph (palm)
Proverbs – lamedh (ox-goad; learn, study, teach; clearly fits Proverbs)
Song of Songs – mem (water)
Ecclesiastes – nun (sprout, propagate, flour-ish, generate)
Isaiah – samekh (support; something relied on, trusted in)
Kings – ‘ayin (eye)
Jeremiah-Lamentations – pe (mouth; fits Je-remiah)
Ezekiel – tsaddi (related to "capture" and "righteous"; both fit Ezekiel, the tsadiq)
Daniel – qoph (ape; eye of a needle)
Esther – resh (head)
The Twelve – shin (tooth, jaw)
Greater Chronicles – tav (sign, cross)
An anomaly:
Also: Evolution 2.0 (Marshall)
7 of John tabernacle for in womb after Personhood Day, after birth and growth (ERH’s 12—[inherit] listen, read, learn, play, doubt (critique/analyze) protest/witness, win, rule, teach, (bequeath), [generations]), after death
12 of Symphony, ERH’s civil magistrate over-emphasize ‘out’ = war (e.g. corona virus, terror…)
'The poor' in America are richer than 99%+ of the world's population has ever been, Chuck Gutenson. We're beneficiries, not Rene Girard victims. Abundance Figure out why. Post it. Covetousness is a SIN.