Two Years Since My Stroke, ‘Stroke-Versary’ Report
I will list things.
1—I remain very, very tired, though not so much recently. My supervisor at work, who has been very good, suggest this would qualify for an FMLA condition. I had been so tired every couple of weeks that I could barely get out of bed.
2—My blood pressure has been GREAT recently, though an early measurement by my eye doctor’s office was good. I credit the Life Extension protocol, Dr. West’s protocol of supplementation, and especially the basic exercise of ‘Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve,’ in addition to the Lisinopril. The best thing I do from my b/p is to take it, for then I do the b.e., deep breathing, and Healing Code prayer and other praying. I pray that my body learn this, which seems to be happening, for when I think ‘basic exercise’ during the day, I yawn. The basic exercise is done with hands interlaced behind one’s head (suggested lying down, I don’t do that), and, with head not moving, one’s eyes are moved to the right for 30-60 seconds (for me it’s almost instantaneous) until one sighs (for me, yawning now) and then to the left.
3—I even get ‘good readings, in the 120x/130s over 80s at Hy-Vee. Dr. Severidt has indicated that below 150/90 is OK.
4--I golfed some recently, going for ambidextrous records (alternating left and right, 15” cups). This was a disaster at Guthrie, when I had to try to walk with a heavy bag on a hilly course. But I did end up with 93/58 when I got home two hours later! I only lasted 2 and a half holes, and it must have taken me a half hour to get off the course. There were no carts.
5—I’m walking ok, but I haven’t started running or using the sauna yet. I sleep a lot. I’m still working, commuting an hour.
6—I was very impressed by how Louise nursed our kittens back from their spaying. For 4-5 days, they slept in her lap, not eating much at all. I’m hoping to arrange for a medical professional to care for me at home in my illness/decrepitude. Maybe I’ll have some online income, but my pensions and savings should suffice, though one never knows what might eventuate.
7—My calling is proceeding. I research many tings at the limits of what is known, and this is what I wrote to my classmates for a reunion:
Son Tom has agreed to curate my work, and it is backed up in several ways.
I pray that Joran Lanier’s vision in ‘Who Owns the Future?’ could come true, that an individual living an interesting and valuable life can monetize that, and make a ‘living’ online thereby.
8—All in all, it’s going well, and my health seems good. My blood tests were ‘perfect,’ and I have no heavy metal problems. I eat apples (Honey Crisp is staying for sale at Hy-Vee) and blueberries, with ripple chips for ‘vitamin J’ (joy), at work, with a protein drink. Cacao, and glutamine. Louise fixes something with hamburger for evenings. A banana and coconut oil for breakfast, and the aforementioned supplements completes it. I’m open to new things. I do get chiropractic help, and cranial sacral therapy.
9—Other stressful situations remain. I’m blessed by having my sins authoritatively forgiven 3x during worship. Esight and Second Sight seem wonderful—the blind see?!--, and the book ‘Abundance’ and the work of Peter Diamandis, for instance, which chronicles the great advances being made are enthusing. My work above (7) is ‘Toward Peace,’ as Rosenstock said, ‘Peace is the explicit reconciliation of opposites.’ Read the intro to ‘Conduct History’ for ½ page summary.
Conduct History: How* and Why
‘New technology increases our reach, decreases the time it takes, and destroys old groups.’ (Paraphrase of Rosenstock).
We are in a period of the fastest technological growth in history. What will replace the old groups being lost?
Rosenstock also held that history moves in a chiasm of social orders. Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece, and after He Who Reversed The Trend, Israel without exclusion became The Church, Empires without slavery became the nation-state, and now the next era will be that of small, enthusiastic groups—tribes that are not always on the warpath.
This is a chiasm.
Greece (a companion only after He Who Reversed The Trend)
He Who Reversed The Trend
The Church (Israel without exclusions)
The Nation-State (Empires without slavery)
Small, Enthusiastic Groups** (Tribes without being always on the warpath)
[The best explanation of this is on the web, free, at Universal History 1954, found from]
That’s Step One. Step Two comes from James B. Jordan, who, we note, believes that history moves in a succession of emphasis on, respectively, The Father, and then The Son, and then the Holy Ghost.
[The best explanation of this is in his book, ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’.]
But Jordan also has put forth the idea of a 49-book Bible, in his essay ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’. Find it at Biblical Horizons on the web. The twelve minor prophets become one book, ‘The Twelve’. Both Kings and Samuel are one book, literarily—each too long for one scroll. Lamentations goes with Jeremiah, and Greater Chronicles includes Ezra and Nehemiah. These 49 make seven sevens, and can be seen to be ordered after the Days of Creation.
To the Rosenstock chiasm, and the Jordan 49 we add a few more things. 1—Jesus declared the Jubilee fulfilled in Luke 4. 2—ERH said that ‘we would lose the ability to speak in America’. By that he meant true speech, when one puts one’s life behind one’s words. 3—He also said that each Latin verb form is derived from a shorter imperative stem.
Thus, 4--I seek the imperative stem from each of the 49 books, from which to form by oath a small profitable/productive enthusiastic group. Some are shown below, as I write the Jubilee Calendar on the year, from Resurrection/Easter to Resurrection, one book per week, with liturgical-type celebrations spaced in.
This is my second year. I claim it to be another layer of the eternal calendar, which ERH, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, defined as ‘the life of Christ and our response. There are more layers to come. Please see ‘Participate in the Eternal Calendar’ in this book/essay.
[This is a new baby. It’s messy. It’s time is not here, so I put it on the web, and start deal-making: ‘Let’s Make A Hartman Deal!’]
*You already do conduct history. When you know more that you know, you will make more music and less noise.
‘Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord!’ (Psalm 150:6). Lord willing.
--Add to ‘Stoke-versary’
a. When I write/create, my blood pressure goes up. Today 151/90-60, but two minutes later, continuing deep breathing, prayer, basic exercise: 128/83-71
b. Bill Sardi’s Resveratrol and Molecular Multi.
c. The Basic Exercise (b.e.) eliminates double urination.
d. I recently created Personhood Day as a Facebook Page. My 75th is July 4, I claim.
e. Many I haven’t mentioned need to be thanked. ‘Let us now pray for all the people of God in Christ Jesus, and for all people according to their needs’. ‘Thy will be done’.
f. Re: ‘Patient as CEO’—we can do better. This is phrased euphemistically.
g. My financial situation is such that neither of us should have to go into a nursing home—but neither did my mother. I will make additional arrangements.
h. My blood pressure is good, but every 10 days or so I get something such as 146/118. I corrects in a couple of minutes.
i. I’m wobbly if I must get up during the night. I have tinnitus. My left leg is ‘restless’. Dr. West’s supplements got my bad eye from 20/400 (four hundred) to 20/40 or so (forty) through a small aperture.
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