Dear Reader:
I’ve tried to put something for the next ‘revolution’ (advolution, herovolution) into each of the five sequential steps of a revolution, according to Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy.
These are omegalphic. That is, the end, Godparents for Eldsters, brings us back to the beginning of the 5, for the 5 are a kind of godparents for the whole society. The question with the elderly, and with the society, is not what the eldster or society CANNOT do, but what the society or the eldster CAN do.
Imperative, The Symphony/The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive:
The great Dartmouth professor, Rosenstock-Huessy, showed us several revolutions of the West, and his pupil, Clint Gardner, summarized them in 5 steps in Chapter 5 of ‘Beyond Belief,’ saying that what was left was to spread their values world-wide. I think an app of this The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive would be a way to do that, and I think you can write the app. Here’s a good summary of ERh/Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy:
To play in the Symphony is simple enough for a 4-year-old, because when we were doing an earlier version, a 4-year-old daughter of out host asked, ‘Daddy, can I play?’ She got up on his lap and did as we were doing, wrote a question for each person to answer next week.
What we do is this: We are confronted by a universe of questions from the others, to which we must respond, though we will be changed. Then we initiate a universe, by asking a question of the type called for in Rosenstock’s sequence of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, and Planetary Service.
We are being trained to be Conductors. We will each write a solo, and the Conductor will write the Symphony which was being composed.
I claim that this Symphony (name from Rosenstock in ‘Fruit of Lips’) is the analog for the Third Millenium of The Earth Beneath, people made of dirt, that the scientific method was for the 2nd, Waters Beneath, and the liturgy of the church for the first, Heavens Above. Newton is Called by the apple falling, as we are to worship. He confesses he’s inadequate, but is assured he can figure something out, Cleansed. He researches what others have written, and does his own thinking and writing, Consecration by Readings and Sermon. His hypothesis is tested into a theory, as in Communion, and it is taken out, as in Commissioned. Laugh, with joy I hope.
This is a fill-in-the-blanks version, for ease of play. The money’s in an app. I see people waiting for the universe of initiations, responding, and initiating a universe of questions (imperatives, subjectives, narratives, objectives, planetary service).
Janet Switzer has a list of over 50 ways to profit from a book, etc. It’s years old. A quote from Levinson, of ‘Guerrilla Marketing’ is this: “I made $20,000 on my book, and millions on other ways’. (paraphrase)
These google sites take a short time to load.The 12 Days material at the end of part two is worthwhile.
Thus one of the new type of persons is a conductor of The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive, one of the new forms of speech is Initiation-Response (ir=city in Hebrew), and another one of the new types of person is an online trainer of conductors of TSOCHI.
Subjective, PellaSquared/How To Make Your Communities Better
This is for discipling a community. We go forward (East), inward (North), back (West), and out (South) around a square. For Pella, we start at attaining refuge, and end at How can we give refuge? For Stuart, we start at being formed as a town to serve farmers along the Big Mover of the time, the railroad, and end at 150 years later, being formed as a community to serve urban farmers along the big mover of out time, the internet.
‘Every town should do this,’ said a wise one with a doctorate in urban evangelism.
The money’s in organizing town festivals, consulting with those who want to carry out Matthew 28…
Narrative, Calendar Of Peace Prejected/House Of Singing Times (COPP/HOST—compare TSOH and the inside-out nature of the garments of the High Priest (on his back) and the Tabernacle. Calendars are more important than we think. (Jordan) Show me a cultures holidays, and I’ll tell you what it is.
This is best seen in both an earlier calendar, and in the Building a Christian Civilization BookBrick by BookBrick. [For both, please copy and paste, for the whole 7×7 grid IS THERE but can only be seen when copying an pasting].
The money’s in calendars, they are big business.
[For the calendar, above, and the culture, below, I use a 7×7 grid, most notably showing that Philemon—organization Jordan’s—is the 7thiteration, the Judges, of conquest, Joshua, the 6th book. I also use other sevens, such as adjusted Beatitudes, the Days of Creation, etc. You can use the I Ching, if you want.
- T. Hall’s ‘The Silent Language’ (1959) uses a 10×10 grid for a map of culture. Interaction, Association, Subsistence, Bisexuality, Territoriality, Temporality, Learning, Play, Defense, and Exploitation. Similarly, Interactional, Organizational, Economic, Sexual, Territorial, Temporal, Instructional, Recreational, Protective, and Exploitational. So, the Subsistence/Protective is ‘Protection of sex and fertility’. Association/Temporal is ‘Age group roles’. Temporality/Protective is ‘Rest, Vacations, Holidays’. Etc.
Objective, 153Culture:
I’m devoting most of my attention to this, now. I’m trying to take each AHA!, each Call of the Spirit, Geist, essence of each of the 49 books in JBJ’s Jubilee Matrix (my name) Bible, so that one can take that first C, the Call, and run this AHA! through Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy’s 5 steps (JBJ, GKN, etc.) and three strands to a cord (Maturity, Holy War, Redemptive History) so as the TwentySixFour (Proverbs–don’t use the other guy’s presuppositions) a Civilization of Peace, Building A Christian Civilization BookBlock By BookBlock. It ain’t easy. Facebook Page. [Call this culture ‘she,’ not ‘it’?]
This is a TwentySix Four project, as in Proverbs. Don’t use a fool’s presuppositions—use your own. In this case, the essence of each book of the Jubilee Matrix Bible, built up. 26:5 must be used also, of course.
Here’s a Rosenstock-Huessy quote from one of his courses. I attempt to put flesh on, incarnate, the ‘AHA!’:
If you
ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a
new change of heart,
Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding
of the universe and you
will understand that the universe begins with creation. And
it ends in incarnation, because that’s the experience of every potent and creative
man in the world.
But you look outside and try to deduce by your little brain,
not by your experience of your heart how the world begins, and how it should be
run. You’ll never
solve it, gentlemen. You’ll remain a selfish, inarticulate
animal. If the spirit moves
you, you will see how simple
things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope
keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your grandchildren
will bless you.
I put this into a 7×7 grid, under the influence of E. T. Hall’s ‘Map of Culture’ in his book, ‘The Silent Language’. I call that the Jubilee (Luke 4) Matrix Bible.
I have a Facebook Page on this and a Google Site, and I continue to work on it. As of RomansSheba, ThyatiraCoram861, I am only a few weeks in. The reason I continue working on this, and not the others is the same reason Ted Williams wouldn’t dump the pitch into left field, and hit .600. When they put the Williams shift on him, a story goes, with 3 infielders on the right side, and only a shortstop and left fielder on the left side, someone said that he’d hit .60 if he just dumped the ball into left. ‘Nope,’ said the most difficult man to get out in major league history, I’d lose my swing.’ Hartman’s swing it the new stuff. It’s the most important thing he can do at which he’d be the most difficult to replace. (North)
The number of ways to capitalize on this is very large, as new institutions, new memes, new type of people, and new types of speech emerge.
Planetary Service, Godparents For Eldsters. [Note, this is omegalphic—see above, plese?]
As some churches have godparents/sponsors for youngsters, Godparents For Eldsters should help those who become dependent when older, and the families.
Care for the elderly is a big crisis, and so too we should follow James 1:27.
There are many other items that complement the above, such as ‘Herovolution’, Body Piano Prophetic Theater,, the new type of grammar usage that acrosticizes statements/verbs so that our responsibility and God’s omnipotence are both stated: add ‘tap’—Trinity all powerful,’ or ‘whgw’—What hath God wrought?—to the end of a verb (this is in ‘First 8 Weeks,’ above, etc., and I hope to mutually indwell more transactions on a shorter-term basis (make some present-day money), but I hope to get this material out enough digitally that it won’t be lost, Lord willing. It’s on a longer wavelength, as ERH would say. Great Unknown Tunes? The Epistles and The Twelve (minor prophets) are not arranged chronologically, but are ‘retuned’ theologically in the Bible. Does this make Big Tunes?
Inspired much by ERH’s Dartmouth lectures, especially Universal History 1954.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Jordan’s ‘Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact, New Torah,’ and North’s wonderful sets of 5, especially ‘THEOS—Transcendence, Hierarchy, Ethics, Oaths and Sanctions, Succession’ are among other 5s used. There are 7x and 12s and other number containers too.
PPS: chuckhartmanhistoryconductor and the Facebbook Page of Charles Howard Hartman have more wonderfulness.
PPPS: Another ‘grammar is the self-consciousness of language’ (ERH) thought by CHH: ‘the,’ ‘t.h.e’ and ‘typological.hospitatlity.evangelism’—come into this calendar, this symphony!?
PPPPS: ‘(A P.S. is a second headline’: Jay Abraham. Will I be doing email lists, website stuff, etc. Not so much, unless in collaboration. See Ted Williams above.
PPPPPS: What do I mean ‘also short term profitable’? This is a long-term project/preject, as ERH would say, operating on a different wavelength of what I might call mutual indwelling in the transaction(s). Short term mutual indwellings in the transactions I would call profit. The most important thing I can do at which I would be most difficult to replace is to get this out to be digitized, and thus not lost—Google digitized a theological journal from 1864, the article written in an Army camp, about ‘Selah’ in the Psalms being an acrostic for something such as ‘go back to the beginning and use it as a refrain’. Me too
One thing I’m considering for RomansSheba (7, oath=week) is that since Bullinger (Companion Bible) says the Ascription in 11:36 is the center, ‘For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, (are) all things: to Whom be glory for ever. Amen’ we should work to build a culture part on that, new types of persons in this case, or families, as I approach a prolific social media poster. Thus, since Bullinger also says that ‘The word ‘and’ is repeated 102 times [in Genesis 1:1-2:3] ; thus by Polysyndeton (italics) (Ap. 6), marking and emphasizing each separate act as being especially independent and important,’ (Page 7 of Appendixes, Appendix 5) a ‘families’ pastor could assign stewardship of each of these 102, inter-generationally, to one family. Compare what he would call bad families, such as aristocratic ones, Rockefellers, Rothschilds…? Thus 153Culture for Wednesday, June 24, Anno Domini 2015, EphesiansYMMM!!, RomansSheba, ThyatiraCORAM861.
- Chas HartmanAugust 12, 2015 at 2:57 AMReplyDelete
- Add appeal to app developers (ERH spread world-wide revolutions of west, Christendom, $), and secondly, the First Peter apologia for calling, and thirdly, the 153Culture developed this CORAM.
- Chas HartmanAugust 25, 2015 at 5:25 PMReplyDelete
- See ‘Body Piano’ for a prophetic theater for this age, and/or a transition to the next.
- Chas HartmanAugust 25, 2015 at 5:27 PMReplyDelete
- More of this is at, something similar with, Charles Howard Hartman’s posts and notes on Facebook, and in the cloud with Norton Storage and elsewhere.I’m now seeking mutual indwelling with joint ventures and other Jay Abraham (search 50 Shades of Jay for free material for which he used to charge multiple thousands of dollars). Joint ventures.
- Chas HartmanOctober 1, 2015 at 5:50 PMReplyDelete
- I hope to make this an app for spreading benefits of the Revolutions of the West (Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy) planet-wide.
- Chas HartmanDecember 19, 2015 at 5:49 PMReplyDelete
- Chas HartmanDecember 19, 2015 at 5:50 PMReplyDelete
- Chas HartmanDecember 19, 2015 at 5:52 PMReplyDelete