--Dear Doug Roorda:
Thanks for saying that I should read this.
I apologize. Someone
else must minister to these folds, from a JBJ-BH perspective.
I'm reminded of someothin Asimov has one of his characters
say in one of the 'Foundation' books, an early one. 'Such folly smacks of
genius; a lesser mind would be incapable of it'
That is, they are far down the path of the saw set at the
wrong angle that a Van Til quote gets at--'If you saw is set at the wrong
angle, the more you saw, the worse it gets.'
The point of discussion, as far as I got, was between
feeling in architecture and idea in architecture.
Contrasting Concepts of Harmony in Architecture
Contrasting Concepts of Harmony in Architecture
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Contrasting Concepts of Harmony in Architecture: The 1982 Debate Between Christopher
Alexander and Peter Eisenman An Early
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But I'm thinking and feeling that the architecture we should
be doing is building a house, because God has shown us houses, and He wants us
to mature to build houses--appropriate houses.
In particular, I believe, teach, and.confess that the house
of this time, one of them, is Jeremiah Waiting Calendar House.
It is somewhat in the vein of the Sunday-Monday-Tuesday...
house the came from the efforts, successful in a way, of the Israel of Old and
the New Israel, when confronted with an astronomical/astrological calendar. They witnessed to The One True God (Trinity
in the New Israel) by worshiping/resting one day in 7, thus saying by their
respective actions that The One True God made all those gods/planets (in the
broadest sense, wanderers), for he created the heavens above, the earth
beneath, and the waters under the earth in 6 days and all very good, and rested
on the 7th.
Caveat: Unless we rightly handle what went before, it will
come back stronger. Thus, Mercury
(Wotanstag, Wednesday) can come back as gambling, wealth, good news to be
wrongly deemed, and Venus (Fria, Friday) can come back as wrongly 'loving,'
What I propose is another layer, for we are in the layer of
the social orders, respectively, of tribes with community celebrations, of
empires with business marketing and production schedules and workdays, of the
eternal calendar of Jesus Christ, his life, and our response with various
aspects of a church year, of Greek education with semesters, etc.
This layer, the Jeremiah Waiting Calendar House takes off
from two things JBJ has done/said.
1--That we are in Jeremiah Time (at a conference), and that we wait (end
of Through New Eyes). And more, see
Revelation 5:12 and 7:12, retuning the universe at Ascension. Revelation
So, we write the 49-book Bible onto the year. We add the 49 prophecies that Bullinger's
Companion Bible lists from Jeremiah.
That's a start.
We could add Psalms, 144 +2 = 146, and 22 of what I called
years ago, Big Selahs (must be changed), = 168, with that part of Psalm 119 and
the particular book of the 22, and the alphabet letter-word. To 168 add 2
weeks, 14 days of structural work, = 182, or 1/2 a year.
3 weeks are for 3 big celebrations, some aspect of
quickening with Nativity, Resurrection, and 50.
(I have 53 weeks in my coram--celebration of resurrection
anno mundi. Adjustments can be made)
The Heidelberg has 52, so maybe that's a third layer in this
I start at Resurrection, though, and I have 3 types of new
names for days. Retuning the retuning, Axial Age institutions sandwiched
between Already and Not yet, and I run through the books of the 49-book Bible 7
times, in different orders.
It's the mature thing, the sane thing (Sing A New
Era!). As one goes through these, 3
types might emerge, similar to what ERH sees in theRevolutions of the West--new
types of persons, new types of speech, new institutions. (49 x 3) plus Big Six =153, as fish in an
early structure, you see.
Were my ship to come in, I'd hire someone to do this.
Remember, it's another layer, not a replacement. It's
That's what can be done toward peace, toward the next 1000
years--however long that is. ERH speaks of this in the latter lectures of
Universal History 1954.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie 'a new thread too' Hartman
I wish you would have a great big ship come in!
ReplyDeleteLike · Reply · 1 · February 4 at 3:47pm
Charles Howard Hartman replied · 3 Replies
Charles Howard Hartman
Charles Howard Hartman Thanks, Charles Brian Moore, and Doug Roorda. This might be part of the most important thing I can do at which I'd be most difficult to replace. I did a little work on it last year/coram at Building A Christian Civilization BookBlock By BookBlock
Like · Reply · February 4 at 9:16pm · Edited
Charles Howard Hartman
Charles Howard Hartman This leads to the plot of land that Jeremiah bought in expectation of return. Jeremiah 32: 1-15, especially 9, and very especially 15
Charlie 'Cash' Hartman
Last year I found that 1--We need to do more work on rhetoric, if Philemon is the 7th iteration (glory) of Joshua (conquest) [Robinson], and 2--There's much retuning, since The Twelve (minor prophets) are not in chronological order, and neither, per Bullinger, are the epistles. See Jordan on Rev. 5:12-7:12, picturing the Ascension, which shows, the changes, that the order of Jesus' attributes before and after is circle of 5th, a la 'planets' in names of days, it's sung, there is musical accompaniment, etc.