Sunday, February 28, 2016

3 More For Jeremiah Waiting Calendar House: Toward Peace

Word Factory: Must We Supply The Missing Hebrew Words?
Benefit One: Christendom had the word ‘trinity’ and the mutual indwelling thinking behind it.  Rome did not have a solution to the one and many problem, like Trinity supplied.  Rome fell. Christendom rose.
Filioque.  The East did not have it, and was prey to strongman rule.  The West had it, and progressed.
What words do we need now? ‘Use your words!,’ a relative tells her angry and crying, inarticulate child. ‘What does this say?,’ a youngster, eager to learn to read and write asks, after scribbling on a piece of paper.
Are we like these children, are we in Exile, are we the underdogs, as the early Church was to Rome, and as Charlemagne’s Europe was to Islam?
Benefit Two: As we wait in a time of Exile (Jeremiah), can we grasp some hints? For example, James B. Jordan has remarked that while Israel was in Exile, cultures were raised up that Christendom would deal with later. Thus, Greece, Buddha, Confucius/Lao-tse.  Rosenstock-Huessy said that the Israel of Old, and the New Israel conquered astronomical/astrological empires by resting/worshiping one day in 7, thus witnessing that The One True God made all those things the empires worshiped. Can we make a calendar? Another example is that layers of social orders have been given us—can we respond in a way that points to a social order similar.  Thirdly, JBJ has put forth a 49-book Bible, literarily conceived—can we use that, writing it across the year/Celebration of Resurrection Anno Mundi, liturgically, as an addition? Etc.

[Word Factory is one of the six first keys of the Jeremiah Waiting Calendar House. The others are Christian Court, SCHIAM –Self-Consciousness Heightened In A Maturity--,Reorganizing For Battle—Retunings--, the 7th of Deuteronomy, and Philemon’s Rhetoric Of Joshua/Conquest. Lord willing, JWCH will be ready before Resurrection, A. D. 2016.}
Word Factory.  Mozeson’s works are used. ‘Origin of Speeches’ (sic).
He remarks that there are two-letter basic roots.
Let’s suppose that the 22 Hebrew letters he features are put into the total of two letter combinations. This would be close to 484. (Letter order counts).
Now, in an earlier work Mozeson had mentioned the dance of three letter roots.  And even though the first word in the Bible B-R-SH-T has 4 letters, let’s only put a third letter into the matrix/field. (I’ll use matrix/field again below.)
That gives us over 10,000 words, well over. And IR means city, and UR is something like ‘beginnign,’ as in ur-sprache, original language.  And ERH liked it that OR was a root from one era, and IGIN from another, thus ‘origin’. So, vowels do count somehow. This does not count word order in 3-letter words, which would multiply by 6.  Thus, 123, 132, 231, 213, 312, 321.
I use his position that there are 7 basic sounds for the below of ‘L K M’. Gutturals, Sibilants, etc.  More later.
Thus, can we say that there is a field/matrix of meaning in the different word orders of LKM.  K  is both hard (K) and soft (H).
So, (E)l(o)h(i)m, is LHM. Malach (i) is MLH. L(a)m(e)ch is LMK. Bethlehem, house of bread, has LKM as ‘bread’. Etc.  HLM, HML, LMK, LKM, MLK, MKL. This last would be …Michael?
And if f field/matrix has 5 of the 6 combinations of 3 used, when on grasps the whole field, what would one conclude the sixth—previously unused—word to be?
Do all six of these make a field/matrix of meaning?  One could presuppose that, given that Mozeson holds that proto-Hebrew, the ursprache, was intelligently designed. And despite the fact that the nation-state of modern Israel has an institution to coin new words, might we add something to the conversation?
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie ‘concentrating’ Hartman
PS: Remember Ted Williams? He did not want to lose his stroke by trying to punch through the underpopulated left side of the diamond. I hold the same with my oddities, and I think that it is OK to do so, as long as one does not think that one’s own oddity is the sum total of all. In ERH’s terms, too far to the back is decadence, too far to the front is (bad) revolution, too far in is mysticism, and to far out is war.
PPS: I will return to this frequently during the corams of Jeremiah Waiting Calendar House. I urge other to consider adding this to each one’s armory of weapons.
PPPS: Schrock identifies 70 phonograms.  And there’s more:

[This too is part of Jeremiah Waiting Calendar House. I’ll look at this each Tuesday/PergamosYMMM!!/Lao-TseDay through the coram—Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi.]
Benefits:  This will help us with an Axial Age institution raised up for our maturity.
History: On social media, someone mentioned that the I Ching handled the infinity situation well.
I looked it up, part of it, briefly. This is my report.
The edition one of my consultants lent me is the Wilhelm/Baynes translation, forward by Carl Jung (1923?), Bollingen Series XIX.
Short, from memory mostly.
Jung makes the point that we in the West have abstracted from ‘nature’ in order to make experiments. He also says that the East/China seems to want to see the whole, unabstracted.  He mentions that modern physics tends toward that. (I, CHH, would point to Shroedinger’s Cat, who is there or not, depending on perception—that is, the Perceiver changes what is perceived. Also, Goedel’s Incompleteness work seems to prove that in any axiomatic system, there are well-formed-formulas that cannot be derived from the axioms, but that are true.---it’s been many decades since I memorized this.
Hung also brings in his synchronicity work, mentioning, if I remember correctly, that the goal is to apprehend the moment, and all that is with it.
He used a coin message to produce a hexagram concerning what effect his introduction might have.
--Now, some say that I Ching is a type of fortune telling, and street vendors make it appear thus, but let us remember that such great doctrines of theology as predestination can produce passivity and its opposite.
To the hexagrams. Remember, I’ll be adding to this through the coram, the Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi, Lord willing. This is my naïve stroke.
At the beginning, there was a yes and a no.  One was a solid horizontal line, the other had a gap in it.
One view of the Urim and Thummim that the High Priest of Israel used was that one said ‘yes,’ and the other ‘no’. The High Priest would be asked, ‘Should we war against X?’ He would draw a ‘yes,’ or a ‘no’. [Others hold other views].
Note please that as we digest Lao-Tse into Christendom, we learn things also, and one of those things is to contrast how the I Ching developed, and how, if I remember correctly, there was no more casting of lots after Matthias was selected to make the 12 again, after Judas left.
To the ‘yes’ line and the ‘no’ line was added another line, and then, the chronology is unclear, was added the stacking of three lines atop three lines, to make 64 hexagrams.  Somehow, from these hexagrams, over the years, has developed the words concerning the moment.
--As an aside, computer coding has an element of on-off to it.
I will study this more, especially the chronology (what part was during the Exile, during the Axial Age?) and the derivation of the words from the lines, Lord willing.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘and I don’t see the infinity-handling either’ Hartman
PS: Compare the full line and the broken line to the preterit and non-preterit tenses in Hebrew, if I’m calling them the right names.  It could be perfect and imperfect, completed or not completed.  If I recall, the completed may be in the future, known to be the future by context, or the incomplete may have occurred in the past, etc.  Incomplete, non-preterit, imperfect would be the broken line.
The Psalms run all through, including the holidays.
Much material from James Jordan’s presentation at Psalter Conference, 1998, Biblical Horizons
146 Psalms
Psalm 9-10 – alphabetic
Psalm 42-42 – refrain
Psalm 32-33 – no title for Psalm 33   --Psalm 32 says God will instruct; Psalm 33 has 22 pairs of lines (not alphabetical)
Psalms 70-71 – no title for Psalms 71  --Psalms 70 is virtually identical to Psalm 40: 13- 17; the duplication makes sense if Psalm 70 is actually the introduction to Psalm 71 [This after ‘146 Psalms if from Jordan’s presentation]
Numbering is per Jordan’s rendering of 146, above.
NOTE: Jordan is doing a monthly message on Psalms. Get it.  He has also discovered a paper that proposes that ‘Selah’ means something such as ‘Go back to the beginning and sing it as a refrain’ He does that in some of the messages.
Jeremiah Waiting Calendar house attempts to help us discover something about the next social order.  In it are layers.
1—House of Singing Times/Calendar Of Peace Prejected is a writing of Jordan’s 49-book Bible, literarily conceived onto the year (‘coram’ is Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi. Coram in Latin is presence or face) from Resurrection to Resurrection.  See Biblical Horizons ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’.

2—Then I retune the retuning and run it backwards for 49 weeks, shebas (7, oath).

3—This coram is liturgical, 5 parts. Kinfe edges at the beginning and end are, respectively, Call and Commission, in Jordan’s 5 step liturgy. After 10 weeks, shebas, there is a mountain out ot time, a holiday, Public Vindication, Cleansing. After 11 more is another mountain holiday, The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly (Consecration). After 11 more weeks itTotal Chirst, a two-mountain holiday.

4—To make the year coram fit the 49 and the Resurrection (Easter) to Resurrection, there may be a squeezing or a lengthening after week 42—Eliot/Anselm Time. Thus’we know the place for the first time, after our wanderings, ‘ and ‘God is greater than we can possibly imagine’.
5—I also rename the days after the Psalm, 8-2, and Conquering the Axial Age.
6—Bullinger’s 49 prophecies in Jeremiah are gone through one per week.

More will be shown as we go along. This structure below to Week 26 is repeated after week 27 is Psalm Week, something special.

Week 1—The Structure of Psalms. Complete, Day 1. Books 1,2,3,4,5, respectively. The Structure of Psalms.
Week 2—Psalms 1-7.
Week 3—Psalms 8, 9-10 ( 9 , Jordan, hereafterJ), 10, Aleph of Psalm 119 plus Book 1of 49, Psalms 11, 12, 13
Week 4—Psalms 14, 15, 16 (remember, Jordan, 9-10 is ‘9’) Beth of Psalm 119 + Book 2 of 49, 17, 18, 19
Week 5—20, 21, 22, carry on with parts of Psalm 119 + next book (3) , 23, 24, 25

Continue through Week 24, at which time 139 Psalms will have been done, one per day, plus all 22 parts of Psalm 119 + all 22 OT books.
--Remember: 146 Psalms
Psalm 9-10 – alphabetic
Psalm 42-42 – refrain
Psalm 32-33 – no title for Psalm 33   --Psalm 32 says God will instruct; Psalm 33 has 22 pairs of lines (not alphabetical)
Psalms 70-71 – no title for Psalms 71  --Psalms 70 is virtually identical to Psalm 40: 13- 17; the duplication makes sense if Psalm 70 is actually the introduction to Psalm 71 [This after ‘146 Psalms if from Jordan’s presentation]
Numbering is per Jordan’s rendering of 146, above.—
Week 25 is Psalms 140-146.
Week 26 has the same topics as Week 1.
Week 27 is Psalms Week, something special.
Weeks 28-53 repeat Weeks 1-26.
Note, from Jordan’s presentation at the 1998 Biblical Horizons Conference on the Psalter, that each of the 5 books ends in a doxology. Psalm 41:13, Psalm 72:18-19, Psalm 89:52, Psalm 106:48, Psalm 150:6. ‘Probably the doxology belongs at the end of each psalm in its book’

1 comment:

  1. NOTE LATER: Connect the two-ness of yes-no (I Ching and one view of umim and thummim) to only two ‘tenses’ in Hebrew (preterit and not, complete and not, perfect [done] and not) and Sheffer Stroke from which all symbolic logic (Russell-Whitead 5 operators) can be built, ‘not both the one and the other’.
