Monday, December 29, 2014

What is The Symphony Of History?

What is The Symphony of History?  Of Comprehensive History Interactive. Let’s define it  by extension, with incidents/vignettes. Then in other ways.

1—4-year-old daughter wants to play.
She was watching the adults.
‘Daddy, can I play?’
She sat on his lap and wrote questions on piece of paper, and sent a piece of paper to each adult.
That’s how this 4-year-old saw what we were doing.
And she was right.
What we did, early on, was ask questions each person asking a question of each of the others. Then next week when we got back together we would answer all of them asked of each one of us.

2—Doctor wants to play.
‘Show me a church like that and I’ll join’’
I had been explaining what I was doing in a session.
This would be similar to injecting jets of air into a vat of penicillin, so that there were more surfaces for what it is made from to grow on.  This was a million-dollar prize-winner, according to a pharmacist who told me.
It’s also similar to conjective truth, explained by Dr. McCloskey in ‘Bourgeois Dignity: How Economics Cannot Explain the Modern World’—truth arrived at in conversation.

3—Rosenstock’s Next Era.
Rosenstock is credited with helping greatly to start the Peace Corps.

In his Universal History 1954 lectures at Dartmouth, he challenged his hearers that the next 1000 years, however long they were, the next era, would be one of socio__ something, in which the tribal era was glorified by getting rid of the perpetual warfare of the tribes, while keeping the small, enthusiastic groups. In his schematic, the Greeks, the 4th social order before He Who Reversed The Trend, were to be companions after Jesus.  The Israel of old was glorified by getting rid of exclusiveness, and became the Church, the Empire social order was glorified by getting rid of slavery, the nation-state.  These are layers of social order, not replacements.

4—As a preliminary showing of how players (I arrange them into 12 Days, and each has 3 additional names) cooperate.  Day One and Day Five have made a Dragonfly Chemesh Body Piano Prophetic Theater attempt.  It’s partially explained here: It’s still developing, advolving.

CONCLUSION TO INTRODUCTION: I'm finishing up week one of Opus 49 of The Symphony of Comprehensive History Interactive. It's not easy. I find echoes for each of the 5 types of steps in the process Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy set out, then I set forth a template to move each of 12 through it, seeking also conjective truth unto action, for each and for combinations, and for the whole. Wise one has said he doesn't know anyone who could even play in this, so I must also simplify! Thanks

Take each individual and the whole through all 5 phases of revolution, now called advolution, to make an solo for each and an overture for the whole. All 12 days, the six of creation, the Long One of the Fall and Beginning of the Rise, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, A. D. 70, and The Great Day.
495--Indicative becomes imperative. I brought you out of Egypt...have no other gods. Also, You are a poem. Ephesians 2: 8-10, the KJV 'workmanship' is 'poiema' in Greek, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Be that poem. I am commanded to tell you that your sins are forgiven.  I am commanded to help you with your poem.

BUT REMEMBER: It’s as simple as the understanding of the 4-year-old.  The conductor will help.  To put it in worship order terms, you are Called in (work of the Conductor beforehand). Rosenstock’s Imperative. Then your Confusion is Cleared, you are Cleansed to go on, lovingly Cuddled—Confession and absolution.  This is Rosenstock’s Subjective. Then you are Consecrated/Cut Up by the Narrative—Readings and  Sermon in liturgical worship. Then you are Communed, everyone knows more of working together. Finally, you are Commissioned, you write your solos/or Communicate them, and Day 12, the Conductor, writes the Overture that is the beginning of ne New that you take out, for Rosenstock’s Planetary Service.

I know this is confusing, but it works, it’s an amen, a part for whole of Universal History, best explained in Rosenstock’s ‘Out of revolution’ in the part about the Papal Revolution.

Now, Rosenstock follows the first layer, the church at worship, The Heavens Above.  He has said that ‘science is that arm of the church that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by treating the universe as dead’.  The Waters Under The Earth.  Thus, the first 2000 years after Christ.  The third, I claim, will be something such as The Symphony of History (his term).

Analogs: Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact, New Torah—James Jordan. Transcendence, Hierarchy, Ethics, Oaths (and Sanctions), Succession—Gary North. CDATMCG—Mike Bull. 7: Creation, Division, Ascension, Testing, Maturation, Conquest, Glorification. Thanksgiving, Help!, Explore, Owning (Bonding), Steps to take—Days One and Five.  And many more by Dr. North: God owns everything, God delegates ownership, Ownership brings responsibility, Value is imputed, Mankind increases dominion. 

And Jordan has a wonderful essay, many essays really, exploring the 3s, the 5s, the 7s and more of covenant sequences.

One really needs to play.  We will be working on an app, so the whole connected world can play/incubate. Which reminds me of Rosenstock’s 12 Tones of the Spirit (tone is the ultimate maturity): Listen, Read, Learn, Play/incubate, Doubt, [Critique, Analyze], Protest/witness, Win, Rule, Teach, Speak, [Bequeath]. I am bequeathing now.

My Five are: 1—TSOCHI, The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive,  best explained above 2—ThePellaSquare/How To Make Your Communities Better,
[My material is here, in Opus 49, and/or on Facebook Notes/Pages, and/or on chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, 3—HOST (was inside out of TSOH or TSOHCHI—as the garments of the high priest, laying on his back, and the Tabernacle) House Of Singing Times/CalendarOfPeacePrejected (sic), here in good form:
4—So far we have ERH’s (Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy’s) Imperative: TSOCHI, Subjective: ThePellaSquare, Narrative: HOST, and now, Objective is 153Culture, in which I have Jordan’s 49-book Bible of ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament: For each of these 49 books, I will attempt to place something in a new culture respectively based on Jordan’s three: Maturity, Redemptive History, and The Holy War against the devil and his angels (Remember Luther: The devil is God’s devil). TheBigSix are six more, very important.  This makes 153. 153 fishes.  The 7x7s are patterned after E. T. Hall’s 10x10 grid of culture in ‘The Silent Language,’ in a way. This is barely started, I’ve been concentrating on TheBigSix.  Also see Al Gore ‘The Future,’ and Johnson’s technological 6 in ‘How We Got To Now’. McCloskey has 7 that account for The Great Fact that we live so much better than our ancestors of a few centuries ago, in ‘Bourgeois Dignity’—to Faith, Hope, and Charity are added Prudence, Temperance, Justice, and Courage.  When the trader and merchant began to be honored in money and rhetoric in North Europe (Holland) and England @1700, great prosperity began.

5—Planetary Service. H.E.R.O.Volution/Pirate.  The last ‘pirate,’ from ERH’s last book.  The pirate is in unregulated space.  A Hero Helps Explicitly Reconcile Opposites, the combination mine, the last 3 words are ERH’s definition of peace, the explicit reconciliation of opposites. There are several improvements, this is the latest:

My Planetary Service will be in resonance with TSOCHI, both for the whole culture, and concentrate on  Godparents For Eldsters. YouTube: 4 and a/2 minutes, the ceremony. . Facebook Page: Blogspot, with best brief explanation: Godparents for Eldsters -- This brief conversation illustrates the benefits. 

CW: Co-worker: What's new? 

CH: Chuck: Godparents for Eldsters. 

(Quizzical look) 

CH: Eldster is a more honoring way than saying oldster. 

CW: How does it work? 

CH: You know how some churches have godparents for an infant being baptized, so if something happens to the parents, there's somebody? This is like that for eldsters. 

CW: Is this established already, or is it your idea? 

CH: As far as I know, it's mine.. 

CW: Get it going, people need it. 

TSOCHI is to the culture as GFE is for individuals.

--Two newer modalities for helping the elderly.  The first is auditory exercises that in 40-50 hours, an hour at a time, have, it is claimed, rolled back the memory clock 10 years, or more.  From ‘The Brain That Changes Itself,’ and posit science.  Here are free exercises at

Second, craniosacral therapy.  This study was paid from by the U of Iowa, and first came to my attention in Michael Morgan’s book ‘Body Energy Longevity Prescription’. The study of CranioSacral StilPoint Technique and Individuals with Dementia--American Journal of Gerontological Nursing 34 (3), 2008 p. 36-45
4 During the study’s intervention phase, participants exhibited a statistically significant reduction in agitation, were more cooperative during caregiving activities, and displayed meaningful interactions
with others.

The Lord be with you,

Charlie Hartman

PS: I am commanded to tell you that your sins are forgiven.  I am commanded to help you with your poem.  As ERH exegetes Ephesians 2: 8-10, he notes that the Greek for ‘workmanship’ is ‘poiema,’ thus poem. I call this artistic evangelism. Ephesians 2:8-10King James Version (KJV)

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

496-- Laboramoratory, where you do your labor of love, in prayer (the two 'ora' sequences). And some kind of speaking, ‘oratory’.

Monday, December 8, 2014

3-D Penicillin Production and a Millin Dollars..and...Symphony?

3-D Penicillin Production and a Million Dollars…and…Symphony?
Decades ago a pharmacist who somehow found himself defending the country from Russian bombers who would have come over the pole found himself in a conversation with a philosopher in the same fix.  The pharmacist had good news.  During WWII, he said, the uSA (sic) federal government found itself in need of more penicillin, which was produced from mold growing on the surface of a vat.  They offered a million dollars (big money then) to anyone who could increase production.  The winners:  Blow jets of air in from the side and up from the bottom, to create more surface.
The Symphony of Comprehensive History Interactive does something such as that, for each ‘player,’ let’s summarize (Day and 3 other names) does direct jets of initiations (questions?) to each other during each week, and responds (answers to each of these of the other ones.
Backward and forward, for as Rosenstock says, ‘To say that the past and the present cause the future is heresy.  The past and the future cause the present’.
Thus, Week one is  both Imperative going forward and Planetary Service from the future.  Week Two: Subjective and Objective. Week Three: Narrative and Narrative. 4: Objective and Subjective. 5: Planetary Service and Imperative.
But one really has to be in the game, and. Lord willing, we’ll have it in most media after next summer.

Love in King Jesus,


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day Cards to begin Opus 49

Day Cards To Begin Opus 49
DAY __________ of 12
[A possible way of seeing; let’s see the fruit?!]
Creation Days
7—Fall—4000 years until the Rise begins at the Cross

[These would be BESIDE the 7 days on a properly-‘composed’ Day Card]

7 from Cross

Other 7s include Bullinger ‘Man for Earth’ in Chapter 2, Jim’s that starts with 1—Man is Light, and The Churches and Ages (James Jordan: ‘The Vindication of Jesus Christ’)
5—Sardis-Judgment and Exile
7—Laodicea-Apostasy in Jesus Day (some of these change elsewhere, e. g. 7 is Communion With God)

[There are many other sevens.
As Jordan says, ‘When we have two lists of 7, we are invited to compare them’.]

11—A. D. 70
12—Great Day, Last Judgment (in Opus 49, Summational Overture)

[8 through 12 make a 5, and this 5, plus 7 make a 12]
[‘I must respond, though I will be changed’: Rosenstock-Huessy]

Saturday, December 6, 2014

'..many turned back their memory clock ten or more years, ...some...25…’

'..many turned back their memory clock ten or more years, ...some...25…’

‘Thus, many turned back their memory clock ten or more years, and some individuals turned it back 25 years’ (page 89). [In another study, PET scans ‘…found that their brains did not show signs of “metabolic decline” (again, page 89). ‘Merzenich told me, “Everything you can see happen in a younger brain can happen in an older brain.” ‘ (page 88). ‘’…refine the ability to hear in a way they haven’t since they were in the crib. …’ (page 88).  ‘…increasing processing speed and make basic signals stronger, sharper and more accurate , while stimulating the brain to produce the dopamine and acetylcholine.’ (page 88)   [2007] [Written up in professional journal] [New York Times Bestseller Norman Doige, M. D. As Featured on PBS The Brain Fitness Program] [Free exercise here: Book: The Brain That Changes Itself

Love in King Jesus,

PS: First printed 2007--why did  I just read this in A. D. 2014?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Raise this orphan! Bach and the periodic table via Buckminster Fuller

Raise this orphan!  Bach and the periodic table via Buckminster Fuller

Page 258, ‘Nine Chains to the Moon’ (1938): ‘Bach’s point-counterpoint mathematical ramification of music is the harmoniously sensorial counterpart of Mendelejeff’s abstract exploration (CHH—the periodic table); interestingly the octave period is common to both.’

Later. ‘Mendelejeff inserted all the mathematical descriptions of the undiscovered elements. One by one over a period of 70 years science has discovered them and has found them to have precisely each and every characteristic prognosticated by Mendelejeff'

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

8th Letter, S11

For complete symphony to daye, email, please. Thanks.

This is the 8th Letter, S11, to Mike Bull:
Mike:  Let me try to explain it historically, and via JBJ, and with CDATMCG.
Creation:  Jim says we are each part of the tabernacle.  Some of us are toools to clear out the ashes, pieces of bread, etc.
Division—Now, in Exodus, the 7 speeches relate to 7 parts of the Taberncale.
Ascension—But we are speakers.  So we can speak to each other, and not just watch (almond—lampstands).
Testing—How does one relate to the other parts, to the Glory of God.  Can we help each mature?
Mature?—Yes, the Temple comes next, then Ezekiel’s Temple, then the Return, and finally, Jesus is the Holy of Holies Made Flesh.
Conquest—Mentioned at the very end.  I’m not as good as you are with this.
Glorification—As the A. D. 70 Temple was destroyed – maturing takes us through greater glory of temples –we are to become living stones, gold, silver, precious stones, as the Victory/House-Building Pattern happens once more.  God destroys the enemies of His people (Temple, using Romans). With the spoils (Bible, converts, testimony to tell: He said He would, He did—Public Vindication) His people build Him a temple (Disciples, Apostles, Fathers, etc). He moves in (Pentecost and in other ways), lights the fire, and His People administer the Conquest.

Now, historically, the liturgy of worship was oriented toward the Heavens Above, the first 1000 years, establishing The One True God, Trinity. 5 Cs—Called, Cleansed, Consecrated, Communid, Commissioned.
After that was done, and Zeus, etc. did not need to be charmed, science could flourish more, as that arm of the church that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by treating the universe as dead.  Scientific Method. Thus Newton is called by the apple falling, into a new situation. He doesn’t know why (who previously asked?) but cleanly thinks he can find out. Readings are previous writings.  Sermon is his hypothesis.  Commune is a two-barreled test—in his case experiments.  And then the Theory is taken out, commissioned to do good. Second 1000 years. Waters Under the Earth.
Now we are ready for people, made of dirt, The Earth Beneath.  The 5 are ERH’s, North’, JBJ’s.  Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, Planetary Service. North has THEOS and others.  JBJ, in ‘Crisis, Oppurtunity, and the Christian Future,’ lays out Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact, New Torah.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: I include a next part, and Opus 49 to date, October 29, USA—date in House Of Singing Times Calendar later.

Page S11

4 Initiates

To Day 8, page S22 How might the shame of being abandoned, and ‘compliance drugging’ harm the elderly?

7, page S21 Would a church Godfathers for Eldsters ministry ‘recruit’ you in?

To Day 6, page S19 Does a pastor, or civil official, witness marriage, or pronounce it? Is it being between two people before God sufficient?

To Day 5, page S17 Could demented/Alzheimered persons, already in nursing homes, etc., be healed, so that they could go home and function well?  How?  Have there been any cases?

To Day 4, page S15 (not this week)

3, page S20 The language of the church repels me—why?

2, page S18 How does ‘occupy until I come’ apply to the church, and others?

1, page S16 So the church did NOT help you in YOHAD?

9, page S23 Comment on ‘Warriors of Light’ and technology.  Link:


Now YOUR Day 4 initiates (Fill in the Blank)

To Day 8, page S22

7, to page S21

To Day 6, page S19

To Day 5, page S17

To Day 4, page S15 (not this week)

3 to page S20

2, page S18

1, page S16 

9, page S23

Alternation.  We did Opus 3 in A. D. 1997.  We recorded it, and there are transcripts.  It was done when I had just begun listening to Rosenstock-Huessy, and when I had finished Dr. Jordan’s audios on Exodus, but had not begun his audios on Revelation.  We had four sessions, corresponding to the first four days of creation.  Our finale was what I called a ‘4x4’—God says, You are, God will, You should.  It was a good time.  We began ‘Purim,’ and we had chocolate chip cookies.  Maybe the way back machine/internet archives could find it.  It’s in my computer, maybe a couple of others. The idea was that each person is like a part of the tabernacle, and that they interact.  Did we have retuning? There were transcripts.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Similarities in 5 Books, Yea 7

5 Books, Yea 7
Bill Clinton, through Robert Cook, recommended to me ‘Abundance,’ and ‘The Social Conquest of Earth’. Those are 2.
What motivated me to write this note is a comment on the blurb on the back of Wilson’s book: ‘…group selection, not kin selection, is the premier driving force…’
This fits in with Rosenstock’s view that we are in a neo-tribal age, and that the avoidance of the perpetual warfare of the tribe is the key, as we keep the small enthusiastic groups.  Of course, ‘Abundance’ speaks of The Rising Billion, the poorest billion being a market to which businesses can profitably provide goods.
3--‘Spengler’/Goldman, in ‘It’s Not the End of the World, It’s Just the End of You’ makes much of facing tribal extinction as a force in conversion to what will remain, Christendom (though Goldman went back to Judaism) both now in the Third World and when the northern tribes of Europe were converted.
ERH (Rosenstock) elsewhere says that new technology (and we’re in it!) destroys old groups. 4--And Jenkins has written about a lost heyday of Christendom in the east.
     What else can we say? 5--Coburn has written that fingerprints formed 5 months before birth, yet can tell much about a person’s life as lived. That would be similar to what ERH calls the ‘imperative stem’ of Latin verbs, all other forms emerging from that—as Wilson says of group selection (what I’ll call self-tribalization, choosing your tribe or other form of social order), and Sheffer said with his Stroke of logical operators, and now Mozeson says in 6--‘The Origin of Speeches’ that proto-Semitic (think Hebrew) radicals (think consonants) are important in naming, that naming is not the arbitrary assignment of sounds.  Consider a Hindu mantra ‘Om,’ or something. And thus we come to Myss’ 7--‘Why People Don’t Heal, and How They Can’.  She ties in basics (stems) of sacraments, chakras, sefirot, etc. and parts of the body, and says that that can help.  Keunning says that the Bible has body theology, in such words as splagchnizomai, for ‘gut,’ where the Prodigal Son’s father felt compassion, and what moved the Good Samaritan. Myss woud say that’s ‘confirmation’  place, and I would say, maturer faith.
What to do?
Work on the problems set before one with these and more tools?
Myss would call this the eighth chakra.
Mozeson: chakra, circle, cycle, same Edenic radicals.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Help with liturgical warfare question

A man asked on a forum about how The Lord’s Service on The Lord’s Day was liturgical warfare.

Two preliminary comments.  1—The following form may help you get from your relative howling in the Wilderness to singing in the choir in Israel.  This ‘from howl to choir’ is based on a comment in a Teaching Company audio, I believe it was about Jazz, that portrayed a vignette of a man traveling by train through the South who saw and heard a cottonpicker howling in the field—the idea was that this howl became music, Jazz (?) over the years.
2—In a Cordwainer Smith story a man wants help for a woman with emotional problems.  He is on the public street, uses a phone.  The public utility (911, Emergency Medical Technicians-like) tells him that he knows the protocol for help, all citizens do. And the protocol from which the following is a part should become such in the future.

In other words, a man has a question that troubles him, a howl.  He’s relatively in the wilderness on it. Anyone should be able to help him cross the Jordan, the judicial boundary of Israel, to get
into the place and time and community that turns that howl into music.

Here’s how he gets across, followed by the start of the music in which he will participate.

Jordan Crossing: Nathan,
You could get a start by purchasing Jim's two lectures from the 1997 Biblical Horizons Conference. James B. Jordan, The Battle of The Mountain of Festival Assembly (2 lectures).
Biblical Horizons 1997 Conference - Mark, Hebrews, Scapegoating -
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| | Biblical Horizons 1997 Conference - Mark, Hebrews, Scapegoating - 1997 Biblical Horizons Conference. 20 mp3s with notes including, James B. Jordan, The Battle of The Mountain of Festival Assembly (2 lectures), Jeffrey J. Meyers, Theology of Mark (3 lectures), Peter J. Leithart, Introduction to Hebrews (3 lectures),Stephen J. Garver, The... | |
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 01 Battle of Mountain of Assembly 1 -
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| | | | 01 Battle of Mountain of Assembly 1 - 1997 Biblical Horizons Conference. 20 mp3s with notes including, James B. Jordan, The Battle of The Mountain of Festival Assembly (2 lectures), Jeffrey ... | |
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02 Battle of Mountain of Assembly 2 -
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| | | | 02 Battle of Mountain of Assembly 2 - 1997 Biblical Horizons Conference. 20 mp3s with notes including, James B. Jordan, The Battle of The Mountain of Festival Assembly (2 lectures), Jeffrey ... | |
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The Music Starts.

Day 8:  Liturgical Warfare, tell us how the Resurrection is celebrated, how we are quickened by The Resurrection in Lord’s Day Service. Imperatively, what warfare is that?
Day 7:  (The Conductor assigns this howl in the Opus 49, Sing A New Era, to be a protégé/hanger with Tim, who wanted to get deeper into the Bible). Tell us how the Lord’s Service follows the pattern and echoes the great Liturgical Warfare of the book of Revelation.
--Note to readers/players/do-ers, be-ers: All the initiations of the first of 5 weeks are in the form or under the ‘sponsorship’ of Imperative, after Rosenstock’s Imperative-Subjective-Narrative-Objective-Planetary Service sequence of Revolutions of the West, best explained in Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief,’ Chapter 5. [Also use JBJ’s Law-Lyric-Evaluation-Fact-New Torah in ‘Crisis, Opportunity and the Christian Future,’ and some of North’s Fives, especially THEOS: Transcendence, Hierarchy, Ethics, Oaths and Sanctions, Succession. Don’t forget the others!—
Day 6—The Church is the Bride of Christ.  Tell us how Lord’s Day worship in The Lord’s Service amens that, and how that is liturgical warfare. Hint:  The clothing of Christ in the beginning is transferred to the Bride in the end—Revelation? Another hint:  How is the Church, the pastors and elders, the Levir, worthy of the products of the land (salary) while preserving the seed for the name of the Brother gone? Applying the wisdom of the whole Bible, is that not liturgical worfare, enacting it, incarnating it in worship?
Day 5, Healing. Well, Dr. Leithart has mentioned (Constantine?) that JBJ has 3 themes.  Holy War against the devil and his angels (CHH: Luther: The devil is God’s devil), maturity, and redemptive history.  Surely a recap of history, which JBJ says is one of the things that happens in Revelation, is an amen of redemptive history, and since churches in the Global South have sick people come to church for healing, and well people do well in witnessing, a type of warfare, wouldn’t our service, known aright, do the same.  We have two forgiveness of sin moments, Cleansing and Communion (my bloodshed for forgiveness of sins).  Which is easier, to say, take up your cot and walk, or your sins are forgiven?
Day 4—Tell us, in worship are we not honoring our fathers and mothers in worship, thus leading to living long and prospering?
Day 3—Somehow, when the horse collar made it 10x as efficient to haul cargo on roads, the church (ERH writes, somewhere in Out of Revolution) turned the thugs around the courts of the Big Men into knights, in this case a king of highway patrol that protected travelers and freight.  They probably followed the form of the liturgy to do this: Called in, Confessed a problem and were Cleansed, were Consecrated by searching and applying the word, sealed the deal in Communion, and articulated the Commissioning of knights, in some way, over the decades… .  Tell us what problems today could we apply this formula too, that the liturgical sequence could help us with. Wouldn’t that be liturgical warfare?
Day 2—Derived from the liturgy, surely, is some form of words that open secular courts. ‘The Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is now in session, the Honorable Judge X presiding.  All who have business with this Court draw nigh, and ye shall be heard.’  Thus, Jesus says, ‘All ye who are weary and heavy-laden, come to me…’ Is that not warfare, led by King Jesus himself?
Day 1—Everyone has YOHADs, Years Of Hell And Death.  Yet the stability, the being there, representing the promise of Jesus in Matthew 28, does that not mature one’s reaction in redemptive history of the holy war? It has for Day 1.  Is that not, then, an amen of the rest of Matthew 28, that we should be going, baptizing, teaching.  That we should imperatively disciple?

Now, Day 9 is also an Initiatior in Week One.  We imagine that we are sitting around a table in the form of the furniture of a Tabernacle.(Days 10, 11, 12, as I call them in an attempt at wisdom) are here too, but not yet participating.  We start with The Resurrection, a Negative Entropy Event (yes, that’s a word play, ‘nee’ is ‘born’.)

To make it fit 5 weeks, one of Initiation only, the next 3 or Response/Initiaton, and the last of Response only,  we need Day 9’s Ascension’s Initiation. Thus…

Day 9: Tell us, what does the Ascension of Our Lord have to do with Liturgical Warfare? Day 6’s Initiation will help, but how is He, or Commander-In-Chief, Who has already conquered, leading us in this liturgical warfare?

Day 10, ,Pentecost, is about improving The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive, and Day 11 is about mokhar, marketing in a metathesis (see “Origin of Speeches’ (sic).

Day 12, The Great Day/Final Judgment, and Day s 1 and 8 respectively, can Inititate at any time.

Day 12: Tell us, I Initiate Imperatively, Transcendantly, in Law, how liturgical warfare on the Lord’s Day, In His Service, fits into the fact that the present is caused by the past and the future, and thus, on this Week One, we need to remember the 5th of Hartman, namely that of H.E.R.O.volutionPirate of Planetary Service (search Herovolution on chuchhartmanhistoryconductor).  Week Two we’ll be reminded of 153Culture, a Fourth. Week Three is for a Third, HouseOfSingingTimes/CalendarOfPeacePrimingPrejection (HOST compare TSOH for The Symphony Of History and the garments of the High Priest symbols when on back, inside out of the tabernacle!) , and Week Four is for a Second, PellaSquare, or How To MakeYour Communities Better), and Week Five completes the First, The Symphony.  Each will be expected to have a symbolically appropriate number of words for a Solo, which Day 12 will have woven together in a Symphony.

Start by summing up your Responses to these Initiatives as if you had 2 or 3 minutes in turn around the table, which would be @ 300-5000 words, or a page.  You’ll tell 10 Words too, that is who you are, what howl, what Jordan Crossing, what Day.  Then 70, 153, 430 if in Egypt, 480 years words to build the Temple, 490 causing exile, 500 or 700 or 1000 as significant…

Day 1 adds:  List some other instances of your day 7.  Eden is one of course, and the 7 words from the Cross 4000 years later.  Heptamerous chiasms abound.  What’s the 7th Beatitude/Woe? How do these iterations tell us about the Liturgical Warfare on the 7th Day—Satan vs. Adam vs. Woman?

I pray that this is valuable. 
I attach a fill-in-the-blanks version that I hope to make into an app that can be used as indicated in the Smith story.  He did invent psychological warfare, after all.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman, the Naïve.
PS: this so far 288 page Opus 49, Sing A New Era, I’ll send to those who ask me at

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Letter 7/The Symphony, Opus 49, through S10

Dear David:

This is the 7th ‘letter to a friend’. Each tries to tell a little about The Symphony of History. (ERH: Fruit of Lips, I believe).

What I’m trying  to do is toaccomplish something that ERH and JBJ advocated.  ERH in ‘Universal History 1954’ (Amazon—audios of several Universal History courses from Dartmouth, and transcripts of all his lectures in English--$30!) said that the next era would glorify the tribes by keeping the small, enthusiastic groups and getting rid of the perpetual warfare.  The first 1000 years after He Who Reversed The Trend, The Negative Entropy Event, The Resurrection, saw the Church glorifying the Israel of Old by getting rid of exclusion. The second 1000 has the nation-state glorifying Empire by getting rid of slavery.

JBJ says at the end of ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’ that we can be new Abrahams, and that it’s the most exciting time since the first century.

[To go along with that, Berman, in ‘Law and Revolution,’ page 6, writes that medieval cathedrals literally had budgets for 1000 years.]

The basis of my procedure is to say that the liturgy of the church, oriented toward the heavens above, was what happened in the first 1000 years, in a 5-point sequence.  The scientific method was an echo, a 5-point, oriented toward the waters under the earth.  ERH: Science is that arm of the church that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by treating the universe as dead.

Now, in the Third Millennium, I attempt to orient (or north?) this sequence toward the earth beneath, people made of dirt.  To do so, I take 12 ‘DAYS’ through respectively, Day 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, each initiating toward each of the others, and all (and parts), such that a ‘universe’ in initiated, and each Day responds to a universe.

We end with solos on Day 12, and the Day 12 player Conductor) weaves them into a Symphony.

Thus we train Conductors.

The Conductor plays 3 Days.  Each player has 4 names.  Their Trauma or Talent, Howl is one.  Their given first name.  Their Day. Their Jordan Crossing—what gets them into the land, as the Jordan River was the judicial boundary of Israel.

We’re only a Page S10 or 98, and I attach a file that has the Symphony to date.

Oh, and the universe is retuned, via the order of initiations and responses each week of 5.  It’s MUCH easier when we all just sit around a table. Opus 3 is somewhere, with audio, and this is Opus 49, not in number done, but in honor of 49 years of marriage to Louise.

I play all the parts.  Here’s the retuning:
For Each Week—
Tunes and Retunings

Week One Initiations: 87654321 (not to oneself)
Week Two Responses: 415263789
Week Two Initiations: 4 (from 25) 1 (26) 5 (27) 2 (28) 6 (29) 3 (30) 7 (31) 8 (32) 9 (33) 10 (34)
--Sabbath Week for Conductor to help Days—
Week Three Responses: 10 (35) 9 (36) 8 (37) 7 (38) 5 (39) 3 (40) 1 (41) 6 (42) 4 (43) 2 (44)
Week Three Initiations: 11 (45) 10 (46) 9 (47) 8 (48) 7 (49) 5 (50) 3 (51) 1 (52) 6 (53) 4 (54) 2 (55)
Week Four Responses: 1 (56) 2 (57) 3 (58) 4 (59) 5 (60) 6 (61) 7 (62) 8 (63) 9 (64) 10 (65) 11 (66)
Week Four Initiations: 12 (67) 11 (68) 10 (69) 9 (70) 8 (71) 7 (72) 6 (73) 5 (74) 4 (75) 3 (76) 2 (77) 1 (78)
Week Five Responses (Solos and Symphony—Conductor works much with Days in time between Week Four and Week Five) 1 (79) 2 (80) 3 (81) 4 (82) 5 (83) 6 (84) 7 (85) 8 (86) 9 (87) 10 (88) 11 (89) 12 (90)

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman
PS: In a year or so, when this filled-in example is done, I’ll pay some writers(I fail!) to write a few page treatment, and from them, I’ll pick a few to write/rewrite this one better. It’s not as hard as I am making it.
I may also pay some church to do one, record it for YouTube (several cameras) for revenue by ads, and to make a transcript and web site, for coordination of all.
Thirdly, this will make a great app, and as Google’s balloons, and/or Facebook’s or Amazon’s drones weave us all together in one civilization ‘Civis Romanus sum’, the Initiations and Responses for the little IRs (city in Hebrew) will help with the goal of getting rid of perpetual warfare, and keeping small, enthusiastic groups in a neo-tribal time.

Page S10

5 Initiates

To Day 8, page S22 How does ‘Enjoy Timely Comprehensive Beauty!’ heal?

7, To page S21 Dear Fall: Tim, what would you tell ‘The Church’ to do, and can you do it outside Hebrews 10:25?

To Day 6, page S19 When and how will the Bride be adorned for her Husband, and what ‘echoes’ of this future event filter back to us?

To Day 5, page S17x

To Day 4, page S15 How big could honoring father and mother become? When we don’t do so, as a society are we doomed, unless we repent, and what would that societal repentance be like?

3, page S20 Dear Language:  Are there hidden tones in language?  If so, how are they learned?

2, page S18 Is not being ‘heard’ (getting a respectful reaction) a cause of stress and illness?

1, page S16 Dear YOHAD: God chastises whom he loves, Heb. 12:6—is that the cause of your YOHAD, your Years Of Hell And Death?

9, page S23 Freedom, is it true that doctors, with high technology, are the 3rd leading cause of death in America?  Who says? Is it technology’s fault?


Now YOUR Day 5 initiates (Fill in the Blank)

To Day 8, page S22

7, to page S21

To Day 6, page S19

To Day 5, page S17 (not this week)

To Day 4, page S15

3 to page S20

2, page S18

1, page S16

9, page S23

--More alternation.
1—Consider whether this Symphony is a good example of conjective truth, mentioned by McCloskey in ‘Bourgeois Dignity’—the truth that emerges from good conversation.
2—A smartphone app will enable prayer without ceasing, in a way, for thinking is thanking (ERH).
3—Rephrasing: The Psalmodic Response(s) become a start of an algorithm for the chiastic glorification of Creation Speech through New Song, Singing, a proleptic recapitulation. God Creates, we, in His image, make—by true speech, that puts one’s life behind one’s words.
4—We started at the end (solos and symphonies will be done) and at the beginning, and in the middle.
5—ERH held that after the Resurrection, the Church glorified Israel by getting rid of exclusivity, and Greece remained a companion, not a social order.  The nation-state glorified the Empires by getting rid of slavery, in the second ‘thousand years’. Our task, in the neo-tribal era is to glorify the Tribes by keeping the small, enthusiastic groups, but getting rid of the perpetual warfare of the tribes.

Thus ends Page S10. Maybe I should call them chapters?

Thursday, October 9, 2014

What's the benefit of playing the body piano?

What’s the benefit of playing the body piano?
It’s prophetic theater.
Stereometric.  Wolff’s ‘Anthropology of the Old Testament’ shows that what we call parallelism is much more powerful than we have thought. (8 and by example throughout)
Then the popular theologian Clancy ‘Debt of Honor’ (541) writes that  ’’…prints, set in pairs and viewed through a stereoscope, … worked better than the human eyes for giving precise three-dimensionality to the photos.
So, body and piano are stereometric…and more, for when we have 3-dimensionality, we have 4, and so forth.  Thus the Cyclans of E. C. Tubb’s Dumarest novels!
Humor is valuable.
What do we get? Prophetic theater through this sorites (Dodgson/Carroll).
We have a piano with 7, yea 8 notes.
We have Myss’ ‘Anatomy of the Spirit,’ which conflates 7 parts of the body with 7 Roman Catholic sacraments (and other stuff too).
We have ‘The Body Has a Mind of Its Own,’ which indicates that the mind is decentralized.
As JBJ has said, consider the body as the soul in material form, and the soul as the body in non-material form.
Then we have JBJ’s comment on Revelation 5:12 and 7:12 that the universe was retuned at the Ascension, using something like the circle of fifths in music.  1234567 becomes 4152637 (2 and 3 switched).  Thus our days of the week in that latter, starting with the former as respective distances from earth.
And a ‘respondeo etsi mutabor’ fellow, and/or one seeing stereometrically, would ask, psalmodically responding though he must be changed, is there another retuning, because after all, there are days after Ascension, namely Pentecost and A. D. 70, and coming at us from the future, The Great Day.
I propose 8531642. Just as there are 4 changes between Revelation 5:12 and 7:12, I flip what would have been 2461357, for that ends up, when retuned, to be back into the 1234567 mode, and Jesus is He Who Reversed The Trend. 8531642, if my retunings are correct, takes 4 times to get back to 1234567.  And including 8 indicates a self-consciousness, for I conflate 8 with earth. It’s early days.  There’s much work to be done.

How do we play this on the body piano?  Well 1 is feet/baptism, 2 is groin area/communion—this is Myss writing—3 is gut/confirmation (borne out in splagchnizomai for both the father of the prodigal son and the good Samaritan), 4 is heart/marriage, 5 is lips/confession, 6 is eyes area/ordination/calling, and 7 is crown/last rites.
After balancing my body in energy flows, the body piano is played, touching the areas in the sequences above.
Alternatively and/or complementarily, wavings can be done above the surface, with fish/loopings/trend reversal.  The 1234567 is a glissando.
What are we amening with this prophetic theater, this chaos theory butterfly, this prayer? We are amening that He Has Reversed The Trend, because, for one example, the third sequence causes from the end, 8, while the first sequence started with 1, the beginning.  Thus we amen ERH’s view that the past and the present do NOT cause the future, but that the present is caused by the future and the past.  And also, , Jesus came in the middle, the fullness of time?
We might put this on YouTube, it’s very short.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman
PS: This is an additional report by Days 5 and * for Opus 49 of The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive, TSOCHI, The Symphony Of CHI, under construction.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Big Money For Business Partner--And Me!

I’m good at face-to-face sales.
I want to go into business with someone.
I have money to invest.
I need a video producer, etc.

Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook. | Tip of the Week | Easy Guide to Monetizing YouTube Vid . . .

Easy Guide to Monetizing YouTube Videos
Bill Myers - August 30, 2014
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Here's how to make sure your videos at YouTube have been monetized so they can start earning you money
It seems you can't turn on the TV without hearing about another YouTube video going viral and getting millions of views.
Cat videos, baby videos, blooper videos, parody videos, even dash-cam videos go viral - and in some cases, they earn the person who uploaded the video tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars.
This could happen to you.
But only if you upload videos to YouTube, and have YouTube monetization turned on.
Unfortunately, many people who upload YouTube videos either neglect to turn on YouTube monetization, or don't know how. And because of that, they miss out on any ad revenue the video generates.
That's why I created a short video tutorial showing the simple steps involved in turning on YouTube monetization. And because I don't want you to miss out, I've put the video in the public area of my site, so you don't need to be a member to view it.
Having monetization turned on means even if your videos don't go viral they can still earn you a few cents each time they're viewed. And over time, those few cents per view can add up.
So don't miss out. Turn on YouTube monetization.
To see how, view my 'Easy Guide to YouTube monetization' video at
Should you have more than one YouTube Channel
Bill Myers - July 18, 2014
Having more than one YouTube channel gives you the freedom to separate your personal and business videos and gives you more options when it comes to monetizing your YouTube videos. In this short tip, I show how to create multiple YouTube channels . . . keep reading 
Affordable video hosting
Bill Myers - June 6, 2014
Here's the free video host I use to host more than 350 of the videos I put on the web . . . keep reading
Free music for your videos
Bill Myers - May 2, 2014
Here's a great source for free music to use in your video productions . . . keep reading
Creating Videos for Paying Clients
Bill Myers - March 14, 2014
This past week I posted a new article on about producing videos for paying clients. In that article, I showed how one of our members cre . . . keep reading
Adding clickable buttons to your YouTube videos
Bill Myers - March 1, 2014
Yes, you can overlay clickable buttons on your YouTube videos. Doing so can increase video views as well as increase the number of subscribers to your YouTube channel . . . keep reading
-- | Tip of the Week | Making a living on YouTube

Making a living on YouTube
Bill Myers - Feb 1, 2014
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Here's some surprisingly easy ways people are making a living on YouTube
John Cooksey recently posted a message on our discussion forum in which he included a link to what the top 100 people who upload videos to YouTube make.
When you view that list, you'll discover that several YouTubers are netting more than a hundred thousand a month.
What's really interesting about these people are the kinds of videos they are making. A lot are simple single camera videos. No special effects, no graphics. No flying monkeys.
For example, the number one person on the top 100 list uploads videos where she shows different Disney toys. That's all. Just a close up of the toys while she talks about what she is showing.
She gets over 150 million views a month and has close to a million subscribers to her YouTube channel. And for this, YouTube pays her an average of eighty thousand a month.
The thing is, you could be making these kinds of videos. No special skills are needed. And you don't even have to appear in the videos.
To see what I mean, check out the video at
It has 75 million views!
You can read more about these kinds of videos in our discussion forum at, or see the list John posted at
When you see how much some of these people are making each month, it might encourage you to post more of your own videos to YouTube.



YouTube tip of the week by Social Blade

These videos are available for members only.
I will join if encouraged.
Producing videos for paying clients
Read about how John Cooksey convinced a local client to pay him $2,500 to shoot, edit and upload a video to YouTube, and why these kinds of videos work so well . . . keep reading
Producing Videos for Paying Clients - an Example
Here's how one of our members creates great looking videos for paying clients, without needing to hire actors, rent a studio, or even use a video camera . . . keep reading
Create great looking web sites like these in minutes
Here are examples of the kinds of sites you can quickly create for yourself or for paying clients using a free web page creation tool that is not WordPress . . . keep reading
Using the ReplyGirls Income Generation Strategy on YouTube
In this short video, I show you the proven business model that ReplyGirls are using on YouTube to generate income by piggybacking onto successful videos. Easy to do, and not much skill required . . . keep reading
There are many more.
I’m good at face-to-face sales.
I want to go into business with someone.
I have money to invest.
I need a video producer, etc.

Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook.