Come Along On The Adventure! Bible, Liturgy, Culture
Bible, Liturgy, Culture—Another Approach: The Full Count Of The Tribes
1—Start with JBJ’s 49-book Bible.
2—Put it into (an unretuned)
7x7 grid here:;postID=3335705520982372189;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postname
3—‘Spoil’ a previous layer of social order, the university
by looking at E. T. Hall’s ‘Map of Culture’.
Get there by going here on Amazon, and searching inside the book for
‘map of culture’.
You’ll get to page 187.
What you want is a 10x10 grid on page 191 or thereabouts. Appendix II. It’s 2 pages.
4—What Hall has done is to make a grid, 10 x 10, and put
various parts of culture in the blocks where the respective parts
intersect. The 10s run across the top
and down the side.
They are: what he calls Primary Message Systems. Across the top: Interactional,
Organizational., Economic, Social, Territorial, Temporal, Temporal,
Instructional, Recreational, Protective, and Exploitational. Down the side he
has: Interaction, Association, Subsistence, Bisexuality, Territoriality,
Temporality, Learning, Play, Defense, and exploitation. You see that the two
lists coincide closely.
5—Now I take a detour, and all will come together at the
end. I will talk about Rosenstock’s
Universal History 1954. ERH held that the crisis of our age—the next 1000
years, however long that might be—is to glorify the tribes by keeping the
small, enthusiastic groups of the tribes, while getting rid of the perpetual
warfare of the tribes.
ERH thought that the Church had rid Israel of
exclusiveness, thus glorifying her, and that the Nation-State had glorified the
Empires by getting rid of slavery. [Greece , after the Resurrection, was
never to be a social order, only a companion].
5a—How do we get rid of the perpetual warfare of the
tribes? I propose we do so by
constructing what I call The Full Count Of The Tribes, within what Jesus Christ
announced had been fulfilled in their ears in Luke 4. Thus: Luke 4: 14-21, From Luke, cross-references take us to Isaiah
61, and then to Leviticus 25, Jubilee. Jubilee, I claim, is a form of peace.
5b—The next move is to connect the Jubilee to the 7x7 grid
of 49.
5c—And then I will attempt to fill in for each of the books
of the 49 Jubilee, a tribe corresponding.
When all are filled in—and we’ve hardly started, we will have to ‘make’
these tribes, imago Dei speak them, and work them with our ‘hands’—that will be
what I call ‘The Full Count Of The Tribes’.
5d—The 7x7 is a matrix, I claim, a Sheldrakean
6—What examples do you have, Charly, some may ask?
6a—We have JBJ’s connecting of Moby Dick to Leviticus. This establishes that we should look for or
make a work of culture for each book, I claim. I see a very weak connection
from Moby Dick to institutions such as Greenpeace, or better, what Michael
Chrichton called ‘the religion of urban atheists, environmentalism.’ This is a weak reed, more of a Gladwellian
‘Blink’. Environmentalists are a tribe, that seems true. A bad one.
A good one might be The Cornwall Alliance. We’re hardly started, though.
6b—One other cultural work, connected to a Bible book might
be Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution’.
6c—The best I can come up with so far is Philemon. As you
see from the grid above, ,Philemon is in the 7th tier, up and down,
and in the sixth space left to right.
Thus it could have something to do with Joshua and Conquest. Eric
Robinson points to sarcasm as conquering. And there are connections to Adam’s
use of language on the 6th day. Thus, I have tentatively named
(vocative is half an imperative in Latin) this tribe OUT!FREE! (Oddly Un-Tying,
Foolhardy-seeming Response Enacting Escape).
It would have to do with unconventional ways of freeing slaves. Not just sex slaves or labor slaves or slaves
to alcohol or slaves to sin, but all. In fact, the odd way that Paul sets free
in Philemon is an example (there must be a word for this type of speaking, that
shows what it does as it does it, an ur-acroverbiage?)
7—Your challenge:. (And this in not consciously made in a
heptamerous chiasm or parallelism) Fill in the blanks in this grid:. For each book, find or make a cultural work,
and name a bad tribe and a good one. I
pray that when this full-Bible cultural form (and there can be better ones,
surely!?) is done, this Full Count Of The Tribes, social organizations will
reside in a Jubilee Peace Form, helping each other, rather than fighting to
fill up empty space and time.
7b—Remember the unretuned 7x7? I have a re-retuned 7x7 (based on JBJ’s
observation that the universe was retuned from Rev. 5:12 to Rev. 7:12) that has
several parallel 7x7s, and a 2x lining out of the Psalms, and holidays that
make the 49 fit into the year CelebrationOfResurrectionAnnoMundi (coram, yes),
so that this Calendar of Peace can continue to Gladwell ‘prime’ (‘Blink’)
us. Every social order has a
calendar—tribes are community celebration, empires work and business schedules,
Israel ecclesiastical
calendars, and even the companion Greece has educational
schedules. What I’ve done is taken ERH’s
dictum that the present is caused by the past and the future, and, instead of
waiting for the trauma to cause us to remember, I’ve tried to anticipate what
it would be after we obtain peace—the explicit reconciliation of opposites—and
made the calendar that brings this about, first. This is last years, last
coram’s calendar, but it will give the general idea:
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