Sunday, December 26, 2010

3rd Version: Stewardship, Alcorn, and an Additional Alternative

3rd Version: Stewardship, Alcorn, and an Additional Alternative
GRABBER: As the first to step foot on Mars, we, The Smith Family Project, amenclaim Mars, her moons and spaces, for King Jesus as lawful delegated agents of the Trinitarian God of the Bible, to be governed by His Word.
Articulation: 1 page. Example: Psalm 1. Blessed…walk not (a). (b) nor standeth. (c) nor sitteth.
One Pastor Alcorn response to Stewardship is –b--. Minimum wage and donate all.
Let’s look at one possible –c--, The Victory-HouseBuilding Pattern. It gets us to ‘Mars’?
VHBP: The Victory-HouseBuilding Pattern
God defeats the enemies of His people. With the spoils, His people build Him a house. He moves in, lights the fire and His people administer.
[If His people refuse to administer, He makes the wander in the wilderness.].
One Big Example of the VHBP is the Lesser Exodus. God defeats the Egyptians, Spoils are Moses’ wisdom, and Bezaleel’s, military equipment washed up on the shore of the Red Sea, etc. Tabernacle is the house, the fire is on the altar. [Kadesh-Barnea = refusal = 40 years].
Jesus defeats the enemies of His people. The church in all creation is the house. Jesus takes His seat Eph 2:6, Satan is cast out, the Holy Ghost comes on Pentecost. Then Matthew 28.
[Will we refuse to administer? The whole world’s on 90% commission!]
The monks of ‘poverty, chastity, obedience’ did NOT refuse to administer. Every monastery was founded in some ‘desert,’ a liability to be turned into an asset, as was done at the cross. A swamp was to be drained, a forest was to be cleared, etc. The monks became rich. Paul Johnson in History of Christianity says that it was a scandal, about every 100 years. Peace eventuated.
What applications are there of this today? (1) Don’t give away your seed capital. (2) In the Promised Land, when we were children, God provided a vine and fig tree for each family, wells that they had not dug, houses that they had not built, etc. We adults are called to hear what He would have us administer.[3] There are other examples of the VHBP. [4] One proposal would be for each family/covenantal unit to find some liability to ‘asset,’ some desert to make flower.
What could be some examples/liabilities into assets, not vice versa/cross? The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico. The Texas-sized ocean of plastic between Hawaii and Japan. Mars. The Marianas Trench. Any cubic mile of sea. Back-exegeting Job 38:7, so as to find out what the morning stars sang, and what the angels shouted. TIME, The 7 years surrounding A. D. 5000—assuring that the right covenant under the Trinitarian God of the Bible is rightly enforced (KolCoram – SmyrnaCoram 1297). Or, ‘here’s a nice little heptad in the A. D. 23rd century’ [Whatever talent He gives you to find—we are adults now, in Christ! Help, Diaconate!] GTMGBP outlast many civil magistrates. Mine? ‘Organ’ize next era/’time’ing. [‘JV’ed +]
So the Smith Family covenants under Matthew 28 to amenclaim Mars for King Jesus as lawful delegated agents of the Trinitarian God of the Bible, in 7 generations (280 years). There would be covenant renewing, and maybe ‘sunsetting’ (?). (What covenant do we renew weekly, by CRW structure and explicit word? The Smiths would be very explicit). Stewardship c.
I’d have a ‘koin.’ Each such GTMGBP could have a present discounted value of one million dollars. I offer to by one one-millionth for $1. Call it a participation, a koinonia.
‘Supermoney’ notes. Start your business. Make a million a year. People satisfied with 5% on their money will pay you 20X cash flow. Sell 40%, or $400,000, then, for 8 million. Keep control with the other 60%. That’s being exponential, an exponent of greater things, in servant capitalism. [Bad money? ‘Coin’ your own supermoney. Also see Walton, Gates, Rothschild, Google guys, Facebook guy, Rockfeller (pollutant to fuel of civilization/‘modern’ corp.), and many + others]
Living ‘koin’ uses dead metal, saints, Presidents to administer that part of the creation that God has given one to administer. Money is a form of speech. Host1718StewardshipBC Charles Howard (Chuck) ‘Can’t ‘guilt’ a tither’ Hartman

Friday, December 24, 2010

Stewardship, Alcorn, and An Additional Alternative--2nd Version

Stewardship, Alcorn, and An Additional Alternative
As the first to step foot on Mars, we, The Smith Family Project, claim Mars, her moons and spaces, for King Jesus as lawful delegated agents of the Trinitarian God of the Bible, to be governed by His Word.
One page. Example: Psalm 1. Blessed…walk not (a). (b) nor standeth. (c) nor sitteth.
Pastor Alcorn’s response to Stewardship is (b). Minimum wage and donate all.
Let’s look at one possible –c--, The Victory-HouseBuilding Pattern.
VHBP: God defeats the enemies of His people. With the spoils, His people build Him a house. He moves in, lights the fire and His people administer.
[If His people refuse to administer, He makes the wander in the wilderness.].
One Big Example of the VHBP is the Lesser Exodus. God defeats the Egyptians, ,spoils are Moses’ wisdom, and Bezaleel’s, military equipment washed up on the shore of the Red Sea, etc. Tabernacle is the house, the fire is on the altar.
[Kadesh-Barnea is the refusal to administer, that is go into Canaan. 40 years].
Jesus defeats the enemies of His people. The church in the creation is the house. Jesus takes His seat in Heaven, Satan is cast out, the Holy Ghost comes on Pentecost. He has told us Matthew 28.
[Will we refuse to administer?]
The monks of ‘poverty, chastity, obedience’ did not refuse to administer. Every monastery was founded in some ‘desert,’ a liability to be turned into an asset, as was the cross. A swamp was to be drained, a forest was to be cleared, etc.
The monks became rich. Paul Johnson in History of Christianity says that it was a scandal, about every 100 years.
What applications are there of this today? (1) Don’t give away your seed capital. (2) In the Promised Land, when we were children, God provided a vine and fig tree for each family, wells that they had not dug, houses that they had not built, etc. {3] There are other examples of the VHBP. [4] One proposal would be for each family to find some liability to turn into an asset, some desert to make flower. [5] This could be called A GREATER THINGS MULTI-GENERATIONAL BIG PROJECT.
What could be some examples? The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico. The Texas-sized ocean of plastic between Hawaii and Japan. Mars. The Marianas Trench. Any cubic mile of sea. Back-exegeting Job 38:7, so as to find out what the morning stars sang, and what the angels shouted. The 7 years surrounding A. D. 5000—assuring that the right covenant under the Trinitarian God of the Bible is rightly enforced (KolCoram – SmyrnaCoram 1297). [Whatever talent He gives you to find—we are adults now, in Christ!] This GTMGBP would outlast many civil magistrates, surely.
So the Smith Family covenants under Matthew 28 to amenclaim Mars for King Jesus as lawful delegated agents of the Trinitarian God of the Bible, in 7 generations (280 years). There would be covenant renewing. (What covenant do we renew weekly, by CRW structure and explicit word? The Smiths would be very explicit). Stewardship c.
I’d have a ‘koin.’ Each such GTMGBP could have a present discounted value of one million dollars. I offer to by one one-millionth for $1. Call it a participation, a koinonia.
‘Supermoney’ note. Start your business. Make a million a year. People satisfied with 5% on their money will pay you 20X cash flow. Sell 40%, or $400,000, then for 8 million. Keep control with the other 60%. That’s being exponential, an exponent of greater things, capitalism. Host1718StewardshipBC

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Saturday Court and Heidelberg Club, plus

5 new projects: Christian Court TV, Saturday Court, G.E.T., Heidelberg Club, Raising Funds

I should be more diligent. Get these out more often.

The Christian Era is when liabilities are turned into assets. There are many court shows on TV. Why? Because there is some disturbance in the justice field. Before we get Sharia Court TV, we had better produce a show that shows (aha!) how Christian justice would be done. One could even 'You Are There' some Biblical court cases. Solomon and the Baby, The Woman Taken in Adultery, Nehemiah's rough justice.

But better, why not have Saturday Court, where all who have business can draw nigh? Are people satisfied with how disputes are handled? Is there a better way? One could share the decisions amongst a network of similar Saturday Courts.

Great Exchange Thing is a way of putting together deals that are done by those pursuing Great Things Multi-Generational Big Projects. The idea follows the Victory House-Building pattern. God defeats the enemies of His people, they build Him a house, He moves in, lights the fire, and they administer the conquest. Exodus is an example, so is Solomon's Temple, so is Christ defeating Satan, casting Satan out of Heaven as Jesus takes His seat, Pentecost is the fire and we are supposed to administer all.

Combine this with turning liabilities into assets, and with the idea that businesses arise out of the family covenant, and we can see that over generations, someone should take the great plastic ocean in the Pacific as a desert to be made fruitful, someone could colonize Mars under King Jesus, the dead spot in the Gulf of Mexico is something to be reclaimed, etc. Various civil governments come and go (6 flags over Texas) but Big Projects keep on going.

The Heidelberg Club is a way of studying and applying the principles of the Heidelberg Training Manual (Catechism). Each person over the year uses the HC as a 'lens' through which to solve some particular problem. The questions and answers for each Lord's Day are applied to this problem. Thus, we bring timely questions to the wisdom of the HC, and as we discuss these with one another, more articulation of the HC can be done. We did this at work one year. It made for great fellowship. One fellow had fellowship as his theme, another had studying the Bible better and applying it. Etc. This is great lay outreach, and good for one anothering and mutual participation and application in the church.

To raise funds, go where the money is. Chet Holmes has a plan using the 'Dream 100'. What clients would you want, if you could have any that you wanted. Devise a plan to go after this Dream 100 as you simultaneously do what else you have been doing. This is in 'The Ultimate Sales Machine'. He doubles sales wherever he goes. For fundraising, maybe Pastor Alcorn's teaching has produced a base of givers who would want to help whatever project for which you are raising funds. Who would be on your Dream 100? Who could write a check for twice one's yearly fund-raising goal? Where is a list of the top 1000 individual donors in the world? Who know someone who knows someone, who knows 6 degrees of separation, you can reach anyone, it is said.

I'm doing a one-pager on the Great Exchange Thing....soon.

Love in King Jesus,


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sustained Revival And Discipling The Nations

The approach I'm suggesting is based on 'nations,' not individuals.

A nation can be discipled without each individual in the nation being discipled.

I take two approaches. The second is the better one. The first is based on the concept that a nation is an enlarged and articulated and densified trade route. (From a comment by an character in Poul Anderson's 'Territory').

This means that when we start an economic enterprise that becomes large enough, articulated enough, densified enough, it is a nation, and were it to be continually covenantally renewed, it would be discipled. I will send you a paper I wrote, proposing that we inaugurate Great Things Multi-Generational Big Projects. One I wrote more about are the amenclaiming of Mars by the Smith Family Project in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, as lawful delegated agents of the Trinitarian God of the Bible, to be governed by us as agents of King Jesus, and to be governed by His Word. This may take 7 generations, or maybe 3. Start it as a project of school? Research the Plymouth colony and investors, Columbus' journals, etc.

Another is reverse exegeting Job 38:7, and finding out what the song and the shout were. There are lots of songs in the Bible, lots of responses to acts of God, etc. JBJ says that from Rev. 5:12 to 7:12, there is a resonse to the Ascension. It's a circle of fifths of His attributes, they use musical instruments in 7:12, and it goes from a collective list to 7 individualities.

Second, a calendar. Good Crazy Charlie And His Deep Game Calendar. This baptizes a nation is the stream of history, given that a calendar of a society is as a schedule of time of a man, and tell me a man's schedule and I'll tell you who he is.

More later. Lots of work at Christmas.

Love in King Jesus,

Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook, where my pictures have some calendrical information.
PS: The covenant renewal service for a 7-generation family project as above would certainly emphasize what the Big Project is, and the lack of a commissioning at the end of the service using Matthew 28 or the like shows a problem, I believe.
PPS: If one said that the present value of the colonization of Mars in 7 generations is one million dollars, could one buy a participation, a koinonia, a one/one millionth, for $1? Could we call that a 'koin'?

Friday, December 3, 2010

How? Smith Family Project Claims Mars for King Jesus

The Beginning is Near

As the first to step foot on Mars, we, The Smith Family Project, claim Mars, her moons and spaces, for King Jesus as lawful delegated agents of the Trinitarian God of the Bible, to be governed by His Word.

Greater Things Multi-Generational Big Projects
[Per Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution,’ page 6
medieval cathedrals literally had budgets for
1000 years.]

Table of Contents
Grabber, a result
Earlier. A seed. A start.
Body of Argument.
Psalmodic Response.
Victory House-Building Pattern
Liabilities into Assets
Two Types of Applications
Mars (Desert)
Job 38:7 (Poet-Millennialism [sic, a play on post-millennialism])
Call to Action.
What desert does your family want? (Asked of co-workers so far)
Chuck’s projects
Who’s done what in this (past) century? Motivation
I wrote these down as I was working. Unorganized as yet. Worthwhile.

GRABBER; A. D. 2290:

As the first to step foot on Mars, we, The Smith Family Project, claim Mars for King Jesus as lawful delegated agents of the Trinitarian God of the Bible, to be governed by His Word.


O Lord, by your grace as the Trinitarian God of the Bible, we, lawful delegated agents of you, the Trinitarian God of the Bible, amenclaim the planet formerly known as Mars, her moons and spaces, all being uninhabited but for us, for King Jesus, to be governed by His Word. We honor our ancestors who Providentially prayed, planned and worked for this moment for generations, and we pray to receive the same Providential care for ourselves and our posterity as we are entrusted to pass on your blessings. Let this amenclaim be known to all. In Jesus’ name, amen.

[It should be much sooner. There are other more important ‘things’ to amenclaim.]

EARLIER: A. D. 2010.

Husband; Beloved wife, our elders said today that it would be wisdom, were we to establish a Greater Things Multi-Generational Big Project in our family. As completer, shall we get the children together to pray and plan a calling of this type?

Wife: Beloved husband, the children have been studying both the age of exploration, and the solar system. We could at least do this for extra credit, or as a homeschool project.

---There are many possible Greater Things Multi-Generational Big Projects. This one was designed to grab. It might not take seven 40-years generations. Job 38:7. Sea floor. Antarctica. A desert.

BODY OF ARGUMENT: O Lord, Pastor Alcorn teaches about the importance of Biblical stewardship of God’s money.

I am psalmodically responding, as in Psalm 1:1.

Present situation, Pastor Alcorn, Student Hartman.

Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,
nor standeth in the way of sinners,
nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

The content is not the same, but the structure is.

Pastor Alcorn shows Biblical principles (1:1a) and
applies them in his stewardship teaching (1:1b), and
I attempt to apply them also, based on both of the above,
praying that I have caught the Spirit, and applied it, embodied it.

That being said, here below is the articulation of it.

Here is an additional application of Biblical principles.

(1) The Christian Era is when liabilities are turned into assets. The Cross is the key. And we are to take up our crosses and follow Him. One example in history is the turning of waste places such as swamps, and forests, and deserts into productive land by monasteries.

Paul Johnson’s history of Christianity tells us that monasteries founded on poverty, chastity, and obedience had crises every century of so because they had been such good stewards that the ‘desert’ they had been given had become very valuable, and they had riches.

(2) A second Biblical principle is the victory-housebuilding pattern. God defeats the enemies of His people. With the spoils of that victory, His people build Him a house. He moves in, lights the fire, and turns the administration of the conquest over to His people.

Thus, the tabernacle was built by people trained in Egypt, with materials washed up from the Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea. When it was finished according to His pattern, the fire was lit and His people were to follow His instructions. He had sent hornets, etc. (There is more, but this is the story in brief),

Similarly, material David obtained from his battles with the Philistines was part of the Temple that Solomon had Hiram of Tyre build. And after Jesus arose and ascended to Heaven, kicking Satan out, and sending the Holy Ghost at Pentecost, the church’s martyrs joined Him in Heaven, and the spoils of the Bible (previously written and newly-inspired) and converts were materials for the Church.

We are to administer the whole Creation now, under King Jesus. Satan has been kicked out. Thus covenantal renewal worship in this new Heaven, and application of the covenant in this new Earth, already and not yet.

(3) What deserts are there to make into productive areas, what liabilities are there to turn into assets, and who is to do this? It appears that families and other covenantal organizations are who is to do it, and deserts abound. (Most deserts were given to monasteries by powers that were). This next is to be taken such that one does not go too far, but Jesus did say that greater things would we do than He had done, so a form of desert other than geographical could be, for instance, the things that God questioned Job about, now that Messiah has come. That’s an example.

(4) God has breathed into us, dust, to create us such that we are to breathe out and work with these new hands, as in the second half-verse of a Psalm, for His glory and our good, as he has promised. Pastor Alcorn has put forth a response like unto ‘nor standeth in the way of sinners’ to ‘Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.’ I pray that this proposal is like unto ‘nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.’ Psalm 1:1.


(a) An Example: Let a family covenant that in the 7th generation, a descendant will plant the flag of King Jesus on Mars, amen-claiming it for Him, to be ruled by the words of the Bible.

This would require a business plan that would do things similar to those that the building of the transcontinental railroad did. Two things stand out for good, one is to be avoided. Times were changed. The railroad could not operate with each community having its own time, as the sun moved. Time zones were needed to coordinate railroad travel. Also needed was the stock market, for raising the capital. (Bloom’s ‘The Genius of the Beast’ tells part of this story, as does Metzger’s ‘Railroad and the Space Program’ edited by Mazlish. What is to be avoided is ‘marsing,’ as a term similar to ‘being railroaded.’

Land grants were given to the railroad builders by the powers that were, something such as every other mile on each side for a mile times a mile. It appears that Mars might be similar to the land homesteaded, however.

Much is to be worked out. Plymouth Colony and others had investors in England. There were people in God’s image differently using the land. Etc. According to ‘Conquest of the Americas,’ a lectures series by The Teaching Company, within 50 years of Columbus’ landing, 85% to 95% of the previous residents of both North and South America were dead of diseases Europeans brought, but to which the Europeans were immune, being survivors of diseases obtained from close living with animals. This was unintentional. The residents of ‘America’ gave Columbus’ men sexually-transmitted diseases to carry back.

What deserts does your family want? I hear the conversation in my mind. Husband: ‘Dear wife, let’s consider covenanting to claim Mars for King Jesus, in our 7th generation. Let’s figure it out, and get the children together.’ (This would require new applications of the covenant, and some form of generational renewal and/or modification).

Or a family might want a desert. The Sahara, the Serengeti, the Gobi, the Kalahari? Or some portion of the ocean floor, or of the ocean itself, maybe Antarctica (Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings supposedly shows an Antarctica free of ice, with vegetation).

(b) Let’s say a family wanted to do a Biblical-exegetical task, such as discovering such as to be able to sing, what was sung here: Job 38: 7 (KJV/ESV) When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

This might be reverse-exegeted from Revelation 5:12 and 7:12, the changes in song at the Ascension. The principles of psalmodic response would come into play. At least two scholars/groups claim that the Hebrew Bible was written as music. If so, what would be the psalmodic response to the events of creation? Would it be chiastic? God speaks, and it is so, morning stars (hmmm, 4th day?) and angels (when?) see what is so, and sing back, glorifying? Stars sing, angels shout? “Joy to the World’ has these lyrics: ‘…Let every heart prepare Him room, / And Heaven and nature sing,…’

Well, a family would have generations to work on such a project, and perhaps to expand it.

A key thing at which to look would be the transition from Hebrew to Greek. Not only the direction in which the letters flow, but the increased number of letters and tenses.

A chiasm.

God creates by speaking.
The Creation.
The Creation seen by created things: Morning Stars, Angels.
Created things respond—sing and shout.

Another Chiasm.

Hebrew Scriptures
a. The Messiah will come.
b. Left to right.
c. Two ‘tenses,’ if that, etc.
d. Speaking and singing not distinguished (Brito from Strawbridge)
e. Men under angels
f. Morning stars sing, angels shout. New song mentioned.

Greek Scriptures

a. The Messiah has come
b. Right to left.
c. 256 tenses, etc.
d. Maybe, grammar, the self-consciousness of speech?
e. Men above angels, Jesus Christ and we ‘in Him’. Man in Heaven. Satan cast out.
Ephesians 2:6.
f. ‘New Song’. Rev. 5:12 and 7:12 (retune, instruments, ‘ho’/’the’/individual)

(c) Some projects might be 3 generations, we might learn more of tribes and totems and generational memory (The Long Now of Brand) and languages as we all work on these. Is kinship of purpose by descent or by intermarriage, as the anthropologists wonder?—Levi-Strauss. How would this embodiment of covenant be related to the Trinitarian God of the Bible, and the Church? How is it a diaconal function to assist, Biblically?


Remember, in the 20th century, Warren Buffet became one of the richest men in the world by investing. John Rockefeller took a pollutant of streams and turned oil into a necessity for our present economic life, starting around the time of a war greatly destructive of life. Sam Walton took on a company that did 1% (?) of the gross domestic product of these USA, and built one that, were it ranked among countries, would be the #8 (?) in the world. Micro-loans have helped many. Gonzalez says that there are native churches in every land, and Jenkins says that Africa went from 10% Christian in 1900 to 46% in 2000. The Chinese communists have become among the biggest lenders to these USA, because of their production.

And so on.

The above economic examples were done mostly by weak Christians at best. What might happen if the families and individuals of the church would exercise stewardship of God’s resources on Biblical principles?

What desert do you want, under God? What dead metal talents?

Charles Howard Hartman, Pella, Iowa, Tuesday, November 30, A. D. 2010, being in his 66th year.

[PergamosBmoY, EstherSheba, Season of Blessed are the Merciful (and associated Woe—Matthew 23: 23-24--, KolCoram861. My Big Projects include rhyming covenant sequences, Lectionary Historical (Core History of Humanity’s Childhood first), The Symphony of Peace (History) [a training/catechism for the next new era], SuperCalendarHOST, MaeDay80 and fruits thereof—Rescue Team, Cure Team, Godparents for Eldsters, Knights Of Helping Elderly Neighbors ( a rhyme of the times from the fall of Rome, through the Truce of God, and unto the present and beyond—and perhaps of Knights Hospitaler), among others such as renaming the days after the appropriate social firmament, the training of Ancients… .]

Write something below, proposing something like such a profit-making project of turning liabilities into assets, in stewardship in the form of the victory-housebuilding pattern, and let us help one another, under the Trinitarian God of the Bible.

[What should a family do, to find their ‘desert,’ assuming that they do not do the Pastor Alcorn plan? 1—Pray. ‘Blessed are the poor in Spirit…’. 2—Seek the help of their church authorities. 3—A family should start with Job 38, and remember strongly some application of John 14:12, ‘greater things’.]

Profit-making. Increasing the seed capital. Amen.

Greater Things: Multi-Generational Big Projects integrated the monastic advantage of turning desert liabilities into productive assets with the victory-housebuilding pattern.

By the time the GRABBER happens, SuperCalendarHOST names should also be in use.

What’s been done this (past) century. Motivation.
And Unorganized ‘ora et labor’ thoughts, as I worked and thoughtprayed..

What’s been done this (past) century. Motivation.

First, please consider these examples.

Sam Walton took on Sears (1% of GDP) and others and built a company that, were it ranked economically among the nations of the world, would by @ 8th. China’s biggest customer, among all, including nations. More shipped to Wal-Mart than to USA, e. g.

Warren Buffet, one of world’s richest men. Hid father, Congressman, the Ron Paul of his day. Warren started with pinball machines in barbershops in D. D.

Microsoft, Google, Apple, Facebook—whole new continents, planets, solar systems. People sell domain names for large somes ), $15,000). A land rush. A silver strike.

Colonel Sanders was selling pots and pans by cooking up a meal. People liked the chicken. He was on Social Security at the time.

We used to have a Cold War. Russia had missiles to destroy us. Now the new domain website registry system had 460,000 new ones in the first month.

‘Who Lost China?’ was a big question. Now China has some form of capitalism, and owns the most debt of these USA.

What is SuperMoney. You start a company, and have it making $5 million a year. Not easy. Can be done. You capitalize it, at say 5%--people like an investment that pays 5%, with growth prospects. That means that to get interest of $5, people are willing to pay $100. So, 20X. Sell 40% of your company, an income stream of $2 million, for 20X, and you have $40 million dollars, and retain 60%of the company, and control.
Make it big and keep it, the American Dream.

There are many more such stories, and not just in these USA. In 1900, Africa was 10% Christian, in 2000, it was 46% (Jenkins). There are native churches in every land, not needing missionaries from outside (Gonzalez). Etc.

There are 6 billion images of God on the planet, and more coming.

---It would be foolhardy to maintain that there will not be very serious problems, for it’s ‘early days,’ and we are great sinners. New Dark Ages and New Medievalisms may be coming. But we are bridge-builder, we have The Word that stands, we can and will get there. Resolutions are determined. God wants us to be working.

More. Unorganized ‘ora et labor’ thoughts, as I worked and thoughtprayed..

1--One of the most important things learned here is about covenant renewal: If the family covenant renewal over generations is to be done, first, the specific covenant structure and goal would be emphasized, and second, a form of this covenant renewal would be practiced, after being formalized. But THE KEY THING is that, at covenant renewal, the covenant would be re-announced. Thus, in a way similar to the 5Cs of Jordan’s teaching, in which the fifth C is Commission, and for which he recommends Matthew 28, The Great Commission, the family covenant renewal would have a commissioning in the imperative, such as ‘Claim Mars for Christ,’ or ‘Sing to us what was that song of the morning stars, and the shout of angels.’ KJV/ESV When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

2—Multi-generations. The revolutions of the West were not complete in one generation. It took many. Rosenstock-Huessy, cited in Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution,’ mostly free online at Google Books.
Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief,’ Chapter 5, has a wonderful short summary of the stages of the Western revolutions, through speech types.

3—The Plymouth Colony had investors.

4—The Doctrine of Discovery was a system whereby, for example, a King Edward got 20% of Cabot’s loot.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

'The law' is not only, or primarily of 'the state,' historically.

Speaking of 'the law'. When we think of 'the law,' we tend to think of 'the state'. This ignores law and history, to our detriment.

'The law' is not only, or primarily of 'the state,' historically.

Thus: Berman's 'Law and Revolution' says this on page vii: 'The narrowness of our concepts of law blocks our vision not only of law but also of history. Today people think of law primarily as the mass of legislative, administrative, and judicial rules, procedures and techniques in force in a given country. ...

Blackstones's 'Commentaries on the Laws of England, a book written not only for lawyers but also, and primarily, for all educated people.

According to Blackstone, the following kinds of laws prevailed in England: natural law, divine law, the law of nations, the English common law, local customary law, Roman law, ecclesiastical law, the law merchant, statutory law, and equity. ...

this book is free online at Google books. The introduction is the best scholarship a wise one has ever read.

Pages 33-45 tell of the dangers we face.

ChuckBiggest danger, administrative law, where the the executive branch also has judicial sessions.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The decline of the monster state, and the hope in the West.

The Firm of Berman, Barzun, Creveld, and Nisbet

The decline of the monster state, and the hope in the West.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Understand the last 100 years soon, and inexpensively

Get Universal History 1954 on All Souls Day

Ignorant? Research All Saints/All Souls to begin to understand adequately the last 1000 years. The best short introduction to this is the Rosenstock-Huessy lectures, Universal History 1957 (1954 too) , at www dot argobooks dot org. A philanthropist could get these digitalized. ERH's 'singing' of this into his students is best, but all his works in text can be had for @ $75. Chuck

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Here is your Reformation

Here Is Your Reformation

Dear Pastor:

I leave the new communications technology to another post. I think it is like unto the printing press that was used so mightily after 1517.

The key reformation, if Creveld is right is the decline of the state. You would maintain, as I do, that any Christian state has been perverted into secularism.

What will replace the state? Creveld says that there will be many organizations similar to it, corporation-like. ( He sees the state as an impersonal organization).

How will these new impersonal corporation-like institutions be formed?

Here’s where you come in. You can help them be formed covenantally.

Consider the comparison between the Mayflower Compact and the incorporation papers for Wal-Mart, or Ford.

Were you to make a model covenant for institution formation, it might be used by the next big institution.

Do it in a way like the first part of the Decalogue.

And since states, universities, and other institutions have not honored the past (father and mother, GodTrinity), and have consequently lost the future, an emphasis on the 5th Word would help.

Gary North has written, somewhere, on how to leave a legacy, without it being used by those who come later in ways AGAINST what the one who left the money meant. Examples are Foundations: Carnegie, Ford…

There you are, in conclusion. New institutions will arise to carry history forward, and old one dishonoring GodTrinity will not carry history forward. Your knowledge of covenants can enable you to help these new institutions be formed covenantally.

Love in King Jesus,


Friday, October 29, 2010

Reformation happening Before Your Eyes

Reformation happening Before Your Eyes

It's happening before your eyes. One example:


What evidence will you accept, then? On what basis do you judge? The nation-state as we know it is VERY recent. The university too. Various denominations, even the claims of the Popes. Commas came in @ 900, verses only in the 16th century. Widespread cheap Bibles have only been available for a few hundred years. the 'modern' world-wide missions movement as we think of it is very young.

Is it possible that we have gone temporally and spatio-culturally native, thinking that 'the West' is the end of all things, rather than something to be discipled?

In something such as Ussher's chronology, it took half the time from Creation to the Cross to get to Abraham, and we're only another 2000 yers from the Cross.

If you go with the 16 billion year chronology, the recent times of articulated social order, say 10,000 years, are a very small percentage of the total.

The mass of men have lived lives of a very few decades, dying very early, soon after becoming grandfathers, if at all.

Electric lights are only a hundred or so years old, the automobile about the same, fossil fuels too.

In America, the Baptists walked, the Methodists rode horses, the Presbyterians took the stage, and the Anglicans waited until there was regularly scheduled train service. The Romans did exploring, but did not arrive in big numbers until....

There was a big movement of forming cities by covenant in the 12th century.

It's early days, and yet there is an acceleration of good stuff, that we don't appreciate, and yet when we look at the Core History (Creation to Cross) God has graciously shown us that we should appreciate what he has done, but we blind ourselves, for some reason to His Providential care, and say, 'Woe is me!'

How long have we had the piano, and polyphony? Double -entry bookkeeping and perspective in art (first art work with perspective was of a baptistry!) and counterpoint in music cam about at around the same time.

And you imply that The One True God Trinity (when was that articulated?) God is not moving us, that he is destroying us. But surely, 'the just shall live by faith,' that is, even though God is sending people and things against us to destroy His temporary manifestations and downstreamings of the eternal covenant, He will raise from that death even greater things, as He has promised.

Do you think that an America and a West that kills millions of babies in the womb can escape God's gracious justice? Yet were such a society not destroyed, and another take he place, what of the promised of God?

Do you dare say that Luther and Calvin are the end of all theology and application of it? And their best insights have borne bad fruit, surely, among many, but that is the way God works. Eli's sons destroyed the tabernacle, but then came the Temple and Psalms. The Temple was dismantled, and it and the people went in waves into exile, but Daniel and Ezekiel, and synagogues all over the Mediterranean resulted. 'America' will die, but what she articulated that is true to the Word will arise more gloriously

The child will die at 100 (Isaiah 65:20). The Bride will be Adorned.

And so on.

The key is remembering strongly, so as to act on it maturely, Providential history.

We are not to blind ourselves.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: Calvin had the police escort the people of Geneva in groups to swear to the covenant and the Decalogue, I have read. Can any society that does not do that survive--and can any that does do it immaturely? Can any that says 'Woe is me! in the face of God's blessings? Should it?
Thanks the Lord and sing His praise, tell everyone what He has done. Let all who seek the Lord rejoice and gladly bear His name. He recalls His promises and sends His people forth in joy with shouts of thanksgiving, alleluia, alleluia.
PPS: China is a great capitalist power, compared to a half-century ago? How was Deng Xiaoping ‘converted’? The Cold War with missiles about to fly…where has it gone, since the 1990s?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Rise and Decline of the State--Creveld

Why arise? Out of civil war, an abstract corporation entity, not personal as Emperors.
Why decline? Nuclear weapons???!!!
What will take its place? Other corporations, for-profit, and not.

And much,much more.

CH: Corporations that 'do' the Fifth Word, small and large. The father and mother is also the whole past, the land is also the whole future.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Name days aright and move out of the asylum.

Does it seem as if you are living in a lunatic asylum, as one has posted?


It's all Providential, though. You may be in a period after Israel has forgotten God and been put under the Philistines, and before they once again were moved by this to call upon God for a messiah. The questions is, what time is it? You can continue to worship Wotan by having his name on your day, Wednesday, or you could proletically live in the new social firmament, re-retuned and named for Pergamos, the wilderness period, as PergamoxBmoY (the Day comes from the future).

Eat up! PergsYumm! is here!

Love in King Jesus,
Chuck 'radical renamer' Hartman -- wait! 'radical re-amen-er'

8531642 (with flip, then 7 Churches/Eras sub for planets)

Core History of Humanity's Childhood Week 27 (and 23)

Ain't it great? Core History of Humanity's Childhood Week 27 (and 23)

Check out the Core History of Humanity's Childhood.

In my pictures. Seems simple.

Take Ussher's @ 400 years. Divide by 49 (49-book Bible, when Hebrew Scriptures are seen as 22).

'Write' this onto a year (extra weeks are Holiday Weeks).

Then go backward and forward through one period of @ 81 years per week, and look up in Ussher (free online at PreteristArchive --I'm not a full preterist) and what do you have, starting the year at Resurrection?

This week we have, going Creation to A. D. 70, between Abraham and Moses. 81 x 27 = 2187 AM through 2267. And backward, we're headed from Abraham to the Flood.

Lectionary Historical, I call it.

As Adults now, in Christ (we were children until Him) we are to respond to this as psalmodic response, as we see in Psalm 1:1. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly. And then God gives us a new situation (after A. D. 70, analogously) with sinners--what do we not do? walk in the way. OK, scornful, what do we not do? sitteth in the seats.Etc.

Love in King Jesus,Chuck the re-amener

Monday, October 18, 2010

Join in my '1000 year' projects?

Think I'll just write up my stuff on Facebook, I have a dozen or so 1000-year projects, as mentioned in Berman's 'Law and Revolution,' on pages 5 and 6. Cathedrals in the Middle Ages had budgets for 1000 years, they knew the future generations would take up the task, modifiying, surely. And so on page 6, he talks of the development of Law and of Music in the same way. Any musician used to know the history of music, from monophony on up, and so should and lawyer. In the introduction, that North says is the best scholarship he has ever read.

More later.

Join in my '1000 year' projects?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cure Team

Cure Team. Thinking of adding another category: Cure Team. They'd be around were one to be 'placed' in a nursing home to remind that one wanted to be cured, not just custody-ized, and would also 'cure' some people of being in the wrong profession, people who should not be caring for the enfeebled and/or befuddled and/or vulnerable. The Cure Team would find them other work

Friday, October 8, 2010

Advances on another front

Achieved a set of major conceptual advances today on the best short carom billiards and pocket billiards game, perfect for TV. Developments await.

Checking to see if Amplify is permanently on the side

I hope so.



Thursday, October 7, 2010

'...beyond the nation-state...'

'...beyond the nation-state...'

How would they be similar to the Knights Hospitaller, and how not? Superclass. “Superclass is a timely and detailed analysis of the disproportionate power and hence responsibility of an incredibly small group of individuals: the global power elites whose strongest allegiances are not with their countries but with each other. Understanding the implications of this shift beyond the nation-state is of great importance and Rothkopf has made a significant first step.” —Bob Wright, Vice Chairman, General Electric, and former President and CEO, NBC Universal

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Flag of new social order: Social firmament 'stars'?

Major idea of yesterday: What words or symbols would best represent the social firmament on the flag of the new era's social firmament?

I'm thinking of ox, lion, eagle, man and .... ?

Maybe the 7 eras of Core History, morphed/glorified into the 7 churches, yea 8, and then retuned (?!), and .... ?

'Psalmodic Response' along the bottom?

You 'see,' we are stars/lights, we are seated in the heavenlies (Eph. 2:6), we have come to the heavenly assembly .... .

Love in King Jesus,


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pink's 'Drive': Encapsulating Sentence

Pink's idea of the encapsulating sentence. It's the USP applied to your life. 'Drive'.
Mine: 'He amened, in psalmodic response, so as to help begin to 'organ'ize the next era.'

Saturday, September 25, 2010

' Be prepared for a great default. Your neighbors aren't.'

Should be of interest to more. From North.

'The goal of a central bank is to shift the risk of default from big banks to the government. This, they always do.

The threat of a government default is great when central banks quit buying government debt in a mass inflation. But hyperinflation is sure death to banking. Debtors pay off their loans with worthless money. So, I believe that the Federal Reserve will not allow hyperinflation.

The threat is Congress. We now have supposed conservatives calling for Congress to take over the Federal Reserve. If this idea spreads, we are facing the ultimate threat. This is why I have decided to publish my minibook on the Greenbackers.''Make hay while the son shines.

Be prepared for a great default. Your neighbors aren't.'

Sunday, September 19, 2010

USA Debt Larger Than Total World Product

'As the Obama administration pushes through Congress its $800 billion deficit-spendingeconomic stimulus plan, the American public is largely unaware that the true deficit of the federal government already is measured in trillions of dollars, and in fact its $65.5 trillion in total obligations exceeds the gross domestic product of the world.
The total U.S. obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits to be paid in the future, effectively have placed the U.S. government in bankruptcy, even before new continuing social welfare obligation embedded in the massive spending plan are taken into account.'

I heard this while switching stations on the radio coming home today.

We have been in similar situations before, to the detriment of those who trusted in princes. Can we be smarter this time, and make a transition with less bloodshed? Weimar Germany.

One historian says that the overburdened Southern planters before 1776 were in a similar situation.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Holidays organize societies. Here's a 'new' one to 'organ'-ize the next era: 'The Battle'

Holidays organize societies. Here's a 'new' one to 'organ'-ize the next era: 'The Battle'

In the proposed calendar, House Of Singing Times (HOST) is one of the holidays that writes a covenant sequence on the year.

By following this, we are shaped.

There are many calendars. The eternal one is that of the Life of Christ and our response--Church Year.

There are work calendars, community calendars (4th of July, Tulip Time), academic calendars, etc. Sports seasons, biological events, and others are not remnants of orders of civilization, in Rosenstock-Huessy's thought. Community=tribal, work=empires, ecclesiastical=Israel, academic=Greek.

It's easiest to think of The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly as Sinai. Public Vindication would be the Red Sea, and Total Christ would be the conquest of the Land. In liturgical worship services, these are, respectively, Confession=PV, Sermon=TBOTMOFA, total Christ (Totus Christus) = Communion.

As we participate in HOST over the years, we mature.

And The Symphony of Peace (History) BRIEFLY explained in this poor quality video, would be part of this maturation, since it recapitulates and glorifies the process by which God matured Israel of Old. [Since this video, much has been added, in my mind, so that we would become a better singing song, but the Symphony (TSOH/HOST, you see) is cruciating, it is painful. It is dragvolution.

'I believe in dragvolution. God lovingly drags us into His future, changing us. As we are torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.

(Faintly: Rests—absences—are as important as notes—presences.)'

Imagine if a congregation composed/sang/was/did a Symphony per year (coram)! What a record of matruation!

Love in King Jesus,

PS: In my photos, I have a one-pager of the calendarHOST for this 'year,' Easter to Easter. More layers of rhymes will be added. Thanks to Facebook for making this easier to share.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Godparent Ceremony for Evangelical Churches

[This is posted for purposes of Godparents for Eldsters. I cannot find Pastor Monk for response at this time. This will be taken down at his request. Chuck]
Godparent Ceremony for Evangelical Churches
Developed by Brett Monk
Founding Pastor, Westgate Chapel, Chantilly, VA

The Bible is rich with examples of people taking spiritual responsibility for the care and raising of children who were not biologically theirs. Traditionally, the role of Godparents is set in place at infant baptism; so many churches that practice adult baptism have neglected this beautiful tradition.

We have developed the following ceremony, which is appropriate for a baby dedication, or for a later time when Godparents have been identified. This could also be adapted for use as part of an adult baptism ceremony, if people desire to become spiritual godparents to a newly “born again” person of any age.

This ceremony is written in an informal style. The family may be standing at the front of the room with the minister throughout the ceremony, or may wait until called just before the anointing and declaration.

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Huiothesia (Godparent) Ceremony

There’s a saying that you can’t choose your family, but the Bible is rich with examples of people who chose to make someone a member of their family. Traditionally, the role of Godparents is set in place at infant baptism; so many churches that practice adult baptism have neglected this beautiful tradition.

Pharaoh’s daughter adopted Moses in Exodus 2:10, and Mordecai adopted Esther in Esther 2:7. Ruth adopted her mother-in-law Naomi saying,

Ruth 1:16 (NASB95)
"Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.
In the Greek language of the New Testament, the word “Huiothesia” (Whee-oh-THEE-see-uh) is usually translated “adoption”, but a more accurate translation would be “son setting”, or setting a child into their place in the family as a member and heir.

Jesus was the Son of God, fully Man and fully God. As such, Joseph chose to raise and bring into His humble family, the very Son of God. And to fulfill the proper ritual, God the Father set Jesus into His place of ministry at His adult baptism, as it is recorded in

Matthew 3:16-17 (NKJV)
When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.
And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
This public declaration of acceptance served as a turning point in the life and Ministry of Jesus. It is from this point on that we see record of His miracles, His ministry, and his God-ordained destiny. It was an announcement to mankind and to the powers and principalities of the spiritual realms that Jesus Christ was the Firstborn Son and Heir to the Most High God.

By His unimaginable, Grace, God chooses to set us into His family. For those who have received the sacrifice of Jesus the atonement for their sins, God grants us not just forgiveness, but a full position as family members and heirs, as it says in

Romans 8:14-17 (NKJV)
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father."
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,
and if children, then heirs--heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.
Today we celebrate the decision of (Godfather) and (Godmother), to bring (child) into their family. As Jesus was anointed with water and with the Holy Spirit, today (Godfather) and (Godmother) will be anointing (child) with oil, a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

Would the family please come forward.

Minister: (to godparents)
Do you, (Godfather) and (Godmother) desire to make (Child/Children) a part of your spiritual family, and assume responsibility and authority over their spiritual lives to raise and train them as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ?

We do

Minister: (to Child/Children)
Do you accept (Godparents) as your spiritual parents and promise to respect and obey them as they help you grow?

We do

I’m now going to ask (Godparents) to anoint (Child/Children) with oil as a symbol of sealing this public declaration.

(Godparents anoint children with oil)

Would the congregation please join me in prayer?

Heavenly Father, we thank You that You have made us children and heirs in Your Kingdom and joint-heirs with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today we witness and affirm the public declarations before mankind and the principalities of the spirit realm, that (Child/Children) are now under the protection, covering, and spiritual authority of (Godparents). We as witnesses to this event dedicate ourselves to encourage and support this spiritual family as we all seek to learn and grow toward maturity and the fullness of Christ until that day when we receive the fullness of our inheritance in Your Kingdom that is to come. We pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Transitions: Logy, the Phenomenological Logic of the Decalogue

Transitions: Logy, the Phenomenological Logic of the Decalogue

To think god's thought after Him, it would be wise the fill in the gaps of His sequences, and thus to see how He transitions.

Thus, the Declogue.

Prologue: I brought you out of Egypt.
First Word: Have no other gods before me.

What is the 'logy'? How is this transition made? Could it be, 'Whoever brings you out of Egypt (bondage) is your god before whom you are to have no other gods?

OK, First Word to Second (Protestant 'numbering). No idols, no carving of them, etc.

Logy? If you have one type of god (none other before Him) you can't have a carved one?

You get the idea. Do it for all 10. Then do it for the transitions between them. How does God get from 'Whoever brings you out...,' to 'If you have one type...'?

Continue on until you have a 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 set if transitions--what will you find.

Two other things. There are transitions between layers, on both sides of this structure.

There are overarching and internal transitions. The overarching starts with no other gods, and ends with no coveting.

Internally we can see Father, Son, Holy Spirit. and with 5 and 8, Adam's sin. 6 and 9, Cain's. 7 and 10, Seth's.

We can also see differences in iterations. Deut vs. Ex., Daniel is in a Decalogue form, it is said, the rich young ruler--some left out?

Love in King Jesus,


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dicipling With History: Getting Into The True History

Discipling with history.

Your great grandchildren will know the answer to #2 better than they know #1.

#1: About how many weeks are there between Independence Day and Labor Day.

#2. About how many weeks of @ 81 years each are there between Noah's Flood and The Exodus of Moses, when one writes the cored history (Ussher's Creation to @ A. D. 70) onto a year with 49 weeks named after Bible books, and 4 holiday weeks? Approximately.

This gets people into the core history of salvation.

Using it at work.

The ‘4000 years’ is on my photos, the calendar of the year, CalendarHost, is too.

Soon to be a major website.

Some help: Ussher says that the Flood occurred in (Year of the World) AM _______?
Ussher says that the Exodus of Moses occurred in AM __________?


PS: Or, you can try ChronoZoom, and answer the question: What core history lessons are learned here:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Psalms for Week/Sheba 22, James


Psalms for Week/Sheba 22, KolCoram 861 (August 28, A. D. 2010)
[Psalms continue even through the holiday weeks]

KolBmoY (WholeYumm!) Ps 125 --Sunday, Aug. 28
SardisBmoyY (SardsYumm!) Ps 126
PergamosBmoY (PergsYumm!) Ps 127
EphesusBmoY Ps 128
PhiladelphiaBmoY (PhilsYumm!) Ps 129
ThyatiraBmoY (ThyraYumm!) Ps 130
SmyrnaBmoY (SmyrnsYumm!)PS 131

Doxology for all, Psalm 150:6.

KolBmoY is 'Sunday'.
I 'rhyme' several other things too.
I write moY because the present is caused by the past and the future. It's an attempt to represent that.

I call it not a week, but a Sheba (7, oath) for this is a covenant sequence, retuned.

I believe in dragvolution. God lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.
As we are torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: JBJ is doing a Psalm a month, and he's up to 49, I believe.
PPS: ‘Coram’ is a pun. Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi, and ‘presence,’ or ‘face’ in Latin. ‘Kol’ is God ‘kol’ing down the Ten Words in Exodus, I believe. A pun also, Kol-Octave-Laodicea.

Remember the FLOOD! 1657 AM (Anno Mundi--Since Creation)

Remember the FLOOD! 1657 AM (Anno Mundi--Since Creation)


Divide a modified Ussher Chronology by 49, get @ 81 years per 1/49th.

With one holiday week between Easter and tomorrow, Aug 28 (James Week/Sheba) we have reached that 81-year block including 1657 Anno Mundi, the year of the Flood of Noah.

Picture of this photo file. @Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook.

Put together by Doug Roorda. Based on Biblical Chronology work of James B. Jordan. Apprehend big chunks of


Thursday, August 26, 2010


Thanks for this. I've been working on one for a while, inspired by the mid-century lectures of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy at Dartmouth. Universal History 1957, Universal History 1954.He says that 4 major calendars are derived from 4 major layers/orders of society. Community calendars, tribal; work calendars, empires (Egypt, e.g.); ecclesiastical calendars (Israel); academic calendars, Greece.History is chiastic. Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece, The Reverser of Trends, Church, Nation-State, Neo-tribalism. Each of the last 3 revisits one of the first 3, and eliminates a major failing. The church had unity, not exclusiveness, the nation-state eliminated slavery, and we are in the neo-tribal era to eliminate perpetual war. The Greeks are companion, with a sense of wonder, but never in charge. They had all the problems of the other orders, plus.We dare not forget these earlier eras, else their problems come back to plague us in a bigger way.Let's start by renaming the days of the week by retuning the retunings, and adding other features. For instance, from the core history, we would not take a tour of the solar system, retuned, but a tour of the social firmament/in-between of the core history. Oddly, ThorsTag/Thursday (referring to Jupiter, Deus Pater) is better, in peace, PhilsYumm!/PhiladelphiaBmoY)..More later. Much more buried in Notes on my Facebook profile too. Charles Howard HartmanPS: I believe in dragvolution. God lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.As we are torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.

PPS: Don’t forget Stewart Brand’s Long Now. He was a big buyer of ERH’s Out of Revolution early on. Also for ERH, and his student before WWII, Clint Gardner, and ‘Beyond Belief’PPPS:

[Mentioned in information given to identify me before post:

Monday, August 23, 2010

Psalms tattooed on the body of the year/time--twice.

Psalms tattooed on the body of the year/time--twice.

146 Psalms, 22 breaks, 14 days for structure.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Short and Sweet--Our Task

If Rosenstock-Huessy is right in 'Out of Revoltuion' that each major nation-state forming revolution was based on a different part of the Bible. Germany, the cross. England, Judges. These USA, Exodus and Noah. France, before the Fall. Russia, matter in motion--formless and void. Our task is to go from 'In the beginning...,' hopping over formless and void to 'And God said...'. We need to speak the right words of His after Him, in the right tone to make, under Him, the next, as He has foreordained. It's a task for adults, even ancients. pp. 752-3. Chuck. (Also see Clint Gardner's Chapter 5 in Beyond Belief for the speech structures of each nation-state formation. Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective.) [Clint is incorrect about panentheism].

Read Chapter 5. Read Out of Revolution.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Open Immigration, Equality Before The Law. Citizenship?

Valuable in showing that open immigration and equality before the law were two principles in Ancient Israel that have come to the West. And be sure to read the last two paragraphs on granting citizenship before you make conclusions.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Discipling With History At A Glance

At work. When see during week.

History is not chronology. History is the record of those events that happen once, for the first time (forever). There are few.


1—Adam’s Chart of History,5482,224.aspx [I get some from Half-Price Books]

2—History At A Glance [separate sheet] For ‘science,’ see and and and more chronozoom. Annals of the World by Ussher, free online at

3—HostCalendar for this ‘year’ [separate sheet] This lets us go through the books of the Bible. It also shows us seasons of Beatitudes—and this helps with ABCs of history--Apprehending Big Chuncks (sic)

4--…being brought into the life of the community. Here, the community is history, one man in all times and places. Bible History is Core History. [For 16 billion years see secular ‘Zoom’ website. Maya and Stapledon perhaps later.]

5—If biology is biography, that is, our traumas manifest themselves bodily, then History is sociology, and learning patterns can assist toward healing toward harmony.

6—See Jordan’s ‘Through New Eyes’—one of the great books—free online at Purchase from, or at Amazon: ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’ is a great short book that could help too. Annals of History would help(Also at Answers in Genesis) :,5194,226.aspx

7—We may do the times from A. D. 70 through the present as opportunities present.

8—‘I believe in dragvolution. God drags us into His future, changing us. As we are torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.’

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Through the year with Ussher's chronology.

Through the year with Ussher's chronology.

Here's a good resource.

Here's where we are as we work through the year, Resurrection to Resurrection, correlating it to Ussher's chronology. We'r in the 18th 'ordinary' week. We had one holiday week, which we don't count in the 49. Each week is 81 years of Ussher time.* So, since this is the 18th week, we've had 17. 17 x 81 is 1377. So, 1377-1457. (The Flood, per Ussher, started in 1657, but Noah started building earlier). One can look in this FREE PDF file of the book to see what is happening, for Ussher has chronicled the happenings by year, and even more closely.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Anyone have a hundred page model Christian legal code?

Anyone have a hundred page model Christian legal code?

You can't beat something with nothing.

Maybe this fellow?

PS: This would be better than political party platforms.

What would be the sections?


Friday, August 6, 2010

He is my enemy, I must convert him.

He is my enemy, I must convert him. But by what tactics? They would differ according to what he is, would they not?

'Ruling class,' how a tribe, a nation...?

How is the 'ruling class' a tribe, a kin, a 'nation,' and how not?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.

As we are torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.

Startling Szasz On Prohibition And Income Tax

Startling Szasz On Prohibition And Income Tax

In his timeline in Ceremonial Chemistry.

1913 The Sixteenth Amendment, creating the legal authority for a federal income tax, is enacted. Between 1870 and 1915, the tax on liquor provides from one-half to two thirds of the whole of the internal revenue of the United States, amounting, after the turn of the century, to about $200 million annually. The Sixteenth Amendment thus makes possible, just seven years later, the Eighteenth Amendment.

1917 The president of the American Medical Association endorses national prohibition. The House of Delegates of the Association passes a resolution stating: “Resolved, The American Medical Association opposes the use of alcohol as a beverage; and be it further Resolved, That the use of alcohol as a therapeutic agent should be discouraged.” By 1928, physicians make an estimated $40,000,000 annually by writing prescriptions for whiskey. [63]

Chuck: Is it possible that laws are passed for much different reasons than those that are publicly given, and that they have unintended consequences

I believe in dragvolution. God drags us into His future, changing us.

I believe in dragvolution. God drags us into His future, changing us.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pentecost: Linking Ethical lLegacy To Financial Legacy: Make it profitable. Pentecost.

Pentecost: Linking Ethical lLegacy To Financial Legacy: Make it profitable. Pentecost.

Response to an essay on allocating time by Gary North on his site.

At a man's death, great power is released into the field of time.

So, 'Can you link your ethical legacy to your financial legacy?'

Were we to echo Pentecost, we would amen Jesus.

His death was the death of death, and the death of deaths. That is, it was the death of deaths in that it was the greatest of all possible deaths, since he was resurrected.

And it was the death of death in Owens' sense.

The great power Jesus' death released was Pentecost, the leading of us into all truth, and a great truth being that the Spirit prepares the Bride, in an Esther sense: Jordan.

This beautification was Adam's first task (dressing the Garden, naming), and our last, in an ABCB'A' way.

Thanks for this, Dr. North, about time and zero sum and linking legacies.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: There is a sense in which we echo the Creation Days by speaking vows, and making --not creating -- such times as married time, war time, peace time, business partnership time, church membership time, military service time. This also echoes death, for, while living, we give up some life time and/or ledge to do so. One calls that 'true speech,' incarnational speech.

[Who will carry on? Funeral Sermon.]

CalendarHOST from @ Doug Roorda.!/album.php?aid=236125&id=776813108&ref=mf

All religions enshrine their truths in calendars. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy.

This is one of the many 'rhyming' 7x7s that should be followed as one goes through the 'year'--or 'coram': Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi. For instance, we rhyme the time(s) from Creation through A. D. 70, Psalms (twice), etc. Beatitudes, Days of Creation, Churches down the side. More. Thanks, @Doug Roorda.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

SRS, $20K?

SRS, $20K.

Did you very recently have the JV course for $20? I asked head man Michael Senoff. I'll report back.

So SRS only needs $20 K?

Maybe 'we' should find someone or someones who will do a JV deal for us (joint venture) to get it?

Joint Venture is where X and Y are joined together by Z for mutual benefit (that they didn't know about) and Z gets some of the money X and Y would not have made without Z.

Not I, at this time, for I claim to be organizing the next era, the maturational rituals, based on the work of giants such as JBJ and ERH.

But someone could be found, or someones.

Consider it like marrying people, economically.

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck 'buy from me eye salve' Hartman

'It's All About What They Don't Say' [Deep]

'It's All About What They Don't Say': Thoughts on Kevin Bywater's Post

“It’s all about what they don’t say.”

What's in the news is not the news. What's not in the news, is the news.

This isn't all bad, for it is for our maturity.

Consider: A baseball team here in Iowa has won the state championship of a smaller class, but they only have one player on the team who is from that district. It's open enrollment. Not mentioned in sports media.

Even better, Theodore Sturgeon in 'Sturgeon is Alive and Well'--about 1 cent on Amazon--has a story about a scientist who is pursued by the intelligence agencies because he works out the implications of the fact that sometimes the hole is stronger than the paper, as when one tries to tear a paper along the perforation.

And here is the key thing: The transition is more important than the steps transited. Thus, why does God go from the First Word to the Second, and so on--the First Beatitude to the Second, etc. There is a gestalt there, something that we are supposed to figure out as part of our maturity, so that we can, in His image, speak those transition-making words, under him. The psalmodic response IS the transition.

Love in King Jesus,


Nine-Eleven Celebration?

The big question here is concerning what events qualify to be part of a church calendar?

I'm still waiting for an answer to one of ERH's most opaque statements (to me) namely that before Luther the death days of 'saints' were celebrated, and after Luther the move was toward birth or inception (not the movie) days, or something such as that.

To partially answer my own questions, the present church calendars (including the Eastern, and varieties in the West) is a big Life of Christ and Our Response, so all such celebrated 'days' should fit into a maturational if not 'lining out' pattern, somehow.

In my view at this time, there is much thinking and praying to be done on this whole thing, calendars.

Are we 'Hearkening, we Israel? What are we strongly remembering in the first part of the year, Advent through Pentecost, maybe Trinity, and I propose, PV, such that we fill in responses in the 2nd half. At the present, it seems un-patterned, though I am not a scholar.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: To repeat, what types of events qualify to be strongly remembered in the pattern of psalmodically responding. Does God say, Ascend with me, for Ascension Day, and we respond with days of types of ascension. as 1. walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, is amend by 2. standeth not in the way of sinners, and 3. sitteth not in the seat of the scornful.
PPS: Frank D'Ag said once the kalends was when the tithe was brought in in the Middle Ages. This would fit.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Creation to A. D. 70 (Ussher-like) on on page.!/album.php?aid=165329&id=670039772&ref=mf

This might be helpful. Creation to A. D. 70 on one page, a chart, with places to put significant dates.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

No Psalms No Hope

No Psalms No Hope

Not metrical.

And in whole context.

Suppose 146 Psalms (2 + 144). Add 22 'breaks'--also, Ps. 119, and the Hebrew alphabet.. Add 14 for explanations, summaries, structure. 146 + 22 + 14 = 182. Do it twice, line out. Chant, and know why it was such a big deal to move to hymns.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Need Lectionary Historical

Need 'Lectionary Historical' Takes periods of time, and studies 1/49th per week, during year, with summaries at the right times. For instance, A. D. 70-Now has a period of study per week of 40 years. So, what happened in the first 280, form A. D. 70-A. D. 50: Conversion of Roman Empire? In the latest 280, Industrial Revolution? Watch this space:

We also have periods of 81 years for Ussher's chronology, and 121 years for Ussher Creatin to Now, and it gets very complicated for the 'fictive' eras, such as the Mayan Calendar, 'science'
and Stapledon's 'Last and First Men'.


The neatest is 500 years = from Columbus to Now, backward and forward, and 500 years + from Now until a Looking Backward/Christian—looking for set of events to put into covenant sequence. Got any?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Responding to the whole revelation appropriately and with right timing

Responding to the whole revelation appropriately and with right timing.

We have the whole revelation, the Bible, the questions are timing and application. We must respond as the 2nd and 3rd parts of Psalm 1:1 do, taking the spirit of the first part, and applying it rightly, with right timing, to those new situations God puts us into, for our maturity.

Example: With the death and resurrection of Israel in the desert (only 2 made it to the Promised Land) the decalogue was appropriately modified, keeping the spirit. How so? Sabbath because I brought you out of Egypt, not creation. Live long and prosper, for the Levites would have no land. And wife before the house, not as part of the house.

We are to go and do likewise.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Websites for ex-Muslim, now Christian evangelist in India. Recommendations?

Websites for ex-Muslim, now Christian evangelist in India. Recommendations?

A fellow at work asked me to recommend some websites for messages (written or spoken) for a convert from Islam who now is a motorbike-riding evangelist.

II recommended a couple.

Are there any questions I should ask, to help narrow the choices.

The fellow at work and the evangelist are in email communication.



Saturday, July 24, 2010

Free. For you. How to help the Slavic Reformation Society, ‘The Movement in Russia’.

Free. For you. How to help the Slavic Reformation Society, ‘The Movement in Russia’.

Free. You. This benefits YOU. It’s FREE.

Intro. Did you know that James J. Hill, who built the Great Northern Railroad without federal government subsidies, gave money for Roman Catholic seminaries in the NP’s area? Why—A moral population is a productive one. From the article linked: Hill was also a major philanthropist. He supported the Roman Catholic seminary in St. Paul and endowed the Hill Reference Library, which operates to this day. Link:

See ‘d.’ below.

Further. Also, in Chamberlain’s ‘The Enterprising Americans’ -- free online at you read about things such as this: Did you know that a fellow bought ice rights to New England ponds, harvested the ice, and took it around the south of South America to INDIA and sold the ice at a profit?

[Advertisement: 1--Let’s get together at my house and talk some things through, to action plan what we can do. Some Wednesday around 7, or is Thursday better? 2—I’ll hire myself out to do ‘ora et labor’ thinking. Make an offer.]

It’s ‘A Serrated Edge’ though. Free online here:

I’ll be a little rough on you, for your own benefit. But remember, beloved, that Christ the Redeemer is dong good things. Can do better. Thus, this.

Two Only. Today, a couple of suggestions, @30 or so that came to me during ‘ora et labor’ Thursday. I give myself something to think about all day, and as they appeared, I wrote them down.

This will be short.

1—We need a book. We have it already is stuff Blake has recorded. Use ‘Naturally Speaking’ to turn it into an editable manuscript, then turn it into an ebook that can be used for the below. Ebooks can be constantly updeated, and profitable and educational links can be put it, so when it goes viral, we benefit even more.

Or we could interview Blake, and others, and record it for transcription—or let iTunes or someone download it, or put it and videos on YouTube.

2—Use a variation of Jay Abraham’s ‘Icy Hot’ campaign. He had a pain-reliever for arthritis sufferers. Unless a cure was found, people would buy it 6x a year until they died—let’s say an average of 10 years. He made, let’s say, $2 on each sale. So, a customer would give him an income stream of 6 x $2 x 10, or $120. It sold for $3, cost to him to fulfill, $1. Would you pay $1 for $120? He would. He gave anyone who would advertise Icy Hot the whole $3, all of it. Radio stations would do it in off-time, when they couldn’t sell ads, for some reason. Newspapers, magazines—anyone. He got on the phone with a pitch he’d tested, and it worked tremendously well, until he and his employer had enough sales to sell it for big money. You see it traditionally advertised on TV now.

How could we use this?

a—Get the ebook above, and an ad, and pitch to people such as Jay did. I’m thinking of Christian radio, especially. Legal Aoom, ProFlowers, PajamaGram—I think they all use ‘promotional codes’ to allocate commissions to radio show personalities.

b—Warren Whitlock and many, many others who will promote one’s book.

c—We could hire someone or some company on commission only. Or make it a church or homeschool project?

d—Holmes’ ‘Dream 100’. I have some extras of his main book for our use.

The possibilities are limitless. Wilson has a Naturally Speaking I gave him to put my lectures on Scribd. That didn’t work out, but we could surely use it.

@ 50 More.


These are in no particular order and are very brief.

1a. Jay’ The Sticking Point Solution has a section on becoming the leading one in your field.

1b. My summary of Jay’s work: JREBUILTNNEEWW. Joint ventures is the first.

1c. We missed an opportunity when we did not get the names of attendees for our list.

1d. Janet Switzer helped market the biggest selling book series in history. Get her list of 52 ways to profit from a book at The Guerrilla Marketing guy made $20,000 on the book, millions on the other 52 ways.

1e. Gospel Participation. Pastor has preached on this, it should go in the book. So should something I think I remember from a BH Conference at which Pastor Purcell spoke, something such as ‘participation in missions is sacramental’.

1f. North has a free section on business start ups at Open to the public. Much wisdom. We are in an ‘oikos’ ‘nomos’.

1g. Someone (Joe?) could read a couple of books, with an eye toward using successful methods by applying them to SRS. Home school project? I have on ’50 Greatest Companies’. Chamberlain’s ‘The Enterprising Americans’ is free online at Did you know that a fellow bought ice rights to New England ponds, harvested the ice, and took it around the south of South America to INDIA and sold the ice at a profit?

1h. VERY IMPORTANT! Who benefits more by the success of SRS (‘The Movement in Russia’?) than SRS? They’ll help us, it’s in their best interest.

1i. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action: The formula.

1j. How to use Social Media—a great opportunity. Many free helps online.

1k. Of course, we need an Unplanning Commission, for when we get successful, we’ll get fat, and fail. Hat tip, Don Kaul.

1l. VERY, VERY IMPORTANT. We’re big on telling our story and it’s important, but ‘who cares!?’. What is the BENEFIT to them?

1m. Influence. Cialdini’s book in an acronym. R-CLASS. You get influence in 6 ways. Reciprocity, Commitment and Consistency, Liking, Authority, Social Proof, Scarcity.

1n. To succeed, we must get the imperative. It starts with that. ‘Let there be light via the movement in Russia’ echoes GodTrinity, does it not?

1o. Find experts to help us.

1p. Pastor Korver’s prayer methods could help.

1q. We have liabilities. Each can be turned to assets. Sacks’ ‘The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat.’

1r. Put Joe onto Abraham Case Studies too.

1s. Get a marketing expert from local businesses (or Michael Senoff, but he costs). Maybe they can get a tax deduction. Hahn went Roman after he taught patristics in a seminary.

1t. Did I mention giving the radio stations 100%? Or, test various levels. Maybe 90%, and sell the right to give them 90% (the buyer keeping the 10%) for $X? Costco makes a lot of its money on membership fees.

1u. Business plan, yes we need it. Cathedrals had 1000-year building plans, and Pastor Purcell mentioned the question, ‘If Saudi Arabia opened up, would we have 3000 missionaries?’ Use SRS’ past to show how.

1v. A St. Jude deal. A % of marked products sales go to SRS. Hey, could this be adapted for Ralph Smith?

1w. Are there books on Christian Fundraising?

1x. Sponsor a pastor, like sponsoring an orphan. $24 a month or something? OK, a % of a pastor.

1y. Xurrency, shares of enterprise, square inch of Yukon.

1z. What did the East India Company and Hudson’s Bay and early colonial adventurers do?

1aa. Do a Joint Venture TODAT! Who has access to those to whom we want access? Give ‘em a %. American Vision?

1bb. American Vision as a ‘Dream 100’ or as someone who gives advice?

1cc. Rick Warren is following on Twitter.

1dd.Tim Galeazzi is a salesman. He’d have much to offer. Maybe the director?

1ee. A director, have more than one.

1ff. O Lord, teach us to budget our time. Ps. 90:12. Show me a man’s schedule, and I’ll show you who he is. Holmes: Marketing Calendar, re model year cars.

1gg. TEST EVERYTHING, low-cost or no-cost. If it works, brings in more money than it costs, you have an ‘unlimited’ budget.

1hh.Spaced repetition learning. A plan.

1gg. Do a Symphony on it, much later?

1hh. Definitely get all involved, women and children.

1ii. For advertisers, maybe 80%, but share pool of a big % of rest, depending on number of ads. Only if needed. We are after names, to send messages to.

1jj. Who is successful, copy them? Africa went from 10% to 46%, 1900-2000.

1kk. List all sources of funds that can be thought.

1ll. We will do poorly, but how many successes do we need.

Feathers, Advantages, Benefits.

1nn. Are we amillennial formalists, or are we after victory by carrying our cross?

1oo. A quick business plan. We’ve gone from X to Y. Figure to do Z. Get A% of pastors part-time by ___. Electronic missions like Pashtun (?), _____ by ____. Book by 2011, Jan. 1. (or in 30 days.) Etc.

1pp. Get Bledsoe involved. He’s studied it, and hey! He knows one of the richest men in the world! Our James J. Hill?

1qq. Keep on starting, always initiating, not hindering.

1rr. Home school project? [We need a survey by telephone of who is unchurched in Pella too].

1ss. North would like the 1—Personal relationship, 2—Christian walk, and 3—THEN academic.

1tt. From Science Fiction. One who traveled faster than light saw the changes in societies. British rewarded innovation by knighthoods, etc. Americans organized it by baseball team-like competition. Russia? Party cards.

1uu. Just came to me: Less Mowing, More Growing. Money saved by the Backyard Farming enterprise.

1vv. Patrons in history: Women, wealthy, students, disciples.

1ww. I should ask North’s forums.

Long URL for A Serrated Edge, free online:

If pols neither hear (us) nor speak (true speech) they are idols to be bracketed. And converted.

If pols neither hear (us) nor speak (true speech) they are idols to be bracketed. And converted.

Pols are the parasite class; they are not an addition to society, but a subtraction from it. They are the pirates, the predators, the ones who live by taking rather than making. Thus Mark Horne posts concerning the Bell, California situation, as reported on by Mish Shedlock.

Summarizing some words of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (Universal History 1954,

If they neither hear nor speak, they are idols, and should be phenomenologically bracketed, as were the supposed gods of the first millennium, as The One True God Trinity conquered them. CH, before the comma. (Phenomenologically bracketed is as if one were sitting at one's window, watching the scene outside. Now, bracket that, and see oneself sitting at one's window, watching the scene outside. When one brackets that again, one sees oneself seeing oneself sitting at one's window, watching the scene outside. Continue bracketing.)

After this conquest, science could develop as 'that arm of the Church that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by treating the universe as dead': ERH.

Nature is reality minus speech, he said. Also, he said, that we will lose the ability to speak in America, by which he meant true speech, vows behind which one puts one's life (incarnating speech--CH). Thus we are on the brink of a new era, one concentrating on tribes, and we must have the best of the tribal life, but without perpetual war.

This is just as we had the best of the empire type of social order--nation-states--but (supposedly: CH) ended slavery. And the best of Israel, without the exclusivism. Bracket them, but also disciple them by realizing that their howl could become true speech. 'That man hates me, I must convert him,' said ERH in Universal History 1954, about lecture 23.

The 'liberals,' who do not believe that God speaks, are trapped in these last 1000 years of science, mistakenly lumping The One True God Trinity in with the gods/idols.

Thus Mish's declarative is transitioned into a series of imperatives.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: Pols could be pirates of the superstructure, first explorers of the cashing in on civilization. ERH does say that the next era is based on civilization. He also says that inwardly, we must have the integration of the tribal membership and enthusiasm. Outwardly, initiations, continual initiations, the paradigm being baptism, and forward we go with the whole man, a typological totality ( 'tt' a translation, application by CH).

PPS: Re: Schlossberg’s ‘Idols for Destruction’ pols then would not be in history, since history is the record of those events that happen once for the first time, forever (thus we conduct history by strongly remembering unto action based on these historical events), they are nature, reality minus speech. But, as we avoid tornadoes and floods, we must act to protect—where’s insurance against political destruction? To ask that is to ask the 1776 questions, at a new level.

PPPS: Constantine was a false god, worshiped as god in the Roman system. He converted. Thus, we are to convert the pols. Hirohito abdicated his godhood after WWII, but did not convert—or did he convert to ‘modernism’?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Discipling The Nations

Nations, the 'modern' nation-states arose in the second millennium after the Resurrection in reaction to Pope Gregory VII's claim of total eschatological authority.

Eugen Rosenstoc-Huessy writes wonderfully about this in 'Out of Revolution'.

The word in Matthew is something such as 'ethne' in Greek, and is, it seems to me, obviously in contrast to Israel. Of course, in Revelation it's nations, tribes, people, and tongues, as people groups in different times in history.

Now, whatever civil magistrate authorities we have should vow to rule under Jesus Christ, who has all authority in heaven and earth, or else they are out of touch with reality.

And it's a timocracy--who has the riches, rules--and we in Christ are joint heirs with Him, and so we rule by prayers and actions, such that as we disobey God's wisdom in handling of money, God gives us civil rulers that do so also.

So, we rule already, and our calling is to make this more articulated.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: Economic corporations are the riches-accumulators now, and we are in transition. Search 'New Dark Ages Army War College' for a valuable paper on this. Also Creveld 'The Rise and Decline of the State'.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Xurrency Options

Xurrency Options


SUMMARY: Were current currencies to become more inadequate, Xurrency might become of more use, at least temporarily and in some places.

OK, this is a paradigm.

It won’t work in all cases.

It probably might not work well in most cases.

It’s a thought experiment.

It would work better in an ‘Argentina,’ or a ‘Weimar,’ than in a Japan’s Lost Decade.

BACKGROUND: Currencies seem to be related to death. Dead Metals, Dead Beaver Pelts, Dead Sea Shells, Dead Saints (indulgences), Dead Presidents.

Xurrency is based on ‘My life for yours’: Mutual Self-Sacrifice. While still alive. A church congregation. One anothering—there’s much of it in the Greek Scriptures.

A ‘timmie’ is a play on a Greek word for riches, as I understand it. ‘Time,’ two syllables.

Further background: An index of costs of skills in the otherwise very odd book ‘Walden Two’ by Skinner. Something similar in Hazlitt’s ‘Won World,’ I think. Depression scrip in the U. S. Depression. East India company money, and Hudson’s Bay’s. Barter exchanges. Emperor Norton. Muslim ways of transferring money without banks.

A SCENARIO. A church wants to plant a building. Though joint-heir of all things, she has no money. Could she issue some, based on the pledged talents of her members?

‘Would you take 1000 ‘timmies’ to lay the foundation?’

‘What’s a ‘timmie’?’

‘Each timmie is worth about $20 now, an hour’s work. However, it takes 5 timmies to buy an hour of work from any of our lawyer-members, while one timmie will buy 2 hours of lawnmowing. A current list of prices and services and products is maintained by us.’

[That’s it in a nutshell. Non-members might be allowed onto the exchange. Timmies might be also called ‘one anothers’. They might be backed by donations of other cashes (sic) or goods.]

[[Someone in the church would need to be an entrepreneur of this project. That’s not all bad, for an ancient priest, I have read, was a bridge-builder, a ‘pontiff,’ ‘bridge’ being ‘pont’ and ‘iff’ a shortening of a form of the Latin for ‘make’ as in ‘facer’ (?). “Entre’ is ‘between,’ and to ‘pren’ something is to grasp it, as in ‘prehensile,’ or ‘apprehend,’ or ‘comprehend’. So, the entrepreneur brings two parts together, as the pontiff made the way over water between two parcels of land.]]

Love in King Jesus,

PS: This is probably most possible in megachurches. I’ve heard of at least one such that has a McDonald’s franchise in the church complex. Hey, there used to be cathedral towns, and monks invented many mechanisms of the modern economy. How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization by Woods. (Inexpensive from booksellers, and mostly free online here:

PPS: I had told myself at the beginning of work today to think about ‘cash,’ meaning how to turn what I write into money, but it seems that what came out during the day was something about ‘meta-cash’! Ora et Labor, since thinking is thanking.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Toward ABCs of Time--Apprehending Big Chuncks (sic)

A. D. 70-A. D. 350: 'God' converts, Constantine make Christianity Roman Empire's official religion?
A. D. 1730-A.D. 2010: Industrial Revolution?

Thus, periods of 280 years are apprehended?

What about the next season?

I'll try.

A. D. 350-A. D. 630: Rome falls, Augustine?
A. D. 1450-A. D. 1730: Age of Exploration (but see books '1421' and '1434' that claim the Chinese came).

Using an Ussherian chronology, we still need to do 81 x 49 for the Bible, and 121 from the time from Creation to Now.

And using the 'fictive' @ 16 billion years of 'science' and Stapledon (Last and First Men), and the Mayan calendar, we can add another superstructure to the calendarHOST that runs from Resurrection to Resurrection.

In this calendar, available elsewhere on this blog and in my Facebook Notes, I name each week for a Jordanian 49-book Bible, literarily done with 1 and 2 Samuel one book, also 1 and 2 Kings, and The Twelve (Minor Prophets) as one book, and Jeremiah-Lamentations, and Greater Chronicles including Ezra and Nehemiah.

Then there are 3 holiday periods, of one week, one week, and two weeks, respectively. Public Vindication (A. D. 70), The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly (around which a playing composing of a version of The Symphony of Peace/History should be performed), and the two-weeker, Total Christ. These are the writing/tattooing of covenant sequence on the body of the year (CORAM: Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi), of time. We also amen the accomplishment of our demise, our exodos, Exodus.

So, the coram is divided into 7 seasons, each of one of the Beatitudes, with her corresponding Woe (Matthew 23). They bunch and the end, and in a complexification (!), the Days of Creation in Genesis, and the churches in Revelation are rhymed, forward and backward. Well, that's for later.

WHAT ONE NEEDS TO KNOW NOW IS ABOUT THE LECTIONARY HISTORICAL. Conclusion. For easy illustration, divide the time from A. D. 70 to Now by this 49, to get about 80 years per week (sheba:7, oath) of the year. So, 7 weeks is a season. The first season is from A. D. 70-A. D. 350, and what is the
BIG GESTALT for that period. And backward, from 2010-1730? And for the next 280s?

See above, at the beginning.

The life, the rhyming, continues.

Rhyming Covenant Sequences (ERH, Sociology, 1922, on Clint Gardner's page from
Lectionary Historical
The Symphony of History (Peace)
CalendarHOST (House of Singing Times)
MaeDay80 (The Fifth Word)

Love in King Jesus,


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Superclass and antidote

From review on by Slaughter in Washington Post: 'n Superclass, Rothkopf, a former managing director of Kissinger Associates and an international trade official in the Clinton Administration, has identified roughly 6,000 individuals who have "the ability to regularly influence the lives of millions of people in multiple countries worldwide." They are the "superclass" of the 21st century, spreading across borders in an ever thickening web, with a growing allegiance, Rothkopf argues, to each other rather than to any particular nation.'

But, members of Gary North's site ( would read something that says that, yes, this has been attempted for @ 100 years or more, but that technology-driven decentralization is undermining the nation-state system on which the superclass has bet. And China and then India, these are where the wave of the future is. Barzun, Creveld (Rise and Decline of Nation-State) tell why: Justice is failing and so is the money for the retired.


Possible Progress on Godparents for Eldsters

Talked with fellow about Godparents for Eldsters. Recommended it for his church. Costs them 'nothing'. They'd bought 50 A. in West Des Moines with idea of home for elderly. They need older members too. Developing. This is another step: It's not all the way, for there is evil, and there are evil people, and this ceremony is not specifically tailored as it will be.

Godparent Ceremony for Evangelical Churches that practice Adult Baptism