Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sustained Revival And Discipling The Nations

The approach I'm suggesting is based on 'nations,' not individuals.

A nation can be discipled without each individual in the nation being discipled.

I take two approaches. The second is the better one. The first is based on the concept that a nation is an enlarged and articulated and densified trade route. (From a comment by an character in Poul Anderson's 'Territory').

This means that when we start an economic enterprise that becomes large enough, articulated enough, densified enough, it is a nation, and were it to be continually covenantally renewed, it would be discipled. I will send you a paper I wrote, proposing that we inaugurate Great Things Multi-Generational Big Projects. One I wrote more about are the amenclaiming of Mars by the Smith Family Project in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, as lawful delegated agents of the Trinitarian God of the Bible, to be governed by us as agents of King Jesus, and to be governed by His Word. This may take 7 generations, or maybe 3. Start it as a project of school? Research the Plymouth colony and investors, Columbus' journals, etc.

Another is reverse exegeting Job 38:7, and finding out what the song and the shout were. There are lots of songs in the Bible, lots of responses to acts of God, etc. JBJ says that from Rev. 5:12 to 7:12, there is a resonse to the Ascension. It's a circle of fifths of His attributes, they use musical instruments in 7:12, and it goes from a collective list to 7 individualities.

Second, a calendar. Good Crazy Charlie And His Deep Game Calendar. This baptizes a nation is the stream of history, given that a calendar of a society is as a schedule of time of a man, and tell me a man's schedule and I'll tell you who he is.

More later. Lots of work at Christmas.

Love in King Jesus,

Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook, where my pictures have some calendrical information.
PS: The covenant renewal service for a 7-generation family project as above would certainly emphasize what the Big Project is, and the lack of a commissioning at the end of the service using Matthew 28 or the like shows a problem, I believe.
PPS: If one said that the present value of the colonization of Mars in 7 generations is one million dollars, could one buy a participation, a koinonia, a one/one millionth, for $1? Could we call that a 'koin'?


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