Wednesday, September 4, 2024

BH Eletion Stolen

 1--Suppose 'they' steal it.

2--So what?
3--There were 3 million in the colonies at Patrick Henry time.
4--Iowa has 3.3 million, and a lot more energy. Kardashev.
5--100 years ago, they taught high school girls to become 1-8 one-room schoolteachers.
6--My mother was one. She walked 1/2 mile to her school, my aunt 1 1/2 miles. A school every two miles.
     (My mother remembers when the deer came back. My wife has found newspaper stories reporting that a deer         was sighted!)

8--START AS SCHOOL. MAYBE A TEACHER WILL ONLY VISIT. EVERYONE' HAS COMPUTERS, THERE ARE CHEAP ONES IF NOT, KIDS CAN WORK. Seventh Day Adventists train for trades. Khan Academy, , University of the People,, Open Culture have free curricula. MITOpenWare or something has FREE courses, some by Nobel Laureates.
9--That's one. School with Bible as center, liturgy would be better.  Liturgy is Science is Feasts is History.
10--Food. Lots of lawns could grow stuff. Portable Farms, microgreens. Two
11--Lots of solar power, or Generac, or canned heat stoves, etc. Three
12--Then do Matthew 25: 31-46

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