Debs Day and Tune of Next Era
October 19, Week 26
Coming next: Resummary, in parts and then back on schedule
I bought this as a present to myself for Debs Day,
Republican Workers Party' book. 'Oct.20. Debs, a Socialist, got over a million
votes for President while in jail for being against WW1. He was pardoned by
The closest to Debs today is probable Tulsi Gabbard.
Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are even better.
Note: ‘Left’and ‘Right’ were according to support for a
strong government (king, then) So the right is left?
The New Twelve Tune
1—The Old Twelve, 2—Christian Sociology, 3—ERH’s bad,
4—CHH’s proposed 12, 5—CHH’s Tune, when played in order of importance,
6—Timing: ‘Whare’s the money in this, 7—A page one each to come
Week 24, Mark
1-- A piano octave has 12 keys—7 white, 5 black.
The Twelve (twelve minor prophets) can be put on the octave,
When played in the order of the Bible, they make a tune.
This can be THE tune, or it can be an invitation to
harmonize, or it can be something to articulate, as the first notes of
Beethoven’s Fifth may be.
2—Christian sociology can be a ‘twelve’. 3 institutions, 4
Institutions: Church, Civil Government, Marriage (Garden,
Land, World—Priest, King, Prophet. Marriage can be House, Family, Business when
extended.) (Various)
Two space fronts—in/out. 2 time fronts—forward, backward
3—ERH (Rosenstock) says that to forward is Revolution, too
inward is Mysticism, too backward is Decadence, too outward is War.
(He also has Imperative, Subjective, Narrative,
Objective…and Planetary Service in his reconstruction of Revolution of the
West. Also Jesus, Confucius (Lao-tse says Hartman), Abraham, Buddha (Greek
theater says Hartman and says Hartman, ERH’s Symphony of History, RJR’s
(Rushdoony) ‘history is God’s theater
for #5, all sandwiched between Already and Not Yet.)
4—I propose: Garden Forward, 1--Christian Courts—Inward,
2--Psalms—Backward, 3--Godparents For Eldsters (sic) —Outward, 4—'Contagious
Disciple Making’ the book(baptized a million).
Land, 5—Twelve Word Platform/Shadow Non-government,
6—Restraint, 7—History of Western Civilization (North, ERH, JBJ), 8—Peace Tribe
World, 9—A Thousand Year Prayer/Gospels Layer of Eternal
Calendar, 10—Money 2.0 (and local community currencies 3,500-4,500,LETS, etc.)
11—LocalOnlineLeader—consult, better and worse than you can possibly imagine,
calling, helping, praying), 12—New property, profits through service, ’et
mohar’, Jay Abraham
5-- My tune of the above—proposed, will change: 1, 9, 4, 12,
11, 10, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
1—Pay someone to do Christian Courts (see ’ Teaching
Billions to Pray Better’)—find someone who’ll make money. Judge Judy over $100
million/year. 4--Subsidize how to do it in cities. 9—Grandchildren. Next year
downloadable calendar, website, year after app, grandchildren. 12—Get it going
REBUILDNNEEWW heterosis and ’50 Shades of Jay’.
11- Plan? 10- Plan? 2—117 now, work on rest after JBJ’s Psalter, 3—Work
with various? 5—Temporary ‘til 12 caches up, 6—A new group or ‘Politics
Anonymous’, 7—Wait ‘til he’s done, but THEOS it,8—Plan?
but work on each.
7—A page for each would be good for week 25. The ‘calendar’
rolls along.
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