Monday, September 7, 2020

Week 20, Debs and WWI and IWW--business servant (part 1)

Week 20 of 'Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar'/'A Thousand Year Prayer'
Debs: IWW and WWI Business Servant
Readjust your categories.
Debs got over a million votes while in prison for protesting WWI--they called it sedition. Harding pardonedhim.
I've heard that WWII started on the same battlefield where WWI ended!
Very destructive. Hoppe's 'Democracy: The God The Failed' contrasts well the relatively minute casualties of dynastic wars to the GREAT casualties of democratic wars, starting with Napoleon.
First Generation, massed armies. 2nd, artillery. 3rd, tanks. 4th, insurgents and media. 5th, nets (networks) and jets. Few realize that Covid could be for first of a fifth.
Anyway, Debs was against the destruction. It reminds this one to the Republican Workers Party and No New Big Warsm but what des this one know?
Further, Land is paid in rent, labor in wages, caital in interest, and management in profits. An exercise for students wold be to see how these are all mixedup. Civil Service, rent moratoriums by CDC, etc.
A valuable viewing and hearing in 'Because All Man Are Brothers' (IWW 'anthem') to the tune of 'O Sacred Head Now Wounded'. Here's Debs:
Here's Peter, Paul, and Mary:
Because 'we' don't make the right distinctions and imperatives, chaos is loosed?
This is week 20. I've changed the business servant (Mark) to Debs. Labor Day.
The Tune of the Next Era is coming soon, based on the Christian Sociology of 3 institutions, 4 fronts, and 4 Initiatives, a 48, plus One like unto how The Twelve are theologically played on an octave, because they are not chronological in the Bible.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck' hot-shooting sparkplug' Hartman

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