Wednesday, September 30, 2020

100% reserve 'cryptobank' in Wyoming

 Dear Friends:

100% reserve 'cryptobank' in Wyoming. Kraken Financial. There's also a NYSE company holding their cash reserves in altcoins.
Is this 'fake news'? It doesn't seem so.  In this area, a canton-owned bank in Switzerland does something similar, and Bancor is doing great things with community currencies in economically-developing areas of Kenya. And we still have LETS, hour money, There's Numero Set, and 3500-4500 currencies issued, like unto Depression Script.

This is one of the 12 that may replace institutions being destroyed by the  rapid, very rapid, technological change, that ERH tells us is allowing a greater reach in a shorter time.

As I enter the time of 10-hour workdays and 6-day weeks, preparatory to 12 and 7, I am ready for the tune, and to pass on to my grandchildren's grandchildren some resources to improve the work, as I am the grandchild of eachof my respective grandfathers.

More later.

It's all online, except the baby must be born with one more push in the next few days.

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck 'tardema' Hartman

Monday, September 28, 2020

Life Money

 David Pizer consider 'Life Money' As Knights Hospitaler started as protectors for pilgrims (to Holy Land) 'Life Money' could use blockchain, etc. for life extension pilgrimage. (My 'Word' is down!)

Tune Toward Peace

 I'm very healthy. I think there is some post-polio, but a doctor is working on it. I need more exercise, for metabolism, but the FitTrack(like a scale for weighing) which somehow measures 8 health things such as bone density, muscle s, etc.) says I'm in good shape.  We think it says I should weigh too little.

Working overtime this quarter, we'll see how it works.
Watch for 'Toward Peace Tune' coming soon. What to do.  Compare The Twelve (minor prophets) not put in Bible in chronological order. Put them on piano octave (7 white keys, 5 black) in chronological order, then play them in  the order they are in the Bible.  You get a tune.  It could be the EXACT tune, it could be notes to be articulated (as the first  notes of Beethoven's Fifth) or it cold be something with which to harmonize.

3 institutions ( Church, King, Marriage) x 4 Fronts (Forward, In, Back, Out) give another 12, and I propose small enthusiastic groups (tribes without perpetual warpath) and the ORDER of their importance for a Tune Toward Peace. (Peace is the explicit reconciliation of opposites).

ERH: Any technological change destroys old groups, while increasing our range and shortening the time.

Love in King Jesus,


Monday, September 21, 2020

Singing Mountains in Time


Singing Mountain of Time Liturgy in CORAM Let us sing the new epoch of peace

Henry David Thoreau - If a man does not keep pace with his...

- Henry David Thoreau quotes from "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Let’s sing the new epoch of peace.

List of musical elements.


Singing Mountains in Time

We're aiming at the Tune Unto Next Epoch in Week 49. 12notes in an octave, 5 black and 7 whites. Played in order of importance. The TUNE itself, the TUNE articulated (as first notes of Beethoven's 5th), the TUNE calling for a harmonizing response of other notes.


Here are the other tunes. First 70 days, 49-1, 49-29. Then 7531642 until the last 49 days, 1-49.


Get Jeremiah's 51 prophecies and the 146 Psalms x2, with summaries of books and whole from chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.


Opera (weeks 30-37) follows same order as holidays. 21-1 for Public Vindication, 4s by 4152637 for TBOTMOFA, 1-12 for first week of Totus Christus, and 7531642 for second week.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Stuart STEM and More


Stuart STEM and more

Here are 9 areas to start discussing.

1--Decentralization and Centralization—a question of our age

2--Local Online—an example

3—‘Didn’t play in high school’—plays VERY well (slow pitch league example)

4—Authority must ask, then we’ll shape training

5—With ‘remote work’ those who successfully left can build in Stuart?

6—Revenue sources: Crowdfunding, who benefits, stock, teach other communities

7—Workbooks and teacher helps, now online


9—Next steps

1—Decentralization and Centralization—a question of our age. A--Diamandis’ book ‘The Future is Faster than You Think’ shows a pattern that greatly reduces costs and increases capabilities to do things. Digitalization, Deception (it takes longer), Disruption, Dematerialization, Demonetization, Democratization. B-- says many ‘jobs’ will be lost. C—Parts of many nations want to secede, and have done so. D—The smartphone opens many possibilities. E—Local communities have more energy than complete Indian tribes—in terms of hores and horsepower, an automobile does too.

What to do:  Help those we are close too, those in our community.

2—Example: Have a librarian, a bank, a local esteemed business owner, a development effort, write to major employers, association, etc. and ask them what training they want that we could give. MIT has all their courses on line FREE. Khan Academy has tens of million students, FREE. University of the People charges no tuition. Many colleges are cheap, online—Thomas Edison State is one--$7000.  But the key is ‘What do the employers want?’ Here’s another source, there are more:

3—High schools do well for most. One child of a co-worker was a senior in high school, but taking so many courses at DMACC that they had to make a rule about it. Many enter as sophomores, etc.  But some only get going later. Those are the ones Stuart STEM local online can help. Schools are overburdened already.

4—A librarian, or a bank, or a respected business owner should write major employers and associations to see what they want that ‘we’ can provide.

5—Some leave Stuart area and become successful elsewhere. Could we help them, and vice versa. Proteges, remote offices, etc.

6—Cost should be estimated. Computers, space, teachers/helpers, etc. Could money be raised by crowdfunding? Some kind of deals could be struck. I’m weak here, but ‘If your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall.’

7—My brother Greg ran a school in a church, and the student sat around the outside of the room, and used workbooks. When the student had a problem, the teacher would help. This is vs. ‘sage on a stage’. Computers are the new workbooks.

8—Someone should outline costs vs. revenues. (I’m not as good at it, and am writing ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar,’ an epoch-making work of which this is a part of sociology and tune.)

9—Next steps? Write to this medium, or, or get together to show this to someone who can make a decision and investment.

Charles Howard Hartman

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Weeks 20 and 21 Together

 Weeks 20 and 21 Together

Host A 2105 Drudgery Week 21

7th weeks reconsider the 7th 7 of weeks, Our Response. I have the tune now. A new era is a new ear—do you hear it? Luke 4.

James week, Patriarchs as business servants, Tune Unto Next Era (T. U. N. E.) in John (tabernacle)

Next week is The Battle Of the Mountain Of Festival Assembly—Pentecost and Trumpets in liturgy written on the year (coram). 4s by 4152637. See Jordan’s 49.

Montgomery Anomaly from ‘How do we know there is a God?’ Love one another? Human nature?

‘100’—1608-9 John Smyth Baptizes First Baptists, 1611 King James Bible

‘Critical Path’ 1781-1788 (pace quickens) Steamboat, tungsten Galvanic electricity and more


Host A 2014 TUNE Tune Of Next Ear Christian Sociology Opera Week 20

I’ll get this out, though imperfect. These will change with others and the years (corams). The next era is the next ear--can you hear? Luke 4.

Christian Sociology has 12 (or 20?) parts.

Hall, in ‘The Silent Language’ has a 10 x 10 grid.

For the Tune of The Twelve, see ‘New Bible Encyclopedia’—if the twelve minor prophets were in the Bible chronologically, they could be laid out on an octave of 7 white keys and 5 black ones.  Do so, then play The Tune of The Twelve, as in the Bible. The tune could be it, or it could be articulated as Beethoven’s 5th is to da da da dum!, or it could be something to harmonize with—and the harmonization what is sought…

I do the same with the 3—Garden/Church/Priest, Land/Civil Magistrate/King, World/Society-Marriages-Family-Business/Prophet.

And the 4. 2 each time and space. Forward, Backward. In, Out.

At Week 30, I start with 4 phases. 12-1, 415263789-10-11-12, 753164289-10-11-12, and 1-12.

Each initiation has a response. I’ve kept it simple.



1 Forward Christian Courts

2 In Psalms (117 ‘Cascione’d—to start)

3 Back Godparents For Eldsters (and babes in womb, and those with other gifts) [But Berendsen, West, Sears, Namath—‘End of Alzheimer’s, with Matthew as theological part]

4 Out Contagious Disciple Making

(Note: ERH says bad F is Revolution, Bad I is mysticism, bad back is decadence, and bad out is war.)


5 Twelve Word Platform (See Nisber ‘History of Idea of Progress’ and Kipling’s ‘Night Mail’ 1905 as first to start future story in the future—1928 Hamilaton USA)

6 Restraint

7 North’s Western Civilization Unto Smartphone (see his 5 and mine—and what to do with this transcendent smartphone)

8 Peace Tribe


9 Local self-sufficiency

10 Stuart STEM

11 Amish Dude Farm

12 Wooden Nickel Highway (and other local, community currencies, altcoins.  See Bancor/Kenya, etc. More)

(There are more things to each of the above, and they’ll be listed at the end)


1 House Head Eat Cross (b-r-SH-T)

2 Law Lyric Evaluation Fact

3 Ox Lion Man Eagle

4 Passover-First Fruits, Pentecost-Trumpets, Atonement, Purim



7 First 4 of ERH, with Inherit with firs

8 Second 4 of ERH

9 Last 4 of ERH with 3 generations at the end

10 First 4 Beatitudes (Woes)

11 Last 4 Beatitudes (Woes)

12 White, Red, Green, Black


Could have Father-Son-Spirit-Bride, Father-Mother-Child-Humanity (Intelligences), Next 2,3,4 then Challenge 2 3 4,

--THESE 12 X 4 = 48, THE 49TH is timing/where’s the  money in this


Added to the 12, may make a better generality; poems (both not both, and GodTrinity lovingly drags). ‘Crisis, Opportunity and the Christian Future, Jordan on ‘Western Civilization—Good bye. Baptism as commissioning a fighter, week 48. Food-Energy-Welcome Home Heroes-5G, ‘Invisible Rainbow’. 71% water, phyles, cryomissionary Knights Hospitaler, money 2.0, America Before, 134, Longevity, Principia Operatica as New Scientific Method


Don’t forget the 12 of covenant sequence from Jordan’s book

1. Announcement of God's transcendence; His laying hold

on the situation (Ex. 2:24-25; 20:3).

2. Declaration of God's new Name, appropriate for the new

covenant being installed (Ex. 3:13-15; 6:2-8; 20:2a).

3. Statement of how God brought His people from the old

covenant and world into the new one (Ex. 20:2b; Deut. 1:6-4:40).

4. Establishment of the new covenant order, especially the

governmental hierarchies thereof (Ex. 18:13-27; Deut. 1:9-18).

5. Appointment of new names for the new finished product

(Gen. 1:4-5, 6-8, 9-10; at Moses' time, "children of Israel" is the

new name, replacing "Hebrew").

6. Grant or distribution of an area of dominion to the covenant steward or vassal (Ex. 3:8; Deut. 1:19-12:31).

7. Stipulations concerning the management of this grant

(Ex. 20-23; Deut. 5:1-26:19).

8. Statement of the terms by which God will evaluate man's

performance: promised blessings and threatened curses (Ex.

23:25-33; Deut. 27, 28).

9. Placement of witnesses to report to God on man's behavior

(Ex. 23:20-23; Deut. 4:26; 30:19).

10. Arrangements for the deposition of the covenant documents (Ex. 40:20; Deut. 31:9-13).

11. Arrangements for succession of covenant vice-regents

(Deut. 31:7, 14, 23; Deut. 34).

12. Artistic poems that encapsulate the covenant, and that are

to be taught to succeeding generations (Deut. 31:14-33:29

Sep 28: David Pizer consider 'Life Money' As Knights Hospitaler started as protectors for pilgrims (to Holy Land) 'Life Money' could use blockchain, etc. for life extension pilgrimage. (mY wORD IS DOWN)

Monday, September 7, 2020

Week 20, Debs and WWI and IWW--business servant (part 1)

Week 20 of 'Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar'/'A Thousand Year Prayer'
Debs: IWW and WWI Business Servant
Readjust your categories.
Debs got over a million votes while in prison for protesting WWI--they called it sedition. Harding pardonedhim.
I've heard that WWII started on the same battlefield where WWI ended!
Very destructive. Hoppe's 'Democracy: The God The Failed' contrasts well the relatively minute casualties of dynastic wars to the GREAT casualties of democratic wars, starting with Napoleon.
First Generation, massed armies. 2nd, artillery. 3rd, tanks. 4th, insurgents and media. 5th, nets (networks) and jets. Few realize that Covid could be for first of a fifth.
Anyway, Debs was against the destruction. It reminds this one to the Republican Workers Party and No New Big Warsm but what des this one know?
Further, Land is paid in rent, labor in wages, caital in interest, and management in profits. An exercise for students wold be to see how these are all mixedup. Civil Service, rent moratoriums by CDC, etc.
A valuable viewing and hearing in 'Because All Man Are Brothers' (IWW 'anthem') to the tune of 'O Sacred Head Now Wounded'. Here's Debs:
Here's Peter, Paul, and Mary:
Because 'we' don't make the right distinctions and imperatives, chaos is loosed?
This is week 20. I've changed the business servant (Mark) to Debs. Labor Day.
The Tune of the Next Era is coming soon, based on the Christian Sociology of 3 institutions, 4 fronts, and 4 Initiatives, a 48, plus One like unto how The Twelve are theologically played on an octave, because they are not chronological in the Bible.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck' hot-shooting sparkplug' Hartman