Monday, August 10, 2020

Week 17 Money two point zero and the 57 billion dollars


Week 17 Money 2 point zero and 57 billion

Remember that The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and our response. A Church year is essential, but incomplete. John 21:25. The Gospels layer, I pray, will be helpful, but not final.

Before I start on the usual, here are advantages of each Gospel.

Matthew: God sends us a BIG problem when we sin a little. Like a little Philistine culture, here’ being under the Philistines. Don’t like the land laws, here’s completely out of the land. Don’t want to remember history, here’s Alzheimer’s and history destruction (see Barzun). So, remembering history and its rhythms will help us remember and apply.

Mark takes the ‘Bourgeois Dignity’ (McCloskey) theory that 2% annual growth has occurred since @1750 because trade and innovation were honored rhetorically and financially and applies it to honoring business servants.

Luke asks how Jesus’ words in Luke 4 about this prophecy being fulfilled in theri ears is seen in each book, and that fulfillment applied.

God ‘opera’tes, writes theater and music—an opera—in history, using such models as 7 Day Creation, 7 steps of making the tabernacle, etc. (Mike Bull). We should do the same. The last 7 days are such. Weeks 30-37 are a 4 step (or 8) opera, to find the music of 12 ‘small, enthusiastic groups’ to play next. Garden x 4, Land x4, World x4. Put ‘em on an octave of 7 white keys and 5 black, and play a tune by striking the most important first. See chronological and theological order of The Twelve.


Now to this week, but remember, this is, I pray, a helpful word—it’s not the last word. Improvers will improve. Think Second Foundation. Grandchildren of children and spouses, grandchildren, and godparents.


Anomaly7, from Montgomery’s ‘How do we know there is a God?’ Why so few Christians, and What impact?

What of importance happened in 1987? (Later, ‘Improvers’ will enter item for Garden, Land, World). Jesus has ALL authority, not only in the Church.

Matthew: From Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ timeline of technology, 1698-1714. Newcomen engine (see Ridley ‘How Innovation Works’, Newton’s ’Optics,’ first daily newspaper in London—and many others. From “The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History’: Calvin published ‘Institutes’—1536. Pope (in West) approves Jesuits, 1540

Mark, Satoshi and ‘Money 2.0’.  This shows the possibilities. See also Diamandis’ works such as ‘Abundance,’ Bold,’ The Future is Faster than you Think’. Bitcoin Pizza Day, man pays 10,000 Bitcoin for a pizza—let’s say $10. Later, Bitcoin reaches $19,00 each. Multiply, you get $190 million. Now a man gives $10,000 to a church, but does NOT get a receipt. @30% marginal tax rate, that would have been worth $3000, or 300 X $10. Now, 300 x $190 million is $57 billion. Make sure you treat people respectfully, and do your work, such as giving receipts to donors.

Luke, how does First Peter show Jubilee fulfilled (Luke 4) and that fulfillment applied?

John, what tabernacle? A subsidiary Transcendent event might be the corona virus, which is destroying old institutions, but it dwarfs in the face of the Transcendent Transcendence of rapid technological change, which increases our reach, shortens the time it takes, but DESTROYS OLD GROUPS.  We build new one through the Opera (weeks 30 through 37) and apply them in week 49, there being 12 of them.

Published now on substack, chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, Facebook, Eternal Calendar Page on Facebook, a WordPress site for Ron Paul Curriculum Entrepreneurship class (problem with domain name should be solved by next week). Facebook Notes don’t seem to work for me now. Scribd and YouTube after book is done—I get inspirations all the time in ‘tardema’/deep sleep.

Improvers will improve, Deo Volente. Book out next year. I’m in deep sleep at hum-drum work that pays me enough to work on this calling. I added Upledger’s 2001 ‘CranioSacral Therapy’ book to the 49 of BuildUp. This will help post-polio syndrome if I have it, having gained 25 years by good supplementation. I’m improving already.

‘Gospels Layer of eternal calendar’. ‘A Thousand Year Prayer’. ‘Critical Path 1000. PSOFSPEG—Productive, Oath-Formed, Small, Profitable, Enthusiastic Groups. This teaches timing as well as music of the times, so I am obtaining help of grandchildren of children, respective spouses, grandchildren and godparents to improve later. Second Foundation.



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