Monday, August 31, 2020

Week 20 Joe Namath and others cure ALZ So Can You Imperatively


Joe Namath and others cure ALZ So Can You Imperatively

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John continue on, and Anomalies.

Here’s what you need, when someone becomes befuddled/is not clothed in their right mind/is demented.

Tell ‘em what to do. (They should have told you then [before] to do it now.)

‘Without the imperative there is no future (for them)’

Call it Godparents for Eldsters (on Facebook and elsewhere).

Namath—they have MRIs showing reactivated brain cells.

Dr. Bredensen’s ‘The End of Alzheimer’s’ is good. He’s an M. D. at UCLA.

Dr. West cured his short-term memory loss with Turmeric Forte. (Health Alert).

Dr. Sears says he can do it and oes do it for $199. His copywriting is great, fulfillment not so much.

This is one of 12 small, enthusiastic groups re: Christian Sociology, 3 oath-formed institutions x 4 fronts.

PS:  If I’d known then what I know now, Mom might still be alive and well.

To get emails weekly from my substack updates, send me your email.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Week 19, also note to North re: Western Civilization


Host A 1188 2JohnSheba EphesusCoram871 August 23 AD 2020 Week 19

A Thousand Year Prayer Issachar

Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar

Opera progress written about at the end.

‘The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and Our Response’: Rosenstock

Calendars organize our times and actions. Tribal Social Order remains in community celebrations. Empires leave us with work schedules and business plans. Israel leaves us with ecclesiastical calendars, and Greece is educational calendars.

Matthew: From Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ we have 1746-1760, discovery of many elements (zinc, nickel, bismuth) but the key is Leyden jar toward electricity. From ‘100Most Important Events in Christian History’ we have John Knox and St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre, 1559 and 1572.

Mark: Business Servants, I propose Jane Jacobs’ work on cities, especially as might apply to new cities (‘Civis Zoom sum’ and seasteads, spacesteads, Akoin0 plus Buckminster Fuller himself, who asked in 1927 what a penniless, non-academic could product—it was much.

Luke:  How does 2 John show the Jubilee (Luke 4) fulfilled and that fulfillment applied?

John is about a tabernacle.  What tabernacle and tune should be ‘Issachar’ed’?  The last 7 weeks are the BuildUp.

Anomaly: From Montgomery’s ‘How do we know there is a GOD?’ Two questions: ‘Don’t all religions lead us to God and to Heaven?’ and ‘Who is the Messiah? Is he still to come?’


This is a growing work.

Christian Sociology is NOT Hall’s 10x10 (‘Silent Language’) but 3x4.

3 oath formed institutions—Church, King, Marriage.

4 fronts (Rosenstock-Huessy) in Cross of Reality : Imperative (Forward, Future), Subjective (Inward, Response), Narrative (Back), Objective (Out). These 4 result in Planetary Service, Succession in North’s THEOS of the first 5 Words in one rendering: Transcendence, Hierarchy, Ethics, Oaths and Sanctions, Succession.

ERH held that wrong fronts resulted in, respectively, Revolution (in a bad sense), Mysticism, Decadence, and War (in a bad sense).

I’ll need to find one each of the 12, as bad examples, but as items we can learn from.

In the meantime (or is it a mean time?!) I have done 12. I’ll need four questions for each for the Opera. Jordan’s ‘From Bread to Wine’ will help. So will ERH’s ’12 Tones’—modified, and Jordan’s 12 steps of Covenant, from ‘Covenant Sequence…’.

4 in Church are ‘1000 year Prayer,’ Psalms (Jordan and 117 with 150:6 using Cascione’s Hebrew Cadence—into calendar—a felicitous mis-typing got ‘celendar’/quickening), Jeremiah (Project, and 51 Bullinger prophecies into calendar), and Godparents for Eldsters. Garden/Priest/Church

4 in King/Land/Civil Magistrate: 12 Word Platform, Peace Tribe of Christian Courts, Money 2.0, and Civis Zoom Sum—various new cities.

4 in World/Prophet: Stuart STEM and Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway, Stuart Todmorden Self-Sufficiency, EMP (‘Cars’)/Grid and Amish Dude Ranch/Electrically Sensitive Retreat (‘Invisible Rainbow’), Radical Longevity and Alternative/Energy Medicine/Longevity.


4 Questions: B R SH T (House, Head, Eat, Cross).  ISNO (Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Ojbectirve) and Planetary Service, THEO and S, Land Labor Capital Management, 1st 4 of ERh’s 12, 2nd 4, 3rd 4, 1st 4 of JBJ’s 12 Covenant, 2nd 4, 3rd 4…Yes/No/Forward/Back, Future/In/Back/Out…


The 4 fronts of the new PSOFPEG social order (Productive, Small, Oath-Formed, Profitable, Enthusiastic Groups): Tribes has in, dancing greens; out, warpath; future, altar; back, totem polies. PSOFPEG have in, electronic app?;out, toward peace; back, all history; forward, postmill? Israel was back exodus, future messiah, in each beneath own vine and fig tree and none afraid, out exclusions.

What will we have when done?  See Week 18, please.

What We Will Have When Done

1--12 small, enthusiastic groups. In time of change, old groups are destroyed.

2--7-stage BuildUp, a tabernacle of time. What Israel ought to do.

3--12-facet sociology. 3 oath-formed groups, 4 fronts. 1--Church/Garden/Priest. 2. Land/King/Civil Magistrate. 3. World/Prophet/Marriage-Family.

4 Fronts. Forward and Backward in Time. In and Out in Space. (Compare Hall's 10x10 in 'The Silent Language'

5--Example of Opera. Weeks 30-37, Find 12 SEGs. ERH: Symphony of History. RJR: History is God's Theater.

6--Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar--there will be more. This is I pray helpful, not final.

7--'Second Foundation'/Improvers. Kennedy helves and cash to each of 15.

8--Matthew helps us remember.

9--Mark helps us remember Business Servants.

10--Luke. Jubilee fulfilled, and application of that fulfillment.

11--John. Toward tabernacle of time.

12--Liturgy written on year. 49 books (Jordan) 1+1+2 holiday weeks.

In addition, many new names. Coram, Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi. Sheba-7, oath, week. Days named, with YMM!!! at the end, we eat time. Numbering/nombre-ing, naming our days, in re-retuning. AND MORE.


Sent to North—

Crossed Fingers 5 Points Smartphone Before and After Western Civilization


In ‘Crossed Fingers’ you had a series of events listed that echoed the five point covenant model. That would be a good structure for Western Civilization course.

Transcendence. Start with this: God owns everything, God delegates authority, With Authority comes responsibility, Value is imputer, Mankind increases dominion.

Hierarchy. The second point would include Chalcedon, Cochrane’s Christendom solves one and Many—Greece and Rome don’t.

Ethics. Third would be Berman’s contention that scholastic work with law systems provided structure for scientific method.

Oaths and sanctions. McCloskey’s view that after @ 1750, rhetorical and financial payment of trade and innovation produced @ 2% annual growth. Ridley’s heat to power would fit in here.

Succession. Now there’s the smart phone (bandwith, ‘Civis Zoom sum,’ Gilder’s teleputer, light as particle and wave (see Chalcedon), Fuller’s ‘ephemeralization’ as chemistry and physics replace mechanics, Diamandis’ 6 Ds—Digitalization, Deception, Disruption, Demonetization, Dematerialization, Democratization, Gilder’s time pricing, etc. (Liberty and Abundance).

What will the family man in Southern Africa do with this transcendent gift?

(My grandchildrens’ grandchildren may improve ‘A Thousand Year Prayer’ app (‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar’) with something such as this.)






Sunday, August 23, 2020

Jacobs, City Growth Spurts, 'Civis Zoom sum', akoin

 Dear Rich:

Rich: Jacob, City Growth Spurts, Civis Zoom Sum, Akoin

In one of Jacobs' books, she says that city growth spurts come about because of high unemployment, caital being available, and an 'ecology- (my term) of many diverse businesses.

Is Electricity City ('Civis Zoom sum') fitting this?

Is Akoin?--It supposedly has interchangeability among various altcoins, various fiats, and cell phone minuter? ($6 billion city in Senegal)

How is this Christendom?

Love in King Jesus,  Chuck
PS: Or does Rick Santorum have part of the answer with his 'catholic' money?

Monday, August 17, 2020

Summary So Far and Week 18

 Summary So Far and Week 18

Calendars help tell us what do do and when. Rosenstock says community celebrations are from the tribal social order, business and work schedules from Empires, ecclesiastical calendars are from Israel, and education from Greece. Greece is a companion, don't let it be a social order. 

Issachar Thousand Year Prayer is Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar--the life of Christ and our response. Add it to Church Year. There will be more, John 21:25

I write it on a 49-book Bible--Jordan'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament.

At the end, I tell you what we'll have at the end.

This is Week 18, 1 John, thus:

One Page Year EphesusCoram871
1--April 12, A.D. 2020
2—April 19 Titus
3—April 26 1st Timothy
4—May 3 !st Thessalonians
5—May 10 Philemon
6—May 17 2nd Timothy
7—May 24 2nd Thess.
8—May 31 Colossians
9—June 7 Ephesians
10—June 14* 2 Cor.
11,12—June 28* Romans
12, 13—July 5 Philp.
13, 14-- July 12 Gal.
14, 15—July 19 1 Cor.
15, 16—July 26 3 John
16, 17—Aug 2 Jude
17, 18—Aug 9 1 Pet
18,19—Aug 16 1 John
19, 20—Aug 23 2 John
20, 21—Aug 30 2 Peter
21,22—Sep 6** James
22, 25—Sep 20** Rev
23, 26—Sep
27 John
24, 27—Oct 4 Mark
25, 28—Oct 11 Gr. Chron.
26, 29—Oct 18 Acts
27, 30—Oct 25 Luke
28, 31—Nov 1 Matt
29, 32—Nov 8 The 12
30, 33—Nov 15 Dan.
31, 34—Nov 22 Jer.-Lam.
32, 35—Nov 29*** Isaiah
33, 38—Dec 20*** Esth.
34, 39—Dec 27 Ezekiel
35, 40—Jan 3 A. D. 2021 Kings
36, 41—Jan 10 Eccles.
37, 42—Jan 17 Proverbs
38, 43—Jan 24 Psalms
39, 44—Jan
31 Samuel
40-42, 45-46 EAT
Feb 7
Song Job         
Ruth (this
43, 47—Feb 14 Judges
44-48—Feb 21 Deut.
45,49—Feb 28 Lev.
46, 50—Mar
7 Genesis
47, 51—Mar 14 Josh
48, 52—Mar 21 Numbers
49, 53—Mar 28 Exodus
*Between 10 and 11—Public Vindication (7s, by 12-1 ) June 21
**Between 21 and 22—September 13 (TBOTMOFA: The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, 4s by 4152637)
***Between 32 and 33—Dec 6 (Total Christ One, 8s by 8531642) and Dec 13 (Total Christ Two, 1s by 1-23)
Feb 7 This is Eliot/Anselm Time (EAT), for ‘We shall not cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time’ (paraphrase) and “God is greater than we can possibly conceive’. Something is wrong here, for I had to deduct a week from the 53, but it is a time of confusion! Grandchildren and great gc will improve, D. V.
47, 43—Feb 14 BuildUp begins. Names of days of books are 1-49, one significant event each of last 49 years. Also THEEEOS leading to 7, 10, 12 TO Do.
Easter/Resurrection/Pascha/Pesach is April 4, 2021, the first Sunday after the first full moon after to Vernal (Spring) Equinox (days=nights). That begins the new year/coram (Celebration Of [That Is The] Resurrection Anno Mundi. ‘Coram’ means ‘face’/’presence’ in Latin. PhiladelphiaCoram 871 begins. Figure backward 7 from Sunday before Easter 2022, and forward from Easter Sunday 2121 to get overlap which equals Eliot-Anselm Time. Do this before or even during the first 10 weeks.
Psalms (146 JBJ, with summaries and summaries of each book), and Jeremiah’s prophecies (51, Bullinger) will be added later. Other 7s can be placed, e. g. Beatitudes. 30-37 Opera,
Why this ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar?  See my short writing on a Church being incomplete.
Matthew starts with a physical genealogy, and ends assuming we’re going, commanded to disciple, baptize, teach. I use Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ chronology of technology, divided into 42, and ‘the 100 Most Important Events in Church History,’ divided into 42. ‘Timetable of History,’ Barzun, Creveld, Nisbet, Berman could be added. So could Jordan’s Chronology, Ussher, etc.
Mark: Bullinger says it shows servanthood, Rosenstock says it’s meant for empires, where business started. I pick one business servant to highlight each week. Proverbs 16:4: ‘the Lord has made all things for Himself, even the wicked for the day of calamity’. Thus, all are His servants.
Luke: 4: Jesus announces the fulfillment of this (Jubilee) prophecy.  How does each book of week/sheba show this and the application now?
John is a tour of the tabernacle, and GodTrinity still speaks history (his theater (RJR), the symphony of history (ERH); opera), so, what is the transcendent since @ 1980 when Fuller and ‘100’ end. This will be written during BuildUp—for now it’s T great change H destroys groups (ERH: as we gain more reach in shorter time), so Ethics of Priest in Garden (ERH’s Forward, Inward, Back, Out), King/civil magistrate in Land, Prophet in World/Society. Then the oaths for these 12 discovered in Opera, and Succession—what to do next—7 (judgment), 10 (completeness), 12 (Israel/Church). This from Cascione.
See Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ for basics. I’ve re-retuned his seven 7s, and run them backward. From 5:12 to 7:12, the Ascension is pictured, if I remember correctly—Jordan says there’s a retuning, a move from saying to singing, and with instruments. Thus retune from 8 and 9—Resurrection and Ascension. 10 and 11, Pentecost and a. d. 70 WOULD INDICATE A RE-RETUNING. Further retunings seem odd.
Ok, now we have what we should study, and that upon which we should act, for each week, each Gospel

Matthew starts with a physical genealogy, and ends with the command to disciple, a discipling genealogy. Jesus has all authority, but I start with the timeline of technology in Fuller's 'Critical Path' and the timeline of church history in 'the 100 Most Significant Events in Church History'. I've divided each into 42 (last 7 weeks are tabernacle of action. Fuller: First technical school apart from military engineering, though blood pressure and thermometer and more are there. In '100' we read of Council of Trent and Cranmer's Book of Common Prayer 1549

Now to Mark, Business (ERH, Empires) and Servants (Bullinger, thus: 1694, Bank of England granted monopoly on money, agrees to buy all 'government' debt. Proverbs 16:4?

49 Business Servants
A 7x7 gird
1 Deng
2 Moonshooters Harriman
Van Rijn
4 Gates Rockefeller
5 McDonogh
6 Dartmouth Recorders
7 Eliz. I British E. India Co.
8 Innovators Abraham McCloskey
9 Ridley
10 Lloyd’s Coffee Shop--Insurance
11 Gramsci Prov. 16:4
12 Benedict
13 Gilder Time Money
14 Knights Hospitaler
15 Jack Ma
16 North Mises Rockwell Rothbard
17 Satoshi
Money 2.0
18 1694, etc.
19 Jacobs
20 Justinian Theodora
21 Patriarchs
22 Ford
23 Debs vs. WWI
24 Reformers
Berman’s scholastics and scientific method, Laurence ‘treasures’
25 David Solomon Noah
26 Sears Bezos Hill Carnegie Walton
27 Barton’s Jesus
28 Festival Laws Ag unto City
29 Fuller Troy WWI, etc. CP
30 Abundance
31 Jeremiah Rosenstock: Past and Future Create Present
32 B. T. Washington, Oprah Madame Walker, etc.
33 Franklin H. C. Anderson
34 5 Billionaire Chinese Women
35 Energy Medicine Horowitz
36 Ellison Bloomberg Buffet
37 Michael Jordan Walt Disney
38 J J Hill
39 Ayn Rand Organized ‘Crime’
40 Jobs
41 Merrill Schwab
42 Edison Tesla Westinghouse
43 Indulgences
Sixtus Sixth Santorum
44 Perot
45 Siegel ‘Genius of Beast’
Szasz Drugs—Legal/Illegal
46 Musk
47 Toyoda
48 Barnum
49 Me, I, We, They
Luke: Take Luke 4, prophecy fulfilled. Jubilee. How does each book show it fulfilled, and the application of that fulfillment? 1 John.

John: It's a tour of the tabernacle. What tabernacle are we in, in which of the 7 steps. And what will be the BuildUp, the Transcendent, Hierarchy, Ethics x 3 (Gardern Land, World), Oaths and Sanctions, Succession--what to do when what tune on the 3x4 of Christian sociology?

There  are 2 other things. 49 ears for BuildUp. This is 1989--in what should one have invested (one's time, one's 'only capital--or money?) What was the key event? Garden, Land, World. Church, civil magistrate/'state'/king, World?

7x7 PDF Last 49 years

Finally we have anomaly, questions. I use Montgomery's short'How do we know there is a GOD?' 18 is 'One true God?' 'Religion of my own.

Finally, here's what we'll have when done.

What We Will Have When Done 
1--12 small, enthusiastic groups. In time of change, old groups are destroyed.
2--7-stage BuildUp, a tabernacle of time. What Israel ought to do.
3--12-facet sociology. 3 oath-formed groups, 4 fronts. 1--Church/Garden/Priest. 2. Land/King/Civil Magistrate. 3. World/Prophet/Marriage-Family.
4 Fronts. Forward and Backward in Time. In and Out in Space. (Compare Hall's 10x10 in 'The Silent Language'
5--Example of Opera. Weeks 30-37, Find 12 SEGs. ERH: Symphony of History. RJR: History is God's Theater.
6--Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar--there will be more. This is I pray helpful, not final.
7--'Second Foundation'/Improvers. Kennedy helves and cash to each of 15.
8--Matthew helps us remember.
9--Mark helps us remember Business Servants.
10--Luke. Jubilee fulfilled, and aplication of that fulfillment.
11--John. Toward tabernacle of time.
12--Liturgy written on year. 49 books (Jordan) 1+1+2 holiday weeks.
In addition, many new names. Coram, Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi. Sheba-7, oath, week. Days named, with YMM!!! at the end, we eat time. Numbering/nombre-ing, naming our days, in re-retuning. AND MORE.

Love in King Jesus,

Charles Howard Hartman (Facebook), etc. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

What we'll have when done with 'Issachar Thousand Year Prayer'


What'll we have when done with 'Issachar Thousand Year Prayer'?

1--12 small, enthusiastic groups. In time of change, old groups are destroyed.
2--7-stage BuildUp, a tabernacle of time. What Israel ought to do.
3--12-facet sociology. 3 oath-formed groups, 4 fronts. 1--Church/Garden/Priest. 2. Land/King/Civil Magistrate. 3. World/Prophet/Marriage-Family.
4 Fronts. Forward and Backward in Time. In and Out in Space. (Compare Hall's 10x10 in 'The Silent Language'
5--Example of Opera. Weeks 30-37, Find 12 SEGs. ERH: Symphony of History. RJR: History is God's Theater.
6--Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar--there will be more. This is I pray helpful, not final.
7--'Second Foundation'/Improvers. Kennedy helves and cash to each of 15.
8--Matthew helps us remember.
9--Mark helps us remember Business Servants.
10--Luke. Jubilee fulfilled, and aplication of that fulfillment.
11--John. Toward tabernacle of time.
12--Liturgy written on year. 49 books (Jordan) 1+1+2 holiday weeks.
In addition, many new names. Coram, Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi. Sheba-7, oath, week. Days named, with YMM!!! at the end, we eat time. Numbering/nombre-ing, naming our days, in re-retuning. AND MORE.


Now, Week 18

Monday, August 10, 2020

Week 17 Money two point zero and the 57 billion dollars


Week 17 Money 2 point zero and 57 billion

Remember that The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and our response. A Church year is essential, but incomplete. John 21:25. The Gospels layer, I pray, will be helpful, but not final.

Before I start on the usual, here are advantages of each Gospel.

Matthew: God sends us a BIG problem when we sin a little. Like a little Philistine culture, here’ being under the Philistines. Don’t like the land laws, here’s completely out of the land. Don’t want to remember history, here’s Alzheimer’s and history destruction (see Barzun). So, remembering history and its rhythms will help us remember and apply.

Mark takes the ‘Bourgeois Dignity’ (McCloskey) theory that 2% annual growth has occurred since @1750 because trade and innovation were honored rhetorically and financially and applies it to honoring business servants.

Luke asks how Jesus’ words in Luke 4 about this prophecy being fulfilled in theri ears is seen in each book, and that fulfillment applied.

God ‘opera’tes, writes theater and music—an opera—in history, using such models as 7 Day Creation, 7 steps of making the tabernacle, etc. (Mike Bull). We should do the same. The last 7 days are such. Weeks 30-37 are a 4 step (or 8) opera, to find the music of 12 ‘small, enthusiastic groups’ to play next. Garden x 4, Land x4, World x4. Put ‘em on an octave of 7 white keys and 5 black, and play a tune by striking the most important first. See chronological and theological order of The Twelve.


Now to this week, but remember, this is, I pray, a helpful word—it’s not the last word. Improvers will improve. Think Second Foundation. Grandchildren of children and spouses, grandchildren, and godparents.


Anomaly7, from Montgomery’s ‘How do we know there is a God?’ Why so few Christians, and What impact?

What of importance happened in 1987? (Later, ‘Improvers’ will enter item for Garden, Land, World). Jesus has ALL authority, not only in the Church.

Matthew: From Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ timeline of technology, 1698-1714. Newcomen engine (see Ridley ‘How Innovation Works’, Newton’s ’Optics,’ first daily newspaper in London—and many others. From “The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History’: Calvin published ‘Institutes’—1536. Pope (in West) approves Jesuits, 1540

Mark, Satoshi and ‘Money 2.0’.  This shows the possibilities. See also Diamandis’ works such as ‘Abundance,’ Bold,’ The Future is Faster than you Think’. Bitcoin Pizza Day, man pays 10,000 Bitcoin for a pizza—let’s say $10. Later, Bitcoin reaches $19,00 each. Multiply, you get $190 million. Now a man gives $10,000 to a church, but does NOT get a receipt. @30% marginal tax rate, that would have been worth $3000, or 300 X $10. Now, 300 x $190 million is $57 billion. Make sure you treat people respectfully, and do your work, such as giving receipts to donors.

Luke, how does First Peter show Jubilee fulfilled (Luke 4) and that fulfillment applied?

John, what tabernacle? A subsidiary Transcendent event might be the corona virus, which is destroying old institutions, but it dwarfs in the face of the Transcendent Transcendence of rapid technological change, which increases our reach, shortens the time it takes, but DESTROYS OLD GROUPS.  We build new one through the Opera (weeks 30 through 37) and apply them in week 49, there being 12 of them.

Published now on substack, chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, Facebook, Eternal Calendar Page on Facebook, a WordPress site for Ron Paul Curriculum Entrepreneurship class (problem with domain name should be solved by next week). Facebook Notes don’t seem to work for me now. Scribd and YouTube after book is done—I get inspirations all the time in ‘tardema’/deep sleep.

Improvers will improve, Deo Volente. Book out next year. I’m in deep sleep at hum-drum work that pays me enough to work on this calling. I added Upledger’s 2001 ‘CranioSacral Therapy’ book to the 49 of BuildUp. This will help post-polio syndrome if I have it, having gained 25 years by good supplementation. I’m improving already.

‘Gospels Layer of eternal calendar’. ‘A Thousand Year Prayer’. ‘Critical Path 1000. PSOFSPEG—Productive, Oath-Formed, Small, Profitable, Enthusiastic Groups. This teaches timing as well as music of the times, so I am obtaining help of grandchildren of children, respective spouses, grandchildren and godparents to improve later. Second Foundation.



Saturday, August 8, 2020

Hartmans and Stuart Community


 Stuart Community and ‘Hartmans’

We’ll coin a sports lingo term.

We’’ give examples.

We’ll apply this to Stuart community.

1—There’ve been Hartmans playing ball in Stuart since 1907.

There are none now.


Because basically Stuart exports food and people.

1a—Now, what’s a ‘Hartman’?

It’s not Howard going 2 for 3 vs. Bob Feller—didn’t happen in Stuart.

It’s not Greg hitting 6 consecutive homers, and being walked the 7th time—with the bases loaded. Happened in Mississippi.

It IS twin Hartmans being academic all-state.

Egregious Excellence.

It’s not Chuck stealing home in fast pitch—happened in Earlham.

Half a Hartman to Chuck because one of his 2 slow pitch no-hitters was in Stuart.

Others: Walked intentionally to start a game, 3 outs in 10 games, created sport and held world championship…

2—Stuart was small enough to fail in, without anyone noticing.

3—Stuart will soon be too big.

We’re just west of the fastest-growing county in these uSA.

Buy some land, put it in federal crop programs, wait for it to be sold for development. The farm Louise grew up on.

But what’s the fun of that?

4—Maybe Guthrie Center is small enough now for an Amish Dude Ranch and Electrical Sensitivity Retreat, and other things.

5—Maybe with 3-D printing, and the heroes’ return (article for 150th) development without being too big could happen.

Jacobs—‘import replacement’ makes cities. Hoppe—natural leaders emerge from decentralization. Cody ‘Looking Backward 2162-2012’.

Cody proposes governance at village level, much diversity. Makes sense since a car has 200+ horses in it.


7—Electricity from wind, even with EMP? Gingrich, Koppel books.

8—I continue to fail. Eternal Calendar, here and elsewhere:

Thursday, August 6, 2020


My calling is Additional Layers (Gospels Layer to start) to the Eternal Calendar.
The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and our response. (Rosenstock).
A Church Year is essential, but not complete. John 21:25–if everything Christ did were written in books, they would overflow the universe.
I write on substack ( and Facebook (Charles Howard Hartman) and at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
Weekly updates come out on Mondays, so as not to interfere. Send email to to get on weekly updates.
Description of my calling is about done. I only add that for Matthew I see genealogy at the beginning and discipling at the end,and since Christ has all authority, timelines are important. So far, I use Fuller’s timeline of technology from ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History’. More later.
For Mark I use Business Servant, for Luke, 49 books from Jordan’s work.
For Luke, the question is how is the fulfillment of Jubilee (Luke 4) shown in the book of that week, and how is that fulfillment to be applied.
For John, which is a tour of The Tabernacle (in one reading way), what tabernacle(s) is GodTrinity making now, and what one should we be making.
Two more things: Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies (Bullinger) and the 146 Psalms, with summaries of all and each ‘book’ will be added later, and more will be added later.
Note: At the end we will have performed and opera, finding 12 small, enthusiastic groups as Rosenstock-Huessy mentioned in his Dartmouth course ‘Universal History 1954’ (–recprdomgs amd tramscro[t FREE, 25 lectures).
Secondly, I write a liturgy in the year (celebration of resurrection anno mundi, coram).
OK, NOW BUSINESS. You can pay me a retainer, or a commission, but why not go to FREE things from the master marketer Jay Abraham, first.
To learn business and entrepreneurship, the course at Gary North’s Ron Paul Curriculum is great. I will become an affiliate, you should too.
More to come.