Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Short Summary of Critical Path 1000--A Prayer

Dear Diana:

You ask, why not retire and enjoy life? However, in the ‘deep sleep’ of work I’m playing for the next 100 years with ‘Critical Path 1000—A Prayer’.

SOME BACKGROUND. A PROFESSOR AT Harvard and Dartmouth, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, showed that calendars are very important. They organize our times of life.
Calendars under which we live are derived from previous social orders. Community celebrations come from tribal social order. Work schedules and business production and marketing are from empires. Israel gives us ecclesiastical calendars. Educational calendars come from Greece. (60% of Iowa’s budget is devoted to schools.)
Now, he also said that the eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our response. Thus, ‘church years’.
But John 21:25 says if boos were written telling all that Christ did, the universe could not contain them.
So, there’s more to the eternal calendar.
Little old me is working on Gospels layer. Matthew starts with a geneology, end ends with commanding discipleship. I use Buckminster Fuller’s chronology of technology in ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important Events in church history, and put them on a 49-book (53 weeks with holiday weeks) calendar. The 49 is from Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament in which the twelve minor prophets are one book, Kings is one—scroll couldn’t contain—as is Samuel, Lamentations goes with Jeremiah and Greater Chronicles includes Ezra and Nehemiah.
Bullinger says Mark is about servanthood, and Rosenstock says it is addressed t empires, which gives us business, so a business servant is each week.
In Luke, Jesus’ first utterance is the fulfillment of Jubilee by Himself. I ask for each book how it shows that, and what is to be our application.
Then Joh shows us a tour of the tabernacle, and we are to build them, and GodTrinity does in history, His symphony and theater, We have 42 weeks of chronology and that last 7 are a seven-fold work of what He’s done since @1980 when Fuller and ‘100’ leave off.
Inside I have a ‘Symphony’ which attempts for find the small, enthusiastic groups Rosenstock says are next, as new  technology expands or reach, shortens the time, and destroys old groups.
There’s more.  Each week has a short essay at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. It’s not the last word, but I pray it’s a helpful word.

Love in King Jesus,


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