Welcome home, heroes! (History glorifying suggestions at the
Where’s the money in this?
1—Joseph Campbell’s work shows that one of the great
society-organizing themes (myths) is the hero leaving home, having adventures,
and returning home, transformed to transform.
2—Where have all the Hartmans gone? Jonas organized the 1907
town team. Where have all the Hartmans gone? Howard went 2 for 3 vs. Bob
Feller. Feller won 5 games in the majors between his junior and senior years in
high school. Where have all the Hartmans gone? Chuck (The Symphonic Method,
Principia Operatica, eternal calendar layers—the life of Christ and our
response: Rosenstock--, poems, song, and more) played his best ball in slow
pitch-- 2 no-hitters, and 3 outs in 10 games in league on year. Thus a new
Abraham: Jordan. Where have all the Hartmans gone? Tom (Chuck’s curator) and
Rand were academic all-state.
3—a--Captain Stuart organized a town to serve food-growers
around the Big Mover of the day, the railroad. We could organize a town to be
self-sufficient in vegetables and fruits, and teach others to do so along the
Big Mover today, the internet. Thus, a small, enthusiastic group, productively
profitable and oath-formed, the next social order: Rosenstock. b—Jonas may have
been among those who got together on a Saturday morning and built the road to
Dexter. The Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway/Webway would be a glorification, and
it would take advantage of the billions of dollars driving right through town
yearly—especially tourists. c—Heroes Help Explicitly Reconcile Opposites , and
in necessary exigencies, could use their accumulated wisdom and experience to
found businesses, each with a local protégé. They could be run remotely,
proteges doing them in winter. Were I to have ‘won the lottery’, I’d invest.
‘The Future Is Faster than You Think’ details how this might be done, when one
reads between the lines. d—Such great ideas as Amish Dude Ranch (even though,
or perhaps because, we’re one county west of the fastest-growing county in
these uSA [sic]), today’s ‘delco’ for power grid (Koppel’s ‘Lights Out’,) etc.
could also be done. DEO VOLENTE.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: 1—Hoppe, in ‘Short History of Man’ writes
that decentralization will re-empower natural leaders in smaller communities.
2— ‘We’ would benefit from Mormons, Amish, Nigerians. 3—Remember your calling,
‘The most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to
replace’ as you pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4, and Get Ready To Help People Locally.
4—Fear not, Stuart is one county wet of fastest-growing county in US, and smart
money is buying farms, putting them in government programs, maybe, and waiting
to develop them, as was done with the farm my wife grew up on. (But where’s the
fun in that?)5—If Lagos< Nigeria will have 100 million population @ 2099,
TFIFTYT, Stuart could get to 10,000?
6—There’ll be more, for a battle plan does not survive first contact with the
enemy. 7—If your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall. Costs
and revenues? Profit/surplus encourages imitators, even without Girardean
mimesis.8—GodTrinity lovingly drags us into His future, changing us. And as we
are torn in the present between the past and the future, the in and out, our
howls become music, and we the singing song. The hero is the one between times,
the protagonist, the first sufferer, helping explicitly reconcile opposites, in
necessary exigencies. 9—Stuart Coin encrypted Money 2.0, Stem
training/employment, and more.
Love in King Jesus,
Charles Howard Hartman (Facebook), edencity@aol.com
Here’s the money. Liabilities
-> assets = The Christian Era: Rosenstock-Huessy
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