HostA333 Blink Howl Toward Psalm Tunes
We will, Lord willing, end up with improved Psalm tunes in
the future.
(For a survey of some present methods, see the Appendix.)
This has 4 parts. 1—‘Blink’. 2—Howl. 3—Reverse Cymatics. 4—An
example, a poor one.
Then we must go to the great structural art work of James B.
‘Blink’. In the book by that name, Gladwell tells
of someone who bought a statue, but thought it might be a fake. He invited 3
are experts to take a look. Each had a
different ‘blink’. One saw a glass wall descent between. Another got nauseous.
A third blurted:’ I hope you haven’t paid for thatyet!’ (These are as I
remember them, but I may be mistaken.
Howl. A Teaching
Company audio course had statement,
something such as: Jazz came from the howl of the Southern field hand in the
field. (Or wass it the blues?)
Reverse Cymatics.
Cymatics shows us that sand thinly distributed on a metal plate forms into
geometric patterns when a soun is put onto the plate. Different
sounds/frequencies, different geometric patterns. Now, Joshua P. Warren
believes that geometric shapes might induce different sounds.
(James Jordan, working with Hebrew Cadence (Cascione, ‘Repetition
in the Bible’) has produced structures for some of the Psalms.
My proposal is this:
Those with musical intuition, when viewing Jordan’s structures, may blink howl
something that could result in psalm tunes. We know that something inspires
117 with ending of Psalm at end of its section, 150:6.
Thus: (Verses put into what Hartman considers to be a more
singable form—high, low, middle explained below. Also the dashes help with
showing what is used tyo sing the words)
High Low Middle
O praise -- the Lord, -- all ye nations:
High Low Middle
praise -- him, -- all ye people.
2 For his merciful kindness is great toward -- us:
and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever.
High Middle Low
Praise – ye -- the
High Low
(Psalm 150:6 6) Let
every thing that hath breath -- praise --
the Lord.
High Middle Low
Praise – ye -- the Lord.
Explanation: There are 5 ‘praises’. There are 6 ‘praisers’—nations, peoples, us,
ye, every thing, ye There are 7 ‘Lords’—Lord,
him, his, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord.
I flipped these so that ‘Lord’ is lowest, ‘praisers’ is in
the middle, and ‘praise’ is high.
It would be best to line this out. The pastor/cantor/leader sings a line first,
and then the others sing the same line. Those
who are better will do better with more complicated Psalms.
The structures are in James B. Jordan’s computer. Some
material is on the Theopolis website.
We will, Lord willing, end up with
improved Psalm tunes in the future.
(For a survey of some present
methods, see the Appendix.)
This has 4 parts. 1—‘Blink’.
2—Howl. 3—Reverse Cymatics. 4—An example, a poor one.
Then we must go to the great
structural art work of James B. Jordan.
‘Blink’. In the book by that name, Gladwell tells of
someone who bought a statue, but thought it might be a fake. He invited 3 are
experts to take a look. Each had a
different ‘blink’. One saw a glass wall descent between. Another got nauseous.
A third blurted:’ I hope you haven’t paid for thatyet!’ (These are as I
remember them, but I may be mistaken.
Howl. A Teaching Company audio
course had statement, something such as:
Jazz came from the howl of the Southern field hand in the field. (Or wass it
the blues?)
Reverse Cymatics. Cymatics shows
us that sand thinly distributed on a metal plate forms into geometric patterns
when a soun is put onto the plate. Different sounds/frequencies, different
geometric patterns. Now, Joshua P. Warren believes that geometric shapes might
induce different sounds.
(James Jordan, working with Hebrew
Cadence (Cascione, ‘Repetition in the Bible’) has produced structures for some
of the Psalms.
My proposal is this: Those with
musical intuition, when viewing Jordan’s structures, may blink howl something
that could result in psalm tunes. We know that something inspires tunes.
EXAMPLE. Psalm 117 with ending of
Psalm at end of its section, 150:6.
Thus: (Verses put into what
Hartman considers to be a more singable form—high, low, middle explained below.
Also the dashes help with showing what is used tyo sing the words)
High Low Middle
O praise -- the Lord, -- all ye
High Low
praise -- him, -- all ye people.
Low Middle
2 For his merciful kindness is
great toward -- us:
and the truth of the Lord endureth
for ever.
High Middle
Praise – ye -- the Lord.
High Low
(Psalm 150:6 6) Let every thing that hath breath -- praise -- the Lord.
High Middle Low
Praise – ye -- the Lord.
Explanation: There are 5 ‘praises’. There are 6 ‘praisers’—nations, peoples, us,
ye, every thing, ye There are 7
‘Lords’—Lord, him, his, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord.
I flipped these so that ‘Lord’ is
lowest, ‘praisers’ is in the middle, and ‘praise’ is high.
It would be best to line this
out. The pastor/cantor/leader sings a
line first, and then the others sing the same line. Those who are better will
do better with more complicated Psalms.
The structures are in James B.
Jordan’s computer. Some material is on the Theopolis website.
[High, Low Middle is Psalm tone D
(LCMS) and also reflects Rosenstock’s view that everything important that
happened in the first 1000 years after The Resurrection happened in the Church
(Heavens Above). Hartman maintains that the scientific method is the liturgy
structure applied to The Waters Under, and that The Symphonic Method is
oneanothering one another, liturgy/service toward people made of dust/dirt, the
Earth Beneath.]
May 4, 2019 A 12th New and Better Biblically Psalmsing
I’ll list 11 or so. I’m sure there are more. Then I’ll
describe #12
1—Book of Psalms for Singing—RPCNA—sues other tunes
2—Dutch Doors—all in 8 syllable ‘translations’
3--Lutheran chant. In worship there’s editing and combining,
and are some (imprecatory) left out?
4—Lining out. Elder
sings, others repeat. More mature would be to have a book each sings too. Even
more mature would be to have them by heart, ans Rosenstock says English
gentlemen did (‘Out of Revolution).
5—Gregorian Chant, etc. Hardly the tempo of ‘War Songs of
the Prince of Peace’.
6—What did they do in medieval times, when Psalms were sung
continuously by monks all over Europe?
7—What do they do at Uri Brito’s Psalm Roars.\?
8—Someone one the internet (sic) claims that each Hebrew
letter is a note.
9—Haik-Vantoura surely has some Psalms. She and her people
claim that there were extra dots in the Masoretic text that indicated musical
notation for the whole Hebrew text.
10—Dr./ Maddox sings them in Hebrew.
11—Pick and choose some tune.
12—Here’s the new stuff.
James Jordan used to send out structures of Psalms, with repeated words,
and matching words highlighted. He indicated Hebrew Cadence (Cascione: ‘Repetition
in the Bible’ for each. This made a
picture, and was very instructive. NOW,
AND THIS IS IMPORTANT Jonathan P. warren claims that we can do reverse
cymatics. That’s one. We know that sounds can produce geometric
figures in sand (even water: Dr. Emoto (spelling?). Can geometric figures, struc tures, produce
music? Two. Maybe if we have a musical
intuitive. One of my therapist has hands
that can detect energy imbalance and flows in my body. I can’t do it. She
can. (The book to read is by Upledger:
‘Craniosacral Therapy: Touchstone for Natural healing.0 Three: Rich Bledsoe
says that many women have intuitive senses that most men don’t. Could these be
tapped? Four. At a Biblical Horizons conference, JBJ brought a composer. He
could make a song from the last 4 digits of one’s phone number—the notes. Five.
If there are 12 instances of a word in Hebrew Cadence in a Psalm, could the 7
white keys and 5 black be sprinkled on the instnaces, ,one per, to make the
beginning of a tune?
I’m sure there are more ways. I’ve found 117 plus the last
verses of 150 to be vere ‘out-lineable’ and useful. I use Psalm Tone D, which
shows high, low, middle notes for the last three of each line (I split lines).
But that’s parroting. It’s like the chapters of Exodus that relate God’s
instructions to Moses for building the Tabernacle, followed by chapters exactly
repeating that they did that. But we
have a Tabernacle of David that requires more maturity. ‘I will respond, though I must be changed’:
Our howls become music: Teaching Company on Jazz. Levitical
system, animals howl as they’re killed becomes Psalms—that’s another example.
God is our song and strength—How Shall We Then Sing Psalms?
(Excerpt from being written ‘Opus 53: Conduct,’ being an
attempt to orchestrate the next era of human history. It needs
re-simplification for group work, and an app to be downloaded by billions. This is a Toscanini effort. He was a symphony
conductor. The story goes that the visiting conductor fell ill, and when people
wondered what to do, other said ‘Let AArture (first violinist) do it. He knows
everyone’s part’.}
Can this relate to the reverse cymatics of Psalmsing #12?
How to get to good Psalms music. (See my '12th' posts.)
1--Jazz (blues?) came from the howl of th southern field
worker. (Teaching Company course).
2--In 'Blink,' Gladwell tells the story of theree reactions
(blinks, howls) of art cfcritics to a fake statue. Nausea, a glass wall, 'I
hope you haven't paid for that yet!'
3--AI art makes monkeys neurons fire differently.
4--JBJ's Psalms work places the words in an artisic form,
with Hebrew Cadence-like emphases.
5--There is intuition. See Bledsoe's 'Saul Alinsky' and
medical intuition work.
6--Mundanely, when I see a far view of a golf drive, I can
tell if it will be a slice, etc. Many can.
7--'Playing' different parts of the tabernacle as an octave
and more will work.
So, to sum up, our reactions to artistic renderings will
grow to music.
The unartistic, unexplained is nausea-causing.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Gregorian Chant is hardly a war song of the Prince of
PPS: Bullinger has some structures.
Later: Words and music must match. Steve Allen reading
lyrics, and the new Clint Eastwood praise song thing.
50 Years from now
Someone will surely be researching us, as JBJ did to get his
Civil-War era 'Selah' article, and somewhere Theopolis has the ART forms JBJ
did for his monthly donors, re:Psalms.
Find them, and use them to inspire 'howls to music' 'blinks'
toward Biblically Better Psalm music.
Love in King Jesus,
May 17 A. D. 2019 to BH:
Reverse Cymatics 1: Emphasize the Hebrew Cadence
Assign 'cadencers' to sing especially and particularly the
words repeated in a Psalm a significant number of times. This 'Hebrew Cadence'
is a way that the Psalm writer unifies and emphasizes the message.
Even a basically non-musically--intuitive such as I can see
Possibly upcoming: Tabernacle musical instrument tour
(modified Bull), and words as protuberances from hidden tabernacles.
To see something such as this in history, Barzun's 16th-17th
C. musical explosion account is good.
I'd much prefer other methods to getting this done, a
long-term project.
Does anyone have JBJ's 'to monthly contributors' Psalms
work, with the structures?
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Since the Psalms are the ur-music (from howls of
sacrificed animals), there should be much monetization, long-term—iTunes!
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