Friday, August 31, 2018

Local currencies: Africa, Korea, Earlham Iowa (1933)

Local currencies: Africa, Korea, Earlham Iowa (1933)

This is cause for optimism, if we can keep the grid up (Ted Koppel, establishment of the establishment has a book on this grid thing).

Africa uses cell phone minutes in emergencies, and other thing. Kenya will bu using local cryptocurrencies ('money 2.0') for economic development.  In 1933 Earlham, Iowa issued $100 (the city did) of trade coupons.  There was a shortage of money.

And now a province in South Korea has gone to Zug, Switzerland and learned how to replace gift certificates in 9 towns with a local encrypted currency.

Go for it! What next?  Where's the money--to whom, when--in this?

Chuck 'WWWITMIT" Hartman

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


For these times of great change
(Read the Conclusion first)]

This used to be called the COMMUNITY CURRENCIES MATRIX
© 2018 by Charles Howard Hartman
See below GREATLY PROFITABLE ways to help communities in the era of rapid change.

For periodic updates, email

Part 1 will be the matrix in which this is located.
Part 2 will be various options, existing now, or in the past, or as they might develop.
Part 3 will be the matrix of community actions.
Part 4 will be ‘what to do’.

PART 1--Matrix
A: Rosenstock said that any new technology increases our (spatial) reach, decrease the time something takes, and destroys old groups.  We are in a period of very rapid technological change.
B: The question is: WWWITMIT.  Where, When (and to) Whom Is The Money In This? I will attempt to show that this is one of the great opportunities in history. Basically, one would gain money from a % of the new currencies, from administrative fees and/or franchises, etc. Hapsburgs built towns and became Emperors. We build communities. The key is finding the Person of Peace, as in ‘Contagious Disciple Making,’ and having him and/or her run the thing locally.
C: This is in the matrix of ‘Contagious Disciple Making,’ with its Persons of Peace, and of Hoppe’s ‘Short History of Mankind’ with his natural elites/’judges of peace’. ‘Money 2.0’ may be the life energy flowing through the new social bodies of Rosenstock’s ‘small enthusiastic groups’. See ‘Conduct History’:

PART 2—Options/Examples
A: There are, and have been, and will be many types of community currencies.  Here’s Kanya, where they are being developed for economic growth and to alleviate poverty:
In Turkey and Venezuela ‘Money 2.0’ was being attempted to keep wealth in the face of currency woes.  Money 2.0 was mentioned by Altucher in his ‘Cryptocurrencies 101,’ FREE on the web here:
Then there’s ‘Hour Money’ (look it up) and John Turmel’s LETS (thousands in 55 nations) :
There are even non-territorial encrypted currencies, such as one supporting arts in New Yourk City, and others for healthcare purposes. And don’t forget Green Stamps!
Initial Coin Offerings are one of the 4 main reasons for Abundance of Capital:
And this is in the matrix of great decreases in poverty, etc. as shown in Diamandis’ ‘Abundance’ book.

PART 3—Within Matrix of Other Community Actions
What I would do in the old home town, and the new home town is to put this in a matrix of initiatives.
Todmorden UK, which wants to be self-sufficient in vegetables. Search
The Roseto Effect, told about in the beginning of Gladwell’s ‘Outliers,’ in which the health of a community was greatly enhanced by gardening, and community celebrations. Search
I’d do STEM Femme (and boys too), enhanced by all the free online courses.
The Community Currency would come in, and another such effort would be The Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway,’ which is an updating of when local communities improved highways to bring in tourists. We’d give away free things (if I ‘won the lottery’ I’d buy ‘em) and make money by other sales (back end, Jay Abraham calls this) knowing that ‘If your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall). We’d bring ‘em in, send them around, sell them on line, and get them back. In. Around. On. Back. Organized  around our community celebration.  Search
Koppel. Ted is establishment. He worries about grid cybersecurity in ‘Lights Out’. Get copies for community leaders. Buy kilowatt hours ahead, enough to pay for hardening against solar flares/EMP and cyberattacks. On this, also see the pessimistic works of Forstchen.
Now, this is odd, at best, but Judge Judy made $47 million in 2106. Creveld in ‘Rise and Decline of the State’ maintains that its decline is because of lack of secure money for retirees, and failures in justice. Sharia is already at work in areas of the West. Could the ‘shalom’ of the Bible, especially the Torah, help? Use Jordan’s ‘The Law of the Covenant’ and North’s ‘Tools of Dominion’ to start—both are free at
Apps for Hartman’s ‘The Symphony of Comprehensive History Interactive, and ‘Conduct History’ aka ‘God Wrote Books: A Jubilee Calendar/Liturgy/Lectionary’ would be good.

PART 4—What to do
A—Think ‘community’
B—Find ‘Person of Peace’ (Hoppe’s ‘judge of peace’/natural elite member)
C—Show Cash Flows
D—Start cheap. Todmorden/Roseto. STEM Femme (and boys).
E—Expand from there to Wooden Nickel (if appropriate) and Community Currency (watch Kenya, Latin America). Then Koppel (an ICO too?) and Court. Etc.
Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘both/and math//timing’ Hartman
Pella, Iowa August 19, A. D. 2018., Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook.
PS: For more, read a report to my classmates, ‘What’s Hartman Been Doing,’ and check the Pages I manage on Facebook.
PPS: In addition to newsletter advisories (‘99% of cryptocurrencies are scams’: Altucher) and exchanges, etc., something such as Underwriters Labs would be useful. See ‘Australian Bills Soon To Be Paid With 50-100 Cryptocurrencies’. I try to post updates on my Facebook Wall. For email updates, contact
PPPS: I know opposition will arise and/or we might be co-opted! I play the Girard Card here. And I know that there is some de-marketing here, but I want the enthusiasm of Rosenstock’s ‘small enthusiastic groups.
O Lord be with (Exodus 3:12)
CONCLUSION:  There are tools-- new ones and updated ones —to help society through the changes coming. In addition to the Person of Peace program above, do these 3 things: 1—Pray 1 Timothy 2:1-4, 2—Get Ready To Help People Locally, 3—Do your calling: The most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace.

Or/and Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook. You’ll get updates.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Community Currencies Matrix

COMMUNITY CURRENCIES MATRIX © 2018 by Charles Howard Hartman
Part 1 will be the matrix in which this is located.
Part 2 will be various options, existing now, or in the past, or as they might develop.
Part 3 will be the matrix of community actions.
Part 4 will be ‘what to do’.

PART 1--Matrix
A: Rosenstock said that any new technology increases our (spatial) reach, decrease the time something takes, and destroys old groups.  We are in a period of very rapid technological change.
B: The question is: WWWITMIT.  Where, When (and to) Whom Is The Money In This? I will attempt to show that this is one of the great opportunities in history. Basically, one would gain money from a % of the new currencies, from administrative fees and/or franchises, etc. Hapsburgs built towns and became Emperors. We build communities. The key is finding the Person of Peace, as in ‘Contagious Disciple Making,’ and having him and/or her run the thing locally.
C: This is in the matrix of ‘Contagious Disciple Making,’ with its Persons of Peace, and of Hoppe’s ‘Short History of Mankind’ with his natural elites.

PART 2—Options/Examples
A: There are, and have been, and will be many types of community currencies.  Here’s Kanya, where they are being developed for economic growth and to alleviate poverty:
In Turkey and Venezuela ‘Money 2.0’ was being attempted to keep wealth in the face of currency woes.  Money 2.0 was mentioned by Altucher in his ‘Cryptocurrencies 101,’ FREE on the web here:
Then there’s ‘Hour Money’ (look it up) and John Turmel’s LETS (thousands in 55 nations) :
There are even non-territorial encrypted currencies, such as one supporting arts in New Yourk City, and others for healthcare purposes.
Initial Coin Offerings are one of the 4 main reasons for Abundance of Capital:
And this is in the matrix of great decreases in poverty, etc. as shown in Diamandis’ ‘Abundance’ book.

PART 3—Within Matrix of Other Community Actions
What I would do in the old home town, and the new home town is to put this in a matrix of initiatives.
Todmorden UK, which wants to be self-sufficient in vegetables. Search
The Roseto Effect, told about in the beginning of Gladwell’s ‘Outliers,’ in which the health of a community was greatly enhanced by gardening, and community celebrations. Search
I’d do STEM Femme (and boys too), enhanced by all the free online courses.
The Community Currency would come in, and another such effort would be The Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway,’ which is an updating of when local communities improved highways to bring in tourists. We’d give away free things (if I ‘won the lottery’ I’d buy ‘em) and make money by other sales (back end, Jay Abraham calls this) knowing that ‘If your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall). We’d bring ‘em min, send them around, sell them on line, and get them back. In. Around. On. Back. Organized  around our community celebration.  Search
Koppel. Ted is establishment. He worries about grid cybersecurity in ‘Lights Out’. Get copies for community leaders. Buy kilowatt hours ahead, enough to pay for hardening against solar flares/EMP and cyberattacks. On this, also see the pessimistic works of Forstchen.
Now, this is odd, at best, but Judge Judy made $47 million in 2106. Creveld in ‘Rise and Decline of the State’ maintains that its decline is because of lack of secure money for retirees, and failures in justice. Sharia is already at work in areas of the West. Could the ‘shalom’ of the Bible, especially the Torah, help? Use Jordan’s ‘The Law of the Covenant’ and North’s ‘Tools of Dominion’ to start—both are free at
Apps for Hartman’s ‘The Symphony of Comprehensive History Interactive, and ‘Conduct History’ aka ‘God Wrote Books: A Jubilee Calendar/Liturgy/Lectionary’ would be good.

PART 4—What to do
A—Think ‘community’
B—Find ‘Person of Peace’
C—Show Cash Flows
D—Start cheap. Todmorden/Roseto. STEM Femme (and boys).
E—Expand from there to Wooden Nickel (if appropriate) and Community Currency (watch Kenya, Latin America). Then Koppel (an ICO too?) and Court. Etc.
Pella, Iowa August 19, A. D. 2018., Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook For more, read a report to my classmates, ‘What’s Hartman Been Doing,’ anc check the Pages I manage on Facebook.
O Lord be with (Exodus 3:12)

Monday, August 13, 2018

Twelve Word Platform

Twelve Word Platform. 'Norman Thomas. Universities to professors. Local schools to local teachers. Direct Appropriation.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

What is 'Direct Appropriation'?

Why not pass out 'ballots' for Direct Appropriation' that list the total of 'state' expenditures, divided by the population, giving, in Iowa $7 billion divided by 3 million or $2333 each. Then total what is spent on various things (1% minimum) and ask people how they'd like it spent, or returned to them? Send these ballots to 'representatives. D Frank Robinson In 1974 this was called the 'Hartman Space Age Ballot' It shows the obsolete nature of 'government,' in these days of kickstarter and gofundme, etc. Not to mention Initial Coin Offerings.

Gilder, Crypto, Gold Standard, Imperative

Gilder, Crypto, Gold Standard, Imperative

As the valedictorian* of one of my high school classes said, 'He reads a lot'.

So, Gilder's 'Life after Google: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy' has this wise reporting @ page 266: '  Since 'stablecoins' will ultimately dominate the currency space as measuring sticks...The first ICO on the Ethereum blockchain...a coin base on gold bullion... Several currencies based on gold...formidalle...G-Coin from Emergent Technologies...serial entrepreneur Brent de Jong...sees G \-Coin as offering a path to a new gold standard...250 engineers...offices in seventy countries...G-Coin ...a Western version of the Chinese DigixDAO...'

Gilder concludes this section on page 267:  'The final test is whether the new regime serves the human mind and consciousness. The measure of all artificial intelligence is the human mind. It is low-power, distributed globally, low-latency in proximity to its environment, inexorably bounded in time and space, and creative in the image of its creator.'

CHH would refer the reader to 'both/and' mathematics, and to 'non-zero and one' reality. 7s vs. I Ching, e. g. Note: 'A lodging of Wayfaring mMen' is based on a verse from Jeremiah.

Also, the imperative. This reminds me of a short story, ' The Man Who Stole the Moon'. He got tired of NASA's slow bureaucracy, went home to Cleveland, made his bones, and the mob eventually built a 'Las Vegas' on the moon, helped by an Islamic decree that sins on the moon didn't count.

Also, there's Rosenstock's saying  'Keep the church open, because someday a Christian may walk in'.

Imperative: Get a teen with eyes in smartphone and get them toward the above and the below, which I wrote th the Taaki mentioned in the article, who reminds me a little of Loyola:.

Hello!  Taaki might develop apps for 'the art form of the next era' and/or 'God Wrote Books JubileeCalendar/Liturgy/Lectionary to make '$10,000 or $20,000'. Alternatively, I have that amount.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'witmit' Hartman
* First person to get a Ph.D. in nursing.
PS: WITMIT: Where Is The Money In This

Monday, August 6, 2018

Has The Spirit fled the abomination?

The Spirit of Exnihilation has fled. Abomination has caused desolation. FED toward 'Money 2.0'/encrypted currencies?
A friend asked what this was supposed to mean. Thanks! I wroth this: 'Everyone complains about thes uSA Robert Watkins. If she is an abomination, she will be left desolate, the Spirit will flee. This is in the Bible. Now, it appears that someone else (cryptocurrencies) is making currency from nothing, or 'exninilating'. Does that make sense?'
As long as we keep ‘Let’s make a deal!’ the Spirit won’t flee? Stiglitz says American innovation and Chinese urbanization are the keys to the 21st C. Someone said that blockchain was the 2nd greatest invention of the 21st C. .

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Chinese Urbanization and Christendom

In Jenkins' works ('New Faces of Christianity, 'Next Christendom') somewhere he tells the story of the Africen villagers moving into the city, and seeking the community that is like that which they left.  They find it in the church.

Africa was 10% Christian in 1900, it's over 46% now. Happening at the same time may not be causation, but...

2.Stiglitz (won Nobel Prize) says that the 2 keys to the 21st C. are Chinese urbanization and American innovation.

Here's how China has urbanized.  It an amazing visual of the Pearl River Delta. It has local areas as big as Western cities. 

3. There are other ways of forming communities, and destroying them (Jane Jacobs) but a wise planner would take these 'facts' (done things, think 'factory) into account, and ordinary folks would Prais the Lord Providence, and carry on with respective callings.


Two ways to think realistically

Two thoughts on thinking with reality, thinking Biblically.

If the order of sacrifices in Leviticus, the words of institution, and the creation sequence are similar enough, then we can see that after the liturgy was oriented toward the Heavens Above, this same sequence oriented toward the Waters Under eventuated in a scientific method, and now we are into the Earth Beneath--people, made of dust--who service/liturgise one another one anothering. I've written this as 'the art form of the next era'. Live with it.

God Wrote Books. Act on it. If we can find that the 'Old Testament' can be 22 books--The Twelve is one, Jeremiah and Lamentations are one, Kings is one, Samuel is one, and Greater  Chronicles include Ezra and Nehemiah, then we have a 49 book Bible, a Jubilee--Luke 4--which can be a parallel lectionary, one book per week during the year, especially if one put basic elements of worship service in as 'holidays'--when the whole people celebrate on thing together at the same time. Search 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament'. This becomes a Jubilee Calendar, Participate in the Eternal Calendar. God Wrote Books. Live with it.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Akoin and $1,000,000

'Although most finds a concept of cryptocurrencies difficult for understanding, still it attracts masses like everything else unknown. However, everyone familiar with cryptos can define the launch of new coins as somewhat alike fundraising process. Thus, by purchasing a digital coin buyers automatically turn into investors who contribute to the underlying project. Hence, to issue a crypto you at least should have a mission for sharing.'

100,000,000 'polys' @ 1 cent each would get $1,000,000.
I'd buy 50,000 for $500.