Lots of slavery
The worst is slavery to sin, of course. 'V' (sic) And Eric Robinson's short critique of Philemon (7th iteration of Joshua, per JBJ) hits the spot.
McMafia-- 20% of world economic product is organized crime.
Life, Inc.--car companies got taxpayers to pay for roads for their product.
The Money and the Power--we live in a casino, Las Vegas-ized
A Crime So Monstrous--slavery today (Remember the Barbary Pirates, impression of sailors, War of 1812)
'V' (sic) And this: https://smile.amazon.com/They-Were-White-Slaves-Enslavement/dp/0929903056/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1524159409&sr=8-1&keywords=they+were+white+and+they+were+slaves
Should reparations be paid to the Irish?
We need to find our own 'interstitium' organ, socially. (It's a new organ 'scientists' have discovered. Ours is to work in the 'spaces between' which are there, per Goedel's 'Incompleteness Theorem' which says that any axiomatic system is incomplete, has well-formed formulas that can't be derived from the axioms. I memorized this when I wore a younger man's clothes.
What to do? Start by giving congregants Hebrew and Greek renderings of lectionary readings, or texts if you do 'lecto continua' (?), with Strong's numbers and transliteration. You'll find many more meanings than 'splagchnistomai' (gutted) for 'felt compassion in the Prodigal Son's father's reaction when he saw him afar off. Lead the way, liturgically. It could also be a service for which many would pay.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie 'Deal Maker' Hartman
PS: Jay Abraham finds these interstitia all the time. 50 Shades of Jay. Abraham 101.
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