Sunday, March 25, 2018

Jeremiah Time

We’re in ‘Jeremiah Time’ (JBJ). Thus, one of Jeremiah’s prophecies per week could give us a better understanding of ‘the times,’ sons of Issachar. 1—Put Jeremiah’s 49 (oops, 51! OK, the last 3 together at week 49?) prophecies into each of the 49.
Jeremiah’s 49 prophecies, per Bullinger. (For good explanation of Jeremiah, see Dorsey’s ‘Literary Structure of the Old Testament’
1.       1:4, 2: 1:11, 3. 1:12, 4: 2:1, 5. 3:6, 6. 7:1, 7. 11:1, 8. 13:3, 9. 13:8, 10. 14:1, 11. 16:1, 12. 18:1,
2.       13. 18:3, 14. 21:1, 15. 24:4, 16. 25:1, 17. 26:1, 18. 27:1, 19. 28:12, 20. 30:1, 21. 32:1,  22. 32:6,
3.       23. 32:26, 24. 33:1, 25. 33:19, 26. 33:23, 27. 34:1, 28. 34:8,  29. 34:12, 30.34:1 (ERROR HERE, CHECK IT OUT—could be 35:1?), 31. 35:12, 32. 36:1, 33. 36:27, 34. 37:6, 35. 39:15, 36. 40:1,
4.       37. 42:7, 38. 43:8, 39. 44:1, 40. 45:1, 41. 46:1, 42. 46:13, 43. 47:1, 44. 48:1+, 45. 49:1+,
5.       46. 49:7+, 47. 49:23+, 48. 49:28, 49. 49:34, 50. 50:1, 51. 51:59 (these last 3 should all be read at week 49, EXODUS)
6.       + (Bullinger writes) The Fig. Ellipsis (Ap.6) should be repeated in each of these passages, from 47.1 [“The word of Jehovah to Jeremiah the prophet] against”, &c.

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