Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Imperative Stem for 3 John

Imperative Stem for 3 John

Dear Gentle Ones:

Imperative stem for 3 John.  Background. JBJ's 49-book Bible, makes a jubilee of new speech, persons, institutions, when we take the imperative stem of each book, and develop this imperative stem into other verb forms, as ERH writes in 'Magna Carta Latina' that all Latin verb froms are thus developed.

Thus we pray (thinking is thanking) for/that the next era be Christian, for ERH has written that the next era is small enthusiastic groups (tribe-like?) without the constant warpath of the tribe, as the Church was Israel without exclusion, and the antion-state was empires without slavery.

For true speech, make them oath formed, and add profitable in there--however that's defined, currency-wise.

Now 3 John is VERY short.  Maybe that's the pont (sic, 'bridge' in French).

Samuel took 2 scrolls, so did Kings.

But we have examples of small things being large. The comma, non-capital Hebrw\ew, Hebrew vowel points, the decimal, the zero. Fuller, in 'Critical Path,' points us to physics and chemistry compared to mechanics. Diamandis in 'Abundance' points/ponts us to the demonetization of things, such as the tremendously decreased cost of features on cell phones.

Responeo etsi mutabor.  I swill/must respond though I will/must be cvhanged.  And Sturgeon has a grat short story on the strongerness/strangeness of the place without paper on a sheet being stronger than the place with paper. And homeopathy, and the tremendous ability of a small aspirin to cure a large headache.



Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '49' Hartman

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