Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Published on Google Sites--through Public Vindication

Proposed Readings For Proposed Holiday PUBLIC VINDICATION

Find and do (pray for) the most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace--this week for me it's the readings for a holiday (holidays change cultures) remembering and applying the destruction of the Temple (in/) Jerusalem in A. D. 70. Something about The Fall and the 4000 years until The Rise. Secondly, 480 years after Conquest until Tabernacle, Solomon's Temple @ Anno Mundi 3000, 70 years of Exile (Axial Age too) because of 490 years of no Sabbath to the Land. Thirdly, from rebuilding wall (City of David => Temple) and Temple, and INRI being responded to with 'Credo ut intelligam,' and then 'Cogito ergo sum,' and Rosenstock's 'Respondeo etsi mutabor'--I respond though I will be changed. Latin, of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, was the language of governing on the Cross, you see. Fourthly, The Ascension, pictured in Rev. 5:12-7:12, the big thing, per James B. Jordan's commentary being the 'retuning of the universe' by circl of fifths-like, in the order the attributes of Jesus are listed, similar to how we got our days of the week, and now that we are seated with Jesus in Heaven (Ephesians 2:6) we breathe life (and waters come from our belllies, the Holy Spirit in us) as God breathed into Adam, thus a chiasm.
Well, that's put out for improvement.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie '49 peace corps pirates' Hartman Charles Howard Hartman
PS: The German speaking LCMS remember A. D. 70 at about this time of the year, using readings from Josephus. We can do better.

KOLCoram862 Through Public Vindication

HostA736A KolCoram862 cuz Word fouled up
HostA736 KOLCoram862 Oath Forming Mobys Schedule 2017 2018
April 23, also posted at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, and Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman
This is my plan being filled.
abofseg is Jubilee applied, as Jordan's 49-book Bible literarily conceived ('Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament' at Biblical Horizons) is Jubilee Inscripturate, and Jesus is Jubilee Incarnate (Luke 4 hearkens to Isaiash 61, which hearkens to Leviticus 25, Jubilee--'fulfilled in your ears').
sbofseg = applied by oath-formed small, enthusiastic groups. For 'seg' see Rosenstock's Universal History 1954, free online at ERH Fund. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
April 12, A. D. 2017—One Kindle ebook per week ( plus one per holiweek and one total = 53). Second, Psalms later, and Jeremiah prophecies (Bullinger) as additional layers.
Toward True Speech, A Calendar Heurasm
‘We will lose the ability to speak in America’: Rosenstock Dartmouth class lecture.
By ‘true speech’ he meant words behind which one puts one’s life.
Therefore: Toward True Speech, words behind which you put your life: oaths
In this schedule for A. D. 2017-2018, Easter/Resurrection to Resurrection, I ‘write’ the 49-book Bible, literarily conceived, of James Jordan’s essay ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ at Biblical Horizons, onto the Resurrection/Easter to Resurrection/Easter year as a liturgy, with mountains in time for equivalents of Confession and Absolution, Readings and Sermon, and Bread and Wine.
Each book is studied for a week, with the goal of finding something that can be formed by oath.
When we have 49 such derivative oath formed institutions, or types of speech, or types of persons, or types of planetary service we will be more on our way to a fully-realized Christendom.  Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution’ shows the Truce of God in medieval times as formed by mutual oath, and cities in @ 12th C. as derived from such mutual oath-making.
(I take the books backward, and retuned from 1234567 through 4152637 to (8)7531642, which latter, using the churches in Revelation, I also use to name the years, or Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi—CORAM, Latin for ‘face, presence’. There’s more to this, for this is derived from the 3rd part of my 5-part sequence, ‘narrative’ as Rosenstock calls it, House Of Singing Times, a calendar of peace that has many other features. I also use various ‘fives’ in my ‘A Next Era Prayer’/The Symphony Of CHI—Comprehensive History Interactive.)
Let’s get to it. This is K.O.LCORAM862, the first year of the 862nd set of 7 years since Creation in this task-specific calendar. See my other essays for the justification of this, but surely we live in many calendars, ways of organizing time for good uses—academic, ecclesiastical, work and business, community… . And GOD WROTE BOOKS.
After Eliot Anselm Time (EAT) made us stay on Ruth for 3 weeks (shebas: 7, ,oath) to get the final 7 weeks to match us so that at the end of them, we come to Resurrection/Easter, we finish SmyrnaCORAM861. (Added: For EAT—an ‘In Jointing’ Time Device, so we won’t act when ‘Time is out of joint’?)
43—Judges—Perhaps ChristianCourts 3.0?
44—Deuteronomy—Perhaps, per Dorsey, something new, as Deuteronomy took care of Jacob’s family troubles? March 20, A. D. 2017—Christian Court 3.0?
45—Leviticus—The work of Theopolis Institute comes to mind. Liturgical.
46—Genesis—How speech makes new times. North’s view that McCloskey’s ‘Bourgeois Dignity’ and its recounting that great economic benefits accrued after trading and innovation began to be honored by rhetoric and money @1750 in North Europe, and my view that his recounting that his definition of calling is now only possible in that new prosperity sphere is worth noting. ‘The most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace’ 2 hours a day. March 20, A. D. 2017—No, the Stuart Local Foods Feed Local People group, see 2018 notes below.

SEE A. D. 2018 FOR WHAT WE’RE DOING IN A. D. 2017 Mar 20, 2017

47—Joshua—Axial Age Calendar for incorporation of those raised up during Israel’s Exile, as Sunday-Monday reflects Rev. 5:12-7:12 retuning? AlreadyDia, JesusAllTimesDia, LaoTseDia,
AbrahamDia, BuddhaDia, GreekThinking+HistoryAsGod’sTheaterDia, NotYetDia. (I’v also written about this elsewhere) Also see Adelaja ‘Church Shift’—calling as one’s Promised Land. April 10, try one—Sandy.
48—Numbers—The whole ERH ISNOSP, Jordan LLEFNT, as outlined in the latest ‘Symphony’ comment on Google Sites. Mar 20, 2017—network as 4th/5th generation warfare
49—Exodus—Something about transitions. No, with whole ISNOP is here, not Numbers. April 10, try ChristianCourts 3.0, with 3 BH churches, @ $500?

1-- 2017 April 16—Hebrews (possible oath-forming Moby: Don’t reject ‘Abundance’ by
Diamandis.  This is the first of K.O.L.CORAM 862 ‘From 40 years average life span @ 1900 to @ 80 @ 2000, and this for Hebrews, April 10.

Yikes, how do I avoid the blue underline?  Written April 17. The poetry of ‘Hebrews: Don’t fail to enter the new heavens and earth, and the echo of ‘Don’t fail to enter the new longevity’. People Unlimited: @ 1900 lifespan 40, @ 2000, lifespan 80. (Yes, in USA? And fewer childhood deaths—what lifespan after 20) Biology 4x as much as Moore’s Law.  Lenin: Communism is Soviet power plus electricity. Now, X is Y plus biological knowledge. But in Bledsoe’s Alinsky book, someone said no need for Christianity now that there’s electricity.  And we Christians ARE the original transhumanists, ‘a body like His,’ and Isaiah 65:20.  What small, enthusiastic, oath-formed group?

To BH, and chhc, and Facebook Notes: Poetry for HebrewsSheba: What small, enthusiastic, oath-formed group true speaking?
Reposted May 8, AD 2017, Facebook: Charles Howard Hartman
May 8, 2012 ·
I've been thinking that we have a class of 'problems' caused by our ability, now that we are affluent, to do 'new' things, that we haven't thought through. Mass schooling is one. Strange sexual relationships is another (the Pill). Good-tasting but un-nutritious food is another. What else? This could be a type of how things might be near the end. It's also Deut. 8--we think we have done these things, and don't remember that God sends things to mature us
Written April 17. The poetry of ‘Hebrews: Don’t fail to enter the new heavens and earth, and the echo of ‘Don’t fail to enter the new longevity’. People Unlimited: @ 1900 lifespan 40, @ 2000, lifespan 80. (Yes, in USA? And fewer childhood deaths—what lifespan after 20) Biology 4x as much as Moore’s Law.  Lenin: Communism is Soviet power plus electricity. Now, X is Y plus biological knowledge. But in Bledsoe’s Alinsky book, someone said no need for Christianity now that there’s electricity.  And we Christians ARE the original transhumanists, ‘a body like His,’ and Isaiah 65:20.  What small, enthusiastic, oath-formed group? True speaking
April 20, 2017—Bring the Jubilee!  This is 4, and better than Jubilee as 3rd world debt forgiveness (which latter we have because we haven’t done this 4 before. 1—Lev 25, 2—Is 61, 3—Luke 4. 4—After ERH small enthusiastic groups/true speech (vow), and JBJ’s 49-book Bible. Book = year.

2—April 23—Titus Preliminary April 20.  Reproving/rebuking. Unto Godparents for Society after Buckminster Fuller’s statement that you must make a new structure (Einstein said something similar: ‘Can’t solve in same’). Top 10 rebukings, etc. April 24: Titus was written to a pastor, and pastors are already in an oath-formed group, so maybe the priesthood of all believers could help.  Also, what are good works, how to be an example (‘Dismissing Jesus’—engaging all the questions, in-out-forward-back). The key is the renewing of the oaths forming present groups, as technology destroys them (as in liturgy, torn and cut up to be put back together transformed for battle?!). Yes!  Which ones, how, when? Look at the rest of these abofsegs. Titusians?
JBJordan has said that this, or is it ‘White Man’s Burden’ is the pastor’s task.
Lest we forget, recessional by RUDYARD KIPLING 1897

God of our fathers, known of old,
Lord of our far-flung battle-line,
Beneath whose awful Hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!

The tumult and the shouting dies;
The Captains and the Kings depart:
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!

Far-called, our navies melt away;
On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!

If, drunk with sight of power, we loose
Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe,
Such boastings as the Gentiles use,
Or lesser breeds without the Law—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!

For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard,
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And guarding, calls not Thee to guard,
For frantic boast and foolish word—
Thy mercy on Thy People, Lord!
Titus Applied By Oath-Formed Small, Enthusiastic Group?
April 25, 2017 to BH Yahoo Group (Biblical Horizons)
Dear Gentle Ones:

Titus abofseg Applied By Oath-Formed Small, Enthusiastic Group

I've posted what I have so far on Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman and at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor

Highlights: Exhort to good works, rebuke/reprove. example--take these to society as godparents for institutions

3rd world expansion is by 'go' rather than 'chess'--see 'Protracted Game' (1968 for Mao's strategy, and now Sam Walton's, though Amazon has something even more.


Also, I'm claiming that JBJordan's 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament' andits 49-book Bible is a Jubilee Inscripturate, as Jesus 9'fulfilled in your ears' Luke 4) hearkens back to Is. 61, and Lev. 25, Jubilee Incarnate. So, an abofseg for eachof the 49 is a good following work. You are exhorted.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '49 +' Hartman
2—April 23—Titus Preliminary April 20. Reproving/rebuking. Unto Godparents for Society after Buckminster Fuller’s statement that you must make a new structure (Einstein said something similar: ‘Can’t solve in same’). Top 10 rebukings, etc. April 24: Titus was written to a pastor, and pastors are already in an oath-formed group, so maybe the priesthood of all believers could help. Also, what are good works, how to be an example (‘Dismissing Jesus’—engaging all the questions, in-out-forward-back). The key is the renewing of the oaths forming present groups, as technology destroys them (as in liturgy, torn and cut up to be put back together transformed for battle?!). Yes! Which ones, how, when? Look at the rest of these abofsegs. Titusians?
JBJordan has said--wait, it’s ‘White Man’s Burden’--is the pastor’s task
Lest we forget, recessional by RUDYARD KIPLING 1897
God of our fathers, known of old,
Lord of our far-flung battle-line,
Beneath whose awful Hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
The tumult and the shouting dies;
The Captains and the Kings depart:
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
Far-called, our navies melt away;
On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
If, drunk with sight of power, we loose
Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe,
Such boastings as the Gentiles use,
Or lesser breeds without the Law—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard,
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And guarding, calls not Thee to guard,
For frantic boast and foolish word—
Thy mercy on Thy People, Lord!
HostA782 Titus Second Attempt April 25
Also @ KolCoram862
How better exhort to good works, be an example, rebuke? (See Jones’ ‘Dismissing Jesus for some)
Also, raise these from church to societal institutions, as ‘Godparents for Society’
Note, Adelaja worked with ‘poor’ first, and when ‘rich’ saw results for their relatives, they ‘joined’
Consider 3rd world without paid pastors or buildings, a ‘Protracted Game’ (1968) ‘go’ strategy, vs. chess—and Mao and Walmart have done it too. Now Amazon is the key, and brick and mortar retail is disappearing, or trying to adapt. See ‘Jesus in Beijing’ also
3—April 30--1 Timothy (2:1-4 deserves a look).  I search first for an imperative for the whole book.
April 29 #2—Has it all been said, but not done?  That is, is what we say now only selection (no more revelation, only selection—and timing: These 2 are what gets things done, true speech that puts fleshon words)?
#1 of April 29: 1--Pray for peace--1 Timothy 2: 1-4 (Consider the state of being an author, a speaker of new=authority)
2--'Get Ready To Help People Locally'
3--Do 'the most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace'.

HostA802 May 5 A Year Since My Stroke
1—Actually, my right eye occlusion was a ‘stroke-like event’.
2—I’m tired all the time.
3—I didn’t miss any paychecks.
4—The liability has been turned into an asset, because I concentrated on the most important thing I could do at which I’d be most difficult to replace: True Jubilee Speech, the abofmseg. Take one of Jordan’s 49 books per week. Form a small, enthusiastic group by oath in response to a significant/singificant (worthy of song—glorified speech) from it.  Put your life behind these words, that’s Rosenstock’s definition. Thus Leviticus 25 to Isaiah 61 to Luke 4 (fulfilled in your ears), and this response. I don’t put the Psalms (twice, one per day) in House Of Singing  Times calendar, nor do I go forward, only backward, retuned.  Thus, we’ve had Hebrews (I picked out the ‘new’ into which to enter is to be longevity, based on People Unlimited’s observation that the average life span in 1900 (USA?) was 40, and in 2000 was 80, and the observation that biological knowledge was increasing 4x Moores’ Law [cost of computing halved every 18 months since 1890], and I considered to lives of the patriarch’s and Isaiah 65:20) and, though there’s no abofseg yet, the outline is there.
What for Titus? Exponentize the admonition to exhort to good works, reproofing, and being an example to being Godparents For Society.
1 Timothy is shaping up to be something about being an author, authority. 742 digital currencies is a start, and Rosenstock’s observation that any new technology—and we’re in the midst!—increases reach, decreases time, and destroys old groups. An abofseg forms a new group.
The closest to an abofseg has been the effort.
5—I’d run some, but there’s a better way, PACE exercise.
6—I find that disrupting my routine discombobulates me. Where are my supplements? I live here. Supplements and alternative medicine practitioners have kept me going, with on pharmaceutical.
7—These should have been arranged in TheSevenDays (sic).
8—In other words, I ain’t dead yet. Rosenstock is at the lecture Universal History 1954 from Eugen Rosenstock Huesy Fund, Jordan is at Biblical Horizons ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’.  My stuff is at Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman or chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. I need a successor, but son Tom will curate.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘49’ Hartman
PS: My other work is very valuable, but the timing isn’t right. ‘It’s all been said, but it all hasn’t been done—the latter requires timing and selection and ‘et mohar’/marketing.

Reminds me of the recounting of the building of the road from Stuart to Dexter.
'Both roads were privately sponsored, sinnce there were no state or federal appropriations for highways at the time.'
From 'The Jefferson Highway...' by Lyell D. Henry, Jr.
A finalist for a 'Shambaugh' award.
Writing of 1913 (Highway 30), and 1916 (now U.S. 65/69)
This was in the Des Moines Register, Wednesday May 3, 2017.
May 6 A D 2017
Now exponential, 5th generation warfare, one could say a new dimension. Some devolve, some advolve--and as God moved from Jerusalem, to Antioch, Constantinople, Rome, Northern Europe, these uSA, the Global South, and world-wide, so do people who forsake Him, become God-forsaken. Old groups are being destroyed by technology, new groups are formed by oath, as cities downstream from the Truce of God @ 12th C. (the cities).  That's why I'm doing an Application By Oath Formed Small Enthusiastic Groups (abofseg) for each book of a literarily conceived 49, after the wisdom here, in which ERH says that as Israel without exclusion became the church, and empires without slavery became nation states, so the next 1000 years--however long they are, are for tribes without perpetual warpath, that is, small enthusiastic groups.  Search 'feed locally stuart communty' for one, on Facebook and website. ERH:
Also: I like the word advolve.  Change TOWARD, not FROM. Keeps Aristotle’s final cause, and teleology.
May 6/7 North’s ‘Christian Economics: Student Edition’
Charles Howard Hartman
11 hrs ·
The quest for responsibility should be primary. See 'abofseg'
'The biblical system of cause and effect offers covenant keepers many benefits for taking on added responsibility. But the quest for responsibility should be primary. The quest for benefits should be secondary. The added benefits make it possible to fulfill the added responsibility and add even more responsibility. This view of responsibility reverses the common view of responsibility as a liability to be avoided if possible.'
4—May 7—1 Thessalonians (What do you think could be an oath-formed something from the imperative key to 1 Thessalonians?)
May 7--Needlongwisdom on BH asked has anyone made a new lectionary—more Bible, etc.  I replied:
There's something to be said for ADDITIONALLY studying a book a week,, per JBJ's 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament'. I'm doing it backward, Resurrection (Easter) to Resurrection, and, Lord willing, engendering tru speech (lives put behind words--oaths) for each one.  I call it Applied By Oath Formed Small Enthusiastic Groups, the latter from ERH's 1954 Univesal History lectures, free on line.
May 7 Create an oath-formed forming rutual from each book of JBJ's 49, thus: Lev.25 ->  Is. 61 ->  Luke 4 -> abofseg, as each book is aplied by oath formed small enthusiastic groups. Watch me on BH.

Uriesou Brito
9 hrs ·
There is no magic. Life is about rituals. Therefore, we need to build rituals. We need to establish rituals that change not only who we are, but who we wish to be. Christian formation is grounded in rituals: intentional and achievable patterns. These patterns need to provide a sustainable rhythm day after day. What rhythms have strengthened your spiritual walk?
This week is 1 Thessalonians.

For Hebrews, the new echo is Abundance. For Titus, unto Godparents for Society, not just to the church with exhorting to good works, being an example and reproof.

or 1 Timothy, exploration of being an author, authority.

Next year we'll have segs, of.

The best so far was before this CORAM--celebration of resurrection anno mundi, Also see Facebook Page of same name.

Love in King Jesus, 

Charlie '49' Hartman
PS: Lev. 25 (Jubilee) -> Isaiah 61 -> Luke 4 -> abofseg.
May 9 to BH re ‘new lectionary’
If 'death wish is the daughter of guilt' (John D. McDonald (sp?) channeling RJR from 'Politics of Guilt and Pity' in McDonald's 'Slam the Big Door', then one key thing, societally, is forgiveness of sins, thus, Confession and Absolution, a pastor ending a homily with 'Your sins are forgiven,' and 'This is my blood, shed for forgiveness of sins.  That's 3 witnesses.

If we're designing liturgies.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '40 peace corps' Hartman
PS: Since
rosenstock was influential in the Peace Corps and since he said true speech was going away, an oath formed small enthusiastic groups should attempe to explicitly reconcile opposites (Trinity, hypostatic union, wave/particle, etc.).
Peace corps for 1 Thessalonians could be ‘timing’/commanded to wait (see Eden, ‘delay always, etc) and chastity / Unwin
May 13: And now...49 imperative stems heading toward peace corps' and jubilation. Lev. 25, Is. 61,  Luke 4, each of 49 books (Jordan's 'Rethinking...' here: applied by abofseg--applied by oath formed small enthusiastic groups, organizing  the next 1000 years, however ling that is as tribes without perpetual warpath, as the nation-state is empires without slavery, and the Church   is Israel without exclusions, per Rosenstock (and much added) best explained in these Dartmouth lectures: ERH in ‘Magna Carta Latina’ said that every Latin verb form is derived from a shorter imperative stem, so, were we to do something similar with ‘imperative stems’ for each book, we’d have a start of the flowering of speech, true speech, that behind which one puts one’s life.
So, Hebrews: New! (somewhat vocative, a vocative being half an imperative, a naming—live up to it (2nd, 3rd Word?), Titus: Godparent all societies!, 1 Timothy: Author-ity! (sic), and 1 Thessalonians: WorkingWait (sic)?
BR S-H T, ‘In the beginning, Gen 1:1, 1st word) can be seen as an imperative stem iffor worship +, were we to take the letter-words, thus: B “house’  be the house, enter the house, R ‘head’ bow your head in confession, listen to readings and sermon application, S-H ‘eat’, communion (the meal seals the spiel and the deal for real), and T ‘cross’ carry your cross out, now that you have been torn apart/cue up to be put back together, transformed for battle.
May 14:  The physical representation of this would be –B, arms out and brought in (to house), R head down-ed, ears touched, S-H, touch mouth, maybe bring into mouth, maybe eat and drink and Tarmms reverse of in, maybe make sign of cross and then an arms out 9to the world, all creation0 and held as embrace for a moment
May 13, and start over, Chapter  2, after each 7?
Basics Feed Locally Stuart Community
This is short.
Contact us below, please. Thanks.
1--It started with Todmorden UK—they wanted to become self-sufficient in vegetables.
2-- Kotzebue in Arctic Alaska has figured out how to grow fresh vegetables in the dead of winter.
3—Stuart’s people are hungry. Students, 1 in 8, ‘food stamps’—a National Geographic article. We want to add our help.
4—We propose that more garden more and share. Churches competing more in finding and feeding could be helped by more food grown.
5—‘Winter Harvest’ and other resources show us how to grow year ‘round. (Sprouting too). There are mats to lay down for flowers to attract songbirds, butterflies, etc.—couldn’t we make some for veggies?
6—We’ve started. Community garden, canning school (upcoming), acres donated, seeds too. Presentations by the experienced.
7—Chuck thinks Captain Stuart’s founding of a town to help farmers along the Big Mover—railroad—can be adapted to the present as we help other community farmers along the Big Mover—internet—and that a manual of how we are doing it could include ads for local businesses to sell online.
8—Hey, please just contact us at our Facebook Page or website, Feed Locally – Stuart Community. We’d like your help, and so would the 1 in 8 that are ‘food-stressed’. [I’m at, or Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook (see Notes), or chuckhartmanhistoryconductor]
PS: Seed mats—roll out, water, watch it grow—we could make ‘em for veggies (I repeat). Free Little Library -> Free Little Food Pantries (in Omaha, e. g.). Hunger Trees for every church?

5—May 14—Philemon (That the founder of the AME denomination witnessed to his owner while the future founder was still a slave bears investigating—and the owner converted!) Also, April 2, Facebook:

May 15, A D 2017—This week is Philemon, the 7th iteration of Joshua (conquest) in JBJ’s 49-book Bible (Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament). To get this abofsegged (applied by oath formed small enthusiastic groups) I’ll go back over the 7, and also take a look at rhetoric, the rhetoric that Paul uses in the very short Philemon, and thirdly, what is the Big Slavery, I’ll ask.  The answer won’t be ‘A Crime So Monstrous,’ but more along the line of that great theologian John D. MacDonald (spelling) in ‘Slam the Big Door’—Death wish is the daughter of guilt.

Philemon's imperative stem
May 15, A D 2017—This week is Philemon, the 7th iteration of Joshua (conquest) in JBJ’s 49-book Bible (Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament). To get this abofsegged (applied by oath formed small enthusiastic groups) I’ll go back over the 7, and also take a look at rhetoric, the rhetoric that Paul uses in the very short Philemon, and thirdly, what is the Big Slavery, I’ll ask.  The answer won’t be ‘A Crime So Monstrous,’ but more along the line of that great theologian John D. MacDonald (spelling) in ‘Slam the Big Door’—Death wish is the daughter of guilt.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '49 peace corps and cores' Hartman
May 15 Jack Reacher is to the Cold War what Mike Hammer was to World War Two. Who is it for the Holy War against the devil and his angels?
May 16--Father Brown, but societal. Various science fiction heroes—explicitly reconciling opposites. But not villains—‘No Truce With Kings’. ‘In the Country of the Blind’.  OK, maybe start with a reading list, maybe then apply to MADJAN—how to reconcile opposites of Moore’s Law 4x in biology, e. g.
What’s the imperative stem? Fictionally show reconciliation?  But in Holy War. Maturation redemptive history? Would Montgomery’s cryonics missionary from Christianity Today, May 10 1968 be one?
Again May 16: I'm working on it--it may be widespread and unarticulated, as the key is the explicit reconciliation of opposites, which is all over the place in detective fiction. Imperative Stem: Reveal (how) The Warriors (explicitly reconcile opposites (that is, are ‘peace’ warriors, unrecognized. It’s more difficult to see what’s in front of one’s face. 6 PM, Yes ‘Reveal!’ is the imperative stem. Lafferty’s ‘What Was the Name of that Town?’ is a key—Chicago destroyed nuclearly, and that it once ie\xisted is built back up by research of things missing.
MaY 17:  Whom Should I target—get African theological journals from Jenkins’ work?  ‘This is why I am writing my books on Christian economics specifically to be read by Third World Christian heads of families, not American or European Christians.

You could consider this an advertisement, since this is a 'membersonly' article.

North is not targeting American or European Christians with his Christian Economics.

$15/month. I'm not an affiliate.

Love in King Jesus,
Charlie 'imperative stem' Hartman’

6—May 21—2 Timothy Added, May 21--Philemon--as Hammer to WWII, and Reacher to the Cold War, what literary hero for the holy war against the devil and his angels? After Lafferty's great 'What Was the Name of that Town?' there are many, especially detectives who help explictly reconcile the opposites of a dead person and how the person came to be dead. Thus, 'Remember!' as there was a machine that made holes in memory so we would not remember, in Lafferty! And for 2 Timothy, tentatively, May 21, 'Purely Preach'. But we need to oaths and the small enthusiastic groups.
Also May 21, Facebook comment after Robert Watkins shared the above: Thanks, Robert Watkins--this is very significant. They say that one should create something new, rather than to attempt to solve a situation within that situation. Now, politically, we have 'tribges' on the warpath--anti-Trump, andi-Democrats, etc. To have tribes as 'small enthusiastic groups, NOT on the warpath, we need new groups, formed by oaths...true speech behind which one puts one's life.
May 21 (later): Preach the Gospel. Die. Be forgotten. Zinzindorf. (Facebook post)
May 22: Pastor Keuning’s sermons in ebook and/or free source, for evangelism and other pastors?
May 22, also put in Jeremiah, The Twelve, Romans--Charles Howard Hartman
May 17, 2016 ·
Consider the possibility that the Hebrew cadence in the first parts of Lamentations (acrostics) breaks into a tune (non-acrostic) in Lam. 5. It's as if a singer is singing her scales in the early parts. These are meta-songs in the Bible. The Twelve is not chronological either, nor are the (14?) Pauline Epistles. From Rev. 5:12 to 7:12 we see the Ascension, during which the universe is retuned (circle of 5ths) and more--singing instead of saying, instruments, 'the,' in a way similar to how our days of the week are retuned planets (from closest to the earth to a new order.)
What book is about the ‘new’ currency and the change of social orders—book of the Bible. Revelation?

May 21—For more on Genesis, Feed Locally Stuart Community, see Facebook Group by that name, and Charles Howard Hartman Facebook Notes and posts.
May 23: Hebrews—New!, Titus—Godparent All!, 1 Timothy—Author-ity!, 1 Thessalonians—WorkWait!, Philemon, Remember! (Literary peacemakers/detectives), 2 Timothy—‘As Keuning Said (Your Sins are Forgiven) ebook/Create Space hard copies in local libraries [collection of sermons in church year, plus short Walther—high-handed-> Law, terror of sin ->Gospel]
May 27 (not Mar) HostA820 Charlie Hartman Tribes
5 years ago (mar 27) on Facebook
BIG! Maybe it  IS a ‘second life’ type matrix in which one is trained, like school/university/military, literature. You go into it and are shaped by imperatives, subjectively, so as to participate in the real narrative, and so as to take the real objective out to the real ‘planetary’ / ‘creation’ service. Learn to sing and sign—make notes and symbols.
2017  Wanna join one of my tribes?
May 27: Dear Pastor:

'As Keuning Said' (a book)

This would be an ebook--free to list on Amazon. (One of my godparents could help).

Purpose: Evangelism.

Contents: Sermons through church year (life of Christ and our response -- Martyrs Tide), explanation of church year, explanation of liturgy (We are, and each of us is, torn apart, cut apart to be put back together, transformed for battle. Within that liturgy/service, we are forgiven 3x, Absolution, Sermon of Keunings, 'blood shed for forgiveness of sins.

The battleagainst death wish, which is the daughter of guilt, is thus won for us and eachof us, and carried out per Matthew 28, and 'thank the Lord nnd sing His praise...'

It's very inexpensive to do this, and Amazon's 'Create Space' serivce would allow us to make 1 or several physical copies inexpensively for placement in area libraries, etc.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '49 pirate peace corps' Hartman
Stems of retuned tier 7 books -> message?
Wouldn’t it be nike (sic) if the imperative stems of the 7th tier of JBJ’s 49-book Bible made a sentence or paragraph, a message? It’s been 6 bookweeks, and I’ll report during the 7th.

7—May 28—2 Thessalonians

(I’ll use such references as the ‘New Bible Commentary,’ Bullinger’s Companion Bible, Dorsey’s ‘Literary Structure of the Old Testament,’ and many others.)
Stuart Iowa 2020 Tourist Attraction Online Sales For Local Businesses Plus
Stuart Iowa 2020 Tourist Attraction Online Sales For Local Businesses Plus
SUMMARY: As we learn, we produce an online manual. In it, free ads for local merchants are placed. These ads are for things they can sell online. Our ‘feed local’ expertise carves a niche in the growing market, such that by 2020 (our 150th) people are starting to come to Stuart to see how we’re doing it. The local paper runs this website and manual updating and ad campaigns. Everyone benefits—the hungry are fed, the merchants prosper, we exhibit The Roseto Effect. In ‘Outliers,’ Gladwell tells the story of Roseto, PA, where gardening was encouraged, and community festivals, and there were ‘no heart attacks’. and the same on Facebook. We generally encourage more people to garden more, to share with the food stressed. One in eight are food stressed, 40% of WCV students qualify for free or reduced price meals, etc. [Note: Food can be grown year-round, without heating greenhouses, says ‘Four Season Harvest, and greens are grown even in the Arctic winters of Kotzebue, Alaska.] We were inspired by Todmorden, UK, which wanted to be self-sufficient in vegetables.
What should be done next?
1—We are FLSC are vowed to continue through 2020. Much of what we’ve done can be seen on our Facebook Page, but a community garden it high on the list of accomplishments. Next year might come Good E.G.G.s (Experienced.Gardening.Guides to help new gardeners.
2—Captain Stuart founded a town community to serve the food producers in the local area by the Big Move of his day, the railroad. Can we grow our community to serve food producers inn towns around the world via the Big Mover of today, the internet?
3—If Des Moines builds a string of greenhouses to grow food locally, what does that—and other big plans--do  to us? IT HELPS US! A smaller company pioneered synthetic motor oil, and when asked what the entry of Mobil, a giant company, meant to them, they replied that it helped them, because Mobil could popularize synthetic motor oil, with their big ad budget, and the smaller company could then concentrate on how the small company’ motor oil was better. The small company could never have reached the billions of people that Mobil’s ads reached.
4—Somebody will take over the website, and help produce the manual. I recommend The Stuart Herald. Someone on staff could run it and update the story as it happens. Nick Selman? Tod Broman? Margery Watts? The free ads could be placed right in the stories/manual. (What could a local business sell online? Almost anything they sell offline, I’d say—and things tied to Good Egg Days of ‘feeding locally’.)
Sheila Plowman is our President, Carl Egger is our Vice-President, New Beginning church has been very helpful, and the community garden is started behind New Beginnings.
Here is some basic information published earlier.
Basics Feed Locally Stuart Community (this is elsewhere in this essay)
Why I won’t give up on ‘giving my best shot’

Dear Gentle Ones:

Why I won't give up on 'giving my best shot'

This is a great history, it's a great essay, and the visual at the end caps it off very well.
I had almost considered deviating from my initiation of the 49 pirate peace corps work, aimed at organizing the next 1000 years--however long that is.
I will also continuer my 5-part sequence, also derived from EugenRosenstock-Huessy.
But I must markte better. 43 years ago I ran for office on something like the Universal Taxation idea--43 years ago.
About that time my wife and I discovered the idea, from Dr. Kelley, that cancer is in one's body all the time, but kept in check most of the time. Kelley was considered to be an idiot, a quack, and worse.Now yesterday I heard that as a routine idea.
I won't give up. Sheldrake says that the first attempt makes it easier for the next attempts.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie '49 pirate peace corps' Hartman
May 31, the 7 imperative stems of the 7th tier of 7, retuned. This is done backward, 7th tier first, a la ‘Out  of Revolution’ and also as an homage the teleology and Final Cause, and to it would be and added (I’m still in stroke recovery and doing little) the 49 forward, and Psalms (twice).
Titus –Pastor! (now whole close-together worls) Exhort to good works, reprove, be example
1 Timothy—Author! Be one, authority
1 Thessalonians—Work and Wait
Philemon—Who are heroes of war against devil and his angels, as Reacher is for the Cold War, and Hammer for WWII? Reveal! Any detective hero helps explicitly reconcile opposites.  Compare Lafferty’s ‘What Was the Name of that Town?,’ in which a series of questions is asked that get to the understanding that the destruction of Chicago in a nuclear accident has been erased from memory, and from written memory.
This is rhetorically advanced from Philemon’s rhetoric (EricRobinson pointed out the rhetoric first to me)of conquest, 7th from Joshua, the conquest being a step toward ending slavery, for God brought Israel out of the bondage of Egypt so it could free others, and Christ, the Greater Israel could free us all from sin.
2 Timothy—Preach the Pure Gospel—see ‘What Keuning Said’ Also, June 11, revised from earlier ‘Stuart The Musical’ 2nd half of church year is our response. Martyr/witness. Church/Bride. I have such a project for 2020, 'Stuart, the Musical,' in addition to 'What Keuning Said' Tunes we know, popular ones (Oklahoma! and 'Surfin USA, with confession/forgiveness (we remember our [Stuart's] sins and that they are forgiven). 150th year.

Love in King Jesus,

2 Thessalonians—Thanksgiving! And very bad befor Christ’s presence comes to win.
So, a paragraph:  Embrace the new (technology, abundance, longer life, old groups destroyed as reach extended and time shortened). And be Godfather to all groups, reapplying the principles as in ‘How To Make Your Communities Better’ such that Pella is a refugee expert, and Stuart a feeding community teacher along the Big Mover Internet, compared to a town to serve farmers along the Big Mover Railroad. Become an author of the future—compare 49 peace corps pirates oath-formed small enthusiastic groups. Work while you wait. Bide/Arbeit/Don’t Bite. Reveal that you are in a long stream of unrecognized fellow fighters, and Reveal it to others. Preach the Pure Gospel (and Law, per Walther’s great statement), Give Thanks, and remember that Christ will come to defeat the Bad even when it looks darkest, is small areas and large.
What will the next tier, tear (both as eye-baptizer, and to be put back together)r, tiara tell!?
May 31. Facebook--JBJ's 'Rethinking the Orde of the Old Testament' is an answer to this problem--'A Church Year' is not an answer, Uriesou Brito. Maybe '49 peace corps cores pirates' could be.
Posted in response to:
Uriesou Brito
1 hr ·
We must confess the fact that much of evangelicalism has turned the Old Testament pages into a series of unconnected moralistic stories. This reminds me of a lecture delivered by R.C. Sproul one time where he asked for a copy of the Bible. A young college student threw a copy of the New Testament Gideon’s Pocket-Size Bible to him. Sproul looked at it and threw it right back and said, “I asked for a Bible, young man!” We have disassociated the Scriptures and treated it as a collection of unrelated stories. The reality, however, is that the Bible is a collection of unified stories made to build on one another with each story adding a more nuanced and elevated art form to the big picture. The Old Testament Scriptures are far more than moral lessons, it’s the very environment that makes the New Testament coherent. The presuppositions of the Gospels and Apostolic writings depend heavily on the assumptions of the Law and the Prophets. The Bible, to paraphrase Luther, “is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me.” To categorically divide Old and New is to amputate the Scriptural intent to hold and illumine our hearts and minds.
June 2: It's been 5 years since this post, and now 49 peace corps pirates has worked on the first 7 small enthusiastic groups.  I added oath-formed to get to true speech, behind which words one puts one's life, and the 49 is an enactment of jubilee, from Lev. 25, Is. 61, Luke 4.
Charles Howard Hartman
June 2, 2012 ·
That's the big question: Trinity, Church, Family, Civil Magistrate, Monastery, Guild, Company of Adventurers, Virginia Company, alloidal-ity, Corporation, Social Group--or something else? What 'body'/bodies are needed at this time? Nation-states are better than empires of old, for the nation-states generally ended chattel slavery. The Church is more inclusive than the Israel of Old. And now, what downstream institution can give us the enthusiastic small groups of the tribe, without the perpetual war of the tribe ans Lind's 4th generation warfare in perpetuity, or even 5th generation nets and jets--networks, not hierarchies, and jet planes to spread destruction that only a few need to have put together, such as biowar and nanotech? I'm working on it.
June 5: First 7 weeks of '49 peace corps pirates'

Here's the plan, in brief. [Later June 5, Note, this attempts to organize ‘the next 1000 years, however long that is’ in ERHian terms, as oath formed small enthusiastic groups, one for each book, that are ‘tribes’ that aren’t on perpetual warpath, as in Rosenstock’s Dartmouth lectures, Universal History 1954, at ERH Fund, free online, and similarly to how The Church is Israel without the restrictions, and the nation-state is empires without slavery. Thus, a chiasm. Tribes, Empires, Israel (Greece), and after He Who Reversed The Trend, Greece became a companion only, and Israel became The Church, for these see above, Empires became the nation-state, etc. ERH’s last book, ‘Planetary Service,’ speaks of the necessity of pirates, from outside the regulated areas.]

1--In Luke 4, Jesus is reading from Isaiah 61, which refers to Lev. 25--'This prophecy is fulfilled in your ears'. Jesus, The Jubilee, I say.

2--49 fits in with this, and JBJ's 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament' gives us a 49-book Bible, literarily conceived.

3--Put these together with ERH's two ideas, that the next 1000 years, however long that is, will be tribes without perpetual warpath, and that 'True speech' is what is needed, that is to put our lives behind our words.  Oaths and vows.

4--So, I start at Resurrection and do one book a week, ghenerally. (For more, see what I've written about 'Hous Of Singing Times,' etc.  I'll put these at ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor and/or my Charles Howard Hartman Facebook Page. @ 20 pages so far.

5--But I go backward (I've been tired, and can'gt put the Psalms in daily, and forward).

6--I also retune to 8531642.  This follows the retuning at the Ascension, pictured from Rev. 5:12 to Rev. 7:12 (JBJ's commmentary) which retunes the attribues of Christ (and our days of the week) from 1234567 to 4152637, but a 'circle of fifths' type procedure.

7--Another ERHism.  Every Latin verbv form is derived from a shorter imperative stem.  Thus, I make an imperative stem for each book--GOD WROTE BOOKS!

8--We can make a sentence, as is done, I claim, with the first word-letter-words of the Bible, which make a liturgy. B R SH T, 'in the beginning,' but also House Head Fang/Eat Cross.  When we flesh this out we could have (Come into the) House (later, BE the House), (Bow your) Head (in confession) (and  listen to the readings and sermon), Eat (the meal that seals the deal and the spiel for real), and (carry your)Cross (as you are commissioned out).

So, for the sequence, Hebrews, Titus, 1 Timothy, 1 Thessalonians, Philemon, 2 Timothy, 2 Thessalonians I have New! Pastor! Author!-ity! WorkWait!, Reveal!, PurelyPreach! ThanksGive!

Different times and situations will mean different imperative stems and sentences, as 'House' differs above.

This is Sheldrakean--the first isd rougher, and  cruder, later efforts become easier.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '49 peace corps pirates (ERH's 'Planetary Service') Hartman
8—June 4—Colossians
June 5: ‘Grow’?
June 7, Kit’s suggestions for Feed Locally Stuart Community: 1. Can identify the people in Stuart that really need help, like food.  I am sure there are multiple agencies that could help you get a good starter list.
2. The people hat need help would probably feel much better if they could raise some or all of the food the selves.  Can you let them invest their own labor, rather then just hand food to them??
3. After you identify the people that need help, then you should be able to ask them what they really need.  Maybe many of the needy already have food resources, like food stamps.  ANd what they need might be clothing, or gas, or something else.  Growing food sounds good, but it may not give them what they need most???
June 10 to BH: Gentle Ones:

I seem to remember this from years ago: 'Note that Ed Payne has calculated that if abortions (look up Lady Day) are taken into account, the average uSA lifespan is...38.'

And, in this regard, 'Lady
Day' being a holiday @ March 25 (9 months before Feast of the Nativity), and around that time being the date of the start of many civil years, would indicate the they might have been echoing the beginning of Christ's reign from conception.

I don't know.

It's suggestive.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'Grow!, Colossians' imperative stem' Hartman
9—June 11—Ephesians (Something about ‘seated with’ and/or ‘workmanship’? June 11, adding to Feed Locally, see Genesis: HostA847 Feed Locally Pounds of Food


Also, some soups are even cheaper!
Let’s say 400 people are food-stressed.  A—1 in 8, per some articles, of 1700 = 200+. B—40%+ of school students (West Central Valley, 800) + parents. C—15% SNAP/’food stamps’ =300+ of 1700.

OK, 400 is a high estimate.
Does not include those needing better vitamins, which is most of us.
Now, Food Bank of Iowa message quoted someone that the average person eats 1.2 pounds of food/day.
Let’s help with the .2 pounds.
.2 pounds x 400 = 80s lbs. a day.
80 x 400, to make it easy and high = 32,000 pounds a year, or 16 tons.  Easy to remember.
Now, if one could get, for comparison, 200 bushels of corn per acer x 55 pounds a bushel, that 10,000 pounds, or 5 tones. 
So 4 acres of corn would do it.
But one needs better food, and there’s delivery, of course.
Let’s try sprouting for the nutrition—later.
For now, how much is a pound of vegetable beef soup, with an easy-opening pull tab? No pull tab shown, but condensed Campbell’s is $1.63 for 10.5 oz., let’s call it a pound. That’d mean 32,000 of them (can one order that many) or about $50,000.
$50,000 this way.
Are there other ways?

To build community and to thus get more of the Roseto Effect (fewer heart attacks, etc.) for each in the community to garden (more) and share would be better.  Also this would help to ‘Stuart’ Stuart, that is help us to be a community helping the food producers (residents gardening for others now, farmers then) along the Big Mover (the internet now, the railroad then). This would encourage indoor gardening and sprouting, container gardening, community gardens, winter harvest, the Kotzebue Arctic hydroponic greens, etc.
How much for sprouts for all 400? Assume 400 families (older people at Congregate Meals would probably be singles—add that to the school totals).
It could be done more cheaply, but kitchen crops is @ $10, and grows 4 at a time. Sample pack is @$20, 5# alfalfa @$35, 5# lentils @$20, so 10 + 20 + 35 + 20 = $85, x400 = let’s say $5000.
So sprouting for nutrition and self-help is $5000 and vegetable beef soup is $50,000 so for $55,000 (excluding gardening and sharing

June 11, for Ephesians, see ‘Who Rules the Land?’ (Jordan) and maybe ChristianCourts 3.0?
June 12, add Rule!(Seated) for Ephesians to Grow! For Colossians?
June 16—I wrote to BH, Would $100,000 get a JBJ translation of Leviticus with cadence of alternating lines, earlier.
June 17—Send to Fran Sherman James by mail, ask Woody to make a little free pantry. Posted this:
10—June 18—2 Corinthians
June 18--This week: What's the imperative stem of 2 Corinthians, upon which can be formed by oath a small, enthusiastic group?
June 19—More establishing his authority, 2 Corinthians, per Bullinger. I’ll concentrate to BH on Public Vindication and Dick’s ‘Man in the High Castle’—which is about authority, one reviewer said. Are we really under the Bible/I Ching, and the mistaken impression that someone else/Germans & Japanese are in charge?
To Sheila, re: Feed Locally Stuart Community: Dear President Sheila:
1--The float picture is a very good profile picture.
2--I'll be adding to the Roseto Effect a tale of two economists and gardening in WWII--'We're not growing food, we're growing men!'
3--The plans for the little food pantries are online as little free libraries, and I copied one and sent it to Jerry Woodson, and also I linked twice for Jim Rohret. Where they'd be put, I don't know now.  I also emailed the Omaha people, who want 20.
4--I decided NOT to garden at the Pudans. I gave them the seed and buckets.
5--I AM pursuing The Manual and links for businesses to sell online. I'm learning website making, and will attempt the Henry Ford approach: He basically said if he were unemployed, he'd go down the street offering to do a chore (30 minutes?) FREE. After he did that, he'd go on down the street. FREE.  Soon word would spread, and he'd have to say he coundn't get the the asker 'til next Tuesday, and someone would offer him money to move ahead in the line, and he'd have a business.  Jay Abraham did something similar in Indianapolis in the industrial district early in his career (The Icy Hot story).

Love in King Jesus,

Charles/Charlie '49 peace corps pirates' Hartman
June 21: 2 Corinthians—Argue for your authority? June 23:  The Fruit of Imperative Lips.  There can be an interrogative impereative: ‘Adam, where art thou?’  Also a vocative: (Using middle name) ‘Charles Howard Hartman,’ says mother.  Etc.  A second flowering/fruit is that to respond to the imperative one can, e. g., ASSIGN—not just oath-form a small enthusiastic group.
So, for instance, ASSIGN someone to justify ALL authorities.  Something here from Soziologie about going back to the origin and tracing the development.   Also, Stuart as Captain’s community along railroad to serve local farmers and Feed Locally’s community along internet to serve other ‘Feed Locally’ groups.
June 25: Now that I read ‘In the Cross of Reality,’ I realize that we who have recieived the imperative, an speak in it,, and assign tasks.

June 25—Public Vindication 

June 25—PUBLIC VINDICATION READINGS. 1—The Fall and @ 4000 years.
2—Noah and 40 days and nights.
3—480 years after Exodus until Tabernacle, Solomon builds Temple @ 3000 Anno Mundi, Exile of Temple and People for 490 years (Axial Age).
4—Respondeo =>Language of Rule—Hebrew (religion), Greek (education) Latin—translated into tribal (English). Credo ut intelliga (Augustine: I believe in order to understand), Cogito ergo sum (Descartes: I think, therefore I am), Respondeo etsi mutabor (Rosenstock: I respond though I will be changed) and Revelation 5:12—7:12 Ascension and retuning the universe. Thus, Ephesians 2:6, we must respond, seated with Him
June 16. 1—LCMS when German celebrated it around 10th Sunday after Resurrection (Easter) with Josephus readings, Pastor Keuning. 2—In the 3 liturgical mountains in time of a CORAM, anticipations and echoes.
June 23: When—a 70, 3 Lord’s Days after Pentecost seems good,with reading from the Fall (4000 years, it lasted), Noah (40 days and nights), Jerusalem’s first temple (a 490 until back from Exile) and Revelation (A. D. 30-70)?
June 23 to BH: [Headline] Paraphrase—Alfred North Whitehead to ERH (1933): ‘Go Communist. [Body] Author's Preface to 'In the Cross of Reality'page xli--'When in the United States (in 1933) the noble Alfred North Whitehead wished to help me along, to march with the future and turn communist.'

June 21 to BH: Dear Gentle  Ones:

I've received the first volume of a translation of 'Soziologie' (ERH's)

It's on Amazon. 'In the Cross of Reality'

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie49 peace corps pirates' Hartman

PS: Public Vindication is next week (Change holidays, change culture). When the LCMS worshipped in German, about this time of the year they remembered A. D. 70, pastor from a few miles from the old home town told me. Readings from Josephus.  We can do better, with anticipations and echoes, etc.
PPS: This is the town to which the men of the old home town built a road, by getting together on a Saturday morning with their equipment. Ball games (my grandfather organized to town baseball team) had previously had to be called so the players could get on the train.
June 22: ‘Assign’ in ERH’s ‘Cross of Reality’ impels me to realize that there are many types of imperatives, upon which to build the indicative peace of the next 1000 years—however long that it. Naming, he emphasized before, is a vocative, a half-imperative. ‘Adam, where art thou?’ is not only an interrogative, etc.  So, Paul’s establishment of his authority in 2 Corinthians could be an imperative for each of us to do the same, in addition to being a call to oath-form a small enthusiastic group to ‘certify’ authorities, and/or (or/and => a prayer?) to see the transition from one authority/house to another, as in A. D. 70, from temple of materials to temple of people, even a House Of Singing Times?! DEEP, EXPAND.
June 22: Reminder—North has said that economically (‘Christian Economics’) we should want MORE responsibility

July 2--

11--July 2—Romans May 22, also in Jeremiah, The Twelve, Romans: Charles Howard Hartman
May 17, 2016 ·
Consider the possibility that the Hebrew cadence in the first parts of Lamentations (acrostics) breaks into a tune (non-acrostic) in Lam. 5. It's as if a singer is singing her scales in the early parts. These are meta-songs in the Bible. The Twelve is not chronological either, nor are the (14?) Pauline Epistles. From Rev. 5:12 to 7:12 we see the Ascension, during which the universe is retuned (circle of 5ths) and more--singing instead of saying, instruments, 'the,' in a way similar to how our days of the week are retuned planets (from closest to the earth to a new order.)
July 26: Celente Trends and A. D. 70 remembering and applying holiday readings: He says it's the Middle East and war vs. Iran, with Russia and China on Iran's side, Europe and the uSA against, and exacerbated by the fall in the price of oil from over $100 a barrel to under $50.

On financial problems, Illinois is a case (so should be other jurisdictions, such as Puerto Roco, says CHH) because it is no longer allowed, he says, to sell Powerball tickets, since it doesn't have the money to pay winners?

1 Timothy 2: 1-4, 'Get Ready To Help People Locally,' and find and do (pray for) the most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace--this week for me it's the readings for a holiday (holidays change cultures) remembering and applying the destruction of the Temple (in/) Jerusalem in A. D. 70. Something about The Fall and the 4000 years until The Rise. Secondly, 480 years after Conquest until Tabernacle, Solomon's Temple @ Anno Mundi 3000, 70 years of Exile (Axial Age too) because of 490 years of no Sabbath to the Land. Thirdly, from rebuilding wall (City of David => Temple) and Temple, and INRI being responded to with 'Credo ut intelligam,' and then 'Cogito ergo sum,' and Rosenstock's 'Respondeo etsi mutabor'--I respond though I will be changed. Latin, of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, was the language of governing on the Cross, you see. Fourthly, The Ascension, pictured in Rev. 5:12-7:12, the big thing, per James B. Jordan's commentary being the 'retuning of the universe' by circl of fifths-like, in the order the attributes of Jesus are listed, similar to how we got our days of the week, and now that we are seated with Jesus in Heaven (Ephesians 2:6) we breathe life (and waters come from our belllies, the Holy Spirit in us) as God breathed into Adam, thus a chiasm.

Well, that's put out for improvement.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '49 peace corps pirates'  Hartman Charles Howard Hartman
PS: The German speaking LCMS remember A. D. 70 at about this time of the year, using readings from Josephus.  We can do better.
12--July 9—Philippians
13--July 16—Galatians (See Leithart on communion?)
14--July 23—1 Corinthians

15--July 30—Jude
16—August 6—2 John
17—August 13—2 Peter
18—August 20—James
19—August 27—3 John (Perhaps something from ‘ephemeralization’/more with less, and use of zero and smaller things of physics and chemistry vs. mechanics in Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ (I must get Sheldrake’s ‘Science Set Free in somewhere, and there are other events/art works seeking a book)
20—September 3--1 John
21—September 10--1 Peter

September 17—TBOTMOFA—The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly (This is Sinai, as Public Vindication was the Red Sea Crossing.  There are a series of 3s)

(Please note: You may want to look at Jordan’s essay, because an expansion of this limited work would be to match the forward 1-49 to this backward 49-2, for finding the needed new now/heurism purposes.  And we go through the Psalms twice, one a day, with reviews and summaries in House Of Singing times/HOST)

22—Sept 24—Revelation May 22, also in Jeremiah, The Twelve, Romans: Charles Howard Hartman
May 17, 2016 ·
Consider the possibility that the Hebrew cadence in the first parts of Lamentations (acrostics) breaks into a tune (non-acrostic) in Lam. 5. It's as if a singer is singing her scales in the early parts. These are meta-songs in the Bible. The Twelve is not chronological either, nor are the (14?) Pauline Epistles. From Rev. 5:12 to 7:12 we see the Ascension, during which the universe is retuned (circle of 5ths) and more--singing instead of saying, instruments, 'the,' in a way similar to how our days of the week are retuned planets (from closest to the earth to a new order.)
23—October 1—John
24—Oct 8—Mark (ERH’s view that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are, respectively, addressed to Tribes, Empires, Israel, and Greece could be looked into)
25—Oct 15—Greater Chronicles
26—Oct 22—Acts
27—Oct 29—Luke
28—November 5—Matthew

29—November 12—The Twelve (minor prophets as one book) The Song of The Twelve (put them chronologically on 12 keys in octave—black and white—and play them in the theological order in which they appear in the Bible.  Lenth of note = time between, or length of book?)
May 22, also in Jeremiah, The Twelve, Romans: Charles Howard Hartman
May 17, 2016 ·
Consider the possibility that the Hebrew cadence in the first parts of Lamentations (acrostics) breaks into a tune (non-acrostic) in Lam. 5. It's as if a singer is singing her scales in the early parts. These are meta-songs in the Bible. The Twelve is not chronological either, nor are the (14?) Pauline Epistles. From Rev. 5:12 to 7:12 we see the Ascension, during which the universe is retuned (circle of 5ths) and more--singing instead of saying, instruments, 'the,' in a way similar to how our days of the week are retuned planets (from closest to the earth to a new order.)
30—November 19--Daniel
31—November 26--Jeremiah-Lamentations (Mao’s scattering of Christians, 1949)
May 22, also in Jeremiah, The Twelve, Romans: Charles Howard Hartman
May 17, 2016 ·
Consider the possibility that the Hebrew cadence in the first parts of Lamentations (acrostics) breaks into a tune (non-acrostic) in Lam. 5. It's as if a singer is singing her scales in the early parts. These are meta-songs in the Bible. The Twelve is not chronological either, nor are the (14?) Pauline Epistles. From Rev. 5:12 to 7:12 we see the Ascension, during which the universe is retuned (circle of 5ths) and more--singing instead of saying, instruments, 'the,' in a way similar to how our days of the week are retuned planets (from closest to the earth to a new order.)
32—December 3—Isaiah

December 10—Total Christ/Totus Christus #1 (compare bread)
December 17—Totus Christus/Total Christ #2 (compare wine)

33—December 24—Esther (Purim today?)
34—December 31—Ezekiel (Some comparisons to other calendars might be done, and not only ecclesiastical, but billions of years, nanoseconds, work and business, community, academic and others)
35—January 7, A. D. 2018—Kings

36—January 14—Ecclesiastes (‘New Testament Imperativity’ and/or ‘Solomon Among The Post Moderns’ and more)
37—January 21—Proverbs (a series of teaching events?)
38—January 28—Psalms (‘Bible in miniature’) May 22: IF ‘the Bible in miniature,’ what’s the tune? May 22, also in Jeremiah, The Twelve, Romans: Charles Howard Hartman
May 17, 2016 ·
Consider the possibility that the Hebrew cadence in the first parts of Lamentations (acrostics) breaks into a tune (non-acrostic) in Lam. 5. It's as if a singer is singing her scales in the early parts. These are meta-songs in the Bible. The Twelve is not chronological either, nor are the (14?) Pauline Epistles. From Rev. 5:12 to 7:12 we see the Ascension, during which the universe is retuned (circle of 5ths) and more--singing instead of saying, instruments, 'the,' in a way similar to how our days of the week are retuned planets (from closest to the earth to a new order.)
39-42—February 4—EliotAnsemlm time (EAT): Samuel (Flynn’s ‘In the Country of the Blind’), Song (‘TSOCHI’), Job (‘Tree of Life’ movie, and Leithart’s commentary books ‘Shining Glory’ with ‘The Body Has A Mind of its Own, as showing disproportionate attention to Job as a hog’s snout is bigger in pictures for having more sense organs), Ruth (discipling). Thus Eliot’s ‘We hall not cease from exploring, and the end of our exploring will be to arrive back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time’ gets us to BuildUp, the last 7 books, with days 1-49 of the last 7 weeks, per Jordan’s unreturned 1-49 AND Anselm’s ‘God is greater than we can conceive’. Science fiction now has ‘The universe is not only greater than we imagine, it’s greater than we can possibly imagine’. So last coram, Ruth/EAT was 3 weeks, and this coram, 4 books are squeezed into one week. Intercalary.

43—February 11--BuildUp (He will rise, He is risen!)—Judges (for all these, see the previous CORAM)
44—Feb 18—Deuteronomy –March 19 ChristianCourt 3.0?
45—Feb 25—Leviticus   --March 17—Theopolis June 11, A. D. 2017  Something from Dr. Bledsoe’s entry in ‘Glory of Kings’ would be good. Shame and uncleanness need now.
46—March 4, A. D. 2018—Genesis –March 17—‘To Stuart’—Nobody goes hungry. Grow food. March20: This is the small, enthusiastic oath-formed group for Genesis.
It has these relations: 1—Garden, 2—Defining ‘to Stuart’ by actions. ‘To Stuart’ is to feed the hungry in a locality with Local Foods For Local Hungry People’. 3—We ‘network’. This is a 4th/5th generation warfare technique in the holy war against the devil and his angels (‘The devil is God’s devil’: Luther). To BH, March 27, A. D. 2017: Dear Gentle Ones:

Finding true speech oath-formed entities for each of AJBJ's 49 books, literarily conceived continues.

Last week (sheba') continues to develop. We hope to have an imManual (sic) ebook soon, to those who request it as this website below. We also hope to add 'to Stuart' to the vocabulary of Christendom, of civilization. It would mean 'to minimize hunger in a community'. This sprang from Genesis, this gardening, and feeding, and defining.

I'd add North's comment that his definition of 'calling' is a development made possible by the great economic growth since @ 1750, when per McCloskey's 'Bourgeois Dignity' in N. Europe and England innovation and trade began to be rhetorically and financially rewarded. For Joshua, something with Adelaja's conflation of calling and Promised Land?

This is preparation for next coram--Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi--K.O.L.CORAM862.

I recognize the wordplays of 'coram' and 'imManual'. Presence(s).

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '53' Hartman
PS: Also 'civis' resonsates.

47—March 11—Joshua—Adelaja’ ‘Church Shift’ equates one’s calling with one’s ‘promised land’. March 20: Next week (sheba: 7, oath) is Joshua, and I’m thinking that doing something with Sunday Adelaja’s ‘Church Shift’ book, in which he talks about one’s calling as one’s ‘Promised Land’ might work. To BH, March 27, A. D. 2017: Dear Gentle Ones:

Finding true speech oath-formed entities for each of AJBJ's 49 books, literarily conceived continues.

Last week (sheba') continues to develop. We hope to have an imManual (sic) ebook soon, to those who request it as this website below. We also hope to add 'to Stuart' to the vocabulary of Christendom, of civilization. It would mean 'to minimize hunger in a community'. This sprang from Genesis, this gardening, and feeding, and defining.

I'd add North's comment that his definition of 'calling' is a development made possible by the great economic growth since @ 1750, when per McCloskey's 'Bourgeois Dignity' in N. Europe and England innovation and trade began to be rhetorically and financially rewarded. For Joshua, something with Adelaja's conflation of calling and Promised Land? Add this? April 3, 2017 PRINCIPLE #1:
"Apply the same practice Edison and Einstein used for their biggest breakthroughs - to give you crystal clarity on your true purpose and right work."
"Harness the secret David used to defeat Goliath and create unshakeable confidence & unstoppable progress in your life now."
"Tap into the strange process nature uses to create unlimited resources and opportunities seemingly from nothing."

This is preparation for next coram--Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi--K.O.L.CORAM862.

I recognize the wordplays of 'coram' and 'imManual'. Presence(s).

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '53' Hartman
PS: Also 'civis' resonsates.

48—March 18—Numbers—4th generation warfare, as shown in Stuart Nobody Goes Hungry (network, not hierarchy). For Stuart Local Foods For Local People, we network—see Genesis above. My dating is off here. April 2, this is fifth generation spiritual warfare, see Facebook Page by same name:
49—March 25—Exodus – The ‘no’s of Western Revolutions
[Where put Godparents for Eldsters, and my 5? –‘To ‘Stuart’ is #2?, TSOCHI => 50? March 19, at Exodus. #5 if Godparents for Eldsters glorified as Godparents for Society. (Hebrews is Abundance, 3 John Fuller’s ephemerality/zero/to physics and chemistry from mechanics, in ‘Critical Path’)]

April 1, A. D. 2018 starts SardicCORAM862.  Work both forward and backward from dates of Easter (search) and calendars (I use those at—or I’ll be publishing and writing, as wisdom accumulates, Lord willing.

Submitted March 13, A. D. 2017/SardisYmm!!!, LeviticusSheba, SmyrnaCORAM861

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘50’ Hartman

From Rogers Huck Meredith on Facebook:

Rogers Huck Meredith
6 hrs ·
How often do you sit at home and wish someone would ring you and suggest, well anything rather than these 4 walls? How many of you have had a night out planned, or arranged coffee with friends and suddenly "these 4 walls" seem the only safe haven because it's the only place you don't have to pretend you are ok, so you cancel. Or when you are invited out you tell them how terribly sorry you are but you're already booked up that weekend, when you are actually just really busy holding it together in your safe box. And so the first problem starts, all by itself , people stop asking you and the isolation that at first wasn't true becomes your only truth.
Please don't give up on your friends, ring them, go round, even when they don't want you too, because they really do they just don't know how to say it. Everyone says: "If you need anything, don't hesitate, I'll be there for you ".
I'm going to make a bet, without being pessimistic, that out of my Facebook friends that less than 5 will take the time to put this on their wall to help raise awareness of and for those who have mental health difficulties. You just have to copy it from my wall and paste it to yours (hold down on this post and you will be given the option to copy... then go to your status and hold down to paste).
Please write "done" under my comments when you do!

Reply--Yes, and 'Bowling Alone' has been recommended to me. Africa went for 10% Christian in 1900 to TU-46%+ now, because during urbanization, people lost the community of their village life, and in the city, they found it in the church (Jenkin's work, such as 'The Next Christendom') Rogers Huck Meredith, Thanks! Shared with comment above. We are in great changes, and old groups are falling apart.

Saturday, March 19 A.D. 2017 to David Bostrom ‘Made for Dominion’ God thinks big

Dear David:

We oath-formed 'Stuart Nobody Goes Hungry' last week. David: I sought 'Moby's and now oath-formed entities. (More)

As I went through North's 49-book Bible, book by book, I sought a Moby for each, at first.  (North had said that the detail in Moby Dick was Leviticus-like).

As I kept going, I was reminded that Berman, in 'Law and Revolution,' wrote that the Truce of God in medieval times was made by mutual oath-taking, and that that process continued with the formation of cities @ 12th C.  Therefore, I adjusted to oath-forming.

I add to it as I add oath-forming.  Next: 'Stuart Nobody Goes Hungry' is the first. A church or churches organizes gardening to feed the hungry ('food stressed) of which 1 in 8 keeps coming up.

When we have 49 (+4) oath-formed entities, we'll be cloxser to Christendom, more fully realized, I pray.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '50' Hartman
OK, I was in the wrong year above.
Easter is on Sunday, April 16, 2017. Per
April 2, for an oath-formed for some book? In the old days on the farm, children were workers, assets, as they learned valuable things.  A KEY TO PROGRESS NOW is that there are ways that a child can be an asset even as a child, as a child was an asset to a farmer. This is a key thing, that they appear to be liabilities, but liabilities can be turned into assets. Turning liabilities into assets is the mark of the Christian Era, said Rosenstock.
April 2, A. D. 2017.  Upon re-reading James Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ I realize that I must ask him is Samuel or Ruth is like unto Genesis, or Exodus—how do these be arranged?
And this, re: Plilemon--

A development seeking a SEGOFWW, Small Enthusiastic Group Oath Formed Without Warfare.

'Assuming the science works — and lots of smart people believe that it will —  this is the logical endpoint of the road that smartphones started us on. If smartphones gave us access to information and augmented reality puts that information in front of us when we need it, then putting neural lace in our brains just closes the gap.'

Man/machine. This reminds me of a Kipling story in which the Scottish engineer, observed by the Hindu, threw himself into the (malfunctioning?) machine.

Who are we?--that's the question.
Also see the last Asimov ‘Foundation’—the robot merges with a child?
This has surely been anticipated theologically, as particle/wave form of light and Jesus Christ as God and man, without confusion, distinction, mixture, or separation (Athanasian Creed?).
Also see wormholes and quantum entanglement, here:


April 11, A. D. 2017 Family and church will survive the U. S. government. North.

Also, copy machine took down Soviet Union, where carbon paper was illegal.
Where do oath-formed, small and enthusiastic groups fit here?
May 3, A Facebook memory from 2015 I should add this to abofseg. (Each of the 49) Applied By Oath Formed Small Enthusiastic Groups.
Charles Howard Hartman
May 3, 2015 ·
The Aha!s, the WOW!s, imperative stems, etc.
Hebrews—OTT 511 (Omegalphic Transition Turn)
Titus—The Judges, the 7th iteration, of Deuteronomy. What to do in the Land.
First Timothy—Compare with Zero State. Transhumanism, and political transformation. Here we have a parallel government with ZS, but civil and church governments in Christendom. For transhumanism, compare Enoch translated, Isaiah 65:20, the body like His we will have, death begets life, the metanoia transformation for if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation/creature, etc.
First Thessalonians—Aha! Again the chronological order is not the Biblical order. Thus, Great Unknown Tunes, and this is important also because in the culture derived from the cultus of worship music, the economy is a musical composition!
Philemon—Here we recall, as the 7th iteration of Joshua, the judges of Joshua, Eric Robinson’s comments on the conquering rhetoric of delivery from slavery (one man is all men, synechdocheally?). Something such as, ‘not that you owe me anything, I’m just responsible for bringing you the Good News,’ Paul writes. And, per Bullinger, this short, short epistle is tightly constructed! So, as we mature, we are short and tightly constructed in our rhetoric to accomplish liberation and peace>
Love in King Jesus,
